NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#30

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Surely not!

Lucky I can see the wry smile through your writing... ;)

I know this is getting off topic, but I have been in the witness box MANY times, as both material witness (facts) and expert witness (opinion). And it is amazing just how some barristers will act as though THEY are the experts, even though they may have only read up the appropriate bit of a medical textbook the night before...! But I'm sure you're well aware of that aspect of court procedure - the side whose barrister is the best actor tends to win...

Sorry - bit of facetious banter only :floorlaugh:
Hi, I'm new here. Not sure why everyone is talking about nbc roaming around looking for wifi connection. If they have smart phones they can have a face to face call using the phone's internet connection from anywhere.

Facetime (apple), not video chat
Hi, I'm new here. Not sure why everyone is talking about nbc roaming around looking for wifi connection. If they have smart phones they can have a face to face call using the phone's internet connection from anywhere.

I'm pretty sure that's not right - at least here in Australia. WiFi only for Facetime and the free Skype calls. The carriers, as far as I am aware, have not yet agreed to Facetime etc over the 3G networks due to the data loads involved.

Yes, I'm aware that there are a couple of hacks around for jailbroken iPhones that will let you do it, but as far as I know, you can't do that via your normal data connection. Yet.

And I'm happy to stand corrected if that's wrong...
Hey Ireckon it is a little concerning that this new lawyer has be hired by the Baden Clay family...Chris Nyst.I did n't like how he has implied Gerad is being denied legal advise ,and the prison has turned him away,and Gerad is in protective custody,which he didn't request.I thought when your locked up ,ah wellyou don't get tell them what you want,and besides ,isn't that the norm,so to assertain a prisoners mental stability..
I would like to see more research done so that children in this situation can be better helped. Children do tend to bottle things up and the signs of grief and not coping are harder to detect and are very different from adults signs of distress.

I so am on the same page as you
But I'm sure you're well aware of that aspect of court procedure - the side whose barrister is the best actor tends to win...

Sorry - bit of facetious banter only :floorlaugh:

Confidence is everything in front of a jury. But some counsel can be just a teensy bit arrogant. :floorlaugh: Expert witnesses really should be treated with the utmost respect. They often give generously of their time and a lot hangs on their expertise. Most judges will go ballistic if they hear of experts being treated poorly. MOO.
Yes I thought the Mc Donalds was at Kenmore plaza, a bit of a distance.. However regarding the home wi-fi being password protected, it has been my experience, as I said, to be able to pick up at least 3 other unprotected wi-fis in a suburban street. And also to pick up a council library one, that was not that close by(admittedly the signal was not strong)- no log in needed.. So I somewhat disagree..while you would think most people password protect their wi-fi, especially with the publicity regarding it.. Many people, it appears, do not do this.


I have also heard of a story like this. A police officer once told me he had to arrest and sieze and elderly couple's computer. I believe they were in their 70's (and apologize if people don't think this is elderly!)

The reason being was they had found children's *advertiser censored* (sorry, don't know how to explain it and sure don't want to google it!) - well you could imagine this couple and their response. Nope, no way!

It was later found out that there was nothing on their computer and someone had been driving around the streets and noticed they had unsecured WiFi so used it and got these people in trouble!

Please always remember to secure your WiFi!
I believe the Dickies ,would remain very diplomatic,with the girls being their major concern,and only ever taking the higher moral ground ,as hard as that would be for them.
The thing that I lose sleep over is ,maybe the girls really knowwhat happened,on that fatefull night,and because it is there Dad in question,who they no dout love,are bottling things in ,for fear of also lossing their Dad.
I'm not sure if I have this right ,but didn't Gerad make a comment to the girls on the Friday morning,that was a little strange.
Sorry I'm waffling....Ireally don't know how The Dickies would be coping,I have asked myself the same qustions as you,they obviously have faith, that eventually the truth will prevail.


I think that the Dickies will be feeling like this.

There are better days than others, but none of them are particularly "good" anymore. There are days with less tears than others if that's how "good" is now defined. There are days that the pent-up feeling of exasperation isn't quite as powerful as others. There are days that you are happy to still be on this earth, but there are a lot more days that you wish it would all be over with--and this has NOTHING to do with suicidal thoughts. If that were true, there'd be a lot more suicides happening--trust me on that one. There are days where everything flows calmly, and there are days where you spend the majority of time traversing the rapids. Get over it? I don't know how one can when there is this huge, gaping, black hole right in the middle of your life ... Right in the middle of your family. You never get over it. You never get past it. You learn to live with it. And, so other people aren't uncomfortable, you learn to not talk to them anymore. There are many people who can't deal with the fact that others hurt. They don't want to know about your pain. They don't want to see your pain. And for Pete's sake they certainly don't want to feel your pain. They want you to be over it. It doesn't work that way. It never will. Many don't understand that.

So, those of us walking this road bond together. We find each other through the strangest of ways. We create bonds and friendships and groups with people whose circumstances we never wanted to be joined with. Our pain bonds us. Our emptiness is shared. Our grief is understood. And no one is over it ... Or expecting others to be.

We move forward. One foot in front of the other no matter how mechanical. Forward. Onward. But never, never over. The expanse is too wide to cross. The hole is too deep to traverse. No, never over it. The hole will never leave. You just learn to live with that hole. You learn to live with the emptiness in your life. You learn to live with the pain. You learn to live without that missing piece. You learn to "deal" with it. I don't think you are ever over it, though. Ever. I wish one could be ...
I have also heard of a story like this. A police officer once told me he had to arrest and sieze and elderly couple's computer. I believe they were in their 70's (and apologize if people don't think this is elderly!)

The reason being was they had found children's *advertiser censored* (sorry, don't know how to explain it and sure don't want to google it!) - well you could imagine this couple and their response. Nope, no way!

It was later found out that there was nothing on their computer and someone had been driving around the streets and noticed they had unsecured WiFi so used it and got these people in trouble!

Please always remember to secure your WiFi!

Yes! I accidently picked up the unsecured ones I talked about, while staying at my sisters and trying to log into their Wi Fi. But got alist of the neighbours unsecured Wi Fi as well.
I think that the Dickies will be feeling like this.

There are better days than others, but none of them are particularly "good" anymore. There are days with less tears than others if that's how "good" is now defined. There are days that the pent-up feeling of exasperation isn't quite as powerful as others. There are days that you are happy to still be on this earth, but there are a lot more days that you wish it would all be over with--and this has NOTHING to do with suicidal thoughts. If that were true, there'd be a lot more suicides happening--trust me on that one. There are days where everything flows calmly, and there are days where you spend the majority of time traversing the rapids. Get over it? I don't know how one can when there is this huge, gaping, black hole right in the middle of your life ... Right in the middle of your family. You never get over it. You never get past it. You learn to live with it. And, so other people aren't uncomfortable, you learn to not talk to them anymore. There are many people who can't deal with the fact that others hurt. They don't want to know about your pain. They don't want to see your pain. And for Pete's sake they certainly don't want to feel your pain. They want you to be over it. It doesn't work that way. It never will. Many don't understand that.

So, those of us walking this road bond together. We find each other through the strangest of ways. We create bonds and friendships and groups with people whose circumstances we never wanted to be joined with. Our pain bonds us. Our emptiness is shared. Our grief is understood. And no one is over it ... Or expecting others to be.

We move forward. One foot in front of the other no matter how mechanical. Forward. Onward. But never, never over. The expanse is too wide to cross. The hole is too deep to traverse. No, never over it. The hole will never leave. You just learn to live with that hole. You learn to live with the emptiness in your life. You learn to live with the pain. You learn to live without that missing piece. You learn to "deal" with it. I don't think you are ever over it, though. Ever. I wish one could be ...

You absolutely have me in tears. That was so well put and obviously coming from a place that no one wants to experience but those such as yourself and the DIckies have had no choice but to be a part of. I hope that in some small way, having the girls is actually a small blessing to help keep them going and putting that foot in front of the other.. I hope you have more 'good' days than 'bad'..
To make a facetime call from iPhone one needs a facetime enabled Mac with an internet connection or a facetime enabled iOS device with a wi-fi. Many public wi-fi spots require a separate login through a web browser in order to actually access the internet.
Apologies if this has been mentioned already, but at, Allison's friend is quoted as saying :

"Unlike others, Allison never assumed self-importance and as a result, she was so important to us all. She never sought to influence. Nor did she seek the company of those considered influential."

That was maybe a pretty pointed reference to someone we're all guessing we know well by now.

Maybe an inbred self-importance is going to be the undoing of those responsible. Assuming a superiority over others, thinking vague attempts at faking and leaving a false trail of certain acts and feelings, will cover up something ... must have seemed a good idea at the time.

Probably not on topic but a friend of mine travelled to Rhodesia years ago post-apartheid, saw a 50-ish year old white woman push past black people waiting in line, when he tried to suggest she wait her turn, she said "oh we're not like those other countries, we know how to treat them, think of them as small children". It makes me sad every time I'm reminded dynasties like this exist.

On a further unrelated topic, I understand Gerard Baden-clay is on his way to general population very soon, if he's not there already (according to a local corrective services officer). Not sure how in-demand G was in business life, but he could be sought-after now. Still enough social media friends to receive an update ... "A big man came to help me in the showers. I'm just a little bit hurt.". He might regret the day he encouraged others to poke him on Facebook.
What worries me is that we all think he did it. I see a few 'allegedly' comments there. Shouldn't there be more of those?

Is there anyone here who's willing to suspend belief to accept that possibly he didn't do it? Perhaps it was all an accident and he's made it 1000 times worse with his actions...

Sure with what's been released, it makes him look guilty. Guilty as heck. But let's entertain the notion that Australia has the presumption of innocence first and foremost. And who's releasing the info? Police, media etc.

I worry that this discussion is all trial by media and we're part of his 'getting off'. If Gordon Wood can be found innocent of murdering Caroline Byrne, then anyone can.
What worries me is that we all think he did it. I see a few 'allegedly' comments there. Shouldn't there be more of those?

Is there anyone here who's willing to suspend belief to accept that possibly he didn't do it? Perhaps it was all an accident and he's made it 1000 times worse with his actions...

Sure with what's been released, it makes him look guilty. Guilty as heck. But let's entertain the notion that Australia has the presumption of innocence first and foremost. And who's releasing the info? Police, media etc.

I worry that this discussion is all trial by media and we're part of his 'getting off'. If Gordon Wood can be found innocent of murdering Caroline Byrne, then anyone can.

People who know me consider me a very fair minded person and I really try to be. Innocent until proven guilty ... yes, and believe me, I have tried to come up with other explanations for ABC's death ... but I can't. Until the Bail Hearing, I did not want to entertain the thought that this murder was premeditated and only thought of it being accidental after a bad argument, but with the info that was revealed after his arrest, I just find it almost impossible to think that a) someone else is responsible and b) that no thought of killing her had ever crossed his mind. All my opinion.
Perhaps the strange thing seen at the roundabout was NBC trying to get WiFi? Maybe he was running around the roundabout searching for it - phone up in the air, tripping over etc.

What worries me is that we all think he did it. I see a few 'allegedly' comments there. Shouldn't there be more of those?

Is there anyone here who's willing to suspend belief to accept that possibly he didn't do it? Perhaps it was all an accident and he's made it 1000 times worse with his actions...

Sure with what's been released, it makes him look guilty. Guilty as heck. But let's entertain the notion that Australia has the presumption of innocence first and foremost. And who's releasing the info? Police, media etc.

I worry that this discussion is all trial by media and we're part of his 'getting off'. If Gordon Wood can be found innocent of murdering Caroline Byrne, then anyone can.

The discussion here doesn't constitute trial by media as we are all members of society expressing our own opinions. We're still entitled to these.

However, the constant interest in the case in local papers and the way articles are portrayed could be argued to be prejudicial to a fair trial ... Maybe?... Or at least claimed by his defence to be ... Given there is not an ounce of supportive mention of Gerard Baden-Clay. The photos of him are usually the most aggressive and strong looking poses, versus Allison's looking helpless and smaller nearby. There's enough veiled references to his apparent true nature (in itself enough to make any decent person dislike him) that he can't possibly gain any impartial support from the local public.

Oops sorry....IMO
The discussion here doesn't constitute trial by media as we are all members of society expressing our own opinions. We're still entitled to these.

However, the constant interest in the case in local papers and the way articles are portrayed could be argued to be prejudicial to a fair trial ... Maybe?... Or at least claimed by his defence to be ... Given there is not an ounce of supportive mention of Gerard Baden-Clay. The photos of him are usually the most aggressive and strong looking poses, versus Allison's looking helpless and smaller nearby. There's enough veiled references to his apparent true nature (in itself enough to make any decent person dislike him) that he can't possibly gain any impartial support from the local public.

Oops sorry....IMO

But how can the media portray him in any favourable light, when no-one from his camp is talking? To my knowledge, no-one has come out publicly to paint a different picture of him, no-one has granted interviews to the media, etc. IMO.
But how can the media portray him in any favourable light, when no-one from his camp is talking? To my knowledge, no-one has come out publicly to paint a different picture of him, no-one has granted interviews to the media, etc. IMO.

This is the key, he has absolute no one pumping for him.

The man has become a social leper
But how can the media portray him in any favourable light, when no-one from his camp is talking? To my knowledge, no-one has come out publicly to paint a different picture of him, no-one has granted interviews to the media, etc. IMO.

There were these "charmers"..whoever they are, they obviously had blinkers on...

April 27, 2012 12:00AM

Friends yesterday described the 41-year-old real estate principal as a "mess" who believed his wife's disappearance was linked to depression.

They said he was a "gentle" man who believed his wife would eventually return home.
I thought the same thing!

Considering "Mr Baden-Clay built his career from the ground up - starting as a junior accountant at KPMG and working his way to the role of principal at Century 21 Westside." one would think he would have a better handle on finances and investment. Makes one wonder why he would need a financial adviser too.

Hey now, I think that is a bit unfair. Everyone in business needs a financial advisor. He's been in real estate for the last decade right? So he is out of the loop on business related financials, and therefore it's a good idea to have a financial advisor who is on top of every law that relates to business. JMO.
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