NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #21

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Has anyone here personally gone to a job interview on a Sunday afternoon at a private home or knows someone first hand who has?

If so, what type of business was it?

What do most people do on Sundays?

Why would someone be going to a private residence at a specific time?

How do we know that the time was specific to an appointment? Could have been coincidence. He stopped in unannounced at a private residence in the middle of the day during the work week just days prior.

The presumption that SK was going to a job interview doesn't ring true to me. The day of the week and the location just aren't right. Interviews on Saturdays are pretty rare, let alone Sunday afternoons.

I have heard of weekend retreats/conferences/get-aways/seminars/events/or holiday festival/concerts that will be conducted on Saturday and Sundays. This was the second week of December when it would be reasonable that holiday events would be well into their schedule. Also, there are those 2 day "get rich quick" conferences that will occur on Saturdays and Sundays, frequently w/o a cost for admission. Knowing that SK was struggling for a job, this type of conference may have interested him and possible even gotten him excited about his future new business prospects, this could have been viewed as his big break. If he had been planning on attending an event of this nature, this may be why he sounded up-beat in the days prior, because he was excited about the opportunity to turn thing around.

Not to mention that Vegas is a hot spot for conferences or large scale events.

The Overton ping on Saturday could have been the outbound journey to Henderson, spent the day at the event, with the Mesquite ping representing the return trip.

The start time for the Sunday sessions will sometimes be later in the morning or after the lunch hour and will be restricted to the afternoon hours before concluding. Cell phones off during the time spent in the event, cell phone back on after the retreat is over, thus the ping on Sunday evening.

SK may have met people at the retreat/conference who offered to let him ride with them the next day. Because of gmith's input here on WS, we know that when possible, SK would prefer to have other people drive because he didn't want to spend money on gas, even if it was just short trips or just two friends hanging out.

So, Saturday night, SK returns to St. George to his apartment, is seen for only 30 mins before he is observed by the neighbor leaving again, and he returns to Henderson, but sleeps in his car which is why the pillows and blanket and toiletry bag are in the back seat and more items aren't packed or missing from his home.

Next morning, maybe he runs a few errands, pays cash for breakfast, and then joins up with the people in the SCA area who he may have visited with the day before and parked in their driveway in the SCA neighborhood. Since he now knows the neighborhood, he parked his car out of the way, walks to their home or the home they are staying at, and rides along with them to the event.

Or, he might never have been to that neighborhood before but the people drew a map on the back of a piece of paper he had with him. Once he made it to the neighborhood, he would have just had to turn left and travel down SS to the cul-de-sac. Depending on the quality of the map they drew, they may have indicated where to park and then walk to the house he was going to, which might not have been on EL, but on one of the other streets. He would have been walking with his head down while covering ground knowing that he wouldn't need to look up and be aware of the house numbers until he was at the end of EL. This would have appeared comfortable and purposeful, he was a missionary, he wasn't unaccustomed to being in unfamiliar neighborhoods locating addresses.

The folder that SK was seen carrying could have very well been issued at the event and contained the schedule and/or training materials, and if he was provided with a map, it is probable he had it with him so that he could open the folder and reference the map. The extra 4 minutes spent in the vehicle could easily have been that he put the map he had been looking at while driving into the folder, double checked his walking path on the map before closing the folder, reviewed the event schedule for the day, made sure he had everything he need, checked his appearance in his mirror, and then gotten out and started walking towards the house.

Depending on the event, people might have only been in town only for the event, then returned home. If the people he met up with were only in town for the event and were staying w/friends or family in the SCA area for convenience, they would have been gone by the time police started canvasing the neighborhood asking questions. Also, if they were waiting in their vehicle, ready to go, SK may never have gone into the house and the home owner may not have ever seen SK or had any knowledge that he was even there. The people he was joining could have just told the home owner that someone that they had met at the event was going to ride with them, but not even mentioned his name and this wouldn't have raised suspicion.

Depending on the type of event, i.e. "get rich quick", SK may not have wanted the scrutiny or appearance of being desperate enough to attend one which he why did didn't mention the reason he was there when he spoke on the phone with his fellow church members. But, he could have skipped the second day of the event if "needed" to return for church services.

An event of this nature would have been advertised and a phone call may not appear suspicious or even needed in order to attend. He would not necessarily have made or received phone calls from people he met at the event, and the event materials may have been in the folder which is why there wasn't anything found in his vehicle mentioning the event. Or, it is possible that an advertisement for the event was found in the vehicle, but overlooked because it didn't seem relevant at the time.

No harm may have come to him at anytime during the event or from the people that he may have met. But, something might have interfered with his ability to get a ride back to his vehicle. That is maybe where the trail warms up....

Has anyone checked to see if any of the above events were occurring over that weekend besides the rodeo finals?

When I was young yes I went on an interview on Saturday, Sunday and every other day of the week. I have interviewed at someone's home for a typist job when I was young and I did not call the person who was hiring. I was sent over by the Youth Employment Agency. The agency called the person but I didn't.

The kind of jobs that I interviewed on Sunday was at a retail store. So it is very possible.

What happened to Laytonian and her time line? Is there a break in the case? I can't imagine why she would take it down.
I don't think Laytonian's been here since the 11th and her timeline has disappeared as well. I just tried to get onto the ForSteven website and it seems to be down also. ??
I wish they would say if clothes were found in the area. They never do and I can't understand why.

A preliminary investigation determined the bones have “been out there for a period of time” and were “exposed to the elements,” McGrath said.


AS VEGAS -- LasVegas Metro police are investigating the discovery of a human skull and some bones near the town of Goodsprings, Nev., about 25 miles southwest of Las Vegas.


This states surveyors found them, but not sure if human. I guess they hadn't found the skull yet.

ETA: Commenter is asking about a woman that disappeared in Goodspings two years ago, so it may be her.


Area of find:http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Jean,+NV+89044&daddr=Goodsprings+Road,+Goodsprings,+NV+to:Gold+Strike+Hotel,+Jean,+NV+to:Savannah+Springs+Avenue,+Henderson,+NV&hl=en&geocode=FUfrIQIdWU4g-SmdWO45gEnPgDF6HxrAJivgqQ%3BFX2fIgIdteMe-SkXjJewh0vPgDFDxrcp2vPDxw%3BFXLtIQIdBDsg-SFtExLm3cJidSldSwLzLk3PgDGpgb-PErpSLw%3BFRd1JAIdiLAj-Skl49u9ZM3IgDFY-ADT3IY2Hw&gl=us&mra=ls&sll=35.787393,-115.330181&sspn=0.032028,0.05476&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=11
A preliminary investigation determined the bones have “been out there for a period of time” and were “exposed to the elements,” McGrath said.


AS VEGAS -- LasVegas Metro police are investigating the discovery of a human skull and some bones near the town of Goodsprings, Nev., about 25 miles southwest of Las Vegas.


This states surveyors find them, but not sure if human. I guess they hadn't found the skull yet.


Area of find:

It says they DID find the skull:

Detectives are investigating a possible human skull and bones found in the desert southwest of Las Vegas this afternoon.
Strange his FB or website would be down. Does anyone know if it was up yesterday?
I just watched the show disappeared and now more then ever I believe that something sinister happened to Steven Koecher. That was the first thing that I thought of was that he was going into that neighborhood for a meeting or a job and I had no idea that is what the family believed.

Aside from that it seems to me something is up. It doesn't sound reasonable that laytonian would just stop posting and remove her timeline. Something is up. The family website has been removed. Something might have happened. They may have information on his disappearance.

This guy was completely normal and just stressed out about a job. He didn't commit suicide and didn't walk out of his life. After watching that episode I am sure of it now that he met with foul play and someone did harm to him. 100 percent positive.

Please stop talking about other members.

If you are concerned about why someone has been posting or not posting, or some other personal issue with them, try messaging them. If you are concerned about the well-being of a poster and cannot reach them, you can contact a moderator or administrator. This thread is for Steven.

Police Arrest Man for Murder after Body Found

Posted: May 13, 2011 2:33 PM MDT

LAS VEGAS -- A Las Vegas man is facing a murder charge after police say he shot a man, left him to die and then dumped his body in a desert lot.
Police received an anonymous tip Thursday that there was a body in a field along west Philadelphia Street, near the Stratosphere Casino. When officers responded, the found the body in a shallow hole wrapped in plastic.

Hello everyone,
I got a hold of my friend who was once homeless in Vegas. At the moment he is heading over to different churches with the flyers. He also has gone to some of the shelters (he used to work at one so he's asking them to look out for Steven). He also told me that he used to give a fake name to shelters as most ask for ID or a name to record. So unfortuantely if Steven is homeless and doesn't want to be found he can get away with it. He is also going to check a few places that the homeless hang out at with the flyers. HE is hoping someone might know where he is or if they have seen him. I know LE is working with the case etc but he is going to go anyway. Is there anything I should tell him or get him to do at the same time! Thanks everyone, hopefully we get some answers :)
I wish that someone out there, friend or family, would post a picture of SK when he isn't so clean cut.

A picture from a camping trip or something along those lines where he might have been photographed with some scruff or the start of a beard, maybe a bit of dirt or unwashed hair.

There can be so many physical changes in appearance, either intentionally or unintentionally. The unintentional changes that occur because of living on the streets can dramatically change how recognizable someone is. Just seeing the progression of mug shots for some of my homeless probationers over the years is shocking, I wouldn't have recognized them from years ago. That's why we try to update all photos of probationers every 6 mos or so.

And the reverse is true, when probationers get of the streets and get cleaned up it can be a dramatic difference. One probationer I didn't even recognize when he came to my office after he had shaved, washed his hair, got a hair cut, and was in business attire after he had been homeless for the past 2 years.

If we could just get more of a variety of pictures for your friend to be able to take around to the homeless shelters, I think it would be very helpful.
Hello everyone,
I got a hold of my friend who was once homeless in Vegas. At the moment he is heading over to different churches with the flyers. He also has gone to some of the shelters (he used to work at one so he's asking them to look out for Steven). He also told me that he used to give a fake name to shelters as most ask for ID or a name to record. So unfortuantely if Steven is homeless and doesn't want to be found he can get away with it. He is also going to check a few places that the homeless hang out at with the flyers. HE is hoping someone might know where he is or if they have seen him. I know LE is working with the case etc but he is going to go anyway. Is there anything I should tell him or get him to do at the same time! Thanks everyone, hopefully we get some answers :)

Oh, it just occurred to me:doh:. gsmith mentioned that he and SK would talk with a Russian accent just for the fun of it.

Maybe you could tell your friend to also ask around about anyone matching SK's general description using a Russian sounding accent and also remember that SK could speak Portuguese from his mission in Brazil. He might not just be using a fake name, but also a fake accent or speaking fluently in another language.
He is definitely aware of the changed of living on the streets. Thankfully he still has a few friends who are homeless etc so he will check with them.
He is definitely aware of the changed of living on the streets. Thankfully he still has a few friends who are homeless etc so he will check with them.

He sounds like a really great contact to have and a very kind person, not to mention your thoughtfulness for reaching out to him. Here's to keeping our fingers crossed that he will find SK.:candle:
Okay, haven't read the entire 21 threads, but asking for an update. Sorry if it's been covered already.

-Whatever happened with the IHOP character who could've been Steven?

-Is it assumed Steven has passed?
Okay, haven't read the entire 21 threads, but asking for an update. Sorry if it's been covered already.

-Whatever happened with the IHOP character who could've been Steven?

-Is it assumed Steven has passed?

I don't think it is assumed that Steven passed and by that I am assuming that you mean deceased. There are a few who believe that he is alive and homeless, but other like myself who don't. I personally don't believe that Steven Koecher is alive. I think he met with foul play. I don't believe there is any evidence that would conclude that he walked away from his life.

As pointed out in the episode Disappeared the P.I. that was working the case said that he believed that Steven met up with someone with bad intentions and that is what I happen to believe too. It's possible that he is still alive but to me not probable. From the episode it appears that his family believes the same thing, that he met with foul play.

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