No search on Monday?

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There are still team members of TEQ in Florida. Tim doesn't need to be personally present for TEQ to find Caylee.

are they trained team members or just people that paid 25 to join and be a member?
Im not thrilled if this new company who wants to help LP search films the search! (disguisting!) but as far as the money part, LP could dontate any monies collected for that search, to TES or some charity to help with children in Caylees name. Just a thought..
I have to disagree.

Tim participated in the Dateline NBC show about Natalee Holloway and gave the documentary crew access to shoot their search efforts.

It's fascinating to watch the real deal instead of seeing 'recreated' material.

Here's Tim and his searchers from that Dateline episode.

Natalee's FAMILY wanted the media there.
are they trained team members or just people that paid 25 to join and be a member?

There are trained members who are in the area, according to Tim. Whether he is referring to those who took the team leader training or more extensive training, I don't know. He didn't elaborate.

Members of WS are also in the area and have joined TEQ....perhaps some of them can answer more fully.
Im not thrilled if this new company who wants to help LP search films the search! (disguisting!) but as far as the money part, LP could dontate any monies collected for that search, to TES or some charity to help with children in Caylees name. Just a thought..

I'm not thrilled by this either.

It seems that some people are turning Missing Children into a profitable business.


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Natalee's FAMILY wanted the media there.
Indeed, the Holloway family wants their daughter to be found, under any circumstances. Unlike the Anthonys, the Holloways are unconditional in their desire to obtain closure for themselves and for Natalee.

Sadly for him, Tim Miller seems to vacillate between the Anthonys’ hope, and reality. Sensitivity to their feelings could restrict him from being effective at what he does best, which must be an awful position for him to be in.

It would be a sad day if he was offered the opportunity for TES funding in exchange for access to search efforts, and he declined because Cindy Anthony is unable to contemplate the fate that most likely befell her granddaughter. Many families with missing loved ones would benefit if TES had the financial wherewithal to assist them in obtaining closure.

On the other hand, Leonard Padilla, who perhaps has been offered funding, has no such internal conflict because there is no consideration of any kind between him and the Anthony family.
People have been making money off missing people for as long as people have gone missing, imo. The media is only one example. We can't say that it is not justified nor can we say it is flat out wrong. Without the media making money to run their stations, drive their trucks, pay their reporters, pay their staffs, and keep the stations on the air...the plight of missing people would go largely unnoticed as before. We beg for the media to cover missing person cases and we gladly watch their coverage to raise their numbers to create an avenue to make more money.

The people who should not make money off missing people are the perps (accused or convicted), the families of the perps, and others who could have been involved with the perps. Also, people who are making money for or in concert with those I just mentioned.
Indeed, the Holloway family wants their daughter to be found, under any circumstances. Unlike the Anthonys, the Holloways are unconditional in their desire to obtain closure for themselves and for Natalee.

Sadly for him, Tim Miller seems to vacillate between the Anthonys’ hope, and reality. Sensitivity to their feelings could restrict him from being effective at what he does best, which must be an awful position for him to be in.

It would be a sad day if he was offered the opportunity for TES funding in exchange for access to search efforts, and he declined because Cindy Anthony is unable to contemplate the fate that most likely befell her granddaughter. Many families with missing loved ones would benefit if TES had the financial wherewithal to assist them in obtaining closure.

On the other hand, Leonard Padilla, who perhaps has been offered funding, has no such internal conflict because there is no consideration of any kind between him and the Anthony family.

It truly must be difficult to work with the Anthonys and walk the tightrope that one would have to walk with them not to stir up things. But that didn't stop Tim from searching. He still searched. He appeased the Anthony's by saying "if" when referring to Caylee's death, then he searched the park and the river anyway. I don't think he let Cindy and George's clinging to hope stop the search, and I don't think he'd let that stop furthur searches.

Leonard may not have an internal conflict between himself and the Anthonys, but he has got to be wrestling with himself right now. It's a lot of money. But is it necessary to give filming rights to get a donation? Maybe if he asked, he could get money WITHOUT having to sell the filming rights.
When the media circus and all the rumors get going at a such a frantic pace it creates tons of work and distraction for LE. Their phones go crazy, the media starts issuing requests for documents. LE tried to explain this to the Anthony's, that their communication with the press, and especially saying things that weren't true in the press caused all sorts of problems, including them being forced to release info under the sunshine law that they otherwise wouldn't do. Whether the rumors originate with LP or just follow him, I would guess that is why they are frustrated with him.

This is so true. My husband was the PD spokesperson before he got promoted, and he had to do all the dealings with the media in addition to all the other stuff he had to do. I don't think you'd find a cop alive who likes the media. These people would call him when he was off duty, on vacation, you name it. They almost expect LE to give them inside info just so they can have their story, regardless if it helps the bad guys. Ugh.
I think LE is upset with LP for a lot of reasons.

1) The Bail - LE obviously wanted to keep KC in jail for a reason & specifically asked for a high bail that was out of reach for the Anthony's. Then LP shows up & bails her out under the false pretense that he believed Caylee was alive & that KC only needed to take a "Hot Shower" & then she would tell him where Caylee was. I don't buy LP's statements that he believed Caylee was alive - Anyone with any "Common Sense" knew she wasn't when this case first became public & bailing KC out served no one but LP & KC.

2) KC's Security -LP obviously didn't put to much thought into what would happen once he did bail KC out. The scene outside the Anthony home was nothing but a circus & anyone with any "Common Sense" should have known that if you bail a suspected baby killer out of jail then the public is going to get a little riled up. Local LE was called to the Anthony home on numerous occasions to keep the piece and all LP did was complain about "Threats". His handling of the entire situation, that he created by bailing KC out of jail, was unprofessional and it put an undue burden on Local LE.

3) LP's Nightly Interviews - LP is on TV & Radio every night making statments about what he "Allegedly" knows to be factual. He has done nothing but spread rumors, inflame the public, insult the Anthony's & basically spread disinformation. He comes across like he has an inside LE source which I do not believe & he has contradicted himself on numerous occasions, It's all there in the transcripts. For LP, this is not "About Caylee" this is about "getting even with the Anthony's". Making public statements that are insensitive to Caylee's memory is not only Un Professional but it is also cruel.

4)The Search - When TES searched for Caylee numerous items were found & quietly sent off to the lab to be analyzed. The public never heard about half of what was found. When LP made the "Toy Bag" discovery it was flashed on every National news outlet across the country. I know the "News" was already present but LP allegedly called more to report his "Find".The "Common Sense" thing to do would have been to call LE so they could preserve the crime scene & protect the integrity of the evidence but LP chose to broadcast his "Human Bone Find" to the world. What does this accomplish & who does this ultimately serve? This is supposed to be a search for a missing girls remains, not public entertainment that we are all entitled to.

5) Found Evidence - LP says that "Beads" were found under a tree & they match beads from the Anthony home that belonged to KC. Is this true ? I think LE better make sure it is because Cindy Anthony is sure to say that they were stolen from the home & planted. The area that they were found in was flooded during the hurricane & I can guarantee that Jose Baez will say during the trial that there is no way those beads would have still been sitting under that tree after 3 months & 2 tropical storms. LE obviously has their doubts because they are asking him to take a poly. Once again, if LP had any "Common Sense" he would have kept this quiet & handed the beads over to LE so they could handle it professionally.

All of the above is only my personal opinion

I agree with this 100%. From the outset, LP was in this for the media attention and the media attention only. I hope his interference has not had a damaging effect on the prosecution of KC.
I wondered myself how the heck those beads would have managed to stay put during storms and flooding.
Then the bag-o-toys turns up found in the water?

Now I just wonder how the heck LP is getting so many people to belive all this.....I can see clearly thru this scam.
So can LE since LE has asked for the poly test.
I wondered myself how the heck those beads would have managed to stay put during storms and flooding.
Then the bag-o-toys turns up found in the water?

Now I just wonder how the heck LP is getting so many people to belive all this.....I can see clearly thru this scam.
So can LE since LE has asked for the poly test.

LP said on Nancy Grace last night that his people were trained to dig deeper........apparently than LE? Which is amazing, because the early statements were that the beads were found lying at the base of the digging necessary.

I really don't know if this is a scam. I don't have a lot of respect for Leonard, but I hesitate to believe he'd go so far as to plant evidence.
I wondered myself how the heck those beads would have managed to stay put during storms and flooding.
Then the bag-o-toys turns up found in the water?

Now I just wonder how the heck LP is getting so many people to belive all this.....I can see clearly thru this scam.
So can LE since LE has asked for the poly test.

Hmmm. Weren't the beads made of plastic? Plastic floats. Maybe they were made of glass.
Hmmm. Weren't the beads made of plastic? Plastic floats. Maybe they were made of glass.

They showed the "friendship" bracelet that Casey made for a young girl, and the beads on the bracelet were round, appeared to be plastic and were yellow, blue, pink, colors like that.

The photo I saw of the beads which LP says a team member found were three legged, and burgandy.

They didn't match at all IMO.
They showed the "friendship" bracelet that Casey made for a young girl, and the beads on the bracelet were round, appeared to be plastic and were yellow, blue, pink, colors like that.

The photo I saw of the beads which LP says a team member found were three legged, and burgandy.

They didn't match at all IMO.

Thanks, kgeaux. So they didn't match the bracelet-- but apparently they match beads that Casey had in her room while the female bounty hunter was guarding her? Is that what LP is saying?
Thanks, kgeaux. So they didn't match the bracelet-- but apparently they match beads that Casey had in her room while the female bounty hunter was guarding her? Is that what LP is saying?

The bracelet was made from the same kit that remained in the room. Most kits contain one "type" of bead...these were round, plastic, sorta pastelly (!), and had "letter beads" in the kit. After the photo of the found bead was released, it was quite obvious to alot of people that they wouldn't have come from the same kit as the one used to make the bracelet. So I'm really not sure what LP is saying......maybe Casey had more than one kit? In which case it's confusing as to why they'd show the young girl with the bracelet to show the found beads match.....I really don't know.

The bead shown as being found at the base of the tree by LP's searchers actually looked to me like it matched the beads on the cross which was left in memory of the murdered jogger. So I'm not even convinced the found bead has anything at all to do with Caylee or Casey OR the body guard!

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