NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#30

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If GBC dressed Allison lets hope she had joggers with laces because that will show the bows tied the wrong way round.

Really? They can tell from the bows what way they were tied? GBC also could have also tied them the right way round sitting next to the body and tying them so its probably 6 of that and half dozen of the other in my way of thinking. And you probably wouldn't fit shoes like the shop attendants do you would probably have to be beside to the body to get leverage. All hearsay and like you say MM she probably had slip ons that had no laces.
If GBC dressed Allison lets hope she had joggers with laces because that will show the bows tied the wrong way round.

:goodpost::goodpost: Excellent point Mountain Mist!

If they are lace ups I wonder if they have examined the way GBC ties his own laces. All these little subtle things add up.
JD - clearly I have offended you. Sorry that you feel that way.

I think what I was trying to get across here, is that there are so many things that just do not add up. It was odd that he was able to provide a very good description of her clothing. Did Allison change into those clothes or did he change them? I just took that thought one step further and proposed the concept that he might know absolutely every item of clothing Allison was wearing because he chose her outfit. It was in no way meant in any way to be demeaning towards Allison.

Also with discussions about possible body parts missing - if he did murder Allison and dispose of her body would the recovery of her engagement ring be on his mind in case the body wasn't found?

Black humour always divides groups. Allison's death is no laughing matter, GBC's behaviour however has been unusual from Day 1 - I don't think many will argue to the contrary on that point.

And... re the engagement ring. GBC may have removed it - he was in need of the readies as we know - convert the gold and diamonds into cash.
This is the photo Makara posted some time back...

View attachment 24214

To add to that, Bayside posted this image and her interpretation of how Allison was found. I'm sorry if anyone is offended by this image but I personally cannot see how a plastic bag would be discerned in either of these pics.

That photo tends to confirm my thoughts stated previously, that she "hung up" there on the high tide after all that rainfall, and that she came from further up stream.

She's right on that high water mark, where the scouring of the bank finishes - that bank being on the outside of the curve. The creek comes from the top left of the picture around a bend that's almost 90 degrees, and empties into the Brisbane River which is only a few metres from the bottom of the picture.

My feeling is that she ended up where she was found, but wasn't put right there. In which case - the intent would seem to have been to hide the body rather than have it found for insurance purposes. I imagine the perpetrator would not have counted on the amazing amount of rain we had that weekend, with all local creeks in full flood.

Just to reinforce that point - if GBC did in fact do it, and if it was done for the insurance money - why wouldn't he have put the body somewhere where he knew that it WOULD be found? In other words, somewhere in the search area - there's plenty of bush around here! The fact that the body was found almost by a fluke, by a kayaker poking his craft's nose up Kholo Creek from the main river, and 14Km away from the search area, would seem to suggest that he DIDN'T want the body found.....

Thanks for your observation and explaining it Dr.

Now tell us what you see the body of Allisons' doing...can you make out which is leg or arm or anything?

And what could the police 'view clearly ' to see COD soon
That photo tends to confirm my thoughts stated previously, that she "hung up" there on the high tide after all that rainfall, and that she came from further up stream.

She's right on that high water mark, where the scouring of the bank finishes - that bank being on the outside of the curve. The creek comes from the top left of the picture around a bend that's almost 90 degrees, and empties into the Brisbane River which is only a few metres from the bottom of the picture.

My feeling is that she ended up where she was found, but wasn't put right there. In which case - the intent would seem to have been to hide the body rather than have it found for insurance purposes. I imagine the perpetrator would not have counted on the amazing amount of rain we had that weekend, with all local creeks in full flood.

Just to reinforce that point - if GBC did in fact do it, and if it was done for the insurance money - why wouldn't he have put the body somewhere where he knew that it WOULD be found? In other words, somewhere in the search area - there's plenty of bush around here! The fact that the body was found almost by a fluke, by a kayaker poking his craft's nose up Kholo Creek from the main river, and 14Km away from the search area, would seem to suggest that he DIDN'T want the body found.....

I believe Allison was left where she was found. It seems strange that her body manouevred around a flowing creek containing branches, debris, etc, and ended up right under that bridge, where there appears not a lot for her body to 'catch' on. I also believe that IF GBC was involved in any way, AND he wanted her body found (these are all IF's), then if I was him, I would have assumed that her body would have been found under the bridge quite quickly. Allison was not exactly hidden under that bridge - I believe the only reason she wasn't found sooner was that area was not the target search area. IMO of course!
And... re the engagement ring. GBC may have removed it - he was in need of the readies as we know - convert the gold and diamonds into cash.

If Allison's ring included a family heirloom diamond - GBC (and other family members) would not have wanted that to be lost. JMO
JD - I know my sense of humour can be rather "black" at times" . Sorry to anyone who feels offended.

Maybe I should add a disclaimer that my last three posts were purely fictional any resemblance to anyone, living or dead is purely coincidental. The place, time and incidents are purely fictional.

MD, it has been mentioned that Alison had a lovely sense of humour, personally I think she would be giggling away to herself if she could see what you have come up with. Humour is sometimes the way people deal with things when the going is tough, it is a form of bravery and I'm sure your taking the time to write this is your way of showing you do care.
Really? They can tell from the bows what way they were tied? GBC also could have also tied them the right way round sitting next to the body and tying them so its probably 6 of that and half dozen of the other in my way of thinking. And you probably wouldn't fit shoes like the shop attendants do you would probably have to be beside to the body to get leverage. All hearsay and like you say MM she probably had slip ons that had no laces.

This is why forensic science impresses me so much...the things they can find from what appears to be nothing is unbelievable IMO

even if GBC tied them the right way around, as in beside her body, he can't quite get directly in front of the legs to do it as you would your own, so they would be tied a bit to the outer on each shoe,MOO.... I doubt he had the foresight to do this

IMO, if he tied them like you would tie your childs shoes (in front of her feet), the bow would be 'backwards' I have heard of a few solved murders where the killer did exactly this.

this is a story I posted earlier about a woman who killed her husband so she wouldnt have to pay alimony:

One night, he goes for his usual JOG, she reports him missing later that evening and when police arrive, she has the washing machine going!!! they immediately suspect, have a look around,and notice a clean up job in the bedroom.
He is found on that night, in afield 3km from house, raining at the time yet his shoes are perfectly clean and the laces are tied together right on the side of his shoes as though someone else tied them up. A piece of his scalp with hair on it is found INSIDE his shirt. It turns out he was dressed after murdered to make it look like it happened while he was out jogging that night
If Allison's ring included a family heirloom diamond - GBC (and other family members) would not have wanted that to be lost. JMO

I've been trying to read each post... so she wasn't wearing the engagement ring when she was found? If not, did she USUALLY wear it? If so, this would be odd.

Again, sorry I know this has probably already been said, but in amongst all the kids/people at my house today I can barely get near a computer, let alone read. lol
MD, it has been mentioned that Alison had a lovely sense of humour, personally I think she would be giggling away to herself if she could see what you have come up with. Humour is sometimes the way people deal with things when the going is tough, it is a form of bravery and I'm sure your taking the time to write this is your way of showing you do care.

Thanks Dodo. Yes you are right I really do care so much about Allison and when I think about what happened to her it really affects me at times.

When people come out of the other side of an unhappy relationship, it is really great when they reach that point where they can start to genuinely laugh and joke about their ex's short-comings and idiosyncrasies. Sadly Allison will never be able to do this. I hoped people might understand my posts were designed to do some of that on her behalf - through a fictional dialogue a narcissistic GBC might have had with the police investigators. Concerned only about himself, his needs, his reputation, his self-importance and his greed.

I am pleased my posts made a few people giggle at least !
If Allison's ring included a family heirloom diamond - GBC (and other family members) would not have wanted that to be lost. JMO

If she was in possession of a family heirloom, then I am just plain amazed he didn't 'take it back' earlier on, and surprised that THAT priceless, precious item didn't 'accidentally go missing', within days of verifying the insurance policy on it. Unfortunately, he chose a more priceless more precious item to make his insurance claim on.

I will never get my head around what he has matter how long this thread goes for :(
Is it just me, or have you all managed to fill up 1000+ posts in this thread?
Ladies and Gentlemen... Keyboredom........ telling it as she see's it!! :takeabow:

Keyboredom is a SHE??!! :what: Gawd, I'm hopeless......have to adjust 'gaydar'....but 'he/shedar'.

Irrelevant to the forum, sorry, but I am a dude. If I was female and in the western suburbs I might be at risk of being approached romantically by you-know-who. I do like a nice wine spritzer though, if I'm feeling a little bit hurt ;)
Well said kb.

Kb, was it you who heard the local rumour that two 4wds were seen parked at the Anstead shops?.

I think I was one of them. Was told by a local their friend saw a white 4wd and a small blue car parked up very close behind it (so close they thought they'd collided so slowed down to look). It was a very brief second hand mention, and the cars were in a different order to that reported later, and no mention the blue car was a 4wd. It was mentioned to me a while before the reports came out in the paper so presumably it's reliable in some way. The person definitely reported it to police anyway.

Sorry, just realised someone already found one of the previous posts (thanks ;)) ... I think I also posted a few threads before that but didn't mention the colour of the second(blue) car in case it was inaccurate and incorrectly implicated someone. I mentioned blue once MSM did considering it seemed well known by then :)
Irrelevant to the forum, sorry, but I am a dude. If I was female and in the western suburbs I might be at risk of being approached romantically by you-know-who. I do like a nice wine spritzer though, if I'm feeling a little bit hurt ;)

Well, I hope you're not having a spritzer right now, because that would indicate I had made you feel 'a little bit hurt', and then I would feel 'a little bit sad'
subconsciously, I KNEW has been a topic of conversation before, but for some reason, I got the 'yips' and overthought your gender...hahahhaha what a strange sentence I just typed!!

anyway, dude, I love love love your posts, and the way you say it as you see it.....:rocker:
Can I just say I don't really like spritzers ;) what about those Broncos :)

Just re Dr Watson's post, suggesting Allison's body was washed to he place she was discovered ... Completely agree ... I think I mentioned in an older thread, very early in the piece police interviewing someone at length said they suspected 2 people involved, and that Allison's body was dumped near the scout grounds, extensive searches were done of that area and not reported on in any detail. I know lots of people are claiming the way her body was position shows she may have been thrown etc., but I think there will be more to come re.the place she was disposed of, the effect of flood water, and how they came to the conclusion more than one person was involved.

To my knowledge this was well before any reports of 2 vehicles, although that information could have already been given to police... However the conversation/interview i'm referring to happened within a day of Allison being found, and I assume the reports of cars came after the Kholo Bridge location was publicised.

IMO etc ...
That photo tends to confirm my thoughts stated previously, that she "hung up" there on the high tide after all that rainfall, and that she came from further up stream.

She's right on that high water mark, where the scouring of the bank finishes - that bank being on the outside of the curve. The creek comes from the top left of the picture around a bend that's almost 90 degrees, and empties into the Brisbane River which is only a few metres from the bottom of the picture.

My feeling is that she ended up where she was found, but wasn't put right there. In which case - the intent would seem to have been to hide the body rather than have it found for insurance purposes. I imagine the perpetrator would not have counted on the amazing amount of rain we had that weekend, with all local creeks in full flood.

Just to reinforce that point - if GBC did in fact do it, and if it was done for the insurance money - why wouldn't he have put the body somewhere where he knew that it WOULD be found? In other words, somewhere in the search area - there's plenty of bush around here! The fact that the body was found almost by a fluke, by a kayaker poking his craft's nose up Kholo Creek from the main river, and 14Km away from the search area, would seem to suggest that he DIDN'T want the body found.....

Sorry Doc, but I disagree. The creek is regularly used for canoeing coming from further upstream (from info I read some time ago, incl. guidelines to some small rapids after rain, etc). IMO she was placed under the bridge where she was found, so that her body would be found, but not after some time and after some decomposition had taken place. Also, it appears there was no intention of covering or burying the body. IMO there is a financial reason attached to this crime and insurance claim was part of the perp's motive. All just my speculation, of course.
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