NV NV - Donnis Redman, 14, & Michael Griffin, 18, Las Vegas, 1 March 1958

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I believe the Native American determination was made by her dental structure and not appearance. I have Native American heritage as well, but am red-headed and green-eyed and you'd never guess it. The clothing however does seem to match Donnis. I still don't think it's Connie, but could be wrong.
Saw this young lady added to Charley Project and her case is quite similar to that of Donnis and her boyfriend. This is another missing couple who ran away together possibly to the western states. It sheds no light on anything but I thought it was interesting. Weren't there some remains found in AZ that were at one time being looked for or being tested for Michael Griffin?

was posted earlier in this thread. the remains found in the former coroner's office were not Michael Griffin.

did we ever consider the possibility that Michael may have killed Donnis, then fled? even at that day and age someone at 18 is still a bit of a scared kid. if they got into a fight (or if his motives weren't as pure as hers may have been), something may have happened and she may have died. he could have dumped the body and ran. it would have been easier if he had no connections to the area they were from; they found relatives of his for DNA testing but they obviously didn't report him missing for all those years, so it was possible they weren't close.

do we have any word yet on whether or not they located Little Miss X's remains? and did anyone mention how close the clothing was to the body, and how much time had passed after they found it? "not long after" isn't very descriptive....but that compact, with the "P" and the carved-in "R" next to it really speaks to Donnis making her nickname "official". :\
I wonder if this UID was ever tested against Michaels DNA - I know it was found in 96 but no telling how long it had been there
1996 Unidentified male skeletal remains were found by a Forest Service Ranger on May 13. The remains were found northeast of Interstate 40 at the Welch Road exit near Williams. Manner of death
was undetermined.[/I]


There are a couple of more in the same area which I believe is near where the car was found
As much as there was talk of marriage, I don't think that happened, I don't know where the two were headed but it seems a trip to the Grand Caynon played a part.

Was anyone able to find out what kind of hobbies or interests that Donnis Marie Redman and Michael Lawrence Griffin had prior to their disappearance?

Could there have been any special events relating to their hobbies or interests that took place around the area where they were last seen or where the car was found?
Wonder why Donnis still isn't listed as a rule out for NamUS ID 9859 after all these years. Someone mentioned years ago that maybe the UID remains are MIA?
Wonder if anyone has any updates, like GriffinHull or Talelights? This thread has been pretty quiet, which is too bad. I personally think Donnis is this UID, based on a comparison of her picture and the skull, but I'm hardly an expert.
Going off of the list that Crystal posted above, I ruled out most of them either due to age or timeframe. (Disappointing, the last one on the list had already been ruled out as Michael; pretty sure I posted about that above.) One DID stand out, though, especially considering how close to the disappearance it was:

1968 Skeletal remains were found on June 6 at Hermit Rapids in Grand Canyon. These are believed to be the remains of David Jensen, but no positive identification made. Manner of death was

Hermit Rapids is about an hour and a half north on routes 64 and 180; if the police's assumptions were wrong about this being David Jensen, maybe it's worth mentioning that this might be Michael?

I'm at work right now, and when I mentioned this case to my coworker, she added that, because of the time it took Michael's family to report him missing, they might have been involved. My gut says they weren't, that they just weren't that close (especially since, during that time, it might not have been uncommon to quit school and find work while still a teen, so he could have just been independent), but I wanted your thoughts on the matter.
I think that Michael and Donnis met their demise at about the same time. It wasn't unusual to lose track of a family member back in the 60s, so his family waiting so long to report him missing is not unusual, given the times they lived in.
Do we know anything about Donnis or Michael, like where they went to high school, what they were interested in. I find it so odd that for something that happened in 1958- we know virtually nothing about them- it's like they are from 1558!

Who shared the info that Donnis went by Pinky? That seems to be all we know, sadly!
Do we know anything about Donnis or Michael, like where they went to high school, what they were interested in. I find it so odd that for something that happened in 1958- we know virtually nothing about them- it's like they are from 1558!
Who shared the info that Donnis went by Pinky? That seems to be all we know, sadly!
Pinky is listed as one of her nicknames from her Doe page, not sure what that source would be. My guess is family?
I find this case very fascinating, Donnis looks so innocent and happy in her picture. I feel that her and Michael were likely murdered, but it is nice to think that maybe they just moved someplace and lived a quiet life together happily in love. Some questions......Does anyone have much info on Michael's family ?, what is the go with the Virginia plates ?, did his family/or family member help Donnis and Michael start a new life someplace else ?.

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