Notches for Kids on Celtic Harp

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I didn't think you could give Patsy a bigger pass Sissi don't seem to see/hear/read Patsy's lies.....and each to their own but in my world Patsy has lied.....and more than once.
But you are right, Patsy's memory was definitely impaired....though the article didn't seem to mention the selective memory Patsy has :p , maybe I missed that part...

I thought her chemo was long over by the time of JonBenét's death...
I thought the chemo happened when JonBenét was 2 -3....
Eagle1 said:
McReynolds, a/k/a McSanta, has a Celtic harp, with a number of notches on its frame representing children he'd known who died.

The Celtic harp, the pineapple, and below-grade location of the body, three things and someone may be able to think of more, seem to suggest some kind of revival of ancient celtic sacrifices. Several years ago at Jameson's, Mikie had a celtic theory. I never think to go there any more and don't know if it's archived or if new searches would have to be made. I just barely remember that those being sacrificed were fed a last meal, partly something green (correct?), and would end up at the bottom of something, maybe a bog. That meant something. There was a Pagan alliance that met out in the mountains near Boulder, and wasn't McReynolds' church a "Unity" one, sampling various religious beliefs, not just Christian?

I can't think how a beaver hair would fit into all that. Beavers around Boulder died out, so that it's a more arid area now. See the "Animal Hair and Transfer" thread. There were jacket fibers on the black duct tape applied to JonBenet's mouth posthumously, and also a beaver hair? In that thread I'm asking for a source for that.

Meanwhile, what about the harp? If there had been a lot of cars that night, some sort of gathering, wouldn't neighbors have noticed and reported it?

Someone's said Janet McReynolds wrote a 3-page article and didn't mention JonBenet crying/not feeling pretty. Was that omission deliberate as part of a coverup of something that happened that night, the 23rd? She probably didn't mention the celtic harp, and a lot of things.

About knowing the layout of the house and where the yellow writting pads, etc. were, the R's had had an open house and then that large party, about 100 people, so lots of people had toured the house. Some woman yelled at JR on her way out after one of the Homes tours about excesses. The earring at the curb may have been hers? There are factions in the Philippines. Was she maybe a member of one? Not that I really think a woman was involved that night. It all sounds so much like a man's crime, with something celtic about it, very possibly, more than one perp. I've read that they would thank a Christmas tree for sacrificing itself just before cutting it. Maybe they thanked JonBenet for sacrificing herself to their sexual fantasies too? Just a wild guess, no source. Satanists sometimes kill an animal to scare a child into submission, but no animal blood was found. Too bad they didn't use police dogs, at any point that I know of. Some neighbors may have been away on vacation and their driveway or driveways used w/out their knowledge. The Barnhills' boarder, Glen M., crashed the party on the 23rd saying the dogs were barking and making him nervous. Someone sneaking around the various houses, casing the neighborhood as well as the R house?
So I saw Davinci yesterday (read the book before). Note the star is pagan (Venus according to Prof Langdon). So Patsy first said she was wearing a red sweater, but in fact JonBenet was wearing this star sequined white top. Then we get the nice sacrificial poem from Susan Merriman in DOI and it's Wednesday Dec 26 and JonBenet is wearing Wednesday underwear. My Twin Doll and The Color Purple ribbons in the Christmas trees. Who knows, loose but tantalizing clues.
Rupert said:
So I saw Davinci yesterday (read the book before). Note the star is pagan (Venus according to Prof Langdon). So Patsy first said she was wearing a red sweater, but in fact JonBenet was wearing this star sequined white top. Then we get the nice sacrificial poem from Susan Merriman in DOI and it's Wednesday Dec 26 and JonBenet is wearing Wednesday underwear. My Twin Doll and The Color Purple ribbons in the Christmas trees. Who knows, loose but tantalizing clues.
Interesting ... maybe worth a thread of it's own: The Ramsey Code?

Brown's work, and that whole genre, stinks of people wading in the shallow end of the esoterica pool. They don't quite get the meaning of the symbols, but they do point out the fact that niether do the Church Fathers.

Christianity is all over the Ramsey case, but is paganism also there?
narlacat said:
Patsy's memory was definitely impaired....though the article didn't seem to mention the selective memory Patsy has :p , maybe I missed that part...

I thought her chemo was long over by the time of JonBenét's death...
I thought the chemo happened when JonBenét was 2 -3....
Patsy's memory is only impaired when it comes to remembering pertinent details about her daughter's last day and the day after - she has no problem explaining in detail things from years ago or even days before the murder.

Patsy's last chemo treatments were in early 1994, when JonBenet was three and a half.
the girl on the swing...not a suspect..just interesting

21 PATSY RAMSEY: She would come down

22 usually just to get Evan. Seemed like he

23 practically lived at our house, you know. She

24 would come down and get him. And dinner,

25 whatever, she was kind of just little watch dog,


1 I guess. She would come after him, she never

2 really baby-sat or was at the house much.

3 She was kind of in her little

4 world. She had this outdoor swing and I mean

5 that kid was out there swinging on that swing

6 morning, noon and night. Priscilla and Fleet

7 had to have just a (INAUDIBLE) for a while or

8 something. That kid was out there 10:30 at

9 night swinging on that swing. You know, she --

10 just ice cold, doesn't matter what the weather

11 was.

12 TOM HANEY: Just swinging?

13 PATSY RAMSEY: Swinging, swinging,

14 like one of the birch swings with the disk, you

15 know, and (INAUDIBLE
Oh ok, I remember that now, thanks Sissi.
I wonder which neighbours kids they were?
There were three written statements by three different officers stating that John Ramsey said that he read to JonBenet. He then says it was a misunderstanding.

Could all three of them misunderstood him?
NO! One misunderstood, the rest copied from the first. Not unusual it seems in this case. Sad, but not unusual.
Sissi....Im intrigued about the girl on the we know how old she was...or if Patsy had confronted the girls parents about the apparent neglect of their would be hard to turn a blind eye to a nieghbours kid sitting outside in the freezing and night.
narlacat said:
It's old news that Patsy is dying of cancer.
I'll believe it when I see it, she has more lives than a cat :p
And believe me, I took notes of that hospital where she had her treatment-I wrote it down. It's the same hospital on the east coast where JFK Jr.s' cousin, Prince Radziwell had his cancer treatment (although, he died). If I ever get cancer, I'm going there. Wasn't she at stage 3 or 4 and beat this??

Just curious what Nedra died of?? Anyone know? Didn't she seem kind of young to die?
Hi Ellen :)

<<If I ever get cancer, I'm going there>>

LOL, yeah me too:p

I can't remember what Nedra died from and I'm not sure how old she was either....maybe someone else knows.
dingo said:
Sissi....Im intrigued about the girl on the we know how old she was...or if Patsy had confronted the girls parents about the apparent neglect of their would be hard to turn a blind eye to a nieghbours kid sitting outside in the freezing and night.

Evan seemed to be about 11, the next brother maybe 12 or 13, and Jordan was the oldest. She is the girl on the swing.

2 TOM HANEY: You mentioned the

3 Colbys, they are quite a bit older than your

4 kids, right?

5 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, well, Evan was

6 nearly Burke's age, he was like a year older.

7 And Kai was two, three years older. But very

8 young acting, you know, still like roller

9 blading and Nintendo and that kind of thing.

10 TOM HANEY: And they spent a lot of

11 time?


13 TOM HANEY: And how about the older

14 brother, was it Jordan?

15 PATSY RAMSEY: Jordan was the

16 daughter.

17 TOM HANEY: Daughter?

It didn't seem as though Patsy concerned herself with the "girl on the swing" however she started to mention Fleet and Priscilla, perhaps these two found her very odd, or thought she needed care.

Funny isn't it how TH says "daughter?", two years after the murder he didn't know the "who's who" of neighborhood kids. A very neglectful , careless investigation!!
Jayelles said:
I believe I read that gay people are unlikely to molest children.
Why are we talking about gays here? What have gays got to do with this case?
capps said:
Could this be a possible reason? This is from a post I wrote back in July 2005,I was too lazy to type it again. :)

"There was a reason for the ranson note.
The perp did not want to leave,letting JR to think this could have been done by just anyone (crazy person in the area,pedophile stalking JonBenet, etc.) The ransom note was covert enough to let JR know,maybe not exactly who did it,but narrowed it down.
The "inner" information: $118,000(JR's bonus),southern common sense(used jokingly by JR's inner circles),fat cat(his wealth,business),SBTC(JR's military service),Victory(possibly a word that was used often during JR's annual Regatta races in Chicago). These were all covert messages,that led JR to believe this was an "inside job". I believe the rest was "filler" to sound like a "standard" ransom note.

IMO ... I think the person who wanted revenge for JR is a powerful, important person,who would not personally kill JonBenet,but paid off someone,who knows someone,who would.I also believe,JR has a good idea of who this person is ...and for reasons we don't know ... he's not talking.

It wasn't the money ... it wasn't JonBenet ... it was a message to John."
I think this is a reasonable theory and not disprovable, but to me it just doesn’t seem to sit quite right.

Seven reasons I can think of at the moment:

1. It doesn’t explain Patsy’s strange post-murder behaviour. In your scenario she would have been a complete innocent and would have behaved as such. To me and most people it seems, she just doesn’t come across this way. I think she acts like a guilty person, such as when questioned she is evasive and displays the body language of a person who is lying.

2. I can’t see that the note sounds sufficiently like a hate note. I think if someone had done this to get back at John the note would have been a lot more viscious and ugly and would have included graphic descriptions of what occurred as the killer molested and killed JonBenet.

3. I can’t see why the killer would have hidden the body and carefully wrapped it. I think he would have left it in some grotesque position and out on display.

4. I can’t understand why the killer would have left a note that purported to be written by a kidnapper. Why was that necessary?

5. It doesn’t explain what I consider to be inappropriate behaviour and over-reaction to the murder by John's now ex-best friend.

6. It doesn’t offer an explanation for the pineapple found in JonBenet's intestine or the bowl of pineapple in the kitchen.

7. It doesn’t offer an explanation for the secret post-Christmas visit by Santa that JonBenet spoke about to her friend 2 days prior to her murder.
Toltec said:
There were three written statements by three different officers stating that John Ramsey said that he read to JonBenet. He then says it was a misunderstanding.

Could all three of them misunderstood him?

-------------->>>I don't think they misunderstood anything, that would be an outright dumbell statement, imop.

I would 'prefer' thinking that each officer asked JR the same questions then compared verbal and written notes with each other. Officers can miss some stuff from time to time, but not when comparing verbalities with each other on 'what' each of their 'individual ears' had heard.

Or even better perhaps when one officer was asking JR the question two others were standing nearby and 'HEARD' the same thingie!

There is of course what I think, what someone else thinks, and the REAL truth of the matter, WHICH NO ONE at WS really really knows. I prefer not to be insulting to any POLICE OFFICER, nor to three at one time, especially when it comes to words that came from JR's mouth.

JR - I carried her up the stairs!
Burke - She walked up the stairs.


sissi said:
NO! One misunderstood, the rest copied from the first. Not unusual it seems in this case. Sad, but not unusual.

I should have said three separate interviews with John with same results.
Paradox said:
Interesting ... maybe worth a thread of it's own: The Ramsey Code?

Brown's work, and that whole genre, stinks of people wading in the shallow end of the esoterica pool. They don't quite get the meaning of the symbols, but they do point out the fact that niether do the Church Fathers.

Christianity is all over the Ramsey case, but is paganism also there?

Yeah, interesting, and I see it's also mentioned in the Funny F's thread.

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