Identified! NV - Washoe Co., WhtFem 156UFNV, 25-35, Sheep's Flat Trail, Jul'82 - Mary Edith Silvani

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DNA Solves
If they really wanted to solve this case then maybe they should have released the details of her dental work. I want to know if her bottom lip was scarred or if that was a birth defect of some sort. Also what kind of gun was used and was it close range. How long was her hair and was her feet deformed in anyway? Did her blue t-shirt have a graphic and what brands were her t-shirt, and jeans and size also. Were here ears pierced, and is that a small mole under her nose? I swear if there were just more details noted by investigators then maybe 50% of cases like this would be solved.
Does anyone have a summery of this thread, a personal dossier I could look into?
Thank you Carl. Of course I know this information (not to be nasty) but what I mean to say is all the information coming through or added in this thread can also be of importance... and I miss an overview now...I will read the thread and will make my own file....if necessary.
The strange this is that Amber Scholz is not mentioned in the ruled out list (having 232 persons now) of this UID on Namus.
It's a little hard to explain to people until they see it for themselves, Carl, but in that area it is NOT unusual for snow to remain in the mountains all YEAR LONG. Until the next snow.
It's even been known to snow up there in JULY. (Mark Twain wrote about that phenomenon in "Roughing It".) I've been up there in all summer months and it's sort UN-usual if you DON"T see at least a little snow on the peaks.
That particular meadow is at the summit --- then you drop down into the basin to Lake Tahoe which sits below. I'll see if I can find a good photo that shows this.

I can "see" this. In Switzerland and Austria in summer it can be 26 degrees down in a valley and when you go up into the mountains you can ski. I.m not sure about the location where Jane Doe was found. Was it that high that there could be still a lot of snow in July?


The resemblance is uncanny here.

In other pictures of this girl you can see she has a pinkish birthmark on her leg (I'm not sure which one) but it is very distinctive.
Not even half way to this thread but I want to give a compliment to all of you for doing such an amount of hard work! Tumbs Up!!
Thanks Charlie,

Here is one more, I used the HDR to bring out her freckles a bit, and downplayed the "made up" look.

Carl if you could overlay a picture of brown/hazel eyes, I think it would help make this reconstruction more convincing.

I like the freckles very much....I still miss the scar on her chin....
Not sure if this was mentioned before, but the Moon Phase Calendar for Reno in 1982 shows that July 16th had only a sliver of moon. 22%. At that luminance level in a remote area (without other light sources) they would have been stumbling around in the dark. So if she was killed that night, I take it to mean that the killer knew this area very well, and/or that he was probably carrying a flashlight. I doubt she carried the flashlight, because it would give her some level of control, and an opportunity to escape. That said, I think she was was most likely forced there at gunpoint (most likely a small caliber handgun). My thought is that even if she knew her murderer ( let's say 'husband') who tried to dupe her into going on a midnight hike by saying, "Come on, honey, let's get out here and walk this cold lonely dark meadow path, just for ****s & giggles." Her most likely response would have been, "Uh, uh, NO WAY I'm going in there, it's too dark and I'm freezing!."

She may have been acquainted with her killer, but I don't think he was a lover or spouse. She was executed. To the back of the head. It appears impersonal to me, like a job. Whereas, a personal attack based on the anger a betrayed or vindictive lover/spouse might display is more likely face to face-- Waving the gun in front of her nose, yelling at her, "YOU did this" and "YOU did that" and "now YOU will pay" kind of thing.

Association with organized crime/drugs or prostitution human/trafficking seem more likely,

but this is all just my very unprofessional opinion.

Perhaps the shining of a car's headlights gave enough light...
I have to add my 2 cents about the clothes as well. It's really bothering me.

I do not understand how it is physically possible for her to wear a size 10 jeans, no matter where the waist is. Unless she had a belt, which it sounds like there wasn't one. To put it into perspective - I'm 5 feet even and 105lbs give or take. I wear anywhere from a 3 to a 5. This woman was much thinner than me (5 lbs-ish heavier, almost half a foot taller). This is model thin - ballerina thin. You can see in her face how thin she was. Not an ounce of fat under her
skin. I'm sorry but size 10 doesn't make sense when she was a 3 at the most, most likely a 0. It would be like me being about 90 lbs.

I want a waist measurement on the jeans. And the shoe size? Again, 5 ft tall, I wear a 6.5 or 7. That is more likely though, especially since we now know the bruise was not caused by the shoes.

So, IMO something is wrong. I don't think her weight is wrong because of her face. I think the size of the jeans is wrong. It just doesn't make sense. Thats 4 or 5 sizes too big. My soon to be MIL is an 8 and about that height and while she isn't overweight by any means, she is very curvy. Maybe weighs about 140 (guessing here)? She was a 10 for a while.

It would be like putting a stick in a potato sack. Seriously.

What if she was cold an a guy gave her the jeans....just like men's underwear was on her head to cover up the wounds....
Anybody...there are a few people speaking east-European languages....who speaks Bulgarian? Your help is needed in the missing case of a German tourist in Bulgaria. !!!!!!
She also has very unique dentals. She is missing her right lateral incisor (#7), but not the left (#10). Her right canine has come forward to close the gap, so it appears to be either a genetic condition, or a condition that she has had since she was young. She also has a veneer or bonding over her upper-left front tooth (#9).

From research in other cases I ran into Cynthia Kay Long who has a (non specified) tooth missing, but not visual because another tooth has closed the gap. I'm quite sure this UID is not her, but an interesting fact. She is already ruled out.
Maybe it's me but Jane Does ears are looking very distinctive to me, almost deformed.
I am amazed at the list of rule outs on this doe but no actual identification! :(

Here is another long shot one from me, Rebecca Jean Dunn.

She doesn't totally match but the way her face is shaped makes me think they could match?

Height a little off but dates and times match. Hair also off, but Blonde hair is often dyed blonde and another colour naturally.
I am amazed at the list of rule outs on this doe but no actual identification! :(

Here is another long shot one from me, Rebecca Jean Dunn.

She doesn't totally match but the way her face is shaped makes me think they could match?

Height a little off but dates and times match. Hair also off, but Blonde hair is often dyed blonde and another colour naturally.

IMO I don't see it. Jane Doe's eyes seem to go down in the outer sides as this girls eyes do not. Also this girl had some kind of "bump" on her nose as Jane Doe has nothing mentioned like that. But glad you are still searching!
Namus updated her info, new scars.

An 11 cm well-healed scar on the abdomen consistent with a C-section scar. Small scar on the left knee, scar on upper right shin, and a scar on the right foot.

Hi Charlie99909. I saw your (or somebody else's) post in # 478 about Darcia Fischer. Based on the scar in her face (dogbite) the coroner sad it couldn't be this UID. Now that NamUs is coming up with a scar on the upper right shin, did you ever reconsider Darcia Fischer or submitted her? She is not on the ruled out list in NamUs.
Side by side of the original sketch of the Jane Doe and Lynn Oliver's photo (click to enlarge). Did you notice the neckline of the blouse or dress she's wearing?

lynn oliver and sheep flats JD.png

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