Identified! NV - Henderson, 'Arroyo Grande', WhtFem UP46, "S" tattoo, Oct'80*GRAPHIC* - Tammy Corrine Terrell

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I somehow missed all these posts about Mr. Riddle. Deeds, you highlighted in red the bit about him beating a 17 y.o. steak to death in Tennessee.

unless he said something about Nevada, where this Henderson Arroyo Grande UID was found, what is his connection to this UID?

I do realize he was quoted Tennessee but I don't believe Riddle was 100% truthful about the locations of most of his crimes. I'm confirming this at the moment with another case.

Nevada UID is the only murder during riddle's 13 crime period I found that the COD, highway connection, etc. fit so well with Riddle's description.

I think like most killers, they like to think they're smarter then everyone else and with that I believe he changed some details of the crimes to mislead.

Another reason why I think there is a good possibility that the diary is real is the way that Riddle provokes within his quotes. It’s very much like other serial killers in the way that they taunted police to catch them.

The details of the murders he does describes (i.e.: cause of death etc.) comes very close to many unsolved murders within the timeline within the 13 year period, 1975 - 1988.

Not to mention that a lot of the murders happen along the interstate, the riding ground for many motorcycle gangs, most heavily within that time period the Outlaws motorcycle gang. The gang Riddle claims to be part of.

In addition, if he was a member of the Outlaws, they have a ‘no talk’ rule and a don’t sell out your brothers, therefore I believe the "novel" justification was rouse.

This is just my theory, my only concern is that Riddle is getting up there in age. I just don’t want what he has done to die with him.

Only because if he has been present or committed up to 30 murders, the 30 victim’s families should have a right to know what happen to there loved ones and be able to give them a loving proper burial. Also the 30 victims deserve justice!
I have always wondered how big of a gap AGJD had. I saw the dental x-rays on line and again in person but don't remember details about the gap. I am going to see if I can find the x-rays for a closer look.

What do you think about the age difference?

Thanks for your comments.

I couldn't find the dentals on NAMUS... Tell me what you guys see?

Has anyone submitted Cynthia Gastelle to LE?
I couldn't find the dentals on NAMUS... Tell me what you guys see?

Has anyone submitted Cynthia Gastelle to LE?

The dentals are charted. There are no x-rays or dental photos available in NamUs. But in the comments section, it says:

7 & 8 are present diastema

"Diastema" is a fancy word for "gap". 7 and 8 are the two upper front teeth to the right (viewer's left) of the midline, so the gap is just to her right (viewer's left) of the midline.

It also indicates that her four wisdom teeth are present and impacted, and that she has fillings in six of the eight other molars.

She also was missing three lower right teeth (two bicuspids and one canine) postmortem, and the canine was broken off at the root tip. Apparently, these teeth were knocked out during the attack.

As for Cynthia Gastelle, I have not submitted. I don't know if anyone else has.
I have let my friend at Clark County know about Cynthia Gastelle- he will take a look. He's been so busy, but will try to get us an update on the other pending CODIS matches soon.
Thanks to all who continue to search for this young girl's identity. One day we will have the answer!

I did send LE Cynthia Gastelle as a possible match back in April. I have not heard anything from LE about this submission.
Another rule out:

Results of the fingerprint comparison of Terry Collier's Fingerprint
Card and (CCOCME #80-1221) our Jane Arroya Grande Doe's Fingerprint
Card was found not to be a match on 6/8/2011.

I will follow up with LE about Cynthia Gastelle and Nadine O'Dell.
The dentals are charted. There are no x-rays or dental photos available in NamUs. But in the comments section, it says:

7 & 8 are present diastema

"Diastema" is a fancy word for "gap". 7 and 8 are the two upper front teeth to the right (viewer's left) of the midline, so the gap is just to her right (viewer's left) of the midline.

It also indicates that her four wisdom teeth are present and impacted, and that she has fillings in six of the eight other molars.

She also was missing three lower right teeth (two bicuspids and one canine) postmortem, and the canine was broken off at the root tip. Apparently, these teeth were knocked out during the attack.

As for Cynthia Gastelle, I have not submitted. I don't know if anyone else has.

I do have a portion (showing 7&8) of AGJD dental x-rays (jpg file sent from LE) but do not know how to share on this thread.
I do have a portion (showing 7&8) of AGJD dental x-rays (jpg file sent from LE) but do not know how to share on this thread.

Nola just sent me the image, and I uploaded it to my Webshots account.

Here it is.

Now that I have a view of her teeth, I decided to do a reconstruction of AGJD.

I have submitted both Nadine O'Dell and Cynthia Gastelle to Clark County as possible matches.

Nadine's physical description matches very well with Arroyo Grande (height, weight, hair and eye color); the timing of disappearance is not as good (1974). According to NamUs, Nadine's DNA is complete; no dentals or fingerprints are available.
Cynthia's physical description is not as good of a match (brown eyes), but the timing of her disappearance is more reasonable (April 1980). NamUs indicates that no dentals, fingerprints or DNA are available to compare. May leave LE without the ability to compare.

When I hear back from LE I will post their comments on this thread.
I heard back from LE today about the recent submissions of Nadine O'Dell and Cynthia Gastelle. When I met with Rick last week he expressed his sincere appreciation for this forums continued interest and hard work on this case. Here's his e-mail from today:

Hi, good catch on both. I will submit their names to our DNA
Contact to check for possible matches. It looks like Cynthia Gastelle
does not have DNA in the system, I'll follow up with the PD to see if
they have any prints, dental, or availability for DNA capture from
family. I'll let you know the results.

Have a great week.


PS...I forgot to mention on this thread how impressed Rick was with Carl's rendition of our Arroyo Grande Jane Doe. He told me that he was going to add the sketch to the file AND he would submit it to NamUs as an updated image. Thanks Carl for sharing your talent. How wonderful to have such gifted people on this site.
PS...I forgot to mention on this thread how impressed Rick was with Carl's rendition of our Arroyo Grande Jane Doe. He told me that he was going to add the sketch to the file AND he would submit it to NamUs as an updated image. Thanks Carl for sharing your talent. How wonderful to have such gifted people on this site.

I second that, Nola. And not only on this thread, but also on so many other cases where I have seen Carl share his thoughts, wisdom, and talents.
Now that I have a view of her teeth, I decided to do a reconstruction of AGJD.


I stumbled across Tina Fay Kemp and although eye color is not a match (blue vs. green), her photo on Charley Project seems to me to show the same diastema as the UID.

I also noted she wasn't listed as a rule out on NAMUS or on a previous thread where all folks being considered were also included as well as the rule outs.

I stumbled across Tina Fay Kemp and although eye color is not a match (blue vs. green), her photo on Charley Project seems to me to show the same diastema as the UID.

I also noted she wasn't listed as a rule out on NAMUS or on a previous thread where all folks being considered were also included as well as the rule outs.


That's interesting about TFK's gap. I don't see much resemblance though. She looks quite different IMO.

BTW, Cheryl Ann Moser Iacovone has a similar gap, only on the opposite side.

it is a long shot, but this struck me as a possible match

Case File 63DFNSW
I did a side by side, but dont know how to post it on here. But I was browsing through Doe network and thought Trenny Lynn Gibson may be worth checking out. She is not on the list of those excluded in NAMUS.

Heres the link

She caught my eye more or less because of her Tennessee disappearance, and because of what Riddle said. Its written here on this thread that he said he was present when a girl was killed IN Tn with a hammer, but maybe he changed it a bit to throw LE off and she was taken, trucked out to the west and then killed with hammer. I dont know...worth a shot though. What do you all think? And I cant see Trenny's teeth enough to see if there is a diastema.
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