NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#29

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I wonder if GBC and TM discussed financial stuff? I suspect at some level they would have, particularly if there were plans to take their relationship to the next level. I wonder what TM thought GBC was going to do by July 1 - if he had in fact told her he couldn't afford a divorce, yet he was certain he could change his situation by July 1, what did TM think he was going to do i.e. get another loan, consolidate? Interesting to ponder.
Ummmm. Im afraid I now have to apologise for my last avatar....a bit insensitive...sorry i love cats I have chosen one in a mugg shot xxxx
This article states here $335,000 guarantor on a mortgage, but it doesnt state the 90,000 to B Bassingthwaigthe, more confusing reporting.

Sheerluck Holmes, I totally agree...the reporting around this aspect of the crime has been totally confusing. I think that understanding what he owes and to whom he owes it is very interesting in terms of understanding motives, influence, relationships and what would have been likely outcomes.
Do you think that I should drive over to Kholo and place some more flowers there for Allisons birthday.....or are the other sunflowers doing okay?

It was dark when I drove past yesterday, but I am going that way tomorrow, so I will check and see :heart:
I agree with you. Re highlighted I think this is more likely than not.I just don't see her going along with GBC for a minute in such a heinous crime. I think she back peddled emotionally, the minute she suspected something.Why would she get her and her family involved in this mess intentionally.A minority thought be warned. Isn't it great that there so many differing opinions.

I think if she was smart (involvement with GBC didn't necessarily reflect this) she would have been bending over backwards helping the constabulary (no pun intended)
That's true... but we need to be with the person who meets the needs that matter. I think all relationships have a 'pay off' or compromise... but some things can't be compromised on, for me anyway... and that's fidelity.

Re marriages not meeting needs, some people eg narcissists have needs that are not normal ie to be getting constant positive strokes to their egos (possibly because they are insecure and immature). Even my mother-in-law said (after she found out about the long term affair of my husband) that to keep xxxx happy you have to constantly praise him and say he's a good boy. Geez, I don't think that's a reasonable need!! BTW, said husband refused to "sleep" with me for 10 years, so it wasn't that I was holding out on HIM and he needed satisfaction elsewhere!! Even the counsellor said I was the one who should have had the affair, not him! :maddening:
I think if she was smart (involvement with GBC didn't necessarily reflect this) she would have been bending over backwards helping the constabulary (no pun intended)

I agree bad judgement does not automatically make you evil. Stupid maybe but not evil. IMO
BTW ~ I am sooooooo NOT of any religious kind! Farthest from it.
Oh GAWD! Must I now go back to jail (that which I'm so well acquainted with) without even collecting my $9.45 toiletry allowance? :what:

Haha - not $9.45, you can collect your $200 as you pass GO..... :floorlaugh: (I crack myself up) hehehe

Not having a go at you, just learnt the hard way to not EVER talk about those two topics in public.......EVER and if anyone else brings them up I walk away......

I can also add CYCLING to the list of "NEVER TALK ABOUT..." topics too! ARGH, one mention that I ride a bike was enough to get me a torrid 30 minute lecture on idiot cyclists, and from someone I had never met before. her hubby had to restrain her from yelling at me! He was a tad embarrassed....
Ummmm. Im afraid I now have to apologise for my last avatar....a bit insensitive...sorry i love cats I have chosen one in a mugg shot xxxx

Err - shouldn't that read "mogg shot"...? :blushing:
I believe that Allison would have been equally distressed about their financial situation as she was with his affair with TM.

They were in a terrible situation financially and she must have been beside herself worrying about the girls' future. Perhaps she had done as many do and put money away from when the girls were born for their future education and then had to draw it out to go back into the business because of their financial situation? Financial insecurity or debt to someone as responsible as Allison I believe would have been. would have been so terrible for her apart from the affair with TM. I believe it would have been in her thoughts constantly, the worry of it all.

Since the GFC etc and the floods I am aware of several sad stories of families/businesses who have suffered so much financially because of this. Hence this has a devastating effect on all other areas of these families lives where previously they were happy and secure re their future.

It would be interesting to know what BC's financial affairs were prior to the floods etc. I envisage many businesses would have been in debt similar amounts and sometimes moreso as GBC especially in the areas of tourism where it has had the domino effect on so many businesses which are reliant on tourism.

Also in the past 12 months or so many RE staff have left for other employment simply because in many areas there has been a slump in real estate. So his business was certainly not an isolated case for staff leaving.
IMO it is too little too late........

I don't think TM had any suspicion that Allison would end up dead! When a man has an affair, they show their mistress their best side. I can see him being the lovely, caring, understanding, attentive, etc. etc. dream man for her (certainly not someone with murder in mind). IMO we cannot blame her for Allison's death. IMO TM did not hold a gun to GBC's head to act in a specific way. Yes, she may have said: "leave her or this is over", but that does not translate into "killer her or this is over". I am the first one to condemn her for having an affair with a married man, but that's where I stop.
Thanks Rational, clearly the Brisbane Times updated it because the link I saved had the following and in the initial one it seems to imply that he had to fix all of the following in order to meet his commitment to JOIN TM. Maybe I'm reading it incorrectly?

Police allege that $290,000 of the debt was due to be paid back by June 30, however they allege their inquiries "have failed to identify any legitimate means of salvaging his debt or finances prior to July 2012 in order to meet his commitment to (Ms) McHugh without a large influx of funds from these insurance policies".Among the debts listed were:
• $275,000 owed in "gentlemen's agreements" with three friends.
• $200,000 to to a friend in a contracted agreement due for payment on 30 June, 2012.
• $90,000 to another friend in a contracted agreement due for payment on 30 June, 2012.
• $75,000 to a business associate.
• $15,000 in outstanding franchise fees to Century 21 Australia.
• $45,000 credit card debt.
• $58,000 to his parents. (identified through a financial analysis ordered by police).
Yes that is how I read it too!
Thank you.

YES! I am a mother and I certainly want justice for Allison.

If it turns out that my friend has any involvement (which I do not believe for one moment) I would want HER to pay for this truly horrific crime that took a life and left three young children motherless.

I am not ONE eyed. I am actually open eyed. I just know what I know about TM and unless there is evidence otherwise she has my unwavering support that she had no part or knowledge of the murder of ABC and I will defend her against unjustified allegations

Dear loyal friend of TM,
I admire you for your loyalty & for sticking with your friend, yet if you, as a fellow mother & possibly a wife too (I'm not!), look deep into your heart ~ i.e. beyond your friendship with TM, then surely, you too will be able to identify, that no matter when, what, how etc. she chose to ENTER another COUPLE's most private & sacred union, it WAS & SHALL FORVER MORE, have been WRONG & in this particular instance, given the horrendous circumstances, the VERY WORST that she ever delved into / made etc. etc.
I reiterate dearest fellow Mom ~ 'What goes around, ALWAYS eventually comes around' ~ and your friend made her very own bed, & THANKFULLY, without any threat of losing her life over choosing who to share it with ... must PAY for the consequences of her VERY OWN CHOICE/S.

Being a loyal friend is one thing, but taking another's deserved WRONG DOING / GUILT on one's shoulders, truly isn't worth it.
OMG I cannot imagine how much of a cool dude GBC must have done to give himself a pseudonym. What a total tool!!!

Narcisissists won't settle down, and they certainly don't stop their ways. Always looking to improve a situation. They take the situation they have at hand and try to maximise it terms of $$$. If this meant that GBC needed only TM initially then he and TM would have been involved exclusively. Lulls TM into a false sense of intimacy and love. But things got regular and usual and boring and things were not right in GBC's life so he kept this alliance with TM and sought more from vulnerable other women. He would give any shyte story to these women to get them to be with him and the ones he picked were needy and willing to give him a go - feeling sorry for a poor GBC stuck in this family situation.....
Well just a little lol, I am betting it isnt going so well after the bail hearing.

I am due to change my tagline now I think but will wait for some fresh inspiration lol.


I love your tagline. I too smile every time I read it.
I don't think TM had any suspicion that Allison would end up dead! When a man has an affair, they show their mistress their best side. I can see him being the lovely, caring, understanding, attentive, etc. etc. dream man for her (certainly not someone with murder in mind). IMO we cannot blame her for Allison's death. IMO TM did not hold a gun to GBC's head to act in a specific way. Yes, she may have said: "leave her or this is over", but that does not translate into "killer her or this is over". I am the first one to condemn her for having an affair with a married man, but that's where I stop.

Agreed but she still isn't coming to my house for Christmas:rocker:
OMG I cannot imagine how much of a cool dude GBC must have done to give himself a pseudonym. What a total tool!!!

Narcisissists won't settle down, and they certainly don't stop their ways. Always looking to improve a situation. They take the situation they have at hand and try to maximise it terms of $$$. If this meant that GBC needed only TM initially then he and TM would have been involved exclusively. Lulls TM into a false sense of intimacy and love. But things got regular and usual and boring and things were not right in GBC's life so he kept this alliance with TM and sought more from vulnerable other women. He would give any shyte story to these women to get them to be with him and the ones he picked were needy and willing to give him a go - feeling sorry for a poor GBC stuck in this family situation.....

He adopted the pseudonym after Allison disappeared, when did he tell TM that B.O would be his pseudonym I wonder.

Thank you.

YES! I am a mother and I certainly want justice for Allison.

If it turns out that my friend has any involvement (which I do not believe for one moment) I would want HER to pay for this truly horrific crime that took a life and left three young children motherless.

I am not ONE eyed. I am actually open eyed. I just know what I know about TM and unless there is evidence otherwise she has my unwavering support that she had no part or knowledge of the murder of ABC and I will defend her against unjustified allegations

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You have as much right to be here and express your views as anybody else. Nobody "owns" this thread, so to speak. I fully understand that you are supporting TM and feel for what she maybe going through now, however, you also should understand that TM was the mistress, which in the eyes of most people, is morally wrong and was destroying a family. I believe if you can agree with this last point, people will understand better where you are coming from. IMO.
I believe that Allison would have been equally distressed about their financial situation as she was with his affair with TM.

They were in a terrible situation financially and she must have been beside herself worrying about the girls' future. Perhaps she had done as many do and put money away from when the girls were born for their future education and then had to draw it out to go back into the business because of their financial situation? Financial insecurity or debt to someone as responsible as Allison I believe would have been. would have been so terrible for her apart from the affair with TM. I believe it would have been in her thoughts constantly, the worry of it.

Perhaps you are right and that is why one of her questions asked who was paying for the hotel?

Assumption only.

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