NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #7

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The problem with this entire botched investigation is that the most logical explanation is SP had help. That was the Sheriff’s own determination from early on. The circumstances supporting this have not changed. It’s not about there being another shooter. It’s about there being accomplices to the planning and set up of the event.

This has never been the time for accolades to ANYONE. It’s shameful. The victims and families and lawyers will insist on clarity regarding the timeline and the physics/ mechanics of how this was orchestrated. We are not going to get answers from Ellen. To me, that is the best course to avoidance of the real questions.

Answers matter and details matter to ensure there was nothing else planned, to ensure correct remedial security measures can be made and to ensure justice for the victims.
This has never been the time for accolades to ANYONE. It’s shameful. The victims and families and lawyers will insist on clarity regarding the timeline and the physics/ mechanics of how this was orchestrated. We are not going to get answers from Ellen. To me, that is the best course to avoidance of the real questions.

It sounds scripted IMO.

She also has her own slots at MGM. Just FYI.


Ellen video:


Thanks for the link. Just watched the entire video.

JC had a cane with him, so he's obviously still healing from the GSW in his leg

He seems like a quiet, shy person by nature. As the interview is ending, you can see him heave a huge sigh of relief that its over. He's not used to the media attention and finds it stressful.

Stephen Schuck was with him. He's a very nice man, very compassionate and kind. They're both just "regular" guys. No drama, straightforward, regular people.

Ellen's diagram was helpful in understanding where JC was and what happened. I guessed he entered the floor from that stairwell right next to Paddocks door. Because of the angle, Paddock couldn't shoot a him (or anyone in that stairwell) until they enter the hall and walk away from Paddock's door.

Also helpful to see there was a separate area between the hallway and the stairwell w/ blocked door. That's where JC stood while he radioed for engineering to work on the door that had been bolted shut, the call that brought SS. Later when he walked down the hallway and Paddock shot him, he took cover in a door alcove and radioed a second time, saying there was a shooter.

A woman came out in the hallway at some point then and JC told her to get back in her room

SS heard the drilling noise, too, as he walked down the hallway. Didn't realize what it was until JC stuck his head out and told him to take cover, someone was shooting. SS thought it was a jackhammer, JC thought it was a drill sound.

JC said it was after the sound of the door to the stairwell ante-room slamming closed (as JC walked back down the hall after calling engineering) that Paddock began shooting down the hallway.

Both guys insisted they not be paid for the interview. A company made a $25,000 donation in their names to the campaign for victims. They got t-shirts and season tickets to football games.

JMO, the key issue is whether JC first heard the "drilling" sound - before he was shot by Paddock or after. He said he heard it before, which means Paddock had already begun firing on the crowd before he shot at JC.
From the previous thread:
Remember, he was spraying hundreds of bullets around the area of the tank. He may have just gotten lucky.​

The tanks were well east of the concert venue. It doesn't make sense for him to have been aiming at the concert from MB and having strayed that far off from the venue, to have accidentally impacted the tanks only twice. I'm not even sure the physics would work out there. If he was aiming low at a crowd 400m away and spraying, he wouldn't have been shooting high 700m away.

WATCH: Vegas security guard speaks out on @TheEllenShow saying he thought gunshots from Paddock were drilling sounds

Yes, JC said he initially thought it was drilling, SS thought it was a jackhammer. The sound was muffled, in a room, behind closed doors. It was also one of those situations when you're not expecting to hear gunfire and interpret the sound as something else. Same as when people hear gunfire and they think it's firecrackers. Because Paddock was using an automatic weapon, it would have had that drilling/jackhammer rapid fire sound.

In a hotel, the workers would be accustomed to hearing drilling and other construction sounds, not gunfire.
Yes, JC said he initially thought it was drilling, SS thought it was a jackhammer. The sound was muffled, in a room, behind closed doors. It was also one of those situations when you're not expecting to hear gunfire and interpret the sound as something else. Same as when people hear gunfire and they think it's firecrackers. Because Paddock was using an automatic weapon, it would have had that drilling/jackhammer rapid fire sound.

In a hotel, the workers would be accustomed to hearing drilling and other construction sounds, not gunfire.

If they heard gunfire, then it sounds like they were shot at during the time suspect was firing outside, not before or after.
Yes, JC said he initially thought it was drilling, SS thought it was a jackhammer. The sound was muffled, in a room, behind closed doors. It was also one of those situations when you're not expecting to hear gunfire and interpret the sound as something else. Same as when people hear gunfire and they think it's firecrackers. Because Paddock was using an automatic weapon, it would have had that drilling/jackhammer rapid fire sound.

In a hotel, the workers would be accustomed to hearing drilling and other construction sounds, not gunfire.

So, that would be a fourth contradiction to the timeline, if he was actually shooting and not drilling.
From the previous thread:
Remember, he was spraying hundreds of bullets around the area of the tank. He may have just gotten lucky.​

The tanks were well east of the concert venue. It doesn't make sense for him to have been aiming at the concert from MB and having strayed that far off from the venue, to have accidentally impacted the tanks only twice. I'm not even sure the physics would work out there. If he was aiming low at a crowd 400m away and spraying, he wouldn't have been shooting high 700m away.


JMO, he didn't stray from shooting at the crowd. He deliberately shot at those tanks. He might have used a gun with a scope to aim single shots, but he also probably shot at them by spraying the shots in their general direction. He went through a lot of ammo and still had plenty left.

I'm still trying to figure out why this is questioned. Is there some theory that someone else shot the tanks? Either way, ballistics will prove the gun and shooter. They retrieved some of the bullets in that area, IIRC.
If they heard gunfire, then it sounds like they were shot at during the time suspect was firing outside, not before or after.

So is this a whole NEW SCENARIO and NEW TIMELINE??? Somebody needs to get their story straight.
Maybe JC did hear the drilling at first? Supposedly the perp was drilling some hole to the other room?
If they heard gunfire, then it sounds like they were shot at during the time suspect was firing outside, not before or after.

It must be the easiest thing in the world to check out definitively, why is it not?
time of shots into crowd, time , estimated shots at tanks, time all calls were made by sgs..?
JMO, he didn't stray from shooting at the crowd. He deliberately shot at those tanks. He might have used a gun with a scope to aim single shots, but he also probably shot at them by spraying the shots in their general direction. He went through a lot of ammo and still had plenty left.

I'm still trying to figure out why this is questioned. Is there some theory that someone else shot the tanks? Either way, ballistics will prove the gun and shooter. They retrieved some of the bullets in that area, IIRC.

Okay, I see what you're saying. I still don't think he sprayed at the tanks, though. There are pictures of the tanks floating around, and there are only two impacts, about in vertical alignment with each other. Looked like he shot high on the first shot, and dropped lower for the second shot. Didn't work as anticipated, so he moved on. Not to mention, 5.56 would be at the edge of its range at those tanks. .308 would have been the more likely caliber, and the burn marks on the tanks implies he was using the incendiary .308 ammo, like police reported. This aligns with reports of a single .308 rifle on a bipod in the adjoining room, facing the tanks.

Maybe JC did hear the drilling at first? Supposedly the perp was drilling some hole to the other room?

I guess it depends on what kind of drilling he was hearing. Are we talking the rapid beating of an impact or hammer drill? Or just the continuous drone of a drill going into material? I could see the first being mistaken, not necessarily the second.
So, that would be a fourth contradiction to the timeline, if he was actually shooting and not drilling.

It's not a contradiction, IMO. Suggest you listen to the interview again. If Paddock was actually drilling, instead of shooting, it would have been inside his hotel room. JC heard a drilling sound, but didn't see Paddock in the hallway or stairwell area.
I guess it depends on what kind of drilling he was hearing. Are we talking the rapid beating of an impact or hammer drill? Or just the continuous drone of a drill going into material? I could see the first being mistaken, not necessarily the second.

SS said he thought it was a jackhammer. Since he and JC heard it around the same time, assume it sounded to JC like an impact/pounding type of drilling noise.
It's not a contradiction, IMO. Suggest you listen to the interview again. If Paddock was actually drilling, instead of shooting, it would have been inside his hotel room. JC heard a drilling sound, but didn't see Paddock in the hallway or stairwell area.

How would it not be a contradiction? If the drilling was him shooting, then the shooting would have begun before Campos was shot. Which is different yet from the other three timelines out there.
SS said he thought it was a jackhammer. Since he and JC heard it around the same time, assume it sounded to JC like an impact/pounding type of drilling noise.

Except the "jackhammer" was heard after he already started shooting at Campos. So I'm not sure it's all too clear right now.
So is this a whole NEW SCENARIO and NEW TIMELINE??? Somebody needs to get their story straight.

No, not necessarily. Remember LE stated they thought he fired at the tanks first?
Its possible that is what they heard..
They did not specify a timeline for tank-shooting as far as I know, just that they thought it preceded the crowd massacre..

I am completely depressed that no new info has emerged re Paddock, was offline for a few days cos storm took lines down..
There should be volumes by now.. where is it?
Who was this man and where are his tracks?

Anybody got any ideas at all?
I cannot move on until I find out why this man did what he allegedly did without a reason?
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