No search on Monday?

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DNA Solves
Question: was it ever officially said, by LE or the FBI, exactly why they wanted him to take the test? All I can ever remember LE saying was that LP knew why they wanted him to take one.
I would never take a polygraph from the FBI. Why would they need one? Has he been charged with a crime? I don't feel they have probable cause, if he thinks something was there and it was not, where is the crime. Why FBI and not the sheriff dept? Is this some federal offense he committed? I think the FBI is showing their muscles and thats all.

Doesn't make sense to me either. Seems backwards.

It does seem that LE were getting some pressure from the A's on LP searching and spin that may raise doubts about any discovery that LP ever made -- since the A's cry foul that stuff was planted.

However, do LE or FBI have grounds to charge LP with something that warrants a poly or were LE just seeking to embarass LP in front of the media and call him into question? Does LE either want LP to go home because they already have what they need or feel he will compromise the case by his approach?

Finally, if LP did find Caylee then how can that be 'planted' if the DNA proves that it is her - WTH? - or it would just be harder because LP found her? If he finds something and it is not Caylee then who cares, if it was planted or not it only impacts LP credibility - if proven.

Dunno. More questions than answers. There seems to be damage control to question any LP find before that isn't needed.
eonard lives in Northern CA - fires are in SO CA.

O/T Yup. LP lives near Sacramento. The fires are NE (Montecito), South (Sylmar) and, SE (Yorba Linda) of where I live. Last year we were surrounded on all sides as close as .25 of a mile away. Gulp!
Anyone want to bet there's a "siting" tomorrow?

I'm curious-what kind of 'sting" do you mean? You know LP can't really win w/the A's and the lie detector. They are insinuating he planted stuff. But, when he passes the lie detector they'll just say something like, "Well those things aren't reliable, that's why we won't take one!" :rolleyes:

I'm curious-what kind of 'sting" do you mean? You know LP can't really win w/the A's and the lie detector. They are insinuating he planted stuff. But, when he passes the lie detector they'll just say something like, "Well those things aren't reliable, that's why we won't take one!" :rolleyes:
It appears (at least with LP's searches) that everytime there is a search, Cindy announces a live siting in a different town. She did it on Monday and she did it on Thursday - Gainesville and Cocoa Beach. Wonder where tomorrow's siting will be.

I'm curious-what kind of 'sting" do you mean? You know LP can't really win w/the A's and the lie detector. They are insinuating he planted stuff. But, when he passes the lie detector they'll just say something like, "Well those things aren't reliable, that's why we won't take one!" :rolleyes:

Gaia, said 'siting' not 'sting' LOL, you must be sleepy like me.

It seems that whenever there is a scheduled search, there is a "Caylee siting' to go along with it!:crazy:
O/T Yup. LP lives near Sacramento. The fires are NE (Montecito), South (Sylmar) and, SE (Yorba Linda) of where I live. Last year we were surrounded on all sides as close as .25 of a mile away. Gulp!

Big prayers for you and your Family..stay safe.
Gaia, said 'siting' not 'sting' LOL, you must be sleepy like me.

It seems that whenever there is a scheduled search, there is a "Caylee siting' to go along with it!:crazy:

OOPS! You're right though-but it's hard to fall asleep- so much stuff to process!:waitasec:
O/T But can anyone tell me how to find the link that shows who visited KC? The only visitor that I know of was the man from the A's church. Not sure of his title though. I'm curious to know if anyone else besides him and her attorney have visitied her.
LP is well respected here in Sacramento. Yeah, some might say he is a little out there. He can't please everyone. I feel that he really does want to find Caylee and he is not used to being pushed around & will push back. I can't imagine that he would plant anything-especially a plastic toy & a gumby or shamrock-whatever it was. The A's have an answer for everything-usually not very well thought out. Why would LP not take a LD test? He has nothing to hide. A better question-why won't Ca & GA take a LD test? What do they have to hide??? HMMMMMMMM.

Me thinks they doth protest too much:)
LP is well respected here in Sacramento. Yeah, some might say he is a little out there. He can't please everyone. I feel that he really does want to find Caylee and he is not used to being pushed around & will push back. I can't imagine that he would plant anything-especially a plastic toy & a gumby or shamrock-whatever it was. The A's have an answer for everything-usually not very well thought out. Why would LP not take a LD test? He has nothing to hide. A better question-why won't Ca & GA take a LD test? What do they have to hide??? HMMMMMMMM.

Me thinks they doth protest too much:)

All the time. What ARE they afraid of? <waving to another CV resident>
You are right about another sighting! Maybe it will be in California!
I have no doubt he'll take and pass the test! I think he realizes they are trying to chase him off, and it's just having the opposite effect. And he certainly didn't make this a circus-it was one long before he came along!
Nobody shakes him up - not CA, not MN, not TM. Well, actually I did see him get alittle shook up at the prayer service at BP. He's just tough on the outside!!:clap:
I have no doubt he'll take and pass the test! I think he realizes they are trying to chase him off, and it's just having the opposite effect. And he certainly didn't make this a circus-it was one long before he came along!
Nobody shakes him up - not CA, not MN, not TM. Well, actually I did see him get alittle shook up at the prayer service at BP. He's just tough on the outside!!:clap:

He also broke down when he thought the divers had found Caylee--it broke my heart to see him like that because I know I had tears thinking it was her

How sad it is that people who never had a chance to interact with this baby show more feelings for her than her own family
I would never take a polygraph from the FBI. Why would they need one? Has he been charged with a crime? I don't feel they have probable cause, if he thinks something was there and it was not, where is the crime. Why FBI and not the sheriff dept? Is this some federal offense he committed? I think the FBI is showing their muscles and thats all.

Here is some insight on why the FBI might be asking for him to take it: in the video below, he points out that he called the FBI first. So, that day, it was him that brought the FBI in... in turn, my guess is that once he put the FBI in play on his search, he came under their scrutiny.
He also broke down when he thought the divers had found Caylee--it broke my heart to see him like that because I know I had tears thinking it was her

How sad it is that people who never had a chance to interact with this baby show more feelings for her than her own family

A big AMEN to that!!!:seeya:
Some people question his motives, including TM, but my opinion is it doesn't matter what his motives are, he's looking. My hat's off to him and all who are. I hope someone finds her.
Has anyone managed to figure out if the search is on for today???

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