NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#28

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Does anyone know if GBC has access to a computer while he is in prison??

I don't believe that he would have internet access unless it was in a prison library and heavily restricted in terms of sites accessed and amount of time used. That is how it is in the area of Australia that I live which is not QLD. Maybe QLD is different though. Keentoknow would know for sure.
I'd love to know too, particularly if phone records show he's never ever done any late night/early morning calls before, ever!

agree wholeheartedly but I worry about this being easily thrown into the 'circumstantial' basket by the barrister/s. Surely the father implicates himself by remaining silent on this issue. a phone call to Big kohuna would remain that he knew about the incident in question and now has to be strategically bought into the line up of players, no??
Surely pops doesn't want to spend the rest of his days in a cell....
Twitter went a bit crazy, IMO I think something big is coming tonight.

Another one -
Jane Henschke ‏@tenjh

RT @tennewsqld: RT @renaehenry10: Explosive new evidence in the Baden-Clay case. Be watching Ten News at 5

Unfortunately it does seem to be just Channel 10.

Please let us know if what is reported in the news for us non QLDer's. Thanks.
Come back!!!

barrosa barrosa is offline
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Originally Posted by barrosa View Post
IMO the two women are not the same be patient...........
and tiff unless you saw them actually........................ you can really only speculate be patient you will see that there is more than one female involved IMO.....................
Whether the comments are of any consequence or not I don't know & I'd say most don't know either. The only one who would know are those at the top of QPS.
Yes officers are human but what does it say about the person they've passed info onto, no matter how large or small the info appears to be, if presumably it was told in confidence & that person then posts it online for all the world to see.

Either way, I still take everything with the old grain of salt & won't believe them just because it's there in black & white.

I think that your right marlywings - most of them don't know anything/much at all. I was speaking to a Police Officer friend of ours today - he doesn't work at Indro, but on the southside of Brisbane. He said in other murder cases the details get passed around quite quickly from Station to Station, but with this one - absolutely nothing is being said or passed around at all.

It's driving us crazy, but I guess keeping a lid on their evidence and info is critical to a just outcome in the end.
agree wholeheartedly but I worry about this being easily thrown into the 'circumstantial' basket by the barrister/s. Surely the father implicates himself by remaining silent on this issue. a phone call to Big kohuna would remain that he knew about the incident in question and now has to be strategically bought into the line up of players, no??
Surely pops doesn't want to spend the rest of his days in a cell....

Orrrrr if EBC answered the phone (and was told what had alledgedly happened) and told GBC who then acted on the information she told him i.e. "Wake up my Kahuna Hero (give us a kiss) Gerry needs you he's crying for you." or words to that effect, she would be implicated to wouldn't she. IMO
I have certainly leaned from hearing of people's personal experiences here. I really think they should put some of your stories in the high school curriculum. I often wonder how early on some boys learn their proprietary values towards women.

I agree with you Hawkins. How good would it be if the stories of the Circle of Repair could somehow be collated in memory of Allison and set as a high school text and proceeds to go to the girls??
Must have been a nightmare moment for GBC when he heard the evidence about the charging and FaceTime call - bet he's wishing he googled "how can your iPhone incriminate you ?"

Been thinking about this for a couple of days now and IMO this is one piece of evidence that will have the defence team sweating bullets. My reasoning is as follows:

1. GBC told police that he was a heavy sleeper and had slept from 10pm until 7am, or words to that effect. This is his only alibi for that time period and is admissable evidence.

2. The existence of the midnight "face time" call directly contradicts his alibi. It's also admissable evidence.

3. A jury could reasonably conclude that GBC lied to police.

4. The only way the defence can hope to satisfactorily explain this discrepancy is for either GBC or NBC to give sworn evidence.

5. Once either of them step into the witness box they are subject to cross examination and it's game over.

All MOO of course......could be complete bollocks.:waitasec:

Gerard's Team Success

Lesley has been working with my Team as our personal fitness trainer for many months now and I am delighted with the results.* She took time and care with me initially to understand what my desires and needs were for my employees and sales staff.* Lesley takes an holistic approach to our health and fitness, which fits perfectly with my Team Goals.

I would recommend anybody who is interested in their well-being to form a liaison with Lesley - and get started now!

Gerard Baden-Clay


CENTURY 21 Westside

Bolding by me.

I wonder if he ever formed a liaison? And what his desires and needs for his staff were?
Been thinking about this for a couple of days now and IMO this is one piece of evidence that will have the defence team sweating bullets. My reasoning is as follows:

1. GBC told police that he was a heavy sleeper and had slept from 10pm until 7am, or words to that effect. This is his only alibi for that time period and is admissable evidence.

2. The existence of the midnight "face time" call directly contradicts his alibi. It's also admissable evidence.

3. A jury could reasonably conclude that GBC lied to police.

4. The only way the defence can hope to satisfactorily explain this discrepancy is for either GBC or NBC to give sworn evidence.

5. Once either of them step into the witness box they are subject to cross examination and it's game over.

All MOO of course......could be complete bollocks.:waitasec:

Or they'll blame it on GBC sleepwalking and placing the FaceTime call, and a caterpillar at parents house crawling across the screen and answering it. ! ;P


Gerard's Team Success

Lesley has been working with my Team as our personal fitness trainer for many months now and I am delighted with the results.* She took time and care with me initially to understand what my desires and needs were for my employees and sales staff.* Lesley takes an holistic approach to our health and fitness, which fits perfectly with my Team Goals.

I would recommend anybody who is interested in their well-being to form a liaison with Lesley - and get started now!

Gerard Baden-Clay


CENTURY 21 Westside

Bolding by me.

I wonder if he ever formed a liaison? And what his desires and needs for his staff were?

LOL. Was replying to say the little bit above as I didn`t see that originally.
Nope, down the track they may get limited access.

I don't believe that he would have internet access unless it was in a prison library and heavily restricted in terms of sites accessed and amount of time used. That is how it is in the area of Australia that I live which is not QLD. Maybe QLD is different though. Keentoknow would know for sure.

Just dawned on me how funny it would be if he was reading our posts. :what:

What if he developed a pseudonym and was actually one of the 'posters'


I think I'm starting to let my imagination get away from me !!!
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The Energy Usage instrument measures energy usage since start-up. The instrument provides a macro measurement of a substantial workflow. The numeric scale is useful for comparison of different runs. Power source events (flags) are added programmatically.

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Energy Usage Level. Relative energy usage on a scale of 0-20.

Power Source Events. Transitions to battery or external power.

Note: The Energy Usage instrument is currently supported in the iPhone 3GS and the third-generation iPod touch.

Thank you ... I think??? Sorry went over my head!
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