NM NM - Tara Calico, 19, Belen, 20 Sept 1988

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I know I posted in another thead about a missing person that I thought Franklin Floyd might be involved but I know he was in the southwestern US around the time Tara went missing and that he moved back to Florida (where the pics were found)...I'm wondering if he was involved. Does anyone else think this is a possibility? Also, was the photo of the blond haired boy found in 2001? If so...I don't think Floyd was in prison at that time...it sort of all fits if I have the right times in mind.
The news report of the bound boy in Denver came out in August of 2001, so I imagine the photo was found shortly before that.

Intriguing theory about Floyd. I wonder if the pics found hidden in his truck featured people bound with duct tape. . . not that that would implicate him . . .
I'm just thinking that everything with this story falls into place...Floyd was not known to just abduct girls or boys (obviously since he abducted Michael and a majority of people believe he abducted Sharon) and he was in the southwest US and abruptly moved back to Florida. I remember reading somewhere that the photos were taken in the back of a van...well Floyd was a painter...he wouldn't have driven around in a tiny little car. The leaving of the pics could also be linked to Floyd since pics were found in a truck he owned after it was sold. I'm just wondering if anyone else is thinking I could be right about this.
Floyd's timeline of the period, as it is believed to be...

Jan '88, Floyd and Sharon arrive in FL, Sharon begins dancing at Mons Venus. She continues working there, with Floyd dropping her off and picking her up nightly, until late Nov '88 (she gives birth to Michael in April in Tampa). Sharon attempts suicide in Louisville, KY on Christmas Eve, '88.
Jan '89, Sharon returns to work at Mons Venus in FL. Floyd kills Cheryl Commesso in late Apr '89. They leave for new Orleans, where they are married in June '89. In Aug '89, Sharon gives birth to a girl who is immediately adopted. In Sep '89, they arrive in Tulsa, OK, where Sharon begins dancing at clubs (Passions and Pleasures). She is killed in late April, '90.
FLoyd was known to be in AZ, but it was in the early '80s.

Also, as to the photos, I believe none of them showed anyone bound with duct tape. One group was of Sharon, toddler to teen, some dressed, some undressed; a nieghbor girl of Floyd's from OK, dressed but posed in sexually suggestive positions; pics of Floyd's boat, possibly with the babysitter from the trailer park and her friend on board; and the pics of CC being beaten and tortured.
Tristan said:
This story is just terrible. How could the police not have pursued this more?

Someone is walking around free after kidnapping two people, and that makes
me sick. I hope Tara's family has closure someday.
After the photos were found a couple came thinking it was their son and Tara's parents also came.
The girls parents felt it was their child and the boys family felt the same.
Even after the girls family was told it was not her the family refused to believe it.
The boys family was also told it was not him and they refused to believe.
I recall my mother watched the news which showed the families and my mom was disgusted the boys parents "wanted" the pic to be him, and that they thanked he kidnappers for taking care of them.
We know now the families we playing a careful game to coax the kidnappers to continue to keep the kids alive and feed them. To think of them as children and human,
My mom never understood this.
I remember the boy's mother saying something along the line of "He looks healthy, and I'm glad for that." I think I would be, too. It's hard to imagine the choices a parent of a missing child must go through: which would be worse, knowing your child was alive but being held against his will, or not knowing if your child was alive or dead?

I thought I read somewhere that several different agencies had compared the Tara pics with the bound girl's pics, and there was something like an 88% chance it was her? Anyone know the exact statistics? I believe it is her. The parents seem convinced, and if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.
I wonder if Joel Courtney had anything to do with Tara's disappearance. He is the creep suspected of kidnaping Brook Willberger. I is from Utah but I see has been in New Mexico, also. Anybody have any thoughts on this? They haven't found Brook Willberger's body, just as Tara's hasn't been found.
The clearest version of the first photo I have found is on the NCMA web site here:


I also have no doubt that the girl in the picture is Tara.

I dug through about 20 pages of Google search results, but could not find the second or third pictures that have surfaced in Tara Calico's case. Has anyone else here managed to find them? However, I did find this site (surprisingly, about 15 pages down from the top) with speculation about the boy in the picture:


The theory on this site is that the boy in the picture is not Michael Henley, but Antreas Chester Cantrell. Antreas was on a boating trip with his parents on Shasta Lake in California when the family was lost in a boating accident. The parents' bodies were recovered, but not Antreas'.
The theory on this site is that the boy in the picture is not Michael Henley, but Antreas Chester Cantrell. Antreas was on a boating trip with his parents on Shasta Lake in California when the family was lost in a boating accident. The parents' bodies were recovered, but not Antreas'.

I'm not sure whether the parents' bodies were recovered or not. None of the info I found says one way or another.
I occasionally google Tara's name to see if there is anything new. I came across an article a while back (it was actually a column) in a New Mexico paper, the Albuquerque Tribune, I believe, that was about Tara's mother, who had passed. Sad that happened before Tara was found.
I occasionally google Tara's name to see if there is anything new. I came across an article a while back (it was actually a column) in a New Mexico paper, the Albuquerque Tribune, I believe, that was about Tara's mother, who had passed. Sad that happened before Tara was found.

Hi reportertype.
It is sad. But at least she now knows what happened and is with Tara (I believe). I thought the same thing when Amy Billig's mom died. She finally knows waht happened to her after all of those years of searching and is with her.
I just posted a thread a couple of days ago here on WS about the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation releasing a photo of a woman. I have come to believe this could very well be of Tara Calico.

OSBI Needs Help to Identify Woman Found In Photo

KTCAN pointed me in the direction of Franklin Floyd. I have stumbled upon some interesting things here. Who knew this photo above could lead to so many things?

Oh, Sorry..Laini! I didn't realize you just posted this before me. Thanks!
I just posted a thread a couple of days ago here on WS about the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation releasing a photo of a woman. I have come to believe this could very well be of Tara Calico.

OSBI Needs Help to Identify Woman Found In Photo

KTCAN pointed me in the direction of Franklin Floyd. I have stumbled upon some interesting things here. Who knew this photo above could lead to so many things?

Oh, Sorry..Laini! I didn't realize you just posted this before me. Thanks!

SS, I agree with you! To me, the picture they are releasing looks a lot like Tara. Such a bizarre story!!!
It is not only bizarre, it is a sick, sick person that would torture the family this way. Leaving photos of your child for 20 years plus has to be one of the most cruel things ever!!! It is frightening and distgusting. He HAS to be stopped and put away behind bars for life.
". . . That kidnapping case, was that the one where the lady went into the 7 - 11 after parking next to a white panel van, and then when she came out, the van was gone but she found the photo?

If that's the photo, I did see an update, but not on UM, it was on something else.
Originally they thought the boy might be the one who also turned up missing about same time as Tara Calico, but it turned out not to be him, as searchers found remains in the mountains where that family had been camping when he turned up missing. DNA proved it was that family's son, and they theorize that he'd been trying to rock climb and slipped.

But...that now leaves that boy in the photo unidentified, and I've not heard anything on tara either :confused:

Also a news article at

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