Identified! NV - Washoe Co., WhtFem 156UFNV, 25-35, Sheep's Flat Trail, Jul'82 - Mary Edith Silvani

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DNA Solves
Fired an email off to washoe county sheriff today asking a few questions about the case. Hopefully these questions aren't too "sensitive" to the case and can be answered.

Just basics like anything else that want mentioned in the bulletins. Any other scars or tattoos or anything unique about the clothing. Then I asked about the dentistry and why was it referred to european dentistry.

I hope to hear back soon.
I wonder if it is worth a try to send a mass e-mail out to the consulates of the various northern and eastern European countries to see if they might have a means of widespread circulation within their respective countries.

Germany, Poland, and Czech Republic were mentioned earlier in this thread. I was also thinking of Austria. I was in Innsbruck in 2002, and I remember seeing many local women with the same look.
You also see many women with this look in the upper midwest -- Montana, the Dakotas, Minnesota, Michigan -- areas settled by immigrants from those countries. I wonder if she might have been somebody's visiting relative?
So far no reponses yet from the sheriff.

I'm a little aprehensive in calling cause local pd has a reputation for not being too helpful with cases even among neighboring departments.
I'm thinking about phoning the medical examiner tomorrow due to the few emails I sent out a few days apart.

No replies yet.

I did talk to an officer not too long ago about the case and he would not divulge much info about the case, or the few homicides I believed to be linked. Due to the same MO on the same stretch of road.

But right now, it is about finding her.

Anyone ever call LE or an ME? How should I start out?
Her facial shape is somewhat similar, but she doesn't have that Austrian/German bier frau look that the UID has.

Also, she would have been 43 years old at the time of the murder, which is quite a bit older than our Jane Doe.
Her facial shape is somewhat similar, but she doesn't have that Austrian/German bier frau look that the UID has.

Also, she would have been 43 years old at the time of the murder, which is quite a bit older than our Jane Doe.

The overall facial shape looks close to me, but Mandeville's eyebrows are wrong and the jaw doesn't look right. Also, the age.

I'm not seeing that ethnic thing in the UID.
I got this today

Mr. Guzman I appreciate your interest in our website and this case in particular. *I also apologize for the delay in my response. *After reviewing the case file I believe that I can answer a few of your questions. **The odontologist advised that the charactericsics of her dental work appeared to be consistent with European denistry. *That was consistent with a vaccination scar which was identified or European decent. *Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions. **

So I replied with

Thank you sir, I had read what little was available on the web about this case.

-Doe Network had listed that the UID was found slumped over a log, as if to tie her shoe. It also mentioned that the detective in charge believed she knew her attacker.

My question about this was where was she found in sheep flats? Was it a wider open part of the meadow or beyond a tree line?

-How far away from the road was the UID found?

-That would come to the bruised toe, was it before or after her death? Or would the bruising correspond with walking farther than she would have expected in shoes that were too small for her?

- Also mentioned was a (I believe) 4 to 5 inch scar on her abdomen. Would this scar be from removing the appendix?

- Now just for my personal curiousity, was there ever an investigation into whether any casinos had European workers for a 3-6 month work time employed with them and if so, did any just stop coming to work around this time?

-About what time of day was the UID discoverd?

As you can see Sgt. Herrera I have taken quite an interest with this case. I have cross referenced many of the missing person sites available online as well as European agencies as well. Thus far I have only found 2 girls with slight similarities but nothing concrete. I do understand that there is a privacy policy in effect for many unsolved cases and missing people. Any info would be very much appriciated.

- Charles
At this time my dad would have been in LE in the Reno area. I will ask and see if he remembers the case. Do we have a case #? Just getting into the case, sorry for any redundancy.

The big toe being bruised can be a lot of things, stubbing her toes, dropping something heavy on it etc.. Do we have a picture? I do wonder the growth of the toenail and the color of the bruise. If it is a recent injury the bruise will be usually around the base of the cuticle. As the toenail grows the blood of the bruise moves up the nail bed until you can basically "smoosh" out the blood. Also, if the bruise is newer in origin, it will be a darker color. Bruises of the nails usually start black, blue, purple, purple-red. The bruise being so prevalent, do we know if the toe was broken? Possible kick to attacker?

Also the post-mortem pic, her left cheekbone is sunken in. Do we know if she has a broken cheekbone, direct hit to the face? Or, was she found on her left side?
Agency Case Number:

I have a feeling she was found on that side due to doe network saying she was found slumped on a log.
I will see what I can find out, if anything... No promises. I dont know slumped can meet a lot of things, when I heard that I thought stomach over the log - face down.

I must have missed it but do we have a cause of death?
If you could please ask that would be fantastic!

Any information that he could supply would be detrimental to this case!

Also look at her doenetwork page. Wesley Neville did a composite for her. She has a narrow head and it isn't too deep. Not the cartoony one a page or so back.
Just looked at it, she definetly look like she put up some fight. It didnt mention anything of sexual assault. Do we know if she was assaulted?
Nothing other than what was posted.

The detective said he believed she knew her attacker.
Type in mt rose summit nv on google maps. Head east about 3 miles. That's the area
Just looked at it, she definetly look like she put up some fight. It didnt mention anything of sexual assault. Do we know if she was assaulted?

I am responding from memory, and someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that she was fully dressed and was not sexually assaulted.

I will see what I can find out, if anything... No promises. I dont know slumped can meet a lot of things, when I heard that I thought stomach over the log - face down.

I must have missed it but do we have a cause of death?

She was shot from behind, apparently while she was sitting on the log and bent over to tie her shoe. I am not sure how they came to the conclusion that she was tying her shoe, but I could guess that the combination of bullet trajectory, resting position, and a partially-tied shoe would suggest such a scenario.

It doesn't say whether she was shot in the head or in the torso, nor do they say from how far away she was shot, but a head wound would explain the swollen right eye, though not the scrapes on her forehead and cheek. Those could be the result of falling hard face down into the twigs and rocks in the dirt. The postmortem photo appears to be photoshopped over her right eye between her eyebrow and eyelid. I am guessing that this could be an exit wound that was retouched over.

Also, just a guess, but i think that the deformity on her left cheek is just the result of her resting position with her face against the ground. With the combination of rigor mortis and lack of blood pressure, the skin loses its flexibility and does not return to its shape after being pushed out of shape.
BTW, Charlie - If you send him another round of questions, you might want to ask if they ever checked out European visa overstays during that time period.

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