Notches for Kids on Celtic Harp

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Aug 13, 2003
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McReynolds, a/k/a McSanta, has a Celtic harp, with a number of notches on its frame representing children he'd known who died.

The Celtic harp, the pineapple, and below-grade location of the body, three things and someone may be able to think of more, seem to suggest some kind of revival of ancient celtic sacrifices. Several years ago at Jameson's, Mikie had a celtic theory. I never think to go there any more and don't know if it's archived or if new searches would have to be made. I just barely remember that those being sacrificed were fed a last meal, partly something green (correct?), and would end up at the bottom of something, maybe a bog. That meant something. There was a Pagan alliance that met out in the mountains near Boulder, and wasn't McReynolds' church a "Unity" one, sampling various religious beliefs, not just Christian?

I can't think how a beaver hair would fit into all that. Beavers around Boulder died out, so that it's a more arid area now. See the "Animal Hair and Transfer" thread. There were jacket fibers on the black duct tape applied to JonBenet's mouth posthumously, and also a beaver hair? In that thread I'm asking for a source for that.

Meanwhile, what about the harp? If there had been a lot of cars that night, some sort of gathering, wouldn't neighbors have noticed and reported it?

Someone's said Janet McReynolds wrote a 3-page article and didn't mention JonBenet crying/not feeling pretty. Was that omission deliberate as part of a coverup of something that happened that night, the 23rd? She probably didn't mention the celtic harp, and a lot of things.

About knowing the layout of the house and where the yellow writting pads, etc. were, the R's had had an open house and then that large party, about 100 people, so lots of people had toured the house. Some woman yelled at JR on her way out after one of the Homes tours about excesses. The earring at the curb may have been hers? There are factions in the Philippines. Was she maybe a member of one? Not that I really think a woman was involved that night. It all sounds so much like a man's crime, with something celtic about it, very possibly, more than one perp. I've read that they would thank a Christmas tree for sacrificing itself just before cutting it. Maybe they thanked JonBenet for sacrificing herself to their sexual fantasies too? Just a wild guess, no source. Satanists sometimes kill an animal to scare a child into submission, but no animal blood was found. Too bad they didn't use police dogs, at any point that I know of. Some neighbors may have been away on vacation and their driveway or driveways used w/out their knowledge. The Barnhills' boarder, Glen M., crashed the party on the 23rd saying the dogs were barking and making him nervous. Someone sneaking around the various houses, casing the neighborhood as well as the R house?
With as much attention as this crime generated a unknown parked car in a driveway where the occupants were out of town would have been reported.
These neighbors seemed to be familiar with each other and strangers would have been noticed.
Eye witness testimony is the most unreliable and should not be believed over
foresnics or other types of evidence. The Intruder theories are so out of the norm and Ramsey was a small fish in a small pond. Duponts they aint !
Its shameful how people who were near the Ramseys got cast as suspects
while the parents claim presecution / victimization for being suspected. I feel so sorry for the people who had their lives examined and whispers
and inneudo and gossip about them without any evidence .
The murderer tried to make this confusing complicated and mysterious and dramatic. But its actually quite simple. JB was murdered late at night or early in the morning depending on your point of view by her abusive mother and the
the rest of the family lied and protected the crimminal.
sharpar said:
But its actually quite simple. JB was murdered late at night or early in the morning depending on your point of view by her abusive mother and the rest of the family lied and protected the crimminal.
Either that or a Philippine woman, sans earring, with a pet beaver and a fondness for ancient European musical instruments did it. Toss a coin.
Eagle1 said:
McReynolds, a/k/a McSanta, has a Celtic harp, with a number of notches on its frame representing children he'd known who died.

I think there were 3 children on the harp but can't tell you what the source of that memory is. Also, I don't think they were notches but names carved.
The neighbors were watching out for each other all right. Patsy recalls her neighbors discussing the suspicious "black children" selling candy...and they weren't from Denver.
If I remember correctly, the person being sacrificed was fed a favorite food, and maybe some mistletoe also (?) Anyone remember that from Mikey's theory? It was said there was some green fecal matter in her intestines. I don't claim to know if mistletoe would stay green, and in fact my memory of all of this is rather vague, like everyone else's. Is mistletoe poisonous?

I'm thinking it was more than 3, either names or notches.
Paradox said:
Either that or a Philippine woman, sans earring, with a pet beaver and a fondness for ancient European musical instruments did it. Toss a coin.

Where are you getting musical instruments? Oh, editing to say you must mean the celtic harp. I believe we already have someone who belongs to the harp, McReynolds. A late friend of mine named O'Neil had one. It's a smaller harp than the kind we see in orchestra's.

I wasn't naming the woman in the homes tour as a murder suspect, just an example of those who're against American capitalism. She was said to have been scolding JR as he arrived home from somewhere when she was leaving. She's probably not an important member of the cast of this story.

Question is, why did this old guy know so many children whose lives were somehow cut short? I don't remember anyone ever saying exactly what any of them died of. And guess nobody remembers any more about this than I do.

Didn't Schiller say the neighbors were all canvassed and none had noticed any strange vehicles that night? But there was a "rave party" about two doors away, attended I believe by J.T. Colfax, so there should have been some cars. What's the source of their looking out for one another that night? Never heard that before.
Eagle1 said:
Is mistletoe poisonous?

It is, but it's so weakly toxic that most cases of mistletoe ingestion produce no symptoms. There's one known death attributed to it in the States since 1978, but that person was ingesting large quantities of mistletoe extract, sold in Europe as a tonic. Usually if someone eats enough of the leaves or berries to produce symptoms, the first symptom is vomiting, which limits the damage that can be done.

-Sepka the Space Weasel

(editted for spelling)
We seem to have some experts here.

What's a cabalic beaver?

And I meant to say earlier, the Jameson poster who said there were NAMES on the celtic harp frame just may have been mistaken, or maybe I'm miarKWN, because I seem to remember the word notches, from when they discussed it there before. It would be awfully hard to carve names on it. Notches so much easier, and would allow many more names. I'm sure I'm probably wrong about 15, but wasn't it a lot more than 3, people?
So what ? Considering the thousands of children Santa probably ran into over the years I dont find it odd he would be acquainted with some that have died. Either from accidents or illness. Notches on the harp seems like a sweet memorial gesture to me. Patsy pointed the finger at him but if she
was concerned then why hire him multiple times for her soirees ?
Those poor people were put through the ringer unfairly. Santa did not murder JB. Santa is innocent let him rest in peace !

Not everyone who loves children has ulterior motives or a twisted personality.
Some folks just like those short amazing people.
sharpar said:
So what ? Considering the thousands of children Santa probably ran into over the years I dont find it odd he would be acquainted with some that have died. Either from accidents or illness. Notches on the harp seems like a sweet memorial gesture to me. Patsy pointed the finger at him but if she
was concerned then why hire him multiple times for her soirees ?
Those poor people were put through the ringer unfairly. Santa did not murder JB. Santa is innocent let him rest in peace !

Not everyone who loves children has ulterior motives or a twisted personality.
Some folks just like those short amazing people.

Yes...poor Santa. John said he was effeminate, gay. So why would a gay person molest a female child?
sharpar said:
So what ? Considering the thousands of children Santa probably ran into over the years I dont find it odd he would be acquainted with some that have died. Either from accidents or illness. Notches on the harp seems like a sweet memorial gesture to me. Patsy pointed the finger at him but if she
was concerned then why hire him multiple times for her soirees ?
Those poor people were put through the ringer unfairly. Santa did not murder JB. Santa is innocent let him rest in peace !

Not everyone who loves children has ulterior motives or a twisted personality.
Some folks just like those short amazing people.
Some people do, yes, that's true. And I'm not saying Santa did it. But I do think he came across as pretty flaky (um, WEIRD)- and I don't think his wife was much better. :twocents:
I have to agree with Irish Mist.

Not saying McSanta did it, any more than I'd say anyone else, including the bereaved family did it, but the fact remains:

Pedophiles do have their various ways of getting near children. Even playing Santa. Doesn't necessarily mean he loves children at all. He may just want to be trusted by them and looked up to. Are we defending him just because of our childhood memories of loving Santa? Not me. My parents told us the truth as soon as we were old enough to understand Santa's just a pretend game. A priest has just been convicted of murdering a nun about 26 yrs ago. He couldn't control his anger, felt she was too strict, too much a stickler for details, and, of course, a woman. He hid it all these years.

Appearances can be deceiving. I don't blame the R's a bit for suspecting all their so-called friends. It turns out they weren't friends at all, after all.

Patsy kept hiring McSanta because she didn't know any other Santa's, obviously, made a lot of errors in judgement, her choice of "friends", that it turns out she knew she really couldn't trust. Just like Beth Holloway Twitty. You know she must be beating herself up the rest of her life about having let Natalee go on that trip. They say Natalee told people her mother was Hitler's sister, but members at that forum all agreed that's just typical teenage behavior. Natalee may have been, or hopefully still is, pretty smart, but she still went through the stages of growing up like any other kid. JonBenet would have too.

This is America, and she should have been allowed to do whatever without the so-called friends resenting that they were being shown up as do-nothings or whatever.

They were waiting until after Christmas to do their "Intervention", so they could enjoy the party and all that and would have a whole year to get the R's over it and get invited to another party, probably. I'm really resenting McSanta's use of that song, "Tis a Gift to be Simple", which is just some group's human idea of religion, nowhere written in stone, not gospel truth.
Some people have other gifts, that really do entertain us and we should appreciate it. Gospel is that we're not to bury our abilities under a bushel, which could mean unsolicited advice of "friends" with their own children, they'll trust to public schools, bare minimum, no ambitions. Fine for them but they shouldn't try to impose that attitude on anyone else.
I am mystified .
Just why are you so desperate to find another culprit other than Patsy who murdered her daughter ? They are innocent but all these other people are
rage / jealous murderers ? Why would any sane person be jealous of
those shallow, arrogant, legends in their own minds people anyway ? They have no redeeming qualities that I can see to be jealous of.

Celtic rituals ? lurking strangers ? in the closet pedophiles ? Charles Manson devotees ? a new kind of psychopath who lives in the house unknown by the occupants ? Why not rabid beavers wearing wolf hair coats ? Aliens from UFO's perhaps?

Bereavement ? When did the R's ever display that emotion ? Oh I know the
valium induced psychosis and ammensia or are you referring to the Jackie O
mourning attire and photo op ? Or the poised shots of her at the gravesite perhaps. Any grief they had was for themselves for not being cleared immediately.

...see that not only did the R's have the means motive and opportunity, its what makes the most sense viewing the evidence
and the lack of evidence.
Well said Sharper.

<<Any grief they had was for themselves for not being cleared immediately>>

That seems to be the way it was.
I could not believe the title of their book was referring to the death of their innocence.
According to them they were the victims, not their daughter.​

That's a pretty strong post,coming from someone who admitted on this and other forums,just a few months go,that you are still fairly new to this case and are still trying to catch up on all the reading. Mentioning KISS,leads us to believe that other theories are stupid.We don't take too kindly to that attitude on this forum ... at least I don't.

If it's as simple as you believe,someone would have been in jail by now.

Let's be nice.
It could be as simple as that Capps.
If things had been handled differently, a Ramsey could very well have gone to jail.
Are you getting Sharpers post mixed up with rashomons?
I dont see a post from rashomon in this thread....:confused:

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