Norway Norway - Arjen Kamphuis, 47, Dutch citizen, Bodø, 20 Aug 2018 - #2

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A very tempting thought, which I also have once in a while. But... I watched the last 2 hours of the "only invitation" ( made by Cave) platform lifetime. Two giant egos and skilled researchers crumbled each other. You probably know when the internet is the worst, very terrible to look at. We were several who tried to stop them, but they flew over the edge and Cave pulled the plug to the website. Very valuable information was published that is not publicly known, too many infos, for more friends and family protested and some of the information was deleted again. All in all, I understand if the family has left the investigation to the police, where any egos work in a legal framework. Since the famous night, it's only Ancilla who has tweeted some " harmless" tweets ....
24 Oct.
Hi Stizzi, do you have a link to that tweet by Ancilla? I have not been able to retrieve it.
It seems to have been removed from her twitter account and from #findarjen? (Hope I'm wrong)
@worldwatcher; I mean that one tweet in which Ancilla posted that she wouldn't be giving interviews any more about Arjens disappearance and that she was very busy with her baby and work etc. (Understandable). That one tweet seems to have been removed? I can't find it.....
@worldwatcher; I mean that one tweet in which Ancilla posted that she wouldn't be giving interviews any more about Arjens disappearance and that she was very busy with her baby and work etc. (Understandable). That one tweet seems to have been removed? I can't find it.....

Yep, I remember that one. Part of a nasty discussion on the side of a few other participants, but Ancilla kept firm and said she needed to earn money to feed her child.

Still it needn't have been so black and white. I am still surprised about the full stop, not only of Ancilla but apparently of all friends and family.

A fight on a website should not be more important than the search for Arjen. Families of the missing go through worse experiences with for instance stalkers and bullies and they don't give up.
@worldwatcher; I mean that one tweet in which Ancilla posted that she wouldn't be giving interviews any more about Arjens disappearance and that she was very busy with her baby and work etc. (Understandable). That one tweet seems to have been removed? I can't find it.....
It was not a reply/answer on your post,but something she posted recently.
I don't know if she deleted it (could be,due to the tweet reactions of that forum blow up,at that time)

Btw must have cost you a lot of work/time on the TL,with adding the sources into it.Much appreciated!
@worldwatcher; I mean that one tweet in which Ancilla posted that she wouldn't be giving interviews any more about Arjens disappearance and that she was very busy with her baby and work etc. (Understandable). That one tweet seems to have been removed? I can't find it.....
But that tweet was posted (if I remember correctly in #th1 by ZaZara)
So you can search there and find out if it is deleted (I guess?)

Correction if this the tweet you searched was before the forum blow up
Last edited:
But that tweet was posted (if I remember correctly in #th1 by ZaZara)
So you can search there and find out if it is deleted (I guess?)

Correction if this the tweet you searched was before the forum blow up

I tried the search engine and I cannot find a post of mine with that particular tweet. I have mentioned other tweets of Ancilla though. Since tweets no longer copy automatically, you have to copy-paste the text so it is still there even if the tweet is deleted. The only thing that would no longer work is the link to the tweet.

But you found it! Great! even the fight is there, or part of it.
I tried the search engine and I cannot find a post of mine with that particular tweet. I have mentioned other tweets of Ancilla though. Since tweets no longer copy automatically, you have to copy-paste the text so it is still there even if the tweet is deleted. The only thing that would no longer work is the link to the tweet.

But you found it! Great! even the fight is there, or part of it.
I do know you posted it because I did reply to it for understanding that she was busy as a mom. Maybe she was overwhelmed already by that time of all the questions and trolling.
I tried the search engine and I cannot find a post of mine with that particular tweet. I have mentioned other tweets of Ancilla though. Since tweets no longer copy automatically, you have to copy-paste the text so it is still there even if the tweet is deleted. The only thing that would no longer work is the link to the tweet.

But you found it! Great! even the fight is there, or part of it.
Sorry for the mix up/confusion,ZaZara..thought it was from you but my mistake,couldnt find it either on thread 1.So scrolled her Twitter account after remembering that is was posted before the forum fuzz. This is the text referring to the tweet post of Ancilla by @Zoe1234


  • Screenshot_20181204-171152.jpg
    90.2 KB · Views: 13
Wrapping it all up: the fight on the #FindArjen website was not the main reason for the silence of family and friends of Arjen, but the earlier talk with LE could have been.

But still. The least one might do is set up a FB page, and offer a reward for information leading to the location of Arjen himself, his luggage, his phones.

Wrapping it all up: the fight on the #FindArjen website was not the main reason for the silence of family and friends of Arjen, but the earlier talk with LE could have been.

But still. The least one might do is set up a FB page, and offer a reward for information leading to the location of Arjen himself, his luggage, his phones.

Yes,totally agree!
I do think that is wise...
Too much time is wasted already.

But that tweet was posted (if I remember correctly in #th1 by ZaZara)
So you can search there and find out if it is deleted (I guess?)

Correction if this the tweet you searched was before the forum blow up
Thanks! This is what I have been looking for!
(According to Stizzi, the date would have been 24 Oct, but to my recollection it was way before. So I started searching, but could not find that tweet.
Turns out, it was one month earlier.)

@ Zazara; yes, a reward could -or should- be offered
There is more than meets the eye about Bodø. The city of Bodø is apparently aiming to become a Smart City.
Relocating the airport is only one aspect of the project.

Bodø Smart City – the Dot That Wants to Become the Center of the World
(TNO international partner)
Bodø Smart City – the Dot That Wants to Become the Center of the World


This is how Bodø can be transformed from being an airport with a city on the outskirts to becoming a city with a modern airport and an international traffic hub. Even a smart city.

Smart Bodø
The city of Bodø is the administration centre in the County of Nordland and is the largest city in the county with 50 000 citizens. Bodø is experiencing a rapid growth in the population and is now transforming into a larger modern Norwegian city.

In February 2014, the city council adopted the overall strategic plan – Bodø 2030. The vision for Bodø 2030 is “an attractive capital in the North”. This strategy contains six different focus areas where one focus area is “sustainable city development”.

Within in the focus area sustainable city development, the city of Bodø has stated their climatic goal: Bodø is an innovative low emission city, where the citizens feel safe for naturerelated dangers. With this statement, Bodø will play an active role in both reduction of climate gas emission and in adaption to a future climate. Both innovation and development of new technology will be at central element in this work.

The national government has decided to end the military air activity in Bodø within the next seven to ten years. The runway is from the early 1950ies and has a maxium of ten years left before it has to be replaced by a new runway. This means that it has to be built a new runway in Bodø within 2025.This gives opportunities to think future city development in a completely new perspective.

Bodø has developed two different scenarios for city development with the two possible solutions for future airport in Bodø. The first alternative is a new parallel runway 80 meter from today’s runway. The other option is building a new airport one kilometer to the east of today’s airport. By building a new airport in the area that is today occupied by the military activity gives the city of Bodø around 360 hectare for city development. An area big enough to house 25 000 citizens and gives the city large new business areas.

By moving the airport and building a complete new city in near relation with the historic city center, Bodø also get the opportunity to build a smart city for the future. In this work the vision of building the smartest city in the world was born. How does a city look like in 2065? What kind of technology are used in a future city? How is future buildings formed? What kind of energy sources are used in future cities?

Ny by – ny flyplass - Forside

What's more, SXC in NL wanted to develop space tourism from Bodø's new airport. SXC and mother company XCOR went bankrupt in Nov 2017.
Maanshuttle failliet: Nederlanders zijn ton kwijt
XCOR Aerospace - Wikipedia

The Bodø UPAT team (formed/selected by the Bodø Kommune) defined 5 principles of the “New Airport, Next Bodø” vision:
  1. Smart Identity: Bodø as the “Gateway to the Arctic”
  2. Smart Growth: Prepare a long-term phasing strategy (2015 -2050), with growth clustered in self-sufficient mixed use compact nodes
  3. Smart Economy: Create clusters for green high-tech economy
  4. Smart Green Links: Reinforce connections to make the best use of natural assets
  5. Smart Mobility: Establish multi-modal mobility hubs
    PLAN 5 Magazine about the “New Airport - Smart Bodø” initiative - ISOCARP
Bodo kommune is also working tightly with Trondheim University NTNU to develop Bodø into a smart City.
Airport redevelopment, Bodø – FME ZEN

Unrelated but worthy to mention: Bodo is aiming at the title of Cultural Capital in 2024. Bodø vies for Culture Crown - Norway Today
(And there's more)
(According to Stizzi, the date would have been 24 Oct, but to my recollection it was way before. So I started searching, but could not find that tweet.
Turns out, it was one month earlier.)

Friends and family were active on the #FindArjen website until the meltdown on October 24th (However, there seemed to be more fractions in the person gallery). The mentioned @ancilla tweet, I see more like a personal tweet that had nothing else to do with the matter than her role as spokesman and the accompanying workload and her family situation, but there may be more than the eye sees but who knows ?
Friends and family were active on the #FindArjen website until the meltdown on October 24th (However, there seemed to be more fractions in the person gallery). The mentioned @ancilla tweet, I see more like a personal tweet that had nothing else to do with the matter than her role as spokesman and the accompanying workload and her family situation, but there may be more than the eye sees but who knows ?

The odd thing is not that someone stops as a spokesman.
That can happen for a variety of reasons. I guess no one hoped or expected that Arjen's disappearance would take that long, and since it did, the workload can get in the way.
Yet it is very peciliar that apparently no one took over. Perhaps they are all busy, very very busy. In that case they might hire someone.

I am probably prejudiced thanks to the cases that I follow here on WS. I see how families and friends search for their loved ones, try to raise awareness, are all over the place, go back to the area, set up a Missing Person's... FB page and offer a reward. People of all backgrounds manage to do this, they find friends, they raise money, they come together as a community. And if for some reason they get stuck in red tape, they will tell the story whenever they have the chance.

IMHO all this is missing here. The person who brings everyone together, and gets things moving, is nowhere to be seen.
The hacker convention phony tower signals caught my attention.
Want to be a Hacker? Go to Dallas.
Dec 4 2018 rbbm.
"North Texas has become an unexpected haven for hackers seeking not only camaraderie but paid work. There is an ecosystem here that can sustain them. The Dallas–Fort Worth area has the most available cybersecurity jobs in the nation. Community colleges and universities are building cybersecurity institutes. The area has a history—starting with Texas Instruments in 1951 and through today, when AT&T, Raytheon, and Facebook’s new data storage facilities are located nearby. All of those companies need smart programmers. And cybersecurity. They need hackers."

“We have surveyed the cell towers in the area and there are two new ones tonight,” he says. The phony tower signals are set up to trick cellphones into connecting so that their data can be surreptitiously collected."
The hacker convention phony tower signals caught my attention.
Want to be a Hacker? Go to Dallas.
Dec 4 2018 rbbm.
"North Texas has become an unexpected haven for hackers seeking not only camaraderie but paid work. There is an ecosystem here that can sustain them. The Dallas–Fort Worth area has the most available cybersecurity jobs in the nation. Community colleges and universities are building cybersecurity institutes. The area has a history—starting with Texas Instruments in 1951 and through today, when AT&T, Raytheon, and Facebook’s new data storage facilities are located nearby. All of those companies need smart programmers. And cybersecurity. They need hackers."

“We have surveyed the cell towers in the area and there are two new ones tonight,” he says. The phony tower signals are set up to trick cellphones into connecting so that their data can be surreptitiously collected."
Do you mean that for instance, Arjens phone could have been hacked etc. and the ping in the South could have been a false ping?
(Previously Worldwatcher also posted something about phony towers in Oslo)
Going back to Arjen's prominent presence within the world of Cyber Security:

Arjen was supposed to speak at the Holland Strikes Back (HSB) event in The Hague on the 27th of September.
When Dutch IT-channel wrote about the event on 28-06-2018, they mentioned Arjen Kamphuis as speaker Holland Strikes Back - HSB18 | Dutch IT-channel

On July 10th HSB tweeted about Arjen as (one of the )speaker(s) for HSB18 event:
Holland Strikes Back on Twitter

"Also @ Arjen Kamphuis will speak at # HSB18. Arjen's work covers the entire spectrum from regular privacy compliance and security awareness to the prevention of advanced espionage against companies, journalists and governments. Curious? Do not miss him:..."

On August 13th, Kirk Wiebe was added to the list of speakers (Arjen was not reported missing at the time):
Holland Strikes Back on Twitter

And on the 26th of September, Bill Binney was added to the list:
Holland Strikes Back on Twitter

- It seems that the event took place without any mention of Arjen's disappearance (i.e. I haven't found any mention on the site)
- Kirk Wiebe apparently did not show up as a speaker
- Bill Binney did
- Arjen's good friend J. Weijers was also one of the speakers
Sprekers - Holland Strikes Back
Hackers from the HACK42 Foundation are still searching for Arjen. This is good news.
They are planning a worldwide #FindArjen campaign during 35C3.

35C3 is: The 35th Chaos Communication Congress (35C3), an annual four-day conference on technology, society and utopia. The Congress offers lectures and workshops and various events on a multitude of topics including (but not limited to) information technology and generally a critical-creative attitude towards technology and the discussion about the effects of technological advances on society.

It is all happening in Leipzig, Germany from 27-30 December and you can bring your kids. That is, if you have a ticket, and all 16.000 tickets have been sold.

I'm all for searches with dogs, but who knows what this community will come up with, preferably with Arjen of course.

#FindArjen !
Hackers from the HACK42 Foundation are still searching for Arjen. This is good news.
They are planning a worldwide #FindArjen campaign during 35C3.

35C3 is: The 35th Chaos Communication Congress (35C3), an annual four-day conference on technology, society and utopia. The Congress offers lectures and workshops and various events on a multitude of topics including (but not limited to) information technology and generally a critical-creative attitude towards technology and the discussion about the effects of technological advances on society.

It is all happening in Leipzig, Germany from 27-30 December and you can bring your kids. That is, if you have a ticket, and all 16.000 tickets have been sold.

I'm all for searches with dogs, but who knows what this community will come up with, preferably with Arjen of course.

#FindArjen !
Thanks Zazara.
Hopefully this will stay focussed!
~Spirits Up~

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