"no red flags"

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Oct 4, 2004
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Just sitting here picking apart the latest spin by the A's.
So I decided to search "red flag" because I KNOW that Cindy has mentioned that phrase in the last 9 months.

Here is what I have found in the first search of the keywords...I would be curious as to what we could sleuth in this latest presentation of "mistruths' from the A's


Anthony: Well, what happened was, to set the background right, she had told me that she had been in Jacksonville for the last week and a half. We had gotten a notice in the mail that we had a registered letter. We found the registered letter a few days before, but it was the weekend, so we had to go down and get it. When we got it, my husband found out it was from a tow truck or a towing company.
When we actually went down and found out that the car that she, you know, uses was not in Jacksonville. It was in Orlando and (when) we found out the date, that was a huge red flag.
I started calling her friends and I found one friend that had just seen her a few hours prior, and she took me to where Casey was at. When I got there, there was no Caylee so I started to feel like, "What's going on?" She had told me that she was at the sitter's, so we took her friend home. Her friend and her, and I drove around for a while. It was later in the evening, about 7, 7:30. That's typically when we start getting Caylee down for a nap and Casey's response was that Caylee was probably already getting ready for bed and didn't want to disrupt her.
But being the selfish grandma that I am, I wanted to see my granddaughter. So we drove around a bit, and I tried to convince her to take me to her. I just started getting an eerie feeling that something wasn't right in Casey's voice. I know my daughter pretty well.

Just sitting here picking apart the latest spin by the A's.
So I decided to search "red flag" because I KNOW that Cindy has mentioned that phrase in the last 9 months.

Here is what I have found in the first search of the keywords...I would be curious as to what we could sleuth in this latest presentation of "mistruths' from the A's


Anthony: Well, what happened was, to set the background right, she had told me that she had been in Jacksonville for the last week and a half. We had gotten a notice in the mail that we had a registered letter. We found the registered letter a few days before, but it was the weekend, so we had to go down and get it. When we got it, my husband found out it was from a tow truck or a towing company.
When we actually went down and found out that the car that she, you know, uses was not in Jacksonville. It was in Orlando and (when) we found out the date, that was a huge red flag.
I started calling her friends and I found one friend that had just seen her a few hours prior, and she took me to where Casey was at. When I got there, there was no Caylee so I started to feel like, "What's going on?" She had told me that she was at the sitter's, so we took her friend home. Her friend and her, and I drove around for a while. It was later in the evening, about 7, 7:30. That's typically when we start getting Caylee down for a nap and Casey's response was that Caylee was probably already getting ready for bed and didn't want to disrupt her.But being the selfish grandma that I am, I wanted to see my granddaughter. So we drove around a bit, and I tried to convince her to take me to her. I just started getting an eerie feeling that something wasn't right in Casey's voice. I know my daughter pretty well.


Is it just me, or is it odd that you would put a child down for a nap in the evening around 7 or 7:30? :waitasec:
Is it just me, or is it odd that you would put a child down for a nap in the evening around 7 or 7:30? :waitasec:
Not if you were going to run out of the house to go party. IIRC the A household was settling down at about that time to watch favorite programs and readying for bed because Cindy had to get up early to get to her job that typically began at 7 to 8 AM.
But Casey was in the habit of having floating hours (fabricated of course) and frequently stayed at the "nanny's" so I would imagine that poor Caylee's patterns for play and rest were seriously compromised.
No red flags huh Cindy?
Let's see.
Red flag No. 1-You KNEW that Casey had no job and no money. How did you think she was buying diapers and food for Caylee being as it had been YOU who had bought those things for her since her birth?

Red flag No. 2-NONE of Caylee's clothing or toys were missing from the home. This alone should have been a huge red flag to you. Do you seriously expect the world to believe that you actually thought someone else had bought Caylee an entire new wardrobe and all of her needs for an entire month? Someone you had never even met...Yeah right!

Red flag No. 3-You never spoke with Caylee the entire time. You had been with this kid each and every day of her life and yet, when you were unable to speak with her at all for 31 days that was no red flag to you?

Red flag No. 4-Casey's outrageous and unlikely stories about WHY you could not speak with Caylee. You seriously want us to believe that you bought into those stories? You are seriously naive if that is the case.

Red flag No. 5-The babysitter whom you had never met, spoken to nor seen at all was the one who was presumably buying all of Caylee's needs...and you bought that? Why?

Red flag No.6-George SAW Casey on the 24th of June. She was at the house stealing from you, and yet, this was no red flag indicating that she was not where she said she was and that Caylee was not with her?

Red flag No. 7-SOMETHING made you send out Lee on July 2nd to hunt her down Cindy. If not a red flag then what was it that made you alert to finding her then? Did you or George smell something either in the garage or in the house or in the back yard and THAT is what made you send out the troops? How DID Casey "package" your granddaughter right there in your garage without you all ever smelling anything again? I am still a little fuzzy on that one.

There was nothing BUT red flags Cindy...and you know it as well as the rest of us.
What about the red flags at the site where little Caylee was found, the very site where KC used to bury dead animals (and show them much more respect than she did Caylee). What about the red flags that marked where her little bones were found scattered in the woods. Guess those red flags were all hidden by the BIG RED TRUCK that had already run her over.
Actual red flag usage by Cindy is numerous. It's one of those things I'll never be able to say or hear again without thinking of the Anthony's like "absolutely, from day 1, and mistruths."

Here's an actual "red flag" used in Cindy's recent deposition at Morgan&Morgan, talking about the time period between June 16 and July 15:

Q Do you believe that she was fabricating the
story during that time period because her motivation was
not to let you know that she was staying with a guy -- at
some guy's house?
A No, I think she fabricated the stories because
she didn't have Caylee with her and she knew if she came
home without Caylee, there would be a red flag.
Q And that red flag would mean that something
was probably wrong?
A Something happened, right.
Is it just me, or is it odd that you would put a child down for a nap in the evening around 7 or 7:30? :waitasec:

I thought the very same thing ........... if nap time is 7pm then when the heck is bed time?
No red flags huh Cindy?
Let's see.
Red flag No. 1-You KNEW that Casey had no job and no money. How did you think she was buying diapers and food for Caylee being as it had been YOU who had bought those things for her since her birth?

Red flag No. 2-NONE of Caylee's clothing or toys were missing from the home. This alone should have been a huge red flag to you. Do you seriously expect the world to believe that you actually thought someone else had bought Caylee an entire new wardrobe and all of her needs for an entire month? Someone you had never even met...Yeah right!

Red flag No. 3-You never spoke with Caylee the entire time. You had been with this kid each and every day of her life and yet, when you were unable to speak with her at all for 31 days that was no red flag to you?

Red flag No. 4-Casey's outrageous and unlikely stories about WHY you could not speak with Caylee. You seriously want us to believe that you bought into those stories? You are seriously naive if that is the case.

Red flag No. 5-The babysitter whom you had never met, spoken to nor seen at all was the one who was presumably buying all of Caylee's needs...and you bought that? Why?

Red flag No.6-George SAW Casey on the 24th of June. She was at the house stealing from you, and yet, this was no red flag indicating that she was not where she said she was and that Caylee was not with her?

Red flag No. 7-SOMETHING made you send out Lee on July 2nd to hunt her down Cindy. If not a red flag then what was it that made you alert to finding her then? Did you or George smell something either in the garage or in the house or in the back yard and THAT is what made you send out the troops? How DID Casey "package" your granddaughter right there in your garage without you all ever smelling anything again? I am still a little fuzzy on that one.

There was nothing BUT red flags Cindy...and you know it as well as the rest of us.


No red flags???
Riiiiiiiiight ..
No red flags huh Cindy?
Let's see.
Red flag No. 1-You KNEW that Casey had no job and no money. How did you think she was buying diapers and food for Caylee being as it had been YOU who had bought those things for her since her birth?

Red flag No. 2-NONE of Caylee's clothing or toys were missing from the home. This alone should have been a huge red flag to you. Do you seriously expect the world to believe that you actually thought someone else had bought Caylee an entire new wardrobe and all of her needs for an entire month? Someone you had never even met...Yeah right!

Red flag No. 3-You never spoke with Caylee the entire time. You had been with this kid each and every day of her life and yet, when you were unable to speak with her at all for 31 days that was no red flag to you?

Red flag No. 4-Casey's outrageous and unlikely stories about WHY you could not speak with Caylee. You seriously want us to believe that you bought into those stories? You are seriously naive if that is the case.

Red flag No. 5-The babysitter whom you had never met, spoken to nor seen at all was the one who was presumably buying all of Caylee's needs...and you bought that? Why?

Red flag No.6-George SAW Casey on the 24th of June. She was at the house stealing from you, and yet, this was no red flag indicating that she was not where she said she was and that Caylee was not with her?

Red flag No. 7-SOMETHING made you send out Lee on July 2nd to hunt her down Cindy. If not a red flag then what was it that made you alert to finding her then? Did you or George smell something either in the garage or in the house or in the back yard and THAT is what made you send out the troops? How DID Casey "package" your granddaughter right there in your garage without you all ever smelling anything again? I am still a little fuzzy on that one.

There was nothing BUT red flags Cindy...and you know it as well as the rest of us.

Regarding Red Flag No 4. So she gets all these bizarre stories about Caylee being at the nanny's all the time, you can't talk to her now. And CA says that she has all these addresses and phone numbers for Zanny the Nanny at home. Why not use them? If she thought KC was keeping Caylee from her, I would think a forward and domineering woman like CA would stomp over to the nanny's home for a visit with her grandchild. She certainly seems the type. She eventually tracked down KC, she sent LA out to find her as well, so why not call or visit this nanny?

I know, I know, because there was no nanny. Just pointing out how she screws up every time she opens her mouth. The more CA talks, the less sense she makes.
Is it just me, or is it odd that you would put a child down for a nap in the evening around 7 or 7:30? :waitasec:

Dirt nap comes to mind.
Cindy is in complete denial. She is a walking red flag :(
Is it just me, or is it odd that you would put a child down for a nap in the evening around 7 or 7:30? :waitasec:

Right so Caylee would then be ready for late night happy hour...:behindbar
Her use of the phrase "red flag" drives me nuts. She says something was a "red flag" instead of admitting that something occured that would confirm the evidence that KC murdered little Caylee.

She is her way of trying spinning potentially damaging information that she had access to into a seemingly innoculous little situations that really meant nothing. It is such a dismissive way of admitting (or not admitting as the case may be) that there was something terribly wrong and it irritates the HELL out of me!

I dont think I am explaining myself well here :(

I give an example. The smell of a "dead body in the damn car" was just a little "red flag" to CA.

To anyone else it is hardcore proof that there was something DEAD the CAR - the very same car that was last place Caylee was ever known to be! (as admitted by GA when he said that KC and Caylee left in that car to go to KC's "work")

CA says that she has all these addresses and phone numbers for Zanny the Nanny at home. Why not use them? If she thought KC was keeping Caylee from her, I would think a forward and domineering woman like CA would stomp over to the nanny's home for a visit with her grandchild. She certainly seems the type. She eventually tracked down KC, she sent LA out to find her as well, so why not call or visit this nanny?


ITA, As soon as I heard her say that in the depos that was one of my first thoughts. She was soooooo worried about Caylee on the 3rd of July. (we know that from her myspace posting). She couldn't see Caylee because according to KC she was with the nanny that week... KC always had off excuses, if there was a nanny, and CA really did have her numbers you better believe that CA would of called.
She called AH and went and picked her up at a mall she was so desperate to find KC to get to Caylee. She wasn't desperate to find KC, she had talked to KC she was desperate to find Caylee. Because IMO, she KNEW something was wrong at that point. There had to be a smell, or a gut feeling. Something.

Her use of the phrase "red flag" drives me nuts. She says something was a "red flag" instead of admitting that something occured that would confirm the evidence that KC murdered little Caylee.

She is her way of trying spinning potentially damaging information that she had access to into a seemingly innoculous little situations that really meant nothing. It is such a dismissive way of admitting (or not admitting as the case may be) that there was something terribly wrong and it irritates the HELL out of me!

I dont think I am explaining myself well here :(

I give an example. The smell of a "dead body in the damn car" was just a little "red flag" to CA.

To anyone else it is hardcore proof that there was something DEAD the CAR - the very same car that was last place Caylee was ever known to be! (as admitted by GA when he said that KC and Caylee left in that car to go to KC's "work")


I completely agree with you and think you explain yourself just fine. Cindy uses the wording "that was a red flag" like in her taped LE session when she was trying to implicate RM and AH or "there was no red flag" like when she just lied on The Early Show about not worrying until July 15. Seems like she uses red flags to emphasize things and at other times de-emphasize things.
Just sitting here picking apart the latest spin by the A's.
So I decided to search "red flag" because I KNOW that Cindy has mentioned that phrase in the last 9 months.

Here is what I have found in the first search of the keywords...I would be curious as to what we could sleuth in this latest presentation of "mistruths' from the A's


Anthony: Well, what happened was, to set the background right, she had told me that she had been in Jacksonville for the last week and a half. We had gotten a notice in the mail that we had a registered letter. We found the registered letter a few days before, but it was the weekend, so we had to go down and get it. When we got it, my husband found out it was from a tow truck or a towing company.
When we actually went down and found out that the car that she, you know, uses was not in Jacksonville. It was in Orlando and (when) we found out the date, that was a huge red flag.
I started calling her friends and I found one friend that had just seen her a few hours prior, and she took me to where Casey was at. When I got there, there was no Caylee so I started to feel like, "What's going on?" She had told me that she was at the sitter's, so we took her friend home. Her friend and her, and I drove around for a while. It was later in the evening, about 7, 7:30. That's typically when we start getting Caylee down for a nap and Casey's response was that Caylee was probably already getting ready for bed and didn't want to disrupt her.
But being the selfish grandma that I am, I wanted to see my granddaughter. So we drove around a bit, and I tried to convince her to take me to her. I just started getting an eerie feeling that something wasn't right in Casey's voice. I know my daughter pretty well.


JustJax, this post is absolutely priceless. A great big pat on the back to you for bringing forth this explaination from Cindy's gum chewing lips!
I love ya!
Her use of the phrase "red flag" drives me nuts. She says something was a "red flag" instead of admitting that something occured that would confirm the evidence that KC murdered little Caylee.

She is her way of trying spinning potentially damaging information that she had access to into a seemingly innoculous little situations that really meant nothing. It is such a dismissive way of admitting (or not admitting as the case may be) that there was something terribly wrong and it irritates the HELL out of me!

I dont think I am explaining myself well here :(

I give an example. The smell of a "dead body in the damn car" was just a little "red flag" to CA.

To anyone else it is hardcore proof that there was something DEAD the CAR - the very same car that was last place Caylee was ever known to be! (as admitted by GA when he said that KC and Caylee left in that car to go to KC's "work")

Yes, you are right on target. I remember all the "red flags" and "clues" from the hours of LE interviews. It was CRAZY and your examples are right on. Now Ricardo sitting there in her house sweating and acting all nervous WAS a red flag, Jesse getting his dates mixed up on when he last heard Caylee was also a HUGE red flag. Oh and the fact that Amy didn't help pass out flyers...another red flag ! But, everything Casey has done, everything is not a red flag because there was ALWAYS an explanation...FOR EVERYTHING !!!!! No cause for alarm with Cindy because there was always a very reasonable explanation from Casey.
Thanks for " ALL these R E D ~ FLAG ~ POSTS !!!!"

cause they are all TRUE !!!

God Bless !

Thanks for keep'n on K E E P'N on SEEKing ~JUSTICE ~ for
Little Angel CAYLEE !!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Since Cindy believed Casey was working all this time, and Cindy was supporting her and Caylee, wouldn't the fact that she stole money from her grandfathers checking acct be a huge red flag?

Jesse mentioned how terrible Cindy talked to her in front of him, belittleing her, even then there had to have been red flags.

If Cindy did believe Caylee was spending all this time with a nanny, wouldn't she have wanted to know certain things, like checking on the area she lives to see if there are any registered sex offenders in the area?
If you heard someone just loved your granddaughter so much that they bought them everything they needed and was always willing to watch them for free, wouldn't you be very suspicous? I would be asking a lot about their intentions, that's not normal!

Geez you all are so hard on Cindy. It's not red flags, it's misstatements and half truths. The red flags are very very LIGHT PINK at best.
My goodness you are all so nit picky. ;) :crazy:

Since Cindy believed Casey was working all this time, and Cindy was supporting her and Caylee, wouldn't the fact that she stole money from her grandfathers checking acct be a huge red flag?

Jesse mentioned how terrible Cindy talked to her in front of him, belittleing her, even then there had to have been red flags.

If Cindy did believe Caylee was spending all this time with a nanny, wouldn't she have wanted to know certain things, like checking on the area she lives to see if there are any registered sex offenders in the area?
If you heard someone just loved your granddaughter so much that they bought them everything they needed and was always willing to watch them for free, wouldn't you be very suspicous? I would be asking a lot about their intentions, that's not normal!


You had me until you used Cindy and Normal in the same post. Now I'm lost. :waitasec:

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