NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #16

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I have said it from the beginning, I feel this individual knows something also.

When people are supposedly "friends", work together closely in "church" positions, live in the same town, and then you do NOT go out and make a BIG effort to help find this person? I have a daughter that lives in the area(shares the church house sk was in) and said she did not see anything going on looking for sk after he went missing.

When Susan Powell went missing, and her husband never did anything to help find her. It just looks somewhat suspicious.

We do not know what was said in the phone conversation with sk and the other individual. Just heard what he TOLD PEOPLE was said.

You're right; we don't. But evidently others have heard the VMs and read the texts that were incoming after the phone went dead (and maybe before).

Steven had thousands of undeleted emails on his computer, according to a reliable source. I wonder if he archived (electronically journalled) his VMs and texts, too.
I think that is extremely important. Somehow I think he is the key to what happened. Not necessarily that he did something, but I think he has more knowledge of why SK was there and what was going on in SK life. Why else would he not call after that date and time? Only someone that knows SK is not going to be around for whatever reason, would suddenly go from approximately 14 text/calls down to none. I find it strange. Maybe SK went to Vegas in search of him.

I could not agree with you more!! This has always always been my thought. I don't believe there was a direct intent to harm...but something went "wrong".
I have said it from the beginning, I feel this individual knows something also.

When people are supposedly "friends", work together closely in "church" positions, live in the same town, and then you do NOT go out and make a BIG effort to help find this person? I have a daughter that lives in the area(shares the church house sk was in) and said she did not see anything going on looking for sk after he went missing.

When Susan Powell went missing, and her husband never did anything to help find her. It just looks somewhat suspicious.

We do not know what was said in the phone conversation with sk and the other individual. Just heard what he TOLD PEOPLE was said.

There are so many things...

He stated that they were "good friends" and is one of the only people who had a photo op w SK's picture

He was at the apt w SK's parents when they were going through stuff (afraid of what they might find???)

Posted on Facebook that he was having the hardest times of his life

Seen with SK in photos on a night when he apparently received a disturbing call and left...maybe there was no call??? Bc if it was a call that upset him, SK's parents could have asked the caller the nature of the call. Lovers quarrel at ward party?

Stated to GSmith that a couple told him the day of the search that they were sure they had Seen SK. According to GSmith the revelation came when he was asking GW what he thought happened to SK. We never hear what his reply was. I think he changed the subject to something else and never gave one. I've been told it was possibly a sighting months old that was not told directly
to GW, so why bring it up?

If the call on the morning SK went missing was to ask him to go to church and he found out SK couldn't, why didn't GW then call the other men and tell them he nor SK would be there....since it was really GWs responsibility to be there not SK's.

How did the men "come to realize" that GW was not going to be at mtg? If it was from GW, why didn't he tell them he had talked to SK already?

GW and SK were less than five miles when they spoke...total chance????

No one has ever publicly spoken up clearing GW...or saying they were with him. Maybe those people know something too???
There are so many things...

He stated that they were "good friends" and is one of the only people who had a photo op w SK's picture

He was at the apt w SK's parents when they were going through stuff (afraid of what they might find???)

Posted on Facebook that he was having the hardest times of his life

Seen with SK in photos on a night when he apparently received a disturbing call and left...maybe there was no call??? Bc if it was a call that upset him, SK's parents could have asked the caller the nature of the call. Lovers quarrel at ward party?

Stated to GSmith that a couple told him the day of the search that they were sure they had Seen SK. According to GSmith the revelation came when he was asking GW what he thought happened to SK. We never hear what his reply was. I think he changed the subject to something else and never gave one. I've been told it was possibly a sighting months old that was not told directly
to GW, so why bring it up?

If the call on the morning SK went missing was to ask him to go to church and he found out SK couldn't, why didn't GW then call the other men and tell them he nor SK would be there....since it was really GWs responsibility to be there not SK's.

How did the men "come to realize" that GW was not going to be at mtg? If it was from GW, why didn't he tell them he had talked to SK already?

GW and SK were less than five miles when they spoke...total chance????

No one has ever publicly spoken up clearing GW...or saying they were with him. Maybe those people know something too???

Like "hot potato", I think we are getting warmer, warmer.......
I could not agree with you more!! This has always always been my thought. I don't believe there was a direct intent to harm...but something went "wrong".

Did GW ever say he tried to call sk after Sunday? Did his employer try to get hold of him? Just too weird to me.
Did GW ever say he tried to call sk after Sunday? Did his employer try to get hold of him? Just too weird to me.

The LL and employer did continually try to call him after Sunday. Had GW kept calling there would have been records of that. GW did not try to call. In fact he never called past that Sunday, Dec. 13 at noon. The exact time we last see SK on video.

They always say to look for changed behaviors in someone after a person goes missing. Well approx. 14 text/calls in the week before SK goes missing, down to zero at the time a person is last seen, is changed behavior to me.
I don't think GW knows what happened to SK, in the sense of factual knowledge that he could point to. I think he suspects, fears, doesn't want to admit to himself -- hence the desire to cling to the reported sightings.
The LL and employer did continually try to call him after Sunday. Had GW kept calling there would have been records of that. GW did not try to call. In fact he never called past that Sunday, Dec. 13 at noon. The exact time we last see SK on video.

They always say to look for changed behaviors in someone after a person goes missing. Well approx. 14 text/calls in the week before SK goes missing, down to zero at the time a person is last seen, is changed behavior to me.

Change in behavior.....ah definitely! Especially since sk was gw's counselor and friend. If I had a friend , or co-worker in my church, I would be one of the first people looking for my friend. Come on, wouldn't you all? I want to know his reasons why he did not. Why has he not been involved from the beginning? Why isn't he asking questions?
Did GW ever say he tried to call sk after Sunday? Did his employer try to get hold of him? Just too weird to me.

Employer made 14 calls to SK **after** the phone (apparently) went dead.
8 on one day (14th).

LL was also calling once/twice a day.

The amazing thing, to me, is that the phone records show SK responded (text/return call) -- but after 7am on Dec 14th, the responses end. Yet they keep calling calling calling calling and neither puts up a red flag.

Since LL had already called SK's parents on the 10th, why (when SK was suddenly unreachable) did LL not call his parents again to see if they'd heard from him?
Change in behavior.....ah definitely! Especially since sk was gw's counselor and friend. If I had a friend , or co-worker in my church, I would be one of the first people looking for my friend. Come on, wouldn't you all? I want to know his reasons why he did not. Why has he not been involved from the beginning? Why isn't he asking questions?

GW was one of the first people interviewed, and we see him in front of SK's home holding up a "missing" poster (in one of the first news stories). As far as we know, he's been at every search.

Were he and SK "church friends" (with no relationship outside the church meetings)...or were they actually friends who hung out, outside the church meetings? (That's info only available from St George people.)
GW was one of the first people interviewed, and we see him in front of SK's home holding up a "missing" poster (in one of the first news stories). As far as we know, he's been at every search.

Were he and SK "church friends" (with no relationship outside the church meetings)...or were they actually friends who hung out, outside the church meetings? (That's info only available from St George people.)

SK being GW's counselor, shouldn't a church friend, fellow member of the church,someone from the community, be enough to really help? I have many friend's in St. George (lived there for 10 years) and relatives. How come they also did not hear anything about SK?

You do not have to hangout with someone, to make a effort to help find them.
SK being GW's counselor, shouldn't a church friend, fellow member of the church,someone from the community, be enough to really help? I have many friend's in St. George (lived there for 10 years) and relatives. How come they also did not hear anything about SK?

You do not have to hangout with someone, to make a effort to help find them.

Very true.

The following is NOT a derogative comment about a particular religion:

I think everyone figures that SK disappeared in Vegas, so it's not their local problem. I don't think the bond is "tight", when people move around or change wards due to marriage and/or moving to a new home.

I have church friends I've kept up with for years, because no matter where we moved, we still went to the same church in the same building with the same congregation.

*I* frankly believe that the ward "wrote him off" for some reason. If this had happened in my own church when I was young, there would have been an organized effort.

I would have thought the Bishop would be leading an effort, but maybe that's not what he's for?

As far as not hearing about him being missing: it was in the local newspapers, and St George gets both the Las Vegas and SLC TV/newspapers.
Very true.

The following is NOT a derogative comment about a particular religion:

I think everyone figures that SK disappeared in Vegas, so it's not their local problem. I don't think the bond is "tight", when people move around or change wards due to marriage and/or moving to a new home.

I have church friends I've kept up with for years, because no matter where we moved, we still went to the same church in the same building with the same congregation.

*I* frankly believe that the ward "wrote him off" for some reason. If this had happened in my own church when I was young, there would have been an organized effort.

I believe you when you say your comment is NOT derogative about a particular religion.

I am LDS, I lived in St. George, I lived in the exact neighborhood SK lived in, some of my friends children were in SK's ward, my daughter's family share the same chapel Sk went to church in,etc.

I cannot figure out what happened there. For some reason, there was not a great support system for Sk there. I am not putting any individuals down, because there are some I know, that wonder about SK. But, how could they NOT pull together in a effort to find him? There are so many resources in St. George. These are young people, one of their own. There is a local TV station, radio stations...... I wish some of his co-workers, friends, church members, would let us know about their efforts. People in sk's neighborhood did not know he was missing or questioned. My daughter talked to people who lived on his block!

What can we do to get a effort in St. George? It makes me worry, if any of my family or friends are missing, who would be there for them.
Okay, I do not know what happened on my last post. Laytonian's post is there, and so is mine.
Very true.

The following is NOT a derogative comment about a particular religion:

I think everyone figures that SK disappeared in Vegas, so it's not their local problem. I don't think the bond is "tight", when people move around or change wards due to marriage and/or moving to a new home.

I have church friends I've kept up with for years, because no matter where we moved, we still went to the same church in the same building with the same congregation.

*I* frankly believe that the ward "wrote him off" for some reason. If this had happened in my own church when I was young, there would have been an organized effort.

I believe you when you say your comment is NOT derogative about a particular religion.

I am LDS, I lived in St. George, I lived in the exact neighborhood SK lived in, some of my friends children were in SK's ward, my daughter's family share the same chapel Sk went to church in,etc.

I cannot figure out what happened there. For some reason, there was not a great support system for Sk there. I am not putting any individuals down, because there are some I know, that wonder about SK. But, how could they NOT pull together in a effort to find him? There are so many resources in St. George. These are young people, one of their own. There is a local TV station, radio stations...... I wish some of his co-workers, friends, church members, would let us know about their efforts. People in sk's neighborhood did not know he was missing or questioned. My daughter talked to people who lived on his block!

What can we do to get a effort in St. George? It makes me worry, if any of my family or friends are missing, who would be there for them.

Not a lot, really, unless (1) people think he could possibly be there and (2) there's an organized effort.

There's an elephant in the room in this case, and whatever it is, may explain why SK's singles ward co-members haven't (publicly) mounted an effort.

I've never heard such silence from an organized group. WE (non-LDS) get every flyer the local ward puts out, because it's assumed everyone is an LDS member. In THIS case? Nothing's been done in that neighborhood, ward, or stake. Wait. I remember. They did pray and fast one Sunday.
Change in behavior.....ah definitely! Especially since sk was gw's counselor and friend. If I had a friend , or co-worker in my church, I would be one of the first people looking for my friend. Come on, wouldn't you all? I want to know his reasons why he did not. Why has he not been involved from the beginning? Why isn't he asking questions?

I might not, for several reasons. Three that come to mind off the top of my head:

If I thought he had a reason for leaving and didn't want to be found.

If I was afraid I was going to find his body.

If I thought he was involved with something illegal that I didn't want to get involved in.

Another thing -- based on a relationship I had in the past -- if the last thing that happened between us was a fight over something that made me think the whole relationship had been a mistake. For instance -- and I'm not implying this is what actually happened, only giving an example from my own life -- if he said, "I'm sorry, I can't live in this manipulative situation and I'm tired of you always threatening to kill yourself." The person I cut ties with did not go kill herself (and it wasn't a romantic relationship) but if she had turned up missing a week later, I would have assumed she had fulfilled her threat and I would have been sad over the whole tragedy, but I wouldn't have felt any need to go looking for her.
I might not, for several reasons. Three that come to mind off the top of my head:

If I thought he had a reason for leaving and didn't want to be found.

If I was afraid I was going to find his body.

If I thought he was involved with something illegal that I didn't want to get involved in.

Another thing -- based on a relationship I had in the past -- if the last thing that happened between us was a fight over something that made me think the whole relationship had been a mistake. For instance -- and I'm not implying this is what actually happened, only giving an example from my own life -- if he said, "I'm sorry, I can't live in this manipulative situation and I'm tired of you always threatening to kill yourself." The person I cut ties with did not go kill herself (and it wasn't a romantic relationship) but if she had turned up missing a week later, I would have assumed she had fulfilled her threat and I would have been sad over the whole tragedy, but I wouldn't have felt any need to go looking for her.

.....which brings up the fourth:

A gay relationship between two people, that IF the other person revealed it, would result in a major scandal.

I have a hard time believing that, in a group of 18-to-30 year old unmarried people, they are all heterosexual. The purpose of a singles ward is to group the "eligibles" together in hopes they can find a mate; but that doesn't negate the fact that some gay relationships could form.
So the cards are going to be given out in St. George ,Henderson and I think Carbuff was going to hand out some as well.

The family is getting some as well, right?

Are there any other areas where they are going to be placed?
So the cards are going to be given out in St. George, Henderson and I think Carbuff was going to hand out some as well.

The family is getting some as well, right?

Are there any other areas where they are going to be placed?

Henderson old town area
St George area
Carbuff's contacts
The family (wherever they see fit)

If anyone else would like some, there's still time to speak up.

As soon as the cards come in, I'll be sending them out.
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