NV NV - Donnis Redman, 14, & Michael Griffin, 18, Las Vegas, 1 March 1958

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I wish I could believe they are both still alive but I think something happened to them. After this many years I would have expected something to turn up about them if they were still alive. I suppose they could have left the country but otherwise I think they met up with the wrong person/people who did harm to these young people.
Revising my opinion on Little Miss X somewhat after reading the descriptions on Namus. I still don't believe she is Donnis Redman as it states the remains had long light brown hair with what appeared to be an artificial wave in it (a perm?). We know Donnis was a blonde. Also her race is stated on Namus as Native American. What I have changed my mind about was her possible age because although Namus lists her as being between 11-14, she was wearing a size 34C bra which seems large for a girl that young with a petite build, so now I'm thinking she was at least at the upper age limit. Also the makeup found with the remains would indicate someone over the age of 11. These items also seem to make it very unlikely she was Connie Smith who was only 10.

The only things that would lead me to think of Donnis are the location of the remains and the clothing: Donnis was last seen wearing a yellow sweater with brown capris. The remains were clothed in a white sweater with brown plaid capris. The yellow sweater could have been a pale yellow which faded to a white/off-white color by the time she was found, but I just can't get past the brown hair and the Native American traits.

Just my opinion, but I think the clothing and accessories indicate we should be trying to match these remains with a missing girl who is probably in her early teens.
Im visiting here in San Pedro today and thought of this case, since Michael is from here. Im glad this case is still active here.

Just wondering... has anyone ever heard from the families. Are any realatives actively looking? Seems like someone might know if these two had any reason to leave? Were parents possibly opposed to the relationship. Donnis was awfully young.
I'd like to answer some of the questions posed here, Donnis and Michael were thought to have run off to elope in Las Vegas. That is what I learned from the Redman family. I have had no contact with Michael's family but an investigator for National Center for Missing and Exploited Children was able to find a family member for the gathering of DNA for Michael's case.

Michael was not listed as missing until this year, because he was over the age of eighteen when he left California and LE did not take missing person reports on what was considered and "Adult" who could do as he pleased. Donnis was reported missing by her mother to LE.

One thing that has bothered me is the fact the remains were described as being possible Native American. Yet LMX's remains were taken to Connie Smith's dentist in WY who could not say for certain that they belonged to Connie. (I don't believe Connie's heritage is Native American nor do I think Donnis Redman's is either)

With that being said, here is a thought to wonder about. The remains were found one year, and the next year while grading the road nearby the clothing was found? Judging from the sizing, they were not Smith's. I don't know the size of Donnis either however a couple things makes me think that LMX could be Donnis. There was a compact found with the clothing that had the initial "P" engraved and the a "R" was scratched next to that. Could that mean it belonged to Donnis, aka Pinky to her friends? The investigator seems to think so... but until we can find where the remains are entombed there is no way to test further.

Michael's car was found abandoned outside of the Grand Canyon in the town of Williams, but his remains, so far, have not been found nor identified. That could change with the use of NamUs.

The biggest question is where in the world are the remains of LMX, and further, if LMX is not Connie Smith or Donnis Redman where are they?
Take a look at these 2 pictures side by side.



Wow, the nose is alot a like but what really blows my mind is the smile. Wow, this could be grasping but her name is Donnis, she is 5'2 and a gemini. Only thing different is the age by 1 year

Who is this women? Would be interesting to know some background on her before someone walks up and asks " Hey are Donnis Redman from California?

Very interesting...

She lives in Klamath,California, on fb now. Native American, Gemini, 5 "2, same age. Lot of simularities IMO. Still a possiblitiy.

However, she states on fb she went to Arcata High which is not near where DR is from.
Did we luck out or what.Can you see this pic?


It's her in 59. Was she a natural blond? The pic's of DR dont look natural (roots) Does this look like her to anyone? Bad at telling

Her in elementary school

Sorry to say but, I don't think it's a good match, I really don't see much of a resemlance between the younger pictures and Donnis Redman.
Was it Michael? Were the findings conclusive-how do they know that Donnis was murdered?
This article states this might be Michael Griffin

''Given the approximate time the bones landed at Flagstaff Mortuary, Rucker said chances are good the skeleton might belong to Griffin.
Link to W/S thread
AZ AZ- WM 15-18 yo. found in Flagstaff Mortuary garage - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I remember this article being posted awhile back on this thread. It seems as though they would of come up with some kind of conclusion by now. I wish we could find out.
I wrote twice to the editor. No reply. (it within the last year?)
Long story somewhat short. I was married to Pinky's nephew and am still close to the family as we had children together. Pinky's disappearance was NEVER talked about. When I joined the family I was told that Teta had a daughter, Pinky but we don't talk about it. So, fast forward 20 years to me sitting in my ex-husband's living room holding Pinky's baby book and a stack other personal papers including a military ID. Pinky's mom passed away a couple years ago and no one has touched her things. Now that the items are in my hands, I feel more compelled than ever to find answers. At the very least, if she is no longer living, I would like to lay her to rest with her mom. I have more reading and investigating to do through her things. There is a scrapbook with items that mention Michael but a lot are missing. I think she might have half sibling somewhere possibly in New York. I am still putting the pieces together of a tragedy long ago buried. Any help would be a blessing. I plan on scanning everything I have this weekend to make documents available to anyone that can help me. :heartbeat::heartbeat:
I visited the Flagstaff police last summer, both to collect information on Donnis, LMX, Connie Smith and Michael. So far there has been no further information that I am aware of, but I love to compare notes.

I will contact you privately.
As much as there was talk of marriage, I don't think that happened, I don't know where the two were headed but it seems a trip to the Grand Caynon played a part. Got to wonder where these two kids slept, a tent maybe? In the car? Someplace they met up with evil and it got them. It's up to us now to find them. I have not given up my AZ search and plan to be in AZ this summer for digging into records.

Thank you for you search.
Long story somewhat short. I was married to Pinky's nephew and am still close to the family as we had children together. Pinky's disappearance was NEVER talked about. When I joined the family I was told that Teta had a daughter, Pinky but we don't talk about it. So, fast forward 20 years to me sitting in my ex-husband's living room holding Pinky's baby book and a stack other personal papers including a military ID. Pinky's mom passed away a couple years ago and no one has touched her things. Now that the items are in my hands, I feel more compelled than ever to find answers. At the very least, if she is no longer living, I would like to lay her to rest with her mom. I have more reading and investigating to do through her things. There is a scrapbook with items that mention Michael but a lot are missing. I think she might have half sibling somewhere possibly in New York. I am still putting the pieces together of a tragedy long ago buried. Any help would be a blessing. I plan on scanning everything I have this weekend to make documents available to anyone that can help me. :heartbeat::heartbeat:

I want to help and have personal information please privately contact me.

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