NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#30

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Ummmmmmmm with respect UT, from the movie "The Castle" (IMO) ya dreamin'. :floorlaugh:

That old fart wouldn't know and we know there is no wifi available at the bustop from any govt site close....back to sleuthing why they are silent no excuses saying he is clever enough.....IMO lol.

He apparently was seen there at a very odd time, all buses finished running for ages and the witness gave QPS the IMO he had already had the call and they drove there, and he waited to be picked up easily without a phone.

I reckon sister and/or mum continued to house to mind kids and tidy up....JMO.

Who is 'the old fart'.....????

Me again with another question. Is there such a thing as linguistic forensics where the prosecution can examine different elements of a text message .... words used in full, sentiment conveyed, used of grammar etc. assuming that they might be able to obtain evidence of other texts sent by an alleged perp. if not previous texts to ABC?

If I "received" texts of the type/content that were sent from GBC phone at 6.20 and 6.41 from my partner, I would know with absolute certainty that they were not sent from my partner. Too well constructed (all grammatically correct), too contrived. I'm constantly accused of being a pedant, but I always take the easy way out when it comes to sending a txt (sic) message.
Is there anybody out there (perhaps Dr Watson) who can say if information contained in notes regarding Allison's files of health professionals (GP's), allied health professionals (e.g. counsellors) can be revealed to the prosecution ... or does doctor/patient privacy go to the grave? Asking this because I read on another site a rumour that ABC attended a counselling session 3 weeks' prior to disappearance. The session was intended as a joint one, but GBC didn't front, and the rumour goes that ABC got distressed, cried and conveyed different ways that she was being abused by GBC. I know that my own health professionals and allied health professionals could join up a lot of dots if my life came under scrutiny.
These files can be supoenaed by the Prosecution along with the Health Professional. IMO.
Me again with another question. Is there such a thing as linguistic forensics where the prosecution can examine different elements of a text message .... words used in full, sentiment conveyed, used of grammar etc. assuming that they might be able to obtain evidence of other texts sent by an alleged perp. if not previous texts to ABC?

If I "received" texts of the type/content that were sent from GBC phone at 6.20 and 6.41 from my partner, I would know with absolute certainty that they were not sent from my partner. Too well constructed (all grammatically correct), too contrived. I'm constantly accused of being a pedant, but I always take the easy way out when it comes to sending a txt (sic) message.

Yes forensic authorship analysis.
Apparently any religion or political discussion is forbidden within a Masonic Lodge.

Yep...all,,I dont remember any animosity re:Catholic's just that they had to be open and honest at Confession and it went against the secrecy of the Free Masons.....but nothing nasty...just a fond ribbing with each other when they met; friends and work colleagues xxxxxx
I did not enter 41 Brookfield Road Brookfield. I entered Churches of Christ Brookfield road Kenmore and it still took me to the produce.

I also put in 41 Brookfield Road Kenmore, and it still took me to near the corner of Brookfield and Rafting ground road- near the produce.

That's weird..!

Maybe your Google Maps and my Google Maps are having a cyberbattle... ? ;)

Anyway - it's no big deal. We all know now that the head office of the Churches of Christ are at 41 Brookfield Rd, Kenmore, which is just down the road from the Kenmore Mail Centre. Maybe they buy a lot of hay from the Produce? ;) Or tropical fish? Just kidding :floorlaugh:

I wonder if the Churches of Christ complex there has WiFi?....

Actually, they probably don't - they wouldn't want an invisible force there that actually worked, to compete with... oops, did I say that??? :blushing:
Freemasons - one ex-father in law I had in my 20s was a freemason. He was a nice person, but very domineering with his wife. When he died unexpectedly, it came to light he was in debt up to his ears (more than just the normal mortgage and a bit of credit card debt) and left the widow in deep financial stress. IMO there are all sorts of people in all sorts of organisations, religions, etc.
After clean up!

Thats why the toys would have been placed back into the car to cover up. Have been looking for the media link to where Allison's friend said that Allison was to deliver some things to her on the way home from the conference.

This the one Keentoknow...

"I had texted her that day, the Thursday, and she texted me back that night saying she'd drop around on her way home from this conference .

"She arranged to drop some stuff off for me on the way home. So it was all a bit of a shock
This is the sort of thing I was referring to:

And somnambulism - drug-related or otherwise - has been accepted as a defence against murder - see:

==== START QUOTE ====
These days, homicidal somnambulism is a recognised phenomenon, so much so that some courts consider it a legitimate defence for murder. Last year, prosecutors in England dropped a murder case against then 59-year-old father-of-two Brian Thomas, who killed his wife in his sleep while the couple were on a campervan holiday in Wales. Believing their van had been broken into, Thomas attacked and strangled his wife before making a desperate call to emergency services.

But the most famous case of homicidal somnambulism involved a Toronto man, Kenneth Parks. In the early hours of May 23, 1987, Parks got up in his sleep, drove 23 kilometres to his in-laws' home, broke in, assaulted his father-in-law and stabbed his mother-in-law to death. He then drove himself to a police station, where he told officers: ''I think I have killed some people with my bare hands.'' Following testimony from sleep specialists,H a jury acquitted Parks, deciding that he was indeed sleepwalking and thus not responsible for his actions.

But the Parks case remains a line in the sand for some sleep specialists.

==== END QUOTE ====

And it is that last bit that indicates the camp that I tend to fall into. I stress that I am NOT a specialist in any of the psychiatric specialties, I am not a sleep specialist, and I have had no personal experience of Stillnox side effects... ;) So my comments should taken with the disclaimer that they are those of a medical specialist in a different field, but with the inbred cynicism that that implies.

I am in no way suggesting that it WAS somnambulism - just that it is something to keep in mind that the defence may try. Things could get complicated. And if they DO try that one, then I would take that as a sign of desperation. But as i said before - that's just cynical old moi...! :moo:

And here's a link - the "Stillnox defence" is not, it would seem, universally accepted:

Hi everyone have just been catching up. This is a great posts but I think the critical difference is that in both cases mentioned above the person committing the offence was horrified and went and turned themselves in. What an awful thing to happen if it indeed did.

GBC did not do this he maintained he was a sound sleeper and slept from 10 pm to 6 am and woke up and found her missing. He cannot have it both ways. Either he is not a sound sleeper and therefore may have needed to see a doctor for a sleeping tablet, or he is and he didn't have one. I have no idea how he slept with that much money owing but that is another story that he didn't use.

Is there anybody out there (perhaps Dr Watson) who can say if information contained in notes regarding Allison's files of health professionals (GP's), allied health professionals (e.g. counsellors) can be revealed to the prosecution ... or does doctor/patient privacy go to the grave?

The files can be obtained with a subpoena from the court. But it's a bit like a journalist with his informant - the subpoena can be refused, but with the downside of spending some jail time for contempt of court. However, I have known of a couple of doctors who HAVE refused to surrender medical records, one of which was because there was stuff in there that related to issues of which the family knew nothing and the patient had not wanted the family to know - ever. That sort of situation really puts the doctor in a very tricky position. The one I referred to was sorted out in the judge's chambers privately.

Most doctors would surrender medical records under a subpoena, especially if the patient was deceased.

The AMA had a long legal battle several years ago and actually won, I seem to recall, in establishing that the doctor's NOTES (not the other records, like test results) actually belong to the doctor, and NOT to the patient. But most of us play the game - sometimes we object, sometimes we ask to submit selective notes and retain those that are not relevant to the case, and sometimes we just give 'em the lot if the pressure is put on. Especially if we have known the patient well.

I have to admit that I find it quite galling sometimes that the courts somehow seem to consider that their time and their rights overrule those of everybody else. But that's a whole other story. Don't get me started on the number of times I've sat in witness rooms wasting days on end, and then either been called for something trivial, or not called at all, then paid the pitiful witness money and sometimes the taxi fare back to the hospital. Sometimes the attitudes of the courts result in a fair bit of friction between the legal and medical professions. Even those supposedly working on the same side of a case :twocents:

Most of the time, however, cooperation wins the day.
That's weird..!

Maybe your Google Maps and my Google Maps are having a cyberbattle... ? ;)

Anyway - it's no big deal. We all know now that the head office of the Churches of Christ are at 41 Brookfield Rd, Kenmore, which is just down the road from the Kenmore Mail Centre. Maybe they buy a lot of hay from the Produce? ;) Or tropical fish? Just kidding :floorlaugh:

I wonder if the Churches of Christ complex there has WiFi?....

Actually, they probably don't - they wouldn't want an invisible force there that actually worked, to compete with... oops, did I say that??? :blushing:

Yep, no big drama.. Just caused some confusion. I appreciate you set us I was looking at it from the rafting ground road corner.. and looking at the produce, thinking that certainly ain't Church of Christ..
Freemasons - one ex-father in law I had in my 20s was a freemason. He was a nice person, but very domineering with his wife. When he died unexpectedly, it came to light he was in debt up to his ears (more than just the normal mortgage and a bit of credit card debt) and left the widow in deep financial stress. IMO there are all sorts of people in all sorts of organisations, religions, etc.

Agreed. Don't think you can generalize one way or the other. It takes all types in all walks of life.
I wonder how it's actually going with the girls at the Dickies?? I mean, what if they say "We don't think Daddy would do that." etc etc... and what if they think it's all lies... how do the Dickie's deal with that? Just wondering... it has to be a very hard situation.

I believe the Dickies ,would remain very diplomatic,with the girls being their major concern,and only ever taking the higher moral ground ,as hard as that would be for them.
The thing that I lose sleep over is ,maybe the girls really knowwhat happened,on that fatefull night,and because it is there Dad in question,who they no dout love,are bottling things in ,for fear of also lossing their Dad.
I'm not sure if I have this right ,but didn't Gerad make a comment to the girls on the Friday morning,that was a little strange.
Sorry I'm waffling....Ireally don't know how The Dickies would be coping,I have asked myself the same qustions as you,they obviously have faith, that eventually the truth will prevail.

Well folks it's almost three weeks since GBC's arrest!!!...

Wednesday will be another big footy night in Brisbane...will there be further arrests on this night??
Hi, I'm new here. Not sure why everyone is talking about nbc roaming around looking for wifi connection. If they have smart phones they can have a face to face call using the phone's internet connection from anywhere.
I believe the Dickies ,would remain very diplomatic,with the girls being their major concern,and only ever taking the higher moral ground ,as hard as that would be for them.
The thing that I lose sleep over is ,maybe the girls really knowwhat happened,on that fatefull night,and because it is there Dad in question,who they no dout love,are bottling things in ,for fear of also lossing their Dad.
I'm not sure if I have this right ,but didn't Gerad make a comment to the girls on the Friday morning,that was a little strange.
Sorry I'm waffling....Ireally don't know how The Dickies would be coping,I have asked myself the same qustions as you,they obviously have faith, that eventually the truth will prevail.


I would like to see more research done so that children in this situation can be better helped. Children do tend to bottle things up and the signs of grief and not coping are harder to detect and are very different from adults signs of distress.
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