GUILTY NV - Tammy Meyers, 44, fatally shot at her Las Vegas home, 12 Feb 2015 - #5

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Advising RM to keep mouth shut would seem an exercise in futility. JM2cts.

This thread would go dead without RM "voice".

Someone said something about being married 20 plus years. It's odd there isn't more info about TM with such history. By the looks of his FB and behavior it doesn't add up to a bliss 20 yr relationship.
Ok .a few things: (from GJ transcript link above)
KM testimony:

1) that night was the first night TM taught KM how to drive. So the very first time is 11 PM.

2) KM only knew EN by his first name and had only seen him about 5 times before and only knew him to ne "baby G".

Can anyone confirm my reading that she does NOT identify EN as the person at the park?
3) EN caught their attention because he was walking "back and forth" "just like once".

So doesn't that mean he wasnt walking back and forth if he only did it just once?

4) TM driving home. Audi carrying only the driver nearly hits them, KM honks, audi gets in front and stops, man gets out, he is not EN, and he yells he is going to kill them. TM swerves around him and goes home. Tells KM to get BM. BM gets gun. BM goes out front door.

TM and BM drive off. TM driving. BM passenger side.

One juror asked if TM knew the man in the audi and KM's reply was "no"...

That was the end of KM's testimony.
This should liven things up a bit! Here's an article that includes the grand jury transcripts!:
I've just started reading everything now, which there's over 100 pages to read...

Here's the direct link:

Great find!!!




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KM does not identify Brandon M as living at the house.

She states it is Tammy, Bob, Bob junior, herself and the grandma.

Brandon's testimony:

1) Brandon identifies living at the house on Mt. Shasta

2) BM says KM came in "frantic" and said "someone is trying to hurt me and mom". BM was playing xbox.

3) BM put pants on and got his Baretta 9mm.

4) BM states: "And what did you do with that gun after and picking up the gun, where did you go? Went outside to the front to, towards the sister to get inside, walked out towards
the car which is right exactly in front of the steps where the driveway is and was talking to my mother telling her "let's go inside, let's call the police."

5) BM states TM said she was going without him so he went with her.

6) BM states they went "combing" the streets.
TM stated it was a silver 4 door with no tinted windows and BM describes it as a grey 4 door with tinted windows.

7) In "combing" the streets, TM and BM found themselves behind the suspected car but couldn't see how many people were inside because the windows were tinted.

8) the car drives off and makes a left and TM and BM followed the car.

9) the car stops at an appreciable distance ahead and TM stops her car.

10). BM states the stopped grey car is about 2 blocks ahead of them.

11). The passenger in the grey car fires at them and BK knows this because he sees the flashes of light.
KM does not identify Brandon M as living at the house.
She states it is Tammy, Bob, Bob junior, herself and the grandma.
Brandon's testimony:
1) Brandon identifies living at the house on Mt. Shasta
2) BM says KM came in "frantic" and said "someone is trying to hurt me and mom". BM was playing xbox.

Wait a min.
A person (KM, student driver?) living at that house does not know ID of everyone (BM, bro w gun & headshop mgr or owner?) living there?
A person who lives there (BM?) does not know that he lives elsewhere (per KM)?
Per zillow, the house is just not that big.

Not yet started reading GJ stmts yet, but is it time to take notes, draw diagrams, open spreadsheets to keep track?
Have to add more memory to start building this database. J/K.
12) BM states he and TM bent/kneeled down in the car and the prosecutor states BM means to say "leaning back" and BM them says "leaning back".

"A. Yes.
Q. And this is the area where the vehicle was time that you saw the flashes?
A. Yes.
Q. After you saw the flashes, what did your do as far as operating the car?
A. When the flashes started appearing she
knelt down, same as I.
Q. I'm sorry, you did what?
A. Bent down. Knelt down.
Q. Bent down inside the car?
A. Yes.
Q. For the record, ladies and gentlemen,
Brandon is describing leaning back in the car seat. A. Leaning back.
Q. Kind of scooting down in the car? A. Yes.
Q. You both did that?
A. Yes.
Q. Then
A. They vehicle drove off
what happened?
pulled in reverse. As soon as the she put it in reverse, went towards
the house.
Q. Okay. Let me back up and take it a little"

Page 35/36 is where this is taking place. Brandon says they backed up so TM backed up and the the other car turned.

Yes. It seems the prosecutor is leading Bm's statements.
13) TM reversed and turned and drove straight into the cul de sac. Like perpendicular into it, like not driving along the curve.

"A. She put the vehicle in park, I rushed out of the passenger side, went to the driver's side, tried to pull my mother out of the car, and then as I was pulling her out I saw headlights coming down Carmel Peak.

"so I pushed her inside.
Q. Why did you push your mom back into the
A. For safety.
Q. Did you believe that the vehicle that you saw coming down Carmel Peak was the same vehicle that
you had just
seen fire shots out of it at you and your mom?"

"Q. Jury Exhibit
Once again for the record I'm showing Grand Number 9.
How this street is right here, they were
coming from this direction on the right hand side, they were coming down, I saw headlights coming towards Mount Shasta, as soon as I saw the headlights I pushed her inside the vehicle, shut the door, they turned, I ran towards the house."
Page 40. Grand Jury testimony link.

"Q. As you were running what did you see or hear occur?
A. Gunshots.
Q. Can you tell me how many?
A. Not to be exact.
Q. More than one?
A. Yes.
Q. And did you ever get inside your home?
A. No.
Q. What did you do? How far to the front door
did you get?
A. I want to say about 20 feet out.
Q. And then what did you do then?
A. Basically as soon as they started shooting
I ran towards this truck right here, it's this white one, and I was about I want to say five feet behind it.
Q. This truck here that's depicted with the white door and kind of the --
A. Yes.
Q. -- back seat with the dually wheels; is that correct?
A. Yes."

Page 41.

"A. As I got behind the truck they were shooting, I couldn't tell if they were shooting towards me or towards the car. I relayed fire right where, a little bit to the right of where your pen is.
Q. So back here by the left rear wheel of the truck?
A. A little bit inward.
Q. Towards this, towards the back end of the truck?
A. Yes.
Q. You fired your gun at that vehicle? A. Yes.
Q. A. Q.
fire was the
How many times do you think you fired? I'm not quite sure.
And once again the gun that you used to same 9-millimeter that you described
A. Yes."

Page 42.

stickers are?
A. Yeah, whatever those are.
Q. They're evidence tags. So somewhere
between these evidence tags and the rear wheels of that truck was where you were standing, you believe you were standing when you fired your weapon?
A. Yes.
Q. After you fired your weapon for whatever number of times that you did, what did you do then?
A. After I was done they started backing away."

Page 43:

"Q. The vehicle that you fired at?
A. Yes.
Q. Did they turn around or did they reverse? A. Reversed.
Q. Did they do so slowly or rapidly?
A. Rapidly.
Q. And then what did you do?
A. Turned to my left and looked at my mother. Q. And where was your mom?
A. Standing up and then she fell right there. Q. By the driver's side door as we see it in
this photograph? A. Yes.
Q. And the door was open when you turned and looked at your mom?
A. Yes.
Q. Did you go to your mother?
A. Yes.
Q. And did you see that your mom had been
injured somewhere on her body? A. Yes.
Q. Where did you see the injury?
A. I didn't see it until I actually held her and she was --
Q. Go ahead. I'm sorry to cut you off."
Pg 44. Grand Just testimony of Brandon Meyers

"A. She was shot in the head.
Q. When you say you were holding her, were you cradling your mom there in the street where she laid?
A. Yes.
Q. And then you believe based upon looking at your mother that the wound that she had suffered, or at least one wound, was a wound to her head area?
A. Yes.
Q. Now Brandon, when you described to the Grand Jury that you fired rounds at the vehicle, did you fire them all at one time or was there a gap between when you fired the rounds?
Q. you fired
All at one time.
So what you describe was the only time that your weapon that evening?
A. Yes.
Q. And that it was all in succession, whatever number you believe it was, and there were no other times that you fired that weapon?
A. No, sir.
Q. Now in the earlier incident, what I'll call the first shooting event, are you comfortable with what I'm referring to?
A. Yes."
I wanted to post that part exactly. Obviously consult the transcript, as I did cut some excess.

1) BM states he didn't know what TM intended tp dp when he got in the car with her.

2) TM was defensive of KM.

3) BM states normally TM would call police or get his father when incidents happened.

4) BM grabbed his gun. TM didn't ask him to get gun.

juror asks if TM had cell phone. BM says he doesn't know.

Next juror asks BM to confirm he doesn't know how many shots fired. BM confirms that.

Next juror asks if BM had cell phone. BM says yes. Why didn't he call LE. BM says shock.

Next Juror asks when returning fire, did he track car? BM answers "A. Basically at that point they were paused. So in motion or staying still. With this statement I'm not quite sure if I was even shooting at the car or anything like that. It was just, it's really hard to even put something in place what happened at that given time."

next Juror asks if dad was home. BM says no.

Next juror asks "Brandon, you also mentioned that when you your mom was out of the car and you pushed her the car.
She was trying to get out.
And did she not have enough time to get into her house?
A. No, ma'am."

Lawyer clarified that BM cannot speak to TM's frame of mind.

"Q. Let me ask you a series of questions and see if this gets to the subject matter the grand juror is asking.
You get out of the car, Brandon, I believe, and correct me at any point if I'm wrong, you get out of the passenger side door when you arrive back at your home and you go immediately around to the driver's side door; is that correct?"

Page 51 GJ testimony of BM

"A. Yes.
Q. Is the door open when you get there, your mom's door?
to get
A. She was opening it.
Q. So your mom is still seated in the vehicle? A. Yes.
Q. Was she trying to get out?
A. Yes.
Q. What did you do after seeing your mom try out of the car?
A. Grabbed her and then I saw the lights and I her right back in.
Q. Back into the driver's side so she's
sitting down inside your car?
A. Hiding inside the vehicle.
Q. Is that what you wanted your mom to do is
hide inside the vehicle based upon the threat that you saw coming down the street?
A. Yes.
Q. And when you left your mom, I believe your testimony was that you then ran to the front door of your home?
A. Yes.
Q. Was the door open or closed or do you remember?"

"A. To the home? I didn't even get close to the door.
Q. But the car door, the driver's side door -- A. Oh yes, it was closed.
Q. The driver's side door was closed where you
just shoved your mom in? A. Yes.
Q. And then when you, then you immediately ran to the front door or the front area of your home?
A. Yes.
MR. STANTON: Okay. Does that answer the
grand juror's question?
A JUROR: Sure."
Juror asks about people. BM says "driver and passenger" (in grey car). How does he know? Passenger shot at them presumes a driver. Did you see driver or passenger? "No"

in the car and closed the door. Did she get out
Q. Or could you see that? A. I could not see it.
A JUROR: Oh, okay.
THE FOREPERSON: No further questions. By law, these proceedings are secret and"
I'll go until I pass out. Lol.

Detective Mogg, LVPD

1) two locations of road rage incident. "The first one was northbound Durango just south of Westcliff. The second incident occurred southbound Cimarron just south of Westcliff."

2) the sketch is of first incident man who got out car and yelled he was going to kill TM and KM.

"During the course of your investigation,
and I mean by the initial officers and detectives that responded as well as homicide detectives, did you become aware of another location where shots may have been fired involving Miss Meyers, her son Brandon that's in the vehicle and another vehicle?
A. I did.
Q. And where is the location of that?"

Page 60

"A. Intersection at Alta and Villa Monterey"

"Q. What items of evidence were impounded and observed or photographed or depicted in this photograph
that were A. cartridge
collected by police at this location? There were five expended .45 caliber
cases of various head stamps and one .45 caliber cartridge, an unfired cartridge.
Q. Showing you Grand Jury Exhibit Number 7. That's a compilation of those items that you just
testified police on correct?
expended cartridge casings and one live cartridge?
A. Q. A. Q.
That's correct.
They are all .45 caliber ammunition? They are.
Detective, at any point up that street,
as they were photographed and impounded by the evening and the following morning; is that
That's correct.
Once again, Detective, there are five
down that
street, Alta or Villa Monterey, were there any live or fired 9-millimeter cartridge cases seen"

*** this is page 60/61/62 of document. Its not cutting and pasting correctly. Go read it.

3) Mogg confirms neither BM or KM could identify any of he suspects.

4)EN became a person of interest.

5) search warrant of EN's house. Searched.

6) other detectives conducted the search.

7) found .45 caliber ammo
Here is KM's description of the car from alleged road rage:
Q. And can you tell me as best you can the
description of the car?
A. It's silver, it's four doors.
Q. Did it have tinted windows?
A. No.
Versus BM's description of the car that TM alleged pointed out as the road rage vehicle:
Q. And can you describe the vehicle to me?
A. It's a gray four door, tinted windows.

Also this to me seems like a weird change in testimony from KM where per the GJ testimony the entire 50 minutes were spent in the school parking lot rather than driving around town for part of it:
Q. And how long do you believe you and your
mother were at Walter Johnson Junior High practicing
A. About 50 minutes.

Also strange is how KM alleges they saw someone expressly not EN that freaked them out and caused them to stop doing driving lessons and drive home:
Q. What happened that was unusual?
A. We were parked and we didn't move, we saw a
guy, he kept walking back and forth just like once, and
my mom looked at him but we didn't, we just rolled up
the windows and everything. We seen him about twice and
then that's when we stopped driving and she got in the
driver's seat.
Then right after this per KM they had the two road rage incidents with the gray car without tinted windows before they got home.

Somebody is hiding something and I'd very much like to know where RM Jr was that night. KM says that BM was in RM Jr's room, yet when BM talks he makes it clear that he's in his room playing his Xbox. I feel like RM Jr may have been involved in some way as I haven't heard where he was unlike MM who has the alibi of being out with his girlfriend on his birthday. Also the detective says that he could account for every scratch in the car and there was no accident that night.
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