Identified! NV - Washoe Co., WhtFem 156UFNV, 25-35, Sheep's Flat Trail, Jul'82 - Mary Edith Silvani

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The DNA Doe Project has just taken on this case!


DDP has just taken on a new case! Sheep Flat Jane Doe (aka Washoe County Jane Doe) was found near Lake Tahoe, Nevada in 1982. Details are available at Investigators hope that by publicizing her case they might get tips from someone who recognizes her. She might not have been from the Tahoe area. Last week a DNA sample from Sheep Flat Jane Doe was sent to our lab and has just passed Quality Control testing. Sequencing of her DNA will now proceed. We look forward to obtaining the results within about 4-6 weeks. We will then begin the search for her family.


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so excited that DDP took on the case! I'm glad they're taking on lesser-known cases as well as more well known ones. (and also, branching out from WA and OH). - though I suppose Sheep Flats JD has a lot of discussion!
so excited that DDP took on the case! I'm glad they're taking on lesser-known cases as well as more well known ones. (and also, branching out from WA and OH). - though I suppose Sheep Flats JD has a lot of discussion!

The 'well known' aspect only matters if the agency can't afford to fund the testing I think... I imagine they're taking on Washoe County Jane Doe's case because her DNA is likely to be in very good shape: she was found mere hours after she was killed and is a young white woman.. all of that makes it easier to find good matches from what I understand. And her agency is funding her case so no need for her to be well known :) I'm glad agencies appear to be stepping up for their Does!
I saved this girl photo, but not her Namus profile for some reason so I need to find her again. Not even sure if the dates line up, but the eyebrows and face shape caught my eye.

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Here she is, Vicki Maynard, missing from Ohio since April 1st, 1981.

Last seen by police, who called her parents & were told she wasn't welcome home.

Height matches, but brown hair, obviously quite dark brown, & brown eyes don't match up with the UID.

The eyebrows just caught my eye and I was trying to figure out which doe it was that she reminded me of.

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Here she is, Vicki Maynard, missing from Ohio since April 1st, 1981.

Last seen by police, who called her parents & were told she wasn't welcome home.

Height matches, but brown hair, obviously quite dark brown, & brown eyes don't match up with the UID.

The eyebrows just caught my eye and I was trying to figure out which doe it was that she reminded me of.

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Wow, there definitely is a resemblance! I'd say it's worth submitting anyway, there are 233 rule outs for Washoe County Jane Doe... so they aren't picky lol. You never know!
Here she is, Vicki Maynard, missing from Ohio since April 1st, 1981.

Last seen by police, who called her parents & were told she wasn't welcome home.

Height matches, but brown hair, obviously quite dark brown, & brown eyes don't match up with the UID.

The eyebrows just caught my eye and I was trying to figure out which doe it was that she reminded me of.

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Awww that’s so sad she wasn’t welcome home. I hope she just moved on and got a new family and is happy now but unfortunately I know it’s probably not possible.

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Aww I found a Vicky Lynn Maynard in KY but she’s 10 years younger. I got really excited.

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Fingers crossed all goes well!
Margaret of DDP says "Sheep Flat Jane Doe seems to have great DNA so far. Our bioinformatics guy is optimistic."

DNA Doe Project - 05/23/18

Good news! Sheep Flat Jane Doe's DNA results file has been received and uploaded to GEDmatch. It seems to be in good shape. We should start getting DNA matches tomorrow morning and should have a sense of what's ahead at that point.

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