NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#29

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I want to start by saying that I have not discussed this with her and the following is only based on my opinion of who she is as a person.

I think that Toni could easily put herself in Allison's shoes and her empathy for Allison will ensure that her guard is down and be completely candid and honest. I believe she will be considerate of the feelings of Allison's family.

I truly believe that every step forward from here will be in effort to set an example for her children. She will do what ever is necessary to help convict ABC's killer.

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That is a huge step to place ones self in Allison's shoes, guard down, being candid, honest, considerate and whatever is necessary to convict the killer, thank you. *advertiser censored*
Originally Posted by possumheart
Have been there. Trust me it is not like this in real life.
Proportions seem so different when you are on the ground.

Sorry I don't understand..? High tide doesn't come up this high??
Hey all - Allisons birthday is only a few days away - any suggestions on what we could do to make it a remember Allison kind of respect thing?

Put a sunflower in our signature for 24 hours or make our signature yellow? Just something to remember her day at this time where things are truly just starting to emerge about how difficult it was for her and to remember her legacy of the 3 girls? Gosh hope this is allowed?

I'm going to plant some sunflowers in my garden in memory of Allison. While I watch them grow I will think of her little girls and pray that life is kind to them.
Being the nosey parker I am, I went looking for it and can't find anything! Whys the name of this supporter page? I'd love to have a lurk ;)

I cant bring it up through Facebook, you have to go to the Justice for Allison Baden Clay and there is a link about the corrective services at Arthur Gorrie and in one of the comments is the link to the Support page.

I had a look, not much support for him there more like a hate page. Very odd. It was created six hours ago with one like.
Writing without catching up on the evening's posts so please excuse me if this has been brought up by some sort of coincidence. But talk of the COD has obviously been rattling around in my mind and tonight I stated to wonder about what weapon GBC may have used.

He does not seem like the bare hands kind of guy. It seems Allison fought him, he has scratches on him. But I'm wondering if maybe he did do it bare handed, she would have had a chance to perhaps bruise him or scratch him up a lot more visibly.

Hopefully part of the COD is supported by something retrieved from the home. I missed a few threads before his arrest, was there any rumours or reports floated about a weapon of some description?
I'm sorry that you feel unwelcome here

but the bottom line is that this IS a victim forum and the victim here is Allison, there is no getting around that fact and TM (whether she likes it or not) has become vicariously involved in playing a part in Allison becoming that tragic victim IMO

I believe there were many things that led to what ultimately happened Allison and TM is a part of that sorry to say

Totally agree Allison is the victim and TM is a victim of her own low morals. I don't however agree that TM played a part in the death of Allison, on the basis that she was pressuring GBC to make a decision and leave Allison. If however she knew he was going to murder Allison that is a different discussion. It could equally be argued the bank manager, credit card companies are more responsible for Allison's death because they were no doubt applying pressure on GBC to keep up with payments.

For instance, take a scenario where I phone up a client who owes me money and apply pressure saying pay up by the 1st July or I'll start court proceeding. If this client then commits an armed robbery this is not my responsibility, it is solely the responsibility of my client.

At the end of the day GBC allegedly made a decision to kill Allison but the responsibility for this decision is all his, regardless of the backdrop of events that lead to his moral fibre being tested.

I lot has been made of the July 1st date but I feel this is a non event. We all know we make commitment to dates on occasions simply to kick the ball further forward into the future, to give some breathing room, with no real intention of meeting the date; happens all the time in business. In the course of an affair I'm sure this ball is kicked further forward on many, many occasions. TM could not expect that GBC would take such radical action to meet a date. Look at the types of people who put money up for bail; these are intelligent people who made there own personal assessment of GBC character and were prepared to put money on it.
Totally agree Allison is the victim and TM is a victim of her own low morals. I don't however agree that TM played a part in the death of Allison, on the basis that she was pressuring GBC to make a decision and leave Allison. If however she knew he was going to murder Allison that is a different discussion. It could equally be argued the bank manager, credit card companies are more responsible for Allison's death because they were no doubt applying pressure on GBC to keep up with payments.

For instance, take a scenario where I phone up a client who owes me money and apply pressure saying pay up by the 1st July or I'll start court proceeding. If this client then commits an armed robbery this is not my responsibility, it is solely the responsibility of my client.

At the end of the day GBC allegedly made a decision to kill Allison but the responsibility for this decision is all his, regardless of the backdrop of events that lead to his moral fibre being tested.

I lot has been made of the July 1st date but I feel this is a non event. We all know we make commitment to dates on occasions simply to kick the ball further forward into the future, to give some breathing room, with no real intention of meeting the date; happens all the time in business. In the course of an affair I'm sure this ball is kicked further forward on many, many occasions. TM could not expect that GBC would take such radical action to meet a date. Look at the types of people who put money up for bail; these are intelligent people who made there own personal assessment of GBC character and were prepared to put money on it.

Great post! You have put into words exactly what I've been thinking.
Does anyone know the reason for the police having a similar car drive around the roundabout ? Unsure if this was accurate or a rumour?
If so, could it have been possible it was to confirm the location of blood stains if there was a body on the back seat and movement going around the roundabout..

It was reported they were testing the time it took for a car to go around the roundabout and travel back up Brookfield road towards GBC and Allisons house.

Makara...I don't think the criticism of Courier Mail is warranted regarding the differing times re the walk. I clearly remember you being here the night, weeks back, when I posted all that info about this & I said it wouldn't surprise me if GBC had given out different times to different people.

I think Courier Mail did speak to some of those who were told the different times by GBC & he is the one who is responsible for this & not Courier Mail.

""That morning police claim he would give four different stories to friends and family about a walk Allison could have taken when she disappeared.

To some, officers say, he said Allison liked to take a walk early in the morning. To his sister, Olivia Walton, he allegedly described a particular route. He told a close friend of Allison's that she would walk at 10pm each night and he described to his parents two different walking routes.

But when police asked, they said he told them he had no idea where she would have gone walking""

Marlywings, I'm trying to keep my criticism of the Courier Mail in check, believe me, and at this stage I've not been harsh. Yes I recall you posting the info from the CM in regard to various versions re: Allison's so called walk but as you say
I said it wouldn't surprise me if GBC had given out different times to different people.

This is your opinion and I respect that but you don't know for certain whether or not GBC told anyone of these people anything at all. My initial point was that the CM had got it wrong on what GBC initially told the police and that was that he last saw Allison watching TV and he went to bed at 10:00pm. He did not tell the police that she went for a walk at 10:00pm. His story has never changed but for some reason the CM, along with other MSM have confused the information given to them in regard to Allison going for a walk and at what time. This could possibly be attributed to police media wanting to keep all information close to home.

Now, I can recall a sweet lady a few weeks ago who was like a dog with a bone. She would not have it that GBC phoned 000 until she heard it from the police. No matter what was written in MSM etc. this lady would not let it rest (drove me up the bloody wall to be quite honest :floorlaugh:). Were you not negating anything and everything that the CM reported in regard to that phone call? It's now been confirmed via the information submitted to the bail hearing that GBC did in fact dial 000 to report Allison missing and also that his story was that he'd last seen Allison watching TV and went to bed at 10:00pm on the Thursday night.

Phew! Time for sleep now.
And a body that doesn't ache all over....wheres a nurse when you need one.....

In the Medical Unit at Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre....GBC NEEDS attention always and he can always chat up a nurse/lady for sympathy lol
That's a good point. I guess we won't know any more until the trial and who knows when that will be. All we can do in the meantime is speculate and try to figure out what we can from the little information we do have.

What I am wondering is, if it takes 2 years before it goes to trial, wouldn't some people's memories of events be considerably less acute and much more hazy after such a span of time than if it went to trial pretty soon when recall is more clear and candid?

Wondering what sort of impact the passage of time would have on a trial.

Yes I agree Blue Bottle, people's memories of events would fade after a few years and that's why any witness statements would have been written and/or recorded. All except for GBC of course, who doesn't want to talk about the murder of his wife. :banghead:
Elspeth, yes the Defence could quite easliy say what you mentioned above, but IMO that reason would have to have come from GBC and not something the Defence dreamed up, but GBC never mentioned anything at all to police about his call to NBC. I can imagine though that GBC could readily tell his Defence team that was the reason he phoned NBC at 12:20am on the Friday morning.

Just a thought to put out there..if linking together some of the rumours etc.. Firstly with a facetimecall, you do need wifi for this? but it can be done anywhere? COuld it be possible NBC was at the roundabout at this time when the face call occured? I know NBC being at the roundabout was somewhat of a rumour, though it was told to us by 2 people, one of whom is a verified poster.. Also linking in the person on QPS facebook who mentioned seeing something 'odd' at the roundabout at that time.. I wonder.. and I am just wondering out loud.. if this was pre planned, was NBC waiting there for the call..for the deed to be done? Not saying this is my theory, just putting the thoughts out there.
Marlywings, I'm trying to keep my criticism of the Courier Mail in check, believe me, and at this stage I've not been harsh. Yes I recall you posting the info from the CM in regard to various versions re: Allison's so called walk but as you say

This is your opinion and I respect that but you don't know for certain whether or not GBC told anyone of these people anything at all. My initial point was that the CM had got it wrong on what GBC initially told the police and that was that he last saw Allison watching TV and he went to bed at 10:00pm. He did not tell the police that she went for a walk at 10:00pm. His story has never changed but for some reason the CM, along with other MSM have confused the information given to them in regard to Allison going for a walk and at what time. This could possibly be attributed to police media wanting to keep all information close to home.

Now, I can recall a sweet lady a few weeks ago who was like a dog with a bone. She would not have it that GBC phoned 000 until she heard it from the police. No matter what was written in MSM etc. this lady would not let it rest (drove me up the bloody wall to be quite honest :floorlaugh:). Were you not negating anything and everything that the CM reported in regard to that phone call? It's now been confirmed via the information submitted to the bail hearing that GBC did in fact dial 000 to report Allison missing and also that his story was that he'd last seen Allison watching TV and went to bed at 10:00pm on the Thursday night.

Phew! Time for sleep now.

I was discussing this with a friend recently regarding the media and how they know exactly how to word things staying within the law but making it seem as though something happened that didn't and knowing full well that saying it a particular way will make it appear suspicious when in fact it's not.
I haven't seen anything in the press other than


I am currently thinking of two possibilities:

1. Strangulation by ligature as a cause of death plus minor bleeding cuts, punctures or other wounds as a source of blood in the car.
2. A major blow to the head (?venous air embolism ) as a cause of death and a source of blood in the car. "No visible signs of foul play" - could be because the fatal wound was under hair.

In my opinion, the reason #1 is more likely (and more common) than the reason #2.


Someone posted this link a couple of threads back - it describes Homicidal Smothering, Throttling (Strangulation) [incl ligature] and a few others. It seems that bleeding can occur from the nose and mouth post-smothering. Some of the signs that are often present might not have been as evident due to the length of time the body was exposed.

This is another link

If you sift through it looks like there are a couple of possibilities which could involve some blood, and occasions where the causes of death might be hard to detect, in some cases.

I'd say there are a few possibilities including those you have mentioned. I noticed that with strangulation it describes possible injuries inflicted by the victim in the form of scratches to the hands and chest of the assailant.
Marlywings, I'm trying to keep my criticism of the Courier Mail in check, believe me, and at this stage I've not been harsh. Yes I recall you posting the info from the CM in regard to various versions re: Allison's so called walk but as you say

This is your opinion and I respect that but you don't know for certain whether or not GBC told anyone of these people anything at all. My initial point was that the CM had got it wrong on what GBC initially told the police and that was that he last saw Allison watching TV and he went to bed at 10:00pm. He did not tell the police that she went for a walk at 10:00pm. His story has never changed but for some reason the CM, along with other MSM have confused the information given to them in regard to Allison going for a walk and at what time. This could possibly be attributed to police media wanting to keep all information close to home.

Now, I can recall a sweet lady a few weeks ago who was like a dog with a bone. She would not have it that GBC phoned 000 until she heard it from the police. No matter what was written in MSM etc. this lady would not let it rest (drove me up the bloody wall to be quite honest :floorlaugh:). Were you not negating anything and everything that the CM reported in regard to that phone call? It's now been confirmed via the information submitted to the bail hearing that GBC did in fact dial 000 to report Allison missing and also that his story was that he'd last seen Allison watching TV and went to bed at 10:00pm on the Thursday night.

Phew! Time for sleep now.

I read it in the quote below that I think Marlywings was talking about, that the information was part of what the prosecution tabled at the bail hearing...

That morning police claim he would give four different stories to friends and family about a walk Allison could have taken when she disappeared.

To some, officers say, he said Allison liked to take a walk early in the morning. To his sister, Olivia Walton, he allegedly described a particular route. He told a close friend of Allison's that she would walk at 10pm each night and he described to his parents two different walking routes.

But when police asked, they said he told them he had no idea where she would have gone walking.

I am assuming by that , police have asked these people what he told them(I am also thinking the close friend may be TM?). But to Police officers he said he had no idea.. MOO
Well what a huge discussion time H2H brought today, as a TM close friend, thank you so much to all..nightie nite

:eek:fftobed: :countsheep: :sigh:
I was discussing this with a friend recently regarding the media and how they know exactly how to word things staying within the law but making it seem as though something happened that didn't and knowing full well that saying it a particular way will make it appear suspicious when in fact it's not.

BJ, I've had a few frustrating incidents with the CM's online reporting. Just recently they posted a rather indepth article online, part of which stated that neighbours reported a loud argument at Allison's home on Wednesday night, 18th April and again on Thursday night 19th April. This information had only ever been conjecture and rumour here on WS so I was amazed that it was finally printed in MSM. Less than an hour later I went pack to that particular page to copy the link to post here only to find the majority of the article had either been ripped or altered drastically! :banghead: Needless to say I couldn't verify what I'd read with my own eyes. So frustrating!
BJ, I've had a few frustrating incidents with the CM's online reporting. Just recently they posted a rather indepth article online, part of which stated that neighbours reported a loud argument at Allison's home on Wednesday night, 18th April and again on Thursday night 19th April. This information had only ever been conjecture and rumour here on WS so I was amazed that it was finally printed in MSM. Less than an hour later I went pack to that particular page to copy the link to post here only to find the majority of the article had either been ripped or altered drastically! :banghead: Needless to say I couldn't verify what I'd read with my own eyes. So frustrating!

Yes they have done that a bit.. very frustrating when you know you read it and go back to find it completely altered and half of what you read now missing from the article completely or altered to read differently..

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