NY - 10 dead, 3 critical after mass shooting at a Buffalo supermarket, 14 May 2022 *Guilty*

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Twitch, the livestreaming platform, confirms that the shooter who killed 10 people at a New York grocery story today streamed the attack live on its site. Says it has taken the channel offline and is monitoring for people rebroadcasting it.

In my opinion, "Twitch, the livestreaming platform" needs to make some type of change such as a delay before a livestreaming can be broadcast (or at least halt one that has just begun).

I know that defeats the purpose of "livestreaming" but if there could be some type of algorithim configured to identify something at the very beginning - could this possibly have halted the video?

I am no expert in algorithms - but I know some of you are.

There has to be a way to identify and even halt one of these disturbing and hateful and evil videos -seconds from the start of it playing?

Could something like this be put in place to at least halt the continuing of a livestream of a violent and hateful act? What if an algorithm would react to the audio of gunshots or something similar (screams?) ?

Why can't these violent monsters get professional help or have themselves committed first ?
What a way to throw away your own life.

RIP to the victims.
I'm sorry their lives were ended in such a manner.
They didn't deserve this. :mad:
This is an incredibly disturbing and violent crime that has been committed. I am very upset that he had a manifesto and he was still not reported. Anyone who sees anything like that on the internet should immediately report it. see something, say something. I hope the victims families get justice and this man never faces the public again. He is very troubled and should never be out of custody. I am continuing to watch the news as they are doing their press briefings.
Very troubled?? It was racially motivated, plain and simple. Mass Shooting Apparently Planned On Discord, Streamed On Twitch, Investigated As Hate Crime [Updated]
Like clockwork, one can predict with certainty a young mass murderer was a troublemaker in public school, but little to nothing is ever done about it. NYSP investigated this creep just last year.


Gendron has been investigated by law enforcement before.

In June 2021, police in Broome County were called by high school officials who told them Gendron had threatened violence in comments made to fellow students, the News reported.

“A school official reported that this very troubled young man had made statements indicating that he wanted to do a shooting, either at a graduation ceremony, or sometime after,” the same government official familiar with the case told the News.

State Police were sent to investigate and Gendron, under a section of state mental health laws, was referred for a mental health evaluation and counseling, the official told the News.

Was just listening to a local news broadcast and they were discussing that residents fought for years to have this grocery store because the neighborhood is a “food desert”. Concern because the store will be closed indefinitely and there is noplace nearby to shop for food. So many people victimized by this one “human”. I have to admit I enjoyed seeing him dressed in nothing but torn paper. If he’s not remorseful (and IMO nothing indicates he’s experiencing a shred of remorse) I hope he’s completely humiliated as the world sees him dragged about looking like garbage plucked from a landfill.

Was just listening to a local news broadcast and they were discussing that residents fought for years to have this grocery store because the neighborhood is a “food desert”. Concern because the store will be closed indefinitely and there is noplace nearby to shop for food. So many people victimized by this one “human”. I have to admit I enjoyed seeing him dressed in nothing but torn paper. If he’s not remorseful (and IMO nothing indicates he’s experiencing a shred of remorse) I hope he’s completely humiliated as the world sees him dragged about looking like garbage plucked from a landfill.


Sad, really. I was kinda surprised a Tops was located there, it's in an impoverished part of Buffalo. I give the chain and the community credit for keeping that store going.

Ancestors of mine lived right in that area, Masten, Bailey, Genesee, etc., many years ago. Just saddens and infuriates me at the same time.
"When confronted by police in a vestibule of the store, the suspect held a gun to his own neck but they talked him into dropping the weapon and surrendering, the police commissioner added."

Just a link confirming what a WNY friend told me today.
here is the CNN report I alluded to before:

"The suspect put his gun to his own neck, at which point two Buffalo officers talked him into dropping his gun and then took off some of his tactical gear and surrendered to police, officials said. Police arrested the suspect and transported him to Buffalo police headquarters."

with the cite:

(I am still not sure if it is accurate since early reports even in MSM sometimes are not...)
This is another horrific massacre of innocents. My brother works for Tops in another part of Western New York, and I called him with the horrid news. He was at a wedding and was absolutely devastated, as we all are. Just what is going on with our world; is the devil becoming more prevalent? How are we going to stop all of this. God bless the souls who lost their lives, their friends and families and all the unfortunate witnesses, and God bless all of us who pray this will end. Thanks, Katt
Where did he get the gun(s)? And the protective armor? We know he was investigated for saying he wanted to conduct a mass shooting before. He was given psych treatment for that. He had no business being anywhere near guns or related gear. If his parents knew or supplied him perhaps they should be charged with criminal negligence.

Too many American parents have sought to “help” their disturbed, scary offspring by arming them.
Where did he get the gun(s)? And the protective armor? We know he was investigated for saying he wanted to conduct a mass shooting before. He was given psych treatment for that. He had no business being anywhere near guns or related gear. If his parents knew or supplied him perhaps they should be charged with criminal negligence.

Too many American parents have sought to “help” their disturbed, scary offspring by arming them.

I've had some of the same thoughts. The Oxford school shooter's parents were charged, and although this one's a few years older and legally an adult, I don't see why the Buffalo shooter's parents shouldn't be charged, as well. Another disturbed kid and access to deadly weapons and this one even had body armor and the means to drive that far. How many kids that age have access to that without parental knowledge? This stuff doesn't happen in a vacuum.

Such a tragedy. Just going grocery shopping on Saturday afternoon, what could be more mundane that that?
Where did he get the gun(s)? And the protective armor? We know he was investigated for saying he wanted to conduct a mass shooting before. He was given psych treatment for that. He had no business being anywhere near guns or related gear. If his parents knew or supplied him perhaps they should be charged with criminal negligence.

Too many American parents have sought to “help” their disturbed, scary offspring by arming them.
According to the link below, his username on Twitch was jimboboiii. Searching for that can lead you to a pdf document of his Discord messages with info regarding body armor. IMO he had been planning this for years.


Apparently he left a 180-page manifesto behind:

He said he started planning the attack in January and chose the Tops Supermarket in Buffalo because “it has the highest black population percentage” by Zip code.
A section of the manifesto details his step-by-step plans for the day, including the corned beef hash he would eat for breakfast, how he would drive to Buffalo and scout out the supermarket, the way he would wear his body armor and carry his gun and how he would post a livestream online.

He allegedly carried out the attack at 3 p.m. instead of the planned 4 p.m. The madman also stopped his attack before a planned rampage through the neighborhood.
He uses almost 100 pages to describe his guns, body armor, gear and clothing choices in minute detail.

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