GUILTY NV - Tammy Meyers, 44, fatally shot at her Las Vegas home, 12 Feb 2015 - #1

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There are many things that bother me about that account. So you have the gun but you don't send your mom into the house and cover her, you leave her in the road and then back up yourself?
And if he knew who it was, why all the mystery? Was she in the car when she was shot because I swear the account I heard was the she was behind him and he only noticed she was shot after he turned around.

yes ..... the emergence of two different locations of TM has come up in a couple of MSM articles
EN said he shot at one person in the car and one person outside the car at the cul de sac......
Kinda O/T but is it just me? Every time I see a photo of EN I think of Scott Weiland! (STP, Velvet Revolver singer)
Everybody is lying. :moo:

I hope they put every last person in a room by themselves and shake out the different details.
The silver car was an Audi? You cannot tell me Brandon didn't notice that while following it.

Starting to wonder if Tammy or the girl or anyone else in that family was even out in the green car that night.

I think I'm back to my original theory: the whole thing started & ended at that house. Nobody outside of the family was involved.

Here is EN's recent version:

""being involved in a shooting on Feb. 12. Nowsch said he was at a park near Johnson Middle School and saw a vehicle driving around. He said he thought the people in the car were looking for him, so he called a friend to pick him up.

Nowsch told A there was an exchange between him and the occupants in the vehicle. Nowsch said he thought he saw a gun being pointed from the window of the other vehicle, so he started shooting at them.

Nowsch said the vehicle tried to get away and they followed it to a home where he loaded another clip. Nowsch told A he fired at the person in the car and the person running. He said he hit the person in the car."

Notice that he makes no inferences that he knows the people or the house. Even though it has been reported that he knows the family well, has eaten meals there, etc. He talks about the incident as though they were strangers.

And interestingly enough, the Meyers son and daughter did much the same thing. Talking about him as if he were a stranger. Pretending not to know who he was or where he lived, even though neighbors reported that the father and son repeatedly pounded on EN's front door, demanding he come out and speak to them.

Brandons version:

Brandon denied shooting when the suspect fired at them on the roadway. Brandon said as they pulled up in front of their house, he got out of the car, ran around to his mother's side and told her to get out.

He said as he was trying to get his mother out of the car, he saw headlights coming down his street, so he pushed his mother back in the car. Brandon said he had his gun in his hand and had moved several feet from his mother's car towards his home.

Brandon said as the car was approximately halfway down the street, the front passenger leaned partially out the window and began firing toward his mother and her car.

Brandon said when the passenger began shooting, he returned fire with his pistol, firing three times toward the driver. He said he didn't know whether he hit the car.

When the shooting stopped, Brandon said the car backed out and left. Brandon said he turned and saw his mother lying on the ground, bleeding from the head. He tried to render aid and called 911.

SO Brandon says they were being shot at in the roadway. Did he call 911 or speed to a sheriffs station or a public well lit place to try and get help? NO, he drove home? Why? That's the very last place I would go if a crazy guy was shooting at my car.
they caught "MY killer" ((nope your wife's killer))

that ''ego'' ........ MOO
No. I used to know Scott. He is more handsome, believe it or not.
I can believe it. I don't know what it is about EN...but my brain went directly to Scott for some reason. I don't if it's the shape of his face, his stature - what it is. EN's mug shot - he doesn't look as rough as in some of the other photos we've seen online. He almost looks he couldn't committ such a crime. But I can't judge people by the way they look. And he's already admitted to firing 22 shots and killing someone.
I can believe it. I don't know what it is about EN...but my brain went directly to Scott for some reason. I don't if it's the shape of his face, his stature - what it is. EN's mug shot - he doesn't look as rough as in some of the other photos we've seen online. He almost looks he couldn't committ such a crime. But I can't judge people by the way they look. And he's already admitted to firing 22 shots and killing someone.

bbm: agree on the shots but not so sure about killing someone YET
Who or what or why would these kids lie to protect is my question.

My gosh, their mom just died a violent death and they tell people one lie after another? What the heck.
I wondering if the mom didn't want Erich to get in trouble since she had been mentoring him.
Who or what or why would these kids lie to protect is my question.

My gosh, their mom just died a violent death and they tell people one lie after another? What the heck.

CYA -- jmho
This reminds me of something somewhat related. In my state, everyone involved in the illegal activity is guilty of murder if someone dies while the crime is being committed. I wonder if Nevada has a similar law.

Yes, that's usually referred to as felony murder or something similar. If it's the same in Nevada, that could well be why the Meyers family is spinning such stories. If TM or the son (or possibly even the daughter) were engaged in some illegal activity, then Brandon could well be charged with his mom's death. I'm not saying they were, but I'm also not confident they weren't.

As others have said upthread, I just can't think of any good reason to lie and omit important information (such as the identify and address of the shooter!) in an investigation into the death of your wife and mother, unless you believe that the information you're omitting and lying about is even more important than the investigation into her death.
This is INSANE! Story has morphed yet again. (Adjusted, I guess, to accommodate the "evidence" of a "crash" on the passenger side door. Missing trim on door panel. Someone would have to be quite a talented stunt driver to pull that one off, IMO. No dents, scrapes, nothing.)

From your link:


But in recent days, the incident has turned into a convoluted case in which the family said the woman had tried to help the teenager who told friends that people were after him and “threatening to harm his mother and her newborn baby,” according to the police report.

“Got those kids,” Nowsch told friends, according to the police report. “They were after me, and I got them.”


So EN alleges he was in fear of the Ms.

Also, this story states BM fired a 9mm Beretta. His uncle's angry comment on Shepard Smith's Facebook page (correcting SS' commentary that BM went after the silver sedan with a shotgun) stated BM had a 9mm Glock.

ITA with my fellow WSers who have pointed out that as this case morphs again and again, before our very eyes, with real guns and bullets on the streets of LV, I'm reminded of "The Fast and the Furious" and not in a good way.

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help me out...who is ZA? My mind is drawing a blank!

The person Erich allegedly confessed to.

On Feb. 17, detectives interviewed Nowsch at the Clark County Juvenile Detention Center where he was in custody on an unrelated warrant. He denied any involvement in or any knowledge of Meyers' death.

On Feb. 18, detectives interviewed Zxxxxxx Axxxxxxxx, a friend of Nowsch's. He said Nowsch was over at his apartment on Feb. 13 and told him and his girlfriend about being involved in a shooting on Feb. 12. Nowsch said he was at a park near Johnson Middle School and saw a vehicle driving around. He said he thought the people in the car were looking for him, so he called a friend to pick him up.
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