GUILTY Norway - Bombing & Shooting at Youth Camp in Oslo, 22 July 2011 *parole request 2021*

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A common topic of coversation in Norway is that this person will be convicted to the harshest penalty that we can give him, which is 21 years in prison," Sandberg said. "That means he is out after 16 years. He might be out after 14 years. And then he will be a free man. And he killed so many. We don't have laws that could lay out a penalty for what he's done."

I'll stop complaining about verdicts I don't like, at this point.

We have similar punishments here. I sure hope they will find a way to lock him up in an institution for the mentally ill . There should be no way he could get free. I am not pro death penalty even in some case it is hard to maintain that position. This is certainly one of those situations. Still there is no relief in revenge.
I hope he will be haunted by this for the rest of his life but I doubt it given his willingness to talk. That alone for me sounds like he thinks he got something important to say. This not only makes one sick in the stomach, it hurts all over the body.
Norwegian, what kind of penalties will this murderer face in Norway? Does Norway have the death penalty? If so, how is it carried out and how quickly is the sentence carried out?

Norway does not have the death penalty and, in fact, has tried to persuade other countries to abandon capital punishment.
After all the school massacres world wide, a special training program was established for the police last year. No one thought we'd come to see a situation of this seriousness that fast.

The fake policeman was on a two hour killing spree. Media is questioning why he could go around like that... I would never blame anyone but the perpetrator for this. First of all, everything happened on a small Island, with a man disguised as a police officer. Also, when the youth understood the policeman was fake, it led to more chaos. Because they didn't feel they could trust ANYONE... So when people came to help, everything became out of control once again.

"Our answer is, more openness, more democracy." - Norwegian PM Jens Stoltenberg.

Remember that.

BBM - that is of course the wisest response to a senseless violent spree like this. I'd bet my last dollar that this man is not only spiritually ill, but also mentally ill.

All my love to sweet Norway and its people.
Norwegian, what kind of penalties will this murderer face in Norway? Does Norway have the death penalty? If so, how is it carried out and how quickly is the sentence carried out?

We have similar punishments here. I sure hope they will find a way to lock him up in an institution for the mentally ill . There should be no way he could get free. I am not pro death penalty even in some case it is hard to maintain that position. This is certainly one of those situtions. Still there is no relief in revenge.
I hope he will be haunted by this for the rest of his life but I doubt it given his willingness to talk. That alone for me sounds like he thinks he got something important to say. This not only makes one sick in the stomach, it hurts all over the body.

Norway does not have the death penalty and, in fact, has tried to persuade other countries to abandon capital punishment.

Please read my comments on punishment on page 3.
I'm watching the police press conference right now.

The shooter appears clear and logical (within his means) and is willing to talk. Still, the questioning is very difficult. I can totally understand that... how is the detectives going to even start interrogating this person?!?

The shooter has said he is guilty of everything. When caught, he put his weapons down and peacefully let the police hand cuff him.

He obviously have an agenda and that is to continue to spread his thoughts and ideology. I've read all his post in a anti multicultural and racist internet forum in Norway and he holds very disturbing meanings.

He has written a 1100 page book in English with predictions of what society will become. Also, he has done investments and business and has enough money to "not work so I can focus on the development of politics and the work with the Vienna school".

So, all this information, his easy capture, political beliefs, professional photos from Facebook etc... makes me believe he wants to become famous - a living martyr.
Although this case is all over the media, information is still sparse and conflicting reports occur.

So bare with me.

A common topic of coversation in Norway is that this person will be convicted to the harshest penalty that we can give him, which is 21 years in prison," Sandberg said. "That means he is out after 16 years. He might be out after 14 years. And then he will be a free man. And he killed so many. We don't have laws that could lay out a penalty for what he's done."

I'll stop complaining about verdicts I don't like, at this point.

No, that can't be right! Each count of murder must carry a seperate sentence - to be served consecutively. Count one, 21 years. Count two, 21 years, etc.

The total crimes aren't grouped into one crime - are they?
No, that can't be right! Each count of murder must carry a seperate sentence - to be served consecutively. Count one, 21 years. Count two, 21 years, etc.

The total crimes aren't grouped into one crime - are they?

Maximum 21 years TOTAL. But, you can get "forvaring" (custody) which means your sentence can be renewed unlimited times.
Yes, the maximum sentence in Norway is 21 years.

But we have this other arrangement called "forvaring", which can be directly translated as "custody". This means that the original sentence can be extended an unlimited number of times - meaning you can get life in prison.

However, this has never been done before.
First time for everything!!

No, that can't be right! Each count of murder must carry a seperate sentence - to be served consecutively. Count one, 21 years. Count two, 21 years, etc.

The total crimes aren't grouped into one crime - are they?

You can tell what part of the world I'm from by the fact that I can't wrap my head around a country that hasn't doled out a life sentence before. No, they can't ever let him go. A 2 hour shooting spree. I have no idea how the survivors are even keeping it together.
But isn't 21 years for each murder? So if he killed 90+ people, shouldn't that be 21 X 90+? If he gets 21 years for killing 90+ people, how much time do people get for killing one person? A month?

This is a good (but sobering) lesson for those who assumed that this horrific attack was carried out by Muslims.

Anders Behring Breivik is a blond-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian of Nordic heritage who is described as a "right-wing Christian fundamentalist" and who had an issue with Norway's multi-cultural society, and especially Muslims. His identify as an extreme conservative is what links him to terrorists past and present. It has nothing to do with skin or hair color, or nationality or any specific religion. It originates from close-minded, fundamentalist, prejudice which is directly linked to an inability to cope with his problems in a rational and socially acceptable manner.

My heart goes out to ALL of the people of Norway, especially the victims and their families.
You can tell what part of the world I'm from by the fact that I can't wrap my head around a country that hasn't doled out a life sentence before. No, they can't ever let him go. A 2 hour shooting spree. I have no idea how the survivors are even keeping it together.

About the survivors... my heart bleeds for them.

But for the families of the missing even more. No one has been identified yet, because it is such a difficult and chaotic scene. And so many.

Rescuers are still finding body parts in the water.

Just imagine being a relative and sitting there waiting for 24 hours.. hoping.. He hasn't "only" killed 92 people.. he has killed the spirit of so many others too.
Why is it when a Muslim extremist commits a terrorist act, all Muslims get blamed, their religion is mocked, immigration complaints, etc but when a Christian extremist commits a terrorist act, he's simply a "lone nut-job"?
Why is it when a Muslim extremist commits a terrorist act, all Muslims get blamed, their religion is mocked, immigration complaints, etc but when a Christian extremist commits a terrorist act, he's simply a "lone nut-job"?

You raise an interesting questions and I have no answers although I've been thinking about this a lot.
Why is it when a Muslim extremist commits a terrorist act, all Muslims get blamed, their religion is mocked, immigration complaints, etc but when a Christian extremist commits a terrorist act, he's simply a "lone nut-job"?

It's called racism.

This is a good (but sobering) lesson for those who assumed that this horrific attack was carried out by Muslims.

Anders Behring Breivik is a blond-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian of Nordic heritage who is described as a "right-wing Christian fundamentalist" and who had an issue with Norway's multi-cultural society, and especially Muslims. His identify as an extreme conservative is what links him to terrorists past and present. It has nothing to do with skin or hair color, or nationality or any specific religion. It originates from close-minded, fundamentalist, prejudice which is directly linked to an inability to cope with his problems in a rational and socially acceptable manner.

My heart goes out to ALL of the people of Norway, especially the victims and their families.

First I want to make it clear that I believe that we all can live peacefully side by side.

However, I don't blame anyone for thinking that it could be Muslim extremist doing these horrible acts.

Muslim extremist tweeted right after the incidents that they took responsibility for what had happened. This was reported in the media worldwide too.

I think we all can learn a lesson from this... also journalists and media!!
Why is it when a Muslim extremist commits a terrorist act, all Muslims get blamed, their religion is mocked, immigration complaints, etc but when a Christian extremist commits a terrorist act, he's simply a "lone nut-job"?

I doubt this guy was even a Christian. I think he liked to hide behind it to justify his actions and beliefs.

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