NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#27

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hehehe ... i wondered if it was a wrinkle or something too because of how it follows the contour of his neck but the middle certainly looks raised because of the shadow either side.

actually here's one more for ships and giggles, inverted. it certainly stands out. I think there may be another one slightly above it. maybe that's what the neck beard was in aid of.

Yep, that looks like a welt! Well done you - love your tenacity! Brilliant.......
In his defense he had just suffered a BRI (butterfly related injury) and it would have been hard to focus on other issues

I suggest you post that to him..tell him to let his lawyers


Postal Address: Locked Bag 1300, Sumner Park QLD 4076

Come to think of it we could all send him a letter...I'm sure he'd love to hear from folks on the outside :D
Can anybody who knows about this clarify for us please?

Yes, I can. My brother passed away some time ago with 'undetermined' (or something to that effect, it was 15 years ago) on his death certificate. The coroner could not ascertain how/why he died. Our family GP explained that if he were alive, it's possible he would have been diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy (a heart defect). He was young, no documented illness or disorders. They released him to my parents after two weeks. His heart was larger than usual for his age and there is family history of heart problems.

So, yes, people are released to families to allow for burials without a COD.
A crease would be one dark line, not darker areas with a lighter one in between. Have a look at this one where I upped the contrast for his bandaid/ringworm/perfect circle of something on his forehead. I obviously can't say for sure it's a welt, it just doesn't look like a crease or wrinkle to me. It could be an old scar. Pretty mean one!

Sorry, I can't see it .. except some pimples maybe?
hehehe ... i wondered if it was a wrinkle or something too because of how it follows the contour of his neck but the middle certainly looks raised because of the shadow either side.

actually here's one more for ships and giggles, inverted. it certainly stands out. I think there may be another one slightly above it. maybe that's what the neck beard was in aid of.

Yes, I can. My brother passed away some time ago with 'undetermined' (or something to that effect, it was 15 years ago) on his death certificate. The coroner could not ascertain how/why he died. Our family GP explained that if he were alive, it's possible he would have been diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy (a heart defect). He was young, no documented illness or disorders. They released him to my parents after two weeks. His heart was larger than usual for his age and there is family history of heart problems.

So, yes, people are released to families to allow for burials without a COD.

Wasn't ABC released after only one day? -- seems odd if they didn't have COD.
i had another play with photoshop, adjusting the contrast so people can see it. agreed it looks like a welt, and it is bigger at the top ... as i play with the image the top of it disappears last

no.1 is cropped and increased to 200%, the next the levels adjusted and third with a circle for those still not feeling it LOL

Thanks ozazure. I did the same with level adjustments in Photoshop as well as sharpening and there is definitely a mark on the neck but in the second screencap I sent earlier, zoomed at about 200%, there is no visible mark at all. Trick of light perhaps in the first pic?
Speaking of pics...I don't think it's been mentioned on here today but in one of the pics that was on Courier Mail online report last night, it showed a bit of a's in today's printed edition...a couple of them are interesting...

19th April, 6.30pm Allison left hairdresser.

21st April, GBC attended a doctor to have injuries documented. (This was the day prior to the infamous car crash)
A crease would be one dark line, not darker areas with a lighter one in between. Have a look at this one where I upped the contrast for his bandaid/ringworm/perfect circle of something on his forehead. I obviously can't say for sure it's a welt, it just doesn't look like a crease or wrinkle to me. It could be an old scar. Pretty mean one!'s a grub

but as for the mark on his forehead, i can't say.
Wasn't ABC released after only one day?

Wow, I would've thought they would investigate much longer than a day. There was nothing sinister involved in my brother's death other than horrible family genetics. If you suddenly pass away at 22 then there will be investigation into how he died. If you compare him to ABC, I would have thought she would be with the Coroner's office for so much longer. Very strange??? So, if she was released after one day then it must have been visually obvious how she died.

Surely not one day, no way.
Wasn't ABC released after only one day? -- seems odd if they didn't have COD.

An autopsy only takes 3-5 hours. After that, the body itself is no longer needed because all the tissue samples and fluid samples have already been taken.

Her Death Certificate probably reads something like "undetermined".
Well you could always post him a

Thanks for that, Marly! It' s handy. Actually, I could post it to Darren Mahony and ask him to pass it on to his dumb client. :)
Sorry if any of this has been mentioned already, there have been so many posts since the bail refusal, a lot to skim thru
Not much came out (though there were some interesting revelations) but really, the onus was on the defence rather than the prosecution, to justify bail, since it would be standard for someone remanded for MURDER to be held in custody. It's a serious charge, and would have been difficult to overturn the risks vs the inconvenience to the accused.
I believe GBC could re-apply for bail, but due to the additional legal costs, unless he had more convincing evidence to dispute the CP arguments, I suspect his lawyers will recommend he wait until the committal procedures start, to assess their prospects.
That may well take weeks or months, the July mention will just be the start, to moniter how things are going.
I expect the CP has, or will have, a lot more information than they have put out so far.
I still wonder about the reported sleep-over vs whether the children were at the house, it makes the whole thing more difficult to imagine.
As regards TM, I wondered whether she may have had some involvement in GBC's financial situation. If so - I mean to the extent that me may have borrowed money from her as well - based on a promise of a future together - then regardless of how things went with his family, he would have had to keep stringing her along - hence the 1st July deadline?
As regards a flight-risk, as it was reported his defence lawyers said he had no valid passport, where would he have gone?
But someone earlier commented, and I remembered, his lawyer said (of his arrest) that he was ... words to the effect... devastated and not expecting it as he had made plans for later in the week.
And the same night of his arrest, the BC seniors were reported driving back to their home and refusing to answer questions, but rushing into the house while some neighbours "carried their bags from their car"?
Thought that odd at the time - did bags mean suitcases or shopping - if bags, where had they been going or helping someone else to go - otherwise they had toughed out weeks at home under media scrutiny.
That made me wonder why the children were taken out of school that day, and why some people suggested the arrest was a little sooner than expected - perhaps it wasn't the police arriving for the children but prompted by someone else trying to take them out of school early?
I know, I know, all a bit of a ramble of imagining.
I still cannot believe a pre-meditated aspect though, what idiot would imagine that you could claim insurance on someone merely reported lost, or if dead, imagine an insurance company would pay out - except in extreme circumstances - before the cause of death was known.
It's a legal fact that a murderer cannot inherit as beneficiary under the will of the person they killed. But most insurance or super funds do ask for nominated beneficaries to avoid the probate issues- still with all the publicity at the time if GBC were the nominated recipient of proceeds, alarm bells would have rung and nothing would have happened with those funds for ages.
Also regarding the phone calls (and that was amazing to me that the time of recharges etc can be logged????) anyway I wondered if perhaps GBC had another phone. I know some folk in busy positions who do keep a 2nd mobile, one just for personal use so that their whole home-time is not dominated by work-calls.
If he had a secret name and e-mail account to pursue his affair, then possibly he had another line of personal communication rather than phone booth calls?
There remain, the issues of the roundabout, the cars, the screams, the barking dogs, all maybe un-related but I am hoping more will come out sooner than later.
So hard for those little girls, what could you possibly tell them :-(

Almost everything, if not EVERYTHING resonated with me too, especially:

"I expect the CP has, or will have, a lot more information than they have put out so far.
I still wonder about the reported sleep-over vs whether the children were at the house, it makes the whole thing more difficult to imagine.
As regards TM, I wondered whether she may have had some involvement in GBC's financial situation. If so - I mean to the extent that me may have borrowed money from her as well - based on a promise of a future together - then regardless of how things went with his family, he would have had to keep stringing her along - hence the 1st July deadline?
As regards a flight-risk, as it was reported his defence lawyers said he had no valid passport, where would he have gone?
But someone earlier commented, and I remembered, his lawyer said (of his arrest) that he was ... words to the effect... devastated and not expecting it as he had made plans for later in the week."

The kids supposed sleep-over is still VERY unclear. Apparently OW collected the girls after some sporting event ~ so obviously took them home to Mom & Pops' place where she was obviously staying over too. After all, 'EVERYONE' in the family was wanting to FACILITATE dearest Allison as best as they could ~ even if Bruce Overland had cleverly orchestrated their every favour & move!
Then, the youngest apparently told the police visiting that fateful morning, that they hadn't slept at HOME that night. < Confirming a sleep-over somewhere, but a quick, early return HOME the following morning! Mmmm?

As for the 'flight risk' factor & earlier than planned arrest + supposed "plans for later in the week" ~ The QPS OBVIOUSLY had their clever fingers on the PULSE here & what's the bet that EVERY flight Co. or means of travel co. were alerted to alert them the minute anyone of the same surname applied for tickets / visas or whatever! :)

The QPS know ALMOST EVERYTHING ~ well, maybe not how poor Allison suffered in her last dying moments, but their guess is as good as all of ours, and let those last few breaths that she took, sit on his conscience (once he's finally regained one) FOREVER MORE!

Thanks again for your BRILLIANT input! :)
Speaking of pics...I don't think it's been mentioned on here today but in one of the pics that was on Courier Mail online report last night, it showed a bit of a's in today's printed edition...a couple of them are interesting...

19th April, 6.30pm Allison left hairdresser.

21st April, GBC attended a doctor to have injuries documented. (This was the day prior to the infamous car crash)

Thanks marlywings. Any chance that you could list the timeline here please? It's very difficult to read even when enlarged.

During GBC's bail application hearing yesterday, a group of lovely smiling ladies holding red roses and signs stood outside Brisbane's parliament house facing the road intersection. Their signage called for an end to domestic violence. One such sign read "Another woman dies from domestic violence". It was a Red Rose Rally.

So there were voices with a strong message being heard at a critical time yesterday for victims such as Allison. It was such a heartwarming sight. A moment of positive action during an agonising time for so many.

(I took a photo and hoped to post it here but can't since I'm using an iPhone. :( Sorry peeps. Is flickr anonymous?)
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