Norway Norway - Oslo, WhtFem 20-30, Fake Name, shot in hotel room, Jun'95

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Too much to really address here (although I don't agree with most of it) but the suicide theory is not at all "fantastical". Her thumb was still firmly pressing the trigger of the gun in it's most rearward position. That in itself makes suicide very likely, if not the most likely explanation for her death.

If her arms were "tucked under" her then how did the gun end up in the position and state which it did? It would have had to be transferred from the shooter's hand to hers all the while whilst holding the trigger fully rearward. That would be a very neat trick for anyone to accomplish.

Just for clarity on this aspect, but for me there is zero possibility of suicide in this case, I didn't say her arms were tucked underneath her. Simply that the shooter sat astride her, effectively pinning her whole body down, arms down, and creating a point blank injury. But also same position would mean her hands didn't get blood spatter. There is no evidence her hands were in a position to have made the shot and there is zero evidence that she did. In fact, even the very negligible evidence proves that she absolutely didn't.
I imagine that anyone who intends to shoot someone dead in a hotel room would be ready to make a sharp exit, knowing that the shot will have been heard.

I wonder if the shooter crossed paths with security - or interacted with security at the hotel room door - and threatened him. Maybe told him, you haven't seen me, stand there for 15 minutes and don't move. I imagine exiting a room after a shooting, they would have somewhat covered their face with a scarf and hat so the young security didn't see their face. Possibly went to a different room but more likely would have wanted to flee the premises, avoiding any questioning from the police.

I definitely agree that if you plan on shooting someone in a hotel room you'd also plan a very sharp exit. No one with any sense of self preservation would hang around for several minutes afterward - you'd want to be as far away as possible in as short a time as possible.

If it was a planned thing then it seems to be very badly planned from the outset as a hotel room seems to me to be possibly the worst place you'd plan to shoot someone to death and preserve any reasonable chance of getting away totally undetected. So, if it were unplanned it was a spur of the moment thing and that, to me, seems even more unlikely to be the case given how ordered the room and her body generally was. Indeed, it's even less likely that an unplanned murder like this would have resulted in the killer - most certainly in a rage and with a massive adrenalin hit - would have the wherewithal (let alone the physical dexterity) to place the gun in the position in which it was found.
Just for clarity on this aspect, but for me there is zero possibility of suicide in this case, I didn't say her arms were tucked underneath her. Simply that the shooter sat astride her, effectively pinning her whole body down, arms down, and creating a point blank injury. But also same position would mean her hands didn't get blood spatter. There is no evidence her hands were in a position to have made the shot and there is zero evidence that she did. In fact, even the very negligible evidence proves that she absolutely didn't.

There is perfect evidence that her hand holding the gun was in a position from which she could inflict that particular wound on her. It's a very easy position to do. I've mentioned it previously but have a look at the scene in Lethal Weapon where Martin Riggs is contemplating shooting himself - he uses this precise position before putting the gun in his mouth using the same grip. Only difference was that Jennifer was lying down. The Beretta 92 in the film is of broadly similar proportions to the GP35 in Jennifer's hand, in fact the latter has a slightly lesser measurement across the grip, I believe. Given that the film pre-dates the incident perhaps that's where she got the idea?

You are also failing to address the fact that the trigger was depressed fully rearward (the firing position) when the police removed it from her hand. The officer who did it said that he heard the sear re-set itself when he removed her thumb. The pictures also show it fully depressed. It would be a virtual impossibility for a killer to have removed the gun from their own hand and place it into hers whilst keeping the trigger in that position. They could, of course, have been straddling her, like you say, and shot her with the gun in her hand but that only goes to prove that it was indeed possible for her to be able to assume that position with her hand!

She shot herself. Everything else relating to the case; who she was, where she came from, how he ended up there, how she got the gun, who was the other person she allegedly checked-in with, etc, etc is hugely mysterious but.....she shot herself.
There is perfect evidence that her hand holding the gun was in a position from which she could inflict that particular wound on her. It's a very easy position to do. I've mentioned it previously but have a look at the scene in Lethal Weapon where Martin Riggs is contemplating shooting himself - he uses this precise position before putting the gun in his mouth using the same grip. Only difference was that Jennifer was lying down. The Beretta 92 in the film is of broadly similar proportions to the GP35 in Jennifer's hand, in fact the latter has a slightly lesser measurement across the grip, I believe. Given that the film pre-dates the incident perhaps that's where she got the idea?

You are also failing to address the fact that the trigger was depressed fully rearward (the firing position) when the police removed it from her hand. The officer who did it said that he heard the sear re-set itself when he removed her thumb. The pictures also show it fully depressed. It would be a virtual impossibility for a killer to have removed the gun from their own hand and place it into hers whilst keeping the trigger in that position. They could, of course, have been straddling her, like you say, and shot her with the gun in her hand but that only goes to prove that it was indeed possible for her to be able to assume that position with her hand!

She shot herself. Everything else relating to the case; who she was, where she came from, how he ended up there, how she got the gun, who was the other person she allegedly checked-in with, etc, etc is hugely mysterious but.....she shot herself.

Not sure you can invoke Lethal Weapon as evidence.... ;)
I hope this mystery gets solved.

now where to begin first? There seems to be so many weird questions that add up but not many answers for them.
It all starts with the Fake name. Allegedly, the Oslo Woman wrote the name Jennifer "Fergate", not once but twice. I do not think English was her native tongue, nor French. If she misspelled Fairgate ("Fergate") maybe she misspelt Lois and it should have been "Louis". Big difference in English since one name is Male Louis, Female Lois.
Discrepancies about Jennifer's arrival that she could have checked in with a man. Why didn't police view the security footage? For an upscale Hotel at the time, they had some SOP's.
Could it be that this man was travelling with her or her contact in Oslo?

The fake Belgic address and her knowing similar phones numbers in that area could indicate that Jennifer knew people in that area, perhaps extended family or maybe a host family of some sorts or training purposes or something.
Having tested her teeth of radioactivity was wise to establish birth year and see where she might originate from. I would have bet East German or perhaps future East.

As seen in police photos, there was a room service meal from the day before the demise of Jennifer Fairgate. And from what the pathologist found, the food of that meal was still in her stomach. I think, Jennifer was going to meet someone. She seemed all dressed up, she had just eaten ( last I checked suicidal people do not care if they nourish themselves on the way out), and what if someone - a man, maybe who's room was next door or across from Jennifer's, had shot her the night before her body was found the following night?

Contents of her meal would have been processed if she was alive. I think she was murdered the night before/early morning of the day she was found - accounts for the bad scent in the room as observed by first responders.
Okay, now this just doesn't make sense about the gun found in Jennifer's hand. the way her arm, hand and gun landed perfectly in her lap doesn't sit well with me. Firstly, who shoots a gun with their thumb? Most uncomfortable to handle. Ever held a gun? They are heavy, and secondly, they have recoil...I do not think Jennifer's arms seems natural for suicide, just seems off. And why wasn't there blood splatter on her hand and gun? And the second bullet hole was found in the headboard of the bed? They confirmed all the bullets and holes were made by the same gun? And thirdly, was there residue found from the gun on her hands?

If as stated by authorities that Jennifer spent all her time in the hotel room preparing for her suicide, where is her note? And where and why would all her bottom clothing was gone? And why were 25 bullets only found in her suitcase?
The bottle of cologne could be a man's or it could have been Jennifer's. In psychology, I recall reading that men are attracted to manly scents. I am not the first woman to wear men's deodorant and men's cologne because they smell fantastic!
The fact that security knew when Jennifer entered her room helps establish some timelines. Her 20 hour absence is a mystery. Only a few things can account for being missing... Working, visiting tourists locations, meeting someone, being romantic with someone, being tortured, running an operation doing surveillance, meeting an operative? Anything is possible.
The fact that her clothing was missing tags could mean that the organization or person who killed her didn't want it easy for the authorities to track her down easily. But why leave some clothing and remove all the bottom clothing? Is the stitching to difficult to remove in the mid 90's?

We are told that the front desk sent a message via the television system and someone in room 2805 pressed acknowledgement of that charges were due hence why the security guard went upstairs. It is plausible that the gun shot the security guard heard at door 2805 could have come from that room = explains the second bullet hole. Or it could be plausible that a gun shot rang out in a room near by making it sound like 2805. Maybe a blank? I mean if they were trying to fake a suicide and killed Jennifer the night before, they would need a fresh BANG sound to make it look legit that it just happened.
And is it true, the authorities ONLY tested Jennifer's blood for alcohol? WTF. really? nothing should ever be excluded because you think it looks a certain way and prejudge a situation.

I am sure there is much much more information on this case that I am not aware of. I believe Jennifer was an intelligence operative, maybe not a good one and perhaps saw things and knew information that got her killed. Anything is possible. Maybe Jennifer was recruited, by a man or being handled by a man to complete an operation? Maybe it was all a ruse and she was betrayed and killed by her own people. After all these years, no wonder no country or state has recovered her bones for service and burial, because they might be ashamed of their own actions and want their crimes hidden.

As I remember the 90's were a tumultuous time. Things were shifting, and shifting drastically. Just like always, money helps get you things and takes you places. Maybe the front desk and security were paid off? Why weren't videos tapes reviewed? How did Jennifer get an expansive room with no money? Money bought a lot back than including corruption and cover up. Where are her travel documents? Her ID and purse?
It is possible that the 20 hours of absence, that she was getting rid of her ID and clothing but why?

I do not think Jennifer was there for a suicide. Why wait and spend all your time in a hotel room days after you arrive. Why not the first night?

Personally, I think it was NOT suicide. And there are reports of this Mr. X and how he revealed he knew of the death before it was even reported. Huh......... weird. If I do more and more reading, I fear I will have more questions than I started with.

May justice prevail. RIP.
I hope this mystery gets solved.

now where to begin first? There seems to be so many weird questions that add up but not many answers for them.
It all starts with the Fake name. Allegedly, the Oslo Woman wrote the name Jennifer "Fergate", not once but twice. I do not think English was her native tongue, nor French. If she misspelled Fairgate ("Fergate") maybe she misspelt Lois and it should have been "Louis". Big difference in English since one name is Male Louis, Female Lois.
Discrepancies about Jennifer's arrival that she could have checked in with a man. Why didn't police view the security footage? For an upscale Hotel at the time, they had some SOP's.
Could it be that this man was travelling with her or her contact in Oslo?

The fake Belgic address and her knowing similar phones numbers in that area could indicate that Jennifer knew people in that area, perhaps extended family or maybe a host family of some sorts or training purposes or something.
Having tested her teeth of radioactivity was wise to establish birth year and see where she might originate from. I would have bet East German or perhaps future East.

As seen in police photos, there was a room service meal from the day before the demise of Jennifer Fairgate. And from what the pathologist found, the food of that meal was still in her stomach. I think, Jennifer was going to meet someone. She seemed all dressed up, she had just eaten ( last I checked suicidal people do not care if they nourish themselves on the way out), and what if someone - a man, maybe who's room was next door or across from Jennifer's, had shot her the night before her body was found the following night?

Contents of her meal would have been processed if she was alive. I think she was murdered the night before/early morning of the day she was found - accounts for the bad scent in the room as observed by first responders.
Okay, now this just doesn't make sense about the gun found in Jennifer's hand. the way her arm, hand and gun landed perfectly in her lap doesn't sit well with me. Firstly, who shoots a gun with their thumb? Most uncomfortable to handle. Ever held a gun? They are heavy, and secondly, they have recoil...I do not think Jennifer's arms seems natural for suicide, just seems off. And why wasn't there blood splatter on her hand and gun? And the second bullet hole was found in the headboard of the bed? They confirmed all the bullets and holes were made by the same gun? And thirdly, was there residue found from the gun on her hands?

If as stated by authorities that Jennifer spent all her time in the hotel room preparing for her suicide, where is her note? And where and why would all her bottom clothing was gone? And why were 25 bullets only found in her suitcase?
The bottle of cologne could be a man's or it could have been Jennifer's. In psychology, I recall reading that men are attracted to manly scents. I am not the first woman to wear men's deodorant and men's cologne because they smell fantastic!
The fact that security knew when Jennifer entered her room helps establish some timelines. Her 20 hour absence is a mystery. Only a few things can account for being missing... Working, visiting tourists locations, meeting someone, being romantic with someone, being tortured, running an operation doing surveillance, meeting an operative? Anything is possible.
The fact that her clothing was missing tags could mean that the organization or person who killed her didn't want it easy for the authorities to track her down easily. But why leave some clothing and remove all the bottom clothing? Is the stitching to difficult to remove in the mid 90's?

We are told that the front desk sent a message via the television system and someone in room 2805 pressed acknowledgement of that charges were due hence why the security guard went upstairs. It is plausible that the gun shot the security guard heard at door 2805 could have come from that room = explains the second bullet hole. Or it could be plausible that a gun shot rang out in a room near by making it sound like 2805. Maybe a blank? I mean if they were trying to fake a suicide and killed Jennifer the night before, they would need a fresh BANG sound to make it look legit that it just happened.
And is it true, the authorities ONLY tested Jennifer's blood for alcohol? WTF. really? nothing should ever be excluded because you think it looks a certain way and prejudge a situation.

I am sure there is much much more information on this case that I am not aware of. I believe Jennifer was an intelligence operative, maybe not a good one and perhaps saw things and knew information that got her killed. Anything is possible. Maybe Jennifer was recruited, by a man or being handled by a man to complete an operation? Maybe it was all a ruse and she was betrayed and killed by her own people. After all these years, no wonder no country or state has recovered her bones for service and burial, because they might be ashamed of their own actions and want their crimes hidden.

As I remember the 90's were a tumultuous time. Things were shifting, and shifting drastically. Just like always, money helps get you things and takes you places. Maybe the front desk and security were paid off? Why weren't videos tapes reviewed? How did Jennifer get an expansive room with no money? Money bought a lot back than including corruption and cover up. Where are her travel documents? Her ID and purse?
It is possible that the 20 hours of absence, that she was getting rid of her ID and clothing but why?

I do not think Jennifer was there for a suicide. Why wait and spend all your time in a hotel room days after you arrive. Why not the first night?

Personally, I think it was NOT suicide. And there are reports of this Mr. X and how he revealed he knew of the death before it was even reported. Huh......... weird. If I do more and more reading, I fear I will have more questions than I started with.

May justice prevail. RIP.
I thought, when I first learned of this case, and still think, that she was an intelligence operative....but not a willing one. I think she was an MK-ULTRA-type mind-controlled slave. I suspect that she'd served her purpose, and had become inconvenient to someone (or some agency), and was bumped off because she was considered expendable.
Like the Isdal Woman case, this case is hard to dig into without knowing the the true cause of death. Like the comment made by @agathaholmes79, it looks like a suicide but the inconsistencies with the blood, lack of gunshot residue, and her finger placement with the gun makes me hesitant to consider this a suicide.

If security didn't leave the area when they heard the gun shot, would they have seen a man running from the room? With all that said, murder is hard to see as the cause of death as well. It would be a huge risk for a gunman to kill someone with security right outside the door and bet on them fleeing. If that's the case, did the gunman have an extra set of clothes to exit the building without the blood on his clothes? Those 15 unsupervised minutes are so crucial in this case.
Like the Isdal Woman case, this case is hard to dig into without knowing the the true cause of death. Like the comment made by @agathaholmes79, it looks like a suicide but the inconsistencies with the blood, lack of gunshot residue, and her finger placement with the gun makes me hesitant to consider this a suicide.

If security didn't leave the area when they heard the gun shot, would they have seen a man running from the room? With all that said, murder is hard to see as the cause of death as well. It would be a huge risk for a gunman to kill someone with security right outside the door and bet on them fleeing. If that's the case, did the gunman have an extra set of clothes to exit the building without the blood on his clothes? Those 15 unsupervised minutes are so crucial in this case.
There are several over parts of this story that lead me to believe two very similar looking women were together in that room.

I think the person leaving would have been one of those women, casually strolling out with a small suitcase containing much of the clothing in the room.

As for motive, no idea, but this story makes so much more sense (to me personally) if you explain a lot of it by using the theory that two women who looked the same were involved.
Like the Isdal Woman case, this case is hard to dig into without knowing the the true cause of death. Like the comment made by @agathaholmes79, it looks like a suicide but the inconsistencies with the blood, lack of gunshot residue, and her finger placement with the gun makes me hesitant to consider this a suicide.

If security didn't leave the area when they heard the gun shot, would they have seen a man running from the room? With all that said, murder is hard to see as the cause of death as well. It would be a huge risk for a gunman to kill someone with security right outside the door and bet on them fleeing. If that's the case, did the gunman have an extra set of clothes to exit the building without the blood on his clothes? Those 15 unsupervised minutes are so crucial in this case.

This is 99.99% a suicide. May I ask as to why you think that the placement of her fingers on the gun is inconsistent with it being a suicide? I've used that type of gun before and it would be a perfectly plausible way of carrying out the shot which was discharged. In fact, it would be the easiest way by far of shooting yourself in the forehead with that gun.

I agree with your thoughts on it not being murder - no one in their right mind and who expected to escape would plan anything like that.
This is 99.99% a suicide. May I ask as to why you think that the placement of her fingers on the gun is inconsistent with it being a suicide? I've used that type of gun before and it would be a perfectly plausible way of carrying out the shot which was discharged. In fact, it would be the easiest way by far of shooting yourself in the forehead with that gun.

I agree with your thoughts on it not being murder - no one in their right mind and who expected to escape would plan anything like that.
I guess I was confused on why her thumb was used instead of her index finger, but since you said that she shot herself in the forehead, that makes sense.
Like the Isdal Woman case, this case is hard to dig into without knowing the the true cause of death. Like the comment made by @agathaholmes79, it looks like a suicide but the inconsistencies with the blood, lack of gunshot residue, and her finger placement with the gun makes me hesitant to consider this a suicide.

If security didn't leave the area when they heard the gun shot, would they have seen a man running from the room? With all that said, murder is hard to see as the cause of death as well. It would be a huge risk for a gunman to kill someone with security right outside the door and bet on them fleeing. If that's the case, did the gunman have an extra set of clothes to exit the building without the blood on his clothes? Those 15 unsupervised minutes are so crucial in this case.
Well written and we share similar thoughts...I am wondering about Motive.
Suicide does not sit well with me. Usually spontaneous. Perhaps a little planned. Indicators are usually present. And the victims stomach contents were not completely digested from the day before. Suicidal people do not care about food unless they want a magnificent last meal - sausage and potato salad? Much remained on the plate.

Re: security. did they have walkie talkies amongst the security team? Emergency phone in the elevators?
Were all the hotel rooms checked on the murder floor and the floors below and above the murder floor?
There were conferences going on at the hotel...some floors get booked ahead for large groups and reserve whole floors for their representatives. Did a guest request a specific hotel room on the murder floor?

And why remove most of her clothing and how & when did she get rid of her clothes? In the 20 hours she was away from the hotel?
If a suicide, why wouldn't the victim not want to be returned to her roots/family? puzzling unless there is something to hide.

**Apologies In Advanced if I have forgotten details or asked similar questions...getting old and I am losing some memory**

I wish this cold case could be reopened and see if any alibies/ stories have changed since the death. Maybe something new could be found.
Well written and we share similar thoughts...I am wondering about Motive.
Suicide does not sit well with me. Usually spontaneous. Perhaps a little planned. Indicators are usually present. And the victims stomach contents were not completely digested from the day before. Suicidal people do not care about food unless they want a magnificent last meal - sausage and potato salad? Much remained on the plate.

Re: security. did they have walkie talkies amongst the security team? Emergency phone in the elevators?
Were all the hotel rooms checked on the murder floor and the floors below and above the murder floor?
There were conferences going on at the hotel...some floors get booked ahead for large groups and reserve whole floors for their representatives. Did a guest request a specific hotel room on the murder floor?

And why remove most of her clothing and how & when did she get rid of her clothes? In the 20 hours she was away from the hotel?
If a suicide, why wouldn't the victim not want to be returned to her roots/family? puzzling unless there is something to hide.

**Apologies In Advanced if I have forgotten details or asked similar questions...getting old and I am losing some memory**

I wish this cold case could be reopened and see if any alibies/ stories have changed since the death. Maybe something new could be found.

I feel like everything you've pointed out is pretty easily explained. Suicide can be very carefully planned. For women especially. I made an attempt myself once and planned everything. To say suicidal people don't care about food isn't right. Some don't, I'm sure, but many people eat and drink normally leading up to an attempt.

I won't go into the security stuff, I don't know enough about the case. But it seems like it's unlikely that a murderer would have gotten past the security.

It wouldn't be unusual for her to have gotten rid of her clothes. Less chances to identify her. She's not the only person to have died by suicide to do it, especially in hotel rooms. Plenty of other UIDs who have died that way in hotel rooms don't have much clothing with them. There have been many, many cases of people dying by suicide and specifically going to lengths to not be identified. Lyle Stevik. Christmas Tree Lady (Joyce Sommers). The young man found hanged in Belle Chasse who wrote that he did not want to be identified: "[...]There are no legal consequences of my death or any kind of entanglements. All that can happen is that you will shatter the domestic peace and order of two innocent lives. Do not deprive them of the hope that their 'missing' son will return . . .Let me be, let it be as if I wasn't ever here. Simply cremate me as John Doe."

It's fairly common for people to die by suicide far away from friends and family in the hope of sparing their grief.
The door was locked from the inside, right? Her position made me think that she was sitting on the corner of the bed, shot herself and fell back but the slug being found under the bed means she wasn't. You would think if she was going to lay in the bed to shoot herself she would lay in the middle of it.

Whatever the incidentals, this is a case that won't be solved through conventional police work. She clearly lived a clandestine life which makes for a clandestine (and curiosity piquing) death. From how long its been I'm assuming Europe doesn't/didn't have a network of dental records like the US. It'll take DNA genealogy and I seem to recall there's much more resistance to that too in Europe.
Just some reflections on some issues in Jennifer's case from a newbie:

1. Changing names. In English, Fergate/Fairgate (maybe related to the German "Vergeht"?) sound different, especially to a native speaker, but probably don't so much on the continent. Especially when two people with different native languages German/French and Norwegian are speaking to each other. Plus a cursory search implies English-language names are not unpopular in Belgium. Especially because "Jennifer" got more popular when Jennifer would have been born (say c.1970). Loïs can also be a male name in the French language. I don't think it would be Alois because the latter's stress would be on the "A" in their accents.

2. Accent. Jennifer was said to have an East German accent. But differences between East and West Germans tended to be in certain words - especially modern ones with the physical division between East and West Germany. But Central German is a group of accents and/or dialects that are similar to Standard German but with slightly different words and ways of speaking. Maybe what the receptionist identified as eastern German was Central German. That would make sense if she was Belgian or had spent time there, since Belgians sound like people from Cologne who speak Central German.

3. Town spelling. The street name listed by Jennifer seems to be "Rue de la Stehde" or at least that's how I read it. If Jennifer was Belgian, then she would be used to the mix of languages there, especially since Flemish and German Belgians speak French and the Wallonian Belgians only speak French. So maybe the street name could be a mix of the French "Rue de la" and the "Stehde" from Auf der Stehde in Bad Laasphe in central-west Germany.

4. Clothes. Her clothes seem to be designer and so expensive. But I'm not sure how we can tell the place from that... designer labels are sold throughout across different places and can be ordered by mail or phones in the 1990s. Same with her lingerie because women often wear sexy lingerie to feel good about themselves rather than for men/sexual partners.

5. Man opposite. The man in the room opposite had the only set of fingerprints other than Jennifer's found in her room. This could be innocent, seeing as he gave her his newspaper (
). But if he is involved, which he could be, then I don't think he will be found easily.

(I know this comment doesn't mention sources. I'm not sure if language facts checked via Wikipedia and Quora are allowed to be cited here. But I can give them if anyone wants them.)
I don't really understand why the 'Fergate' spelling is such a popular idea. To me the signature is fairly obviously 'Fairgate', with a lazy ligature of the 'ai'. Even if you think someone might write an 'e' like that, it's clear from the signature, which contains both a further 'a' and an 'e' for comparison, that this person didn't.

If you aren't convinced by the semi-absent 'i', then it's still more likely to be 'Fargate' than 'Fergate' based on the slant of all the other letters, but as far as I know that's never even been suggested.

(That's not aimed at anyone in particular btw, just a general observation.)


Fairgate sig.png
As I have said before, doors can be "locked from the inside" from the outside, easily, using fine thread or fishing line. It's a standard trick-of-the-trade for spies and assassins.
The position of her body and the bullet make it easy for me to visualize her being pinned and shot - and if they're describing a classic swinging loop-and-ball hotel door "lock" it seems like a very easy thing to pull-to from the outside. An actual deadbolt perhaps less so - but hotels are probably a lot less likely to have unkeyed deadbolts or other "locks" that are especially difficult to operate from the outside.

I knew a lot of hotel "Night Managers" in the 90s and if I really take myself back to how things were at the time it would have been pretty easy to do something like you're suggesting. I do feel like they had security cameras on the parking lots and main entrance but perhaps things were different in Norway.
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