LE has great difficulty with adult missing persons. #oldcop wrote a great post explaining why.
Currently available technology could easily help.
Imagine a phone app that monitored your behavior using AI. Call it iCasey in honor of Naimi's brother.
When the app notices that Naomi drove to Walmart as on most workdays but never got on the shuttle or arrived at work, it could ask her "Hi Naomi, this is your iCasey app. I noticed you did not get on the shuttle to work as you usually do? Is everything ok?"
Naomi could have a safe word and a help word to use in a reply. But if it got no answer after several tries, or she said the help word, the app could call her emergency contact... "Hi Casey. The is iCasey on Naomi's phone. I noticed she arrived at the shuttle stop as usual this morning but she never got on the shuttle and did not arrive at work. She did not answer when I asked if she was ok (or she replied with a codeword indicating she needed help). She asked that you be notified in such an event. Please call her to check.
If you confirm there is suspicion of trouble, you can give iCasey permission to share her last known location with authorities for further investigation. (or suggest other volunteer search groups to contact first)"
Some combination of technology and dedicated social services could serve as a screening tool, acting immediately but still not bothering LE until there's evidence of a crime, and/or there's a clear need for their investigative tools. If implemented properly with consultation and cooperation of LE, future Naomis could be saved.
Just one idea.