GUILTY NV - Tammy Meyers, 44, fatally shot at her Las Vegas home, 12 Feb 2015 - #5

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I am still on thread #1. I have macular degeneration and recently it became worse, so my reading is very limited. (I use a magnifying glass)...Could some kink soul please give me a brief synopsis of the case until now? I have read just to the part that they arrested the man from the shooter car, and it was just coming out that the M family KNEW this person. I would sure appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
I am still on thread #1. I have macular degeneration and recently it became worse, so my reading is very limited. (I use a magnifying glass)...Could some kink soul please give me a brief synopsis of the case until now? I have read just to the part that they arrested the man from the shooter car, and it was just coming out that the M family KNEW this person. I would sure appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
It's complicated. I'll try to give a synopsis that is concise for you.

Here's a video you can listen to without reading:

That video is the father trying to explain why his family changed their stories a million times.

There's a rumor that Tammy was buying prescription drugs from Nowsch and the Meyerses left their home that night to settle a dispute. Listening to the video of the father, it sounds like the Brandon intended vengeance when he left his home. It seems like the father is saying the family has been involved in a conflict involving treats between them and EN receiving threats from someone prior to this night.

Here's a link to the article with the drug rumor:

There's also a video somewhere of a neighbor stating there was drug involvement. Maybe someone can find the video for you to listen to.

Erich Nowsch was arrested and charged.

DA took it to the grand jury. He's being held for trial.

His attorney says it was self defense.

Audi driver has not been identified or found yet.

Here's a pdf of the arrest warrant with lots of information that has everyone baffled:,d.eXY

The warrant includes Kristal and Brandon's statements along with two friends of Erich's who make statements about what Erich told them after the shooting.

Bottom line: It seems Erich did shoot TM, but the question is if it's self defense because the Meyerses left their house with a gun and chased the Audi at high speeds for quite some time before the shootings occurred.

That's just the bare bones. I hope it helps.
It's complicated. I'll try to give a synopsis that is concise for you.

Here's a video you can listen to without reading:

That video is the father trying to explain why his family changed their stories a million times.

There's a rumor that Tammy was buying prescription drugs from Nowsch and the Meyerses left their home that night to settle a dispute. Listening to the video of the father, it sounds like the Brandon intended vengeance when he left his home. It seems like the father is saying the family has been involved in a conflict involving treats between them and EN receiving threats from someone prior to this night.

Here's a link to the article with the drug rumor:

There's also a video somewhere of a neighbor stating there was drug involvement. Maybe someone can find the video for you to listen to.

Erich Nowsch was arrested and charged.

DA took it to the grand jury. He's being held for trial.

His attorney says it was self defense.

Audi driver has not been identified or found yet.

Here's a pdf of the arrest warrant with lots of information that has everyone baffled:,d.eXY

The warrant includes Kristal and Brandon's statements along with two friends of Erich's who make statements about what Erich told them after the shooting.

Bottom line: It seems Erich did shoot TM, but the question is if it's self defense because the Meyerses left their house with a gun and chased the Audi at high speeds for quite some time before the shootings occurred.

That's just the bare bones. I hope it helps.

I haven't found video of the "neighbor's" interview(s) yet but here he is quoted in The Daily Mail. (You can search page for Selig, Mitzi.)

(I think the "neighbor" is the same man seen with Bob when he holds press conferences and when he's gone to Nowsch's hearings. He lives in general neighborhood, but on a street that is in opposite direction from Bob's house from EN's.)
OOOPS, I tried to delete my above post due to it being a old link.. Been there, done that ;)
From this article, isn't the following interesting?

Citing an Associated Press report, the indictment did not name the getaway driver in the shooting.
This mystery man seems to be the key, especially since everyone is keeping his identity a mystery.

I'm confident that the Meyerses know who he is. In the Bob's video news conference (link in my signature), he says:

"Mommy knew who this was, one of these people. She just didn't want it to come back here. She tried to get him to go somewhere else. Cause she was afraid."

Since I believe TM's encounter with the Audi happened before the Audi picked up EN, that tells me that EN wasn't even in the car when "Mommy knew who this was, one of these people," it's because of Audi dude they are claiming TM was afraid and ran home to get BM and his gun to get Audi dude to "go somewhere else" because she didn't want Audi dude "to come back here." And it's noteworthy that Bob doesn't say EN's name. He says "One of these people." If he was talking about EN, he'd have said EN.

I'm sure LE knows who it is. The question is if he's still on the run or they've they struck a deal for him to testify. I think it would be a travesty if the DA gives Audi a plea deal because I think he's way more involved in the prior conflict and the events of that night.

Questions I'm asking myself: Does Audi dude have connections? Does his family have connections? Is Vegas LE and DA's office corrupt?
I'm bothered by the 9mm cartridge casing found in TM's car as stated in the warrant:

"One unfired 9mm cartridge casing was also recovered from the passenger seat of the victim's vehicle."...

My theory, opinion, logical conclusion:
BM didn't just brandish his firearm during the chase, he actually tried to fire the 9mm at Villa Monterey before EN started shooting back. BM's weapon misfired or jammed, BM ejected the bullet casing to load another bullet from the magazine, but he had to duck before he could fire again because EN started firing back.

Yes, I think what happened - or at least how EN's defense will explain that round - is that BM attempted to fire on the Audi on Villa Monterey if not Ducharme, but BM's gun jammed and EN only fired in self-defense on Villa Monterey once he was able to get his gun loaded and ready. Also following off what SonjaY said about EN's own family concerns, EN was afraid for the safety of his family, so he would have his own reasons to be sure that the gun-wielding Buick had left the neighborhood and wasn't just sitting around waiting for EN to leave so they could storm his mom's house and kill her. Of course if that's the case EN should have called 911 instead of being a vigilante, but I don't see how you can charge one gun-wielding vigilante in a car out to protect his family (with this coming from those who would be EN prosecution witnesses), but not the other gun-wielding vigilante in a car out to protect his family, which I don't think you can make serious charges against either of them stick but at least the DA would be logically consistent. When I had heard that the DA was switching to the grand jury, I thought they were preparing to wash their hands of this. Even if they have video footage showing the shooting itself with EN shooting first that still could be a problem as the defense can say BM tried to shoot and chase EN before and for all EN knew BM was standing outside with his gun getting ready to storm EN's mom place and kill her. If there's no video footage of the shooting it's even worse for the prosecution in that EN can say that he was just checking is neighborhood to be sure the car had left when EN was again fired upon first (as has been hinted by RM and there's no proof against that unless there's a video) and he again shot only in self-defense while trying to protect his family.
From this article, isn't the following interesting?

This mystery man seems to be the key, especially since everyone is keeping his identity a mystery.

I'm confident that the Meyerses know who he is. In the Bob's video news conference (link in my signature), he says:

"Mommy knew who this was, one of these people. She just didn't want it to come back here. She tried to get him to go somewhere else. Cause she was afraid."

Since I believe TM's encounter with the Audi happened before the Audi picked up EN, that tells me that EN wasn't even in the car when "Mommy knew who this was, one of these people," it's because of Audi dude they are claiming TM was afraid and ran home to get BM and his gun to get Audi dude to "go somewhere else" because she didn't want Audi dude "to come back here." And it's noteworthy that Bob doesn't say EN's name. He says "One of these people." If he was talking about EN, he'd have said EN.

I'm sure LE knows who it is. The question is if he's still on the run or they've they struck a deal for him to testify. I think it would be a travesty if the DA gives Audi a plea deal because I think he's way more involved in the prior conflict and the events of that night.

Questions I'm asking myself: Does Audi dude have connections? Does his family have connections? Is Vegas LE and DA's office corrupt?

The Audi driver could be a police informant, like what happened in this case with a drug deal gone bad where the DA declined to prosecute a couple of murderers because without using and revealing their confidential informant, there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute:
However, if that's the case, that would be a reason for the DA to wash their hands of a case against EN for the same reason the other DA washed their hands.
We should all thank Bob. Without Bob his inability to keep his mouth shut, we'd be clueless. :hilarious:
We should all thank Bob. Without Bob his inability to keep his mouth shut, we'd be clueless. :hilarious:

Bahahaaa! I needed that laugh and you are completely right. That man... I can't decide if he truly believes his wife spent all that time in the park with EN "counseling" him or if he is in denial or just wanted the press to report on her in a positive light. Confused.
Vis-a-vis the Audi driver, the burning question in my mind is, Does he bear any resemblance to the 6-foot, 20-something spiky-haired dude with hazel eyes that KM described to police?

I don't believe there was any prior encounter with the Audi driver that night before EN was in the car. I've seen no evidence whatsoever that there was any prior encounter that night.

I don't believe that KM (if she was in the car) got a good enough look at spiky-haired dude to be able to tell police the color of his eyes.

The Meyerses may or may not know who he is. If they do, then I expect that when LE finds him and arrests him, RM will hold a press conference that day telling us that they knew him all along but couldn't tell us because it would interfere with the police investigation.
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I think the M's are not well liked by many people.
That is why there is no one being vocal regarding TM except Bob.
I don't believe there was any prior encounter with the Audi driver that night before EN was in the car. I've seen no evidence whatsoever that there was any prior encounter that night.
It's the defense's advantage to embrace BM's warrant statement TM returned to the house to get BM and his gun because that indicates they left that house with intent. Calling the majority of the warrant lies will make it more difficult to prove BM had ill intent. Saying, "Look. He said this." is much stronger than presenting the jury with your version since there's no evidence for that either. Whereas, BM's own words can be used by the defense to persuasively cast doubt in the jurors minds.

I don't believe that KM (if she was in the car) got a good enough look at spiky-haired dude to be able to tell police the color of his eyes.
Knowing Audi dude prior to the encounter would easily explain her knowing his eye color.
It's the defense's advantage to embrace BM's warrant statement TM returned to the house to get BM and his gun because that indicates they left that house with intent. Calling the majority of the warrant lies will make it more difficult to prove BM had ill intent. Saying, "Look. He said this." is much stronger than presenting the jury with your version since there's no evidence for that either. Whereas, BM's own words can be used by the defense to persuasively cast doubt in the jurors minds.

First, stating what I believe did or didn't happen is not the equivalent of stating what strategy I think the defense should use.

Second, if the prosecution presents the combined KM driving lessons story + the BM draw-him-away-from-the-house story, the defense will be able to demolish them on cross. That narrative won't hold up to any level of scrutiny. If I were EN's defense attorney, I'd probably be really hoping that the prosecution sticks with that ridiculous story.

Because when you can destroy the credibility of the key witnesses against your client, you raise a truckload of reasonable doubt.

Knowing Audi dude prior to the encounter would easily explain her knowing his eye color.

Sorry, I'm afraid you misunderstood what I was saying. I don't believe she got close enough to Audi dude that night during the car chase to see the color of his eyes.

Of course if she knew him prior to that night she might easily know the color of his eyes. I would think that goes without saying.
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I think the M's are not well liked by many people.
That is why there is no one being vocal regarding TM except Bob.
That's possible. It's also possible the Meyerses' friends might have something to hide, and they fear drawing public attention to themselves would put them on LE's radar.
Please delete if not acceptable.

I think the M's are not well liked by many people.
That is why there is no one being vocal regarding TM except Bob.

JMO--I think there are probably a lot of reasons for the silence. This family seems to like to let people know who's boss. Some of them spend a lot of time in a park that is known for "deals". I would think many living nearby might keep their distance for one or both reasons.

Another issue-LV continues to slowly recover from a very bad real estate market. There probably are neighbors that really resent any bad press about their neighborhood and the activities at the nearby park. This case has brought a lot of negative attention that could possibly have some affect on home values. There are likely a good number of hard working folks living there who are just keeping their heads down, hoping the press will blow over quickly.

And as far as TM, it might be that her friends feel it more kind and respectful to remember her privately.
From this article, isn't the following interesting?

This mystery man seems to be the key, especially since everyone is keeping his identity a mystery.

I'm confident that the Meyerses know who he is. In the Bob's video news conference (link in my signature), he says:

"Mommy knew who this was, one of these people. She just didn't want it to come back here. She tried to get him to go somewhere else. Cause she was afraid."

Since I believe TM's encounter with the Audi happened before the Audi picked up EN, that tells me that EN wasn't even in the car when "Mommy knew who this was, one of these people," it's because of Audi dude they are claiming TM was afraid and ran home to get BM and his gun to get Audi dude to "go somewhere else" because she didn't want Audi dude "to come back here." And it's noteworthy that Bob doesn't say EN's name. He says "One of these people." If he was talking about EN, he'd have said EN.

I'm sure LE knows who it is. The question is if he's still on the run or they've they struck a deal for him to testify. I think it would be a travesty if the DA gives Audi a plea deal because I think he's way more involved in the prior conflict and the events of that night.

Questions I'm asking myself: Does Audi dude have connections? Does his family have connections? Is Vegas LE and DA's office corrupt?

BBM: I hope they don't give him a plea deal because he, too, was involved in all this. He is just as guilty because he was the one who followed the Buick into the cul-de-sac, he didn't have to do that. I'm sure EN and Audi driver were communicating the whole time. I can see EN saying he wants to "get those kids" and the driver saying "yeah, lets do it".. IMO of course ;)
BBM: I hope they don't give him a plea deal because he, too, was involved in all this. He is just as guilty because he was the one who followed the Buick into the cul-de-sac, he didn't have to do that. I'm sure EN and Audi driver were communicating the whole time. I can see EN saying he wants to "get those kids" and the driver saying "yeah, lets do it".. IMO of course ;)

Also such a deal doesn't seem like it would be worth it. If the Audi driver confirmed what A and K said plus said EN was directing the action, all that's saying is that he was a vigilante like the Meyers and he wanted to be sure that his mom was safe from an armed gunman in the neighborhood out to kill his family...basically the Audi driver would be saying about EN the same thing BM said about TM. EN has just as much claim to pistol-packing self-defense vigilantism as the Meyers as EN can say they knew where he lived, which knowing that the other person knows where you live has been the Meyers big defense of their actions if not their only defense. I don't approve of what either the Audi crew or the Meyers crew did since it sounds like no matter what this was going to end with at least one person shot or killed, just it happened to be the Meyers crew that got it rather than the Audi crew because BM apparently had mechanical problems with his gun that night.
I don't know that we can draw any conclusions about the Audi driver's involvement beyond the fact that he drove the Audi that night.

EN told his two friends that he called the Audi driver, so the Audi driver came down to the park at EN's request.

Then the green car brandished or pointed a gun at his car; he fled in his car, and the green car chased him.

According to all 3 statements (BM + EN's two friends), it was EN who fired at the first shooting scene.

Then, for reasons known only to EN and the driver (and the other passenger, if there was one), they then proceeded to the cul de sac, where EN fired his gun again.

Do we have any other facts about the Audi driver? Anything that we know for sure?
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