NM NM - Tara Calico, 19, Belen, 20 Sept 1988

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Just a weird thought that came to mind ... the main character in the book that's laying beside girl-who-might-be-Tara is effectively brainwashed into forgetting her early childhood due to a sexual assault, and convinced that she's actually her own younger sister. I've read here that the book was one that Tara liked, but I suppose it could have been a hint of sorts? Maybe Tara no longer knew who she was?

Ehhhh, crazy idea, I know. It just struck me as strange.

I'm sorry, what's the name of this book?

Written by Clara Garcia/News-Bulletin
Saturday, 10 April 2010 06:00

For nearly 22 years, family, friends and the community have wondered what happened to Tara Calico. Her disappearance in September 1988 has now led one of her former classmates to look into the case and produce a documentary about the teenager who went missing during her daily bike ride on N.M. 47 south of Rio Communities
This will sound perverted and sick on a whole new level, but is there any possibility that the sheriff is incorrect, that Tara was kidnapped and this picture is her child, hence being sent to find it's way on the anniversary?

I can't help but believe that Jaycee Lee Dugard is NOT an isolated example of what a pervert will do.


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Bump for Tara...

Somehow I am skeptical of the theory about her murder being covered up by a group of local boys. Just seems unlikely such a thing would happen without any of them spilling the beans. And how would they have hidden the body so well as to avoid it ever being found ?

In any case, whether the girl in the polaroid is Tara or not, I feel in my gut that the picture not a hoax. It is sickening and saddening and baffling that no one has figured out who those two poor kids in that photo were.

Hopefully there will be some answers about Tara, eventually.
Bump for Tara...

Somehow I am skeptical of the theory about her murder being covered up by a group of local boys. Just seems unlikely such a thing would happen without any of them spilling the beans. And how would they have hidden the body so well as to avoid it ever being found ?

In any case, whether the girl in the polaroid is Tara or not, I feel in my gut that the picture not a hoax. It is sickening and saddening and baffling that no one has figured out who those two poor kids in that photo were.

Hopefully there will be some answers about Tara, eventually.

I don't believe this theory either, that she was hit by a car and killed and then buried somewhere. Not one person has talked in 23 years in what would probably be at most a manslaughter charge, if any charges at all due to the statute of limitations. Hard to believe. I think the polaroid picture is of Tara, but who the boy could be is anyone's guess. Just a strange case.
The girl in the photo can't be Doreen who was only 12 when she vanished. The girl in the photo is at least 14 and probably 16. She does not look to me to be Tara Calico who, as police speculate, was probably killed and disposed of in the general vicinity of where she vanished.

The two kids in the photo were probably sold into slavery. The girl looks younger and thinner than Calico and the eyebrows don't match.
Two thoughts I have always had on this case.

1) Two creeps in a van tried to push me off the road about 30 miles from where Tara was abducted about 1 year after she vanished. I always wondered if it was related. I did report it, but no one ever followed up. I guess it wasn't important or related. I mean, why would they have not at least followed up?
2) Since she was abducted about 1 hour north of where serial killer David Ray Parker was, and it was within Parker's timeframe, have they ever thought there could be a connection?
Two thoughts I have always had on this case.

1) Two creeps in a van tried to push me off the road about 30 miles from where Tara was abducted about 1 year after she vanished. I always wondered if it was related. I did report it, but no one ever followed up. I guess it wasn't important or related. I mean, why would they have not at least followed up?
2) Since she was abducted about 1 hour north of where serial killer David Ray Parker was, and it was within Parker's timeframe, have they ever thought there could be a connection?

Tara was taken just after I moved to NM, within a few months. I would put Parker on the list for sure, if he was out and about at the time, unless LE really has solid info about their suspicions. But I don't think LE can count on finding her body to make their case, they either have to move forward, or not. I never thought that photo had anything to do with Tara.
Where the guys in the van were was on I-40, right where NM 6 intersects I-40. NM 6 ends up in Los Lunas, just above Belen. I was driving and my husband had the seat reclined (he was sleeping) so they didn't know he was in the car. It was terrifying and I remember seeing their faces very clearly. When my husband popped up, they took off instantly. Based on their appearance they were most likely Native Americans and clearly up to no good. They were middle aged, and one had a very flat face. They both looked mean. I remember the van had no windows (other than in the front) and that there were numerous large antenaes on the rear/side of the van. I was young and cute at the time, not a middle aged old lady like I am now. And our car wasn't anything worth stealing; they were clearly just interested in me. I just have always "felt" these could be the same guys.

I have never been on NM 6, but I'm guessing that it is a desolate two-lane and an easy drive to Belen going thru very remote areas. If these were the guys, her body could be anywhere. The area is just so remote.
I honestly think the photo of the girl and the boy in the van with the stripy cushions is a hoax. For one thing the girl has her hands behind her as if they are tied, but if you look closely I do not think they are tied. I think normally if someones hands are tied they are tied palm to palm, or maybe back to back behind the victims back. In that case when the victim is lying down they will have an odd posture as their back will be raised due to the way their hands are tied. This girl is not at all raised, and her arms look too relaxed to be tied, so I think she has just shoved her hands under her back to make it look like they are tied for the photo. She also looks really ticked off, and the little boy looks like he is leaning into the photo, rather than them both being tired, and frightened. there are also no bruises, their eyes do not look swollen or puffy from crying, they both look healthy too. I also do not see what the point is of the photo. Why take a photo of people you have kidnapped? On the other hand why stage such a weird hoax? It might not even of course have meant to be a hoax - perhaps the two children are siblings with their parents, and after the kids had been rowing or something the parents as a joke put tape on their mouths for a minute and took a photo (hence the sulky look of the girl), and then never came forward as they realised it was in really bad taste. I know that seems far fetched, but you never know. I know I may be very wrong, but there is just something false about the photo.
As for tara. I really hope they find her, this is one of those cases that makes me angry. She was a nice hardworking girl, with a great future and someone stole it from her, and let her loved ones suffer until in her mother's case they died. Its just evil. I think that it was someone fairly local, and she was buried there. I know it is odd that no-one spoke for so long, but look at the huge number of murders and disappearences that remain unsolved. Someone knows what happened in each and everyone of these cases, yet has never spoken.
In the moors murders cases in 1960s Britin I think they sent a plane over the moors to photograph it so they could look for any disturbances, it is a shame they could not have done something similar for Tara in the desert when she disappeared. I hope they find her, she does not deserve to be left in an unmarked grave unknown to those who love her.

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