GUILTY Norway - Bombing & Shooting at Youth Camp in Oslo, 22 July 2011 *parole request 2021*

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Screen Cap of the front page of the Sun early in the reporting. Hell of an assumption even early on.

Same thing happened here when Timothy McVeigh bombed OKC- then no more talk of religious fanaticism after it was revealed it was a Christian that killed 168 people.
I doubt this guy was even a Christian. I think he liked to hide behind it to justify his actions and beliefs.

Well, he certainly wasn't in the sense of John 14:15 -

If ye love me, keep my commandments.
But, by declaring himself such, he was able, apparently, to justify his acts by perverting the truths of John 14:12 -
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
Emphasis mine. There is a mindset in some fundamentalist Christian beliefs that is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament.

In fine, he's a Christian annihilationist, one in an ever-lengthening, catastrophic line.
Norwegian massacre gunman was a right-wing extremist who hated Muslims (Daily Mail)
Only a few days ago he set up a Twitter account and posted a single message: 'One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests'.

It is attributed to the English philosopher John Stuart Mill, whose concept of liberty justified the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control

Another perversion of the text in Anders Behring Breivik's belief-system.
I read some of his posts on a forum earlier today.

When he was younger (17 - 18) his best friend was a Muslim boy from Pakistan. He also wrote that he had gotten contacts within some gangs in Norway - criminal gangs were the affiliates mostly come from Pakistan, but from other countries as well - and of course ethnic Norwegians.

He said he did so to get "protection". He seems paranoid.

I was born in Oslo, raised in Oslo. 20% of our population are Muslims. Never ever have I felt the need to have protection.

Only reason I can think of as to why he needed protection is because he was maybe doing something "fishy"...
I read some of his posts on a forum earlier today.

When he was younger (17 - 18) his best friend was a Muslim boy from Pakistan. He also wrote that he had gotten contacts within some gangs in Norway - criminal gangs were the affiliates mostly come from Pakistan, but from other countries as well - and of course ethnic Norwegians.

He said he did so to get "protection". He seems paranoid.

I was born in Oslo, raised in Oslo. 20% of our population are Muslims. Never ever have I felt the need to have protection.

Only reason I can think of as to why he needed protection is because he was maybe doing something "fishy"...

I saw some translations of those. I thought it was strange that he referred to himself repeatedly as a non-Muslim. To identify yourself in the negative is odd. I'm a non-male, for example.
I took the link away because I don't want to spread such nonsense and dangerous writings.

Here's his book for anyone who's interested.
In it you can find detailed descriptions on how he was planning to go to war.

I'm not going to read it.
The media has that covered.

What a evil person... he planned this so long ahead... it's scary.
The forethought, including the years of investing so he had enough money to live on, tells me he is not mentally ill (insofar as someone who does something like this isn't mentally ill...).

This was a long term, premeditated, well planned, well organized, and well done act of horrific violence. And that is not typical of any mentally ill person I know, have studied, or read about.

As for why it was thought originally that it was a muslim who did this, that is what was told to the press - by a muslim terrorist group itself (don't recall which one). That was a fast, clear, claim to fame by them, and it was reasonable to believe it.

I don't think all terrorists are Muslim. I don't think all muslims are terrorists. I do think that there are more terrorists who are fundamentalists, irrespective of which religious path one follows, than are not fundamentalists.

That being said, I still feel horrible and sad that this has happened to beautiful, sweet, quiet, gentle Norway. God rest all the souls departed, and I pray healing comes with some rapidity, and that those who've lost loved ones feel God's Arms around them, regardless of God's name in their world.

Herding Cats
By "fundamentalist" it means that it is someone who is against modernity in both religion and the cultural changes that this modernism brings.

Another word is extremism.

But Anders Behring Breivik was not only an extremist, he was also a masonic and racist.

This is no doubt one of the worst massacres in history.

Thank you. By "masonic" do you mean he was a member of the Masons? Nowadays, the Masons are a pretty tame bunch here in the U.S.

ETA or do you mean "messianic"? That would make sense to me.
It's what we figured:

Oslo bomb was ‘Oklahoma City-type'
OSLO, Norway (AP) — A police official has told The Associated Press that the bomb used in the attack at the Norwegian prime minister's office was “some kind of Oklahoma City-type” device made of fertilizer and diesel fuel.
short article at Daily Oklahoman link above

Building the bomb

Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum site

Never forgotten: 19 April 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
Thank you. By "masonic" do you mean he was a member of the Masons? Nowadays, the Masons are a pretty tame bunch here in the U.S.

Freemasonry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's the same as this.

The free masons in Norway has kicked him out of the organization today because he had done thing that didn't go with their beliefs.

However, when I read some of the shooters posts on an internet forum, he clearly stated he could have funds from his brothers in the free masonry to start a right wing fundamentalist newspaper...

The media haven't covered that aspect yet, guess it's not so important. But I just noticed...

This clearly shows that he had very grandiose thoughts of what he was capable of... I'm so happy he's behind bars. He killed almost 100 people now.. but who knows what damage he's been capable of with some more years of devilish planning.
Why is it when a Muslim extremist commits a terrorist act, all Muslims get blamed, their religion is mocked, immigration complaints, etc but when a Christian extremist commits a terrorist act, he's simply a "lone nut-job"?

I've wondered that since before this attack. I think it's a much better familiarity of Christianity in this country than Islam is. When people see Muslims on TV mostly in this day in age they are terrorists or masses of Muslims burning US flags and chanting anti-American slogans.

I doubt this guy was even a Christian. I think he liked to hide behind it to justify his actions and beliefs.

The terrorists who claim to be Muslim aren't followers of Islam either.

Screen Cap of the front page of the Sun early in the reporting. Hell of an assumption even early on.

I can understand the jump to conclusion by the populace but newspapers are supposed to check facts before writing reports. JMO

Freemasonry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's the same as this.

The free masons in Norway has kicked him out of the organization today because he had done thing that didn't go with their beliefs.

However, when I read some of the shooters posts on an internet forum, he clearly stated he could have funds from his brothers in the free masonry to start a right wing fundamentalist newspaper...

The media haven't covered that aspect yet, guess it's not so important. But I just noticed...

This clearly shows that he had very grandiose thoughts of what he was capable of... I'm so happy he's behind bars. He killed almost 100 people now.. but who knows what damage he's been capable of with some more years of devilish planning.

IMO, Free Masonry is all about secrecy and political connections. I wouldn't be surprised if there are Masons that can squelch that angle pretty quickly. JMO
...IMO, Free Masonry is all about secrecy and political connections. I wouldn't be surprised if there are Masons that can squelch that angle pretty quickly. JMO

I can't distinguish fact from fiction in accounts of contemporary Masons. That this terrorist thought he had the support of his Masonic brothers doesn't mean he actually did.
I am trying to wrap my head around one part of this tragedy. Apparently this ONE freak was able to spend an hour and a half walking around killing innocent kids. Nearly 100 victims were shot before it finally ended. How was that possible? Was there no security at all in the camp?
I can't distinguish fact from fiction in accounts of contemporary Masons. That this terrorist thought he had the support of his Masonic brothers doesn't mean he actually did.

He probably thought they were like minded people and only other like minded people would find their way to his writings. I have found that many racist and bigoted people will say derogatory things about the target of their hate to anybody that looks like themselves because they feel that all people that look the same way that they do will share their same beliefs.

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