Identified! NV - Washoe Co., WhtFem 156UFNV, 25-35, Sheep's Flat Trail, Jul'82 - Mary Edith Silvani

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I’m kind of scared of what’s going to happen when DDP can’t identify someone.

The great thing about their method, however, is that the case is not a dead end if they can't solve it right away. It could pick back up at any time if more genetic relatives upload their DNA to GED Match. I don't think they will give up on any of their cases. There is always hope. JMO.

Exactly, DDP has said that time is on their side when it comes to solving tough cases: the numbers of people adding their DNA to GEDMatch is going to grow every year
Can relate to how tough these cases are to crack even with DNA matching. Looking through my matches there were only 3 Close in 2-4th gen I know about whom they are but not exact. The matches going further down the lineage I stare at "going whom are you and how we related"?

In all can't wait to see whom else they will identify in the up coming weeks.
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Noticed their was a modification on 6/22 in NAMUS unsure what was modified, the exclusions are at 231 believe that was still the same count the last time I looked .... could be wrong have been wrong before.
I wonder if they will be using Parabon nano labs to confirm the identity of her killer before they even release her name.
I wonder if they will be using Parabon nano labs to confirm the identity of her killer before they even release her name.

Seeing it utilized more and more it is possible LE may utilize the method if they are unable to identify her killer after she is identified and named. LE has stated if they can identify SFJD they would be able to identify her killer what methods that will be utilized has not be stated.

Parabon snapshot is very fascinating ... St Tammany Parish started utilizing it a few years ago first one was a dismembered UID even with the Parabon snapshot imgaing he has yet to be identified.
Seeing it utilized more and more it is possible LE may utilize the method if they are unable to identify her killer after she is identified and named. LE has stated if they can identify SFJD they would be able to identify her killer what methods that will be utilized has not be stated.

Parabon snapshot is very fascinating ... St Tammany Parish started utilizing it a few years ago first one was a dismembered UID even with the Parabon snapshot imgaing he has yet to be identified.

Parabon Snapshot is great but Parabon's genealogy services are actually leading to arrests so that's what I suspect they'd use here.
IMO ... LE has more evidence on the killer than what has been released, the comment of if we can identify her we can indentify the killer has always stuck out in my mind.
IMO ... LE has more evidence on the killer than what has been released, the comment of if we can identify her we can indentify the killer has always stuck out in my mind.

I think they definitely have more information. I wonder if that quote means their DNA showed the killer was a blood relative of hers?
Informal Update!:
4 days ago someone asked for an update on this case in the comment section of a prior update and Margaret said: "We're pretty sure we have her family. But there's a last brick wall that has been tough to break down. It's a crazy case (as each have been in their own ways.)"

UPDATE!!! Looks like DDP is having trouble locating records of Jane Doe's family, thereby verifying the identity they've discovered... but wow, there are 'half a dozen' cases in the pipeline for them!

DNA Doe Project

"A mini-update since things have been quiet for a while:

Sheep Flat Jane Doe is looking very promising. We are searching for proof at this stage that we have found the right family. We all have come to expect that we leave a huge paper trail of our lives for others to find, especially now that so much has been scanned, transcribed, indexed, and placed online. Well, far from it, it turns out. Thanks to the capriciousness of the internet we’ve turned up a Girl Scout Badge award for one relative, but no birth record for another. Genealogists are all aware of that vast void between the 1940 census and the advent of Facebook. We have volunteers who have driven to libraries around the country for this case, looking for high school yearbooks that are not online, or city directories for missing years. We’ve google-mapped old residences and tracked next-door neighbors. (The FAN technique in genealogy - look for the friends, associates and neighbors for clues.)

So in this day and age it is still possible to have lived off the radar (as long as you avoid earning Girl Scout badges). Welcome news to those who fear Big Brother, but for genealogists, it drives us crazy. But it also drives us on!

In other news, we have a half dozen cases waiting for DNA to be extracted at Bode Cellmark or other labs that work on bone, teeth, and even fingernails. We’ll announce the status of each if/when the extraction produces usable DNA for us."
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UPDATE!!! Looks like DDP is having trouble locating records of Jane Doe's family, thereby verifying the identity they've discovered... but wow, there are 'half a dozen' cases in the pipeline for them!

DNA Doe Project

"A mini-update since things have been quiet for a while:

Sheep Flat Jane Doe is looking very promising. We are searching for proof at this stage that we have found the right family. We all have come to expect that we leave a huge paper trail of our lives for others to find, especially now that so much has been scanned, transcribed, indexed, and placed online. Well, far from it, it turns out. Thanks to the capriciousness of the internet we’ve turned up a Girl Scout Badge award for one relative, but no birth record for another. Genealogists are all aware of that vast void between the 1940 census and the advent of Facebook. We have volunteers who have driven to libraries around the country for this case, looking for high school yearbooks that are not online, or city directories for missing years. We’ve google-mapped old residences and tracked next-door neighbors. (The FAN technique in genealogy - look for the friends, associates and neighbors for clues.)

So in this day and age it is still possible to have lived off the radar (as long as you avoid earning Girl Scout badges). Welcome news to those who fear Big Brother, but for genealogists, it drives us crazy. But it also drives us on!

In other news, we have a half dozen cases waiting for DNA to be extracted at Bode Cellmark or other labs that work on bone, teeth, and even fingernails. We’ll announce the status of each if/when the extraction produces usable DNA for us."

BBM, I love it, LOL! If I ever decide to disappear, I shall have to make a mental note to first ask my hometown paper to remove all my Girl Scout achievement articles from their archives. :D:cool: (Just kidding, I'm pretty sure they have already been digitized and put online :p).

On a serious note, I'm impressed with all they have tried so far. I wonder if Sheet Flat's family could have joined a cult or commune living situation (after the Girl Scouts award)?
Makes me think they suspect who she is and they have a suspect if SHE is who they suspect.
I agree, particularly after some of the comments on the most recent update. DDP isn’t giving up any info on her at all which makes me think LE has a hunch her killer is alive, paying attention, and knows if they identify her that s/he is busted. In previous cases it didn’t seem to be a big deal to release grandma was from here, cousin was from there, etc.
Loved . Margaret comment just ask the neighbors ... and it is true .. In my neighborhood everyone has known everyone and their business too most of their lives. We even have two FB pages one rated PG and the other UR for mud slinging just bring the popcorn... I'm not a nosey neighbor but do know when my neighbors come and go, know their kids where they go to school and their pets Last week we found my neighbor deceased of natural causes .. it was out of observation not doing his daily routine. In all my neighbors could say the same .... and a few are very nosey to the point you think they are stalkers ...

Lewie you are correct .. sometimes you have to read between the lines ..

Hopefully they will find the missing link connection very soon ...
Loved . Margaret comment just ask the neighbors ... and it is true .. In my neighborhood everyone has known everyone and their business too most of their lives. We even have two FB pages one rated PG and the other UR for mud slinging just bring the popcorn... I'm not a nosey neighbor but do know when my neighbors come and go, know their kids where they go to school and their pets Last week we found my neighbor deceased of natural causes .. it was out of observation not doing his daily routine. In all my neighbors could say the same .... and a few are very nosey to the point you think they are stalkers ...

Lewie you are correct .. sometimes you have to read between the lines ..

Hopefully they will find the missing link connection very soon ...

OT: We had a neighbor like that when I was in high school. He always seemed to know where we were. If we weren't home, he'd tell anyone who stopped by "Oh, she's at work, he's at school." But the one time we got robbed in broad day light while we were out, he didn't see a darned thing.
OT: We had a neighbor like that when I was in high school. He always seemed to know where we were. If we weren't home, he'd tell anyone who stopped by "Oh, she's at work, he's at school." But the one time we got robbed in broad day light while we were out, he didn't see a darned thing.

Oh geez... unfortunate that happened to yall. my neighbors will call LE like speed dial fast anyone they do not know its on ... right down to the water meter reader, Jehovahs, pizza delivery and someones dog is barking... they dont play around here .. their like starving buzzards going after road kill

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