Match! NY - Caledonia, WhtFem 1UFNY, 13-19, Turquoise Necklace, Nov'79 *Tammy Alexander*

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I am seriously beginning to wonder if perhaps Cali was a special needs child who had been kept serperate from her peers, her neighbors, the whole world.

I suspected that the first time I saw the old picture...something about the shape of her face. But the new, more lifelike reconstruction makes it less obvious. Also, according to the NY Missing website (now down), Cali seems to have been somehow involved with a local drug dealer. Perhaps her family shared that involvement and their fear has kept them from speaking?
Below is "Cali's" file as it now appears in the Doenetwork website. Artist Conception Drawings can be seen at the Link below.

Unidentified White Female
Located on November 9, 1979 in Caledonia, Livingston County, New York.
Estimated Date of Death is November 8, 1979
Died as a result of severe brain hemorrhage caused by a gunshot wound to the head.

Vital Statistics

Estimated age: 13 - 19 years old. Her estimated date of birth is 1958-1967.
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'3; 120 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: She had curly brown, shoulder length hair which had been frosted about four months before her death. The frosted hair was in the process of growing out. She had brown eyes. She was tanned and had visible bikini lines. She had no distinguishing marks. The victim had had no broken bones that would have been in a hospital's records. It didn't look as though she had received much medical attention of any kind.
Clothing: She was wearing a a boy's multi-plaid, button-down shirt, tan corduroy pants, blue knee socks, light blue panties; white exquisite bra; brown laceup, ripple-sole shoes and a red nylon-lined man's windbreaker with black stripes down the arms, marked with the inside label Auto Sports Products, Inc..
Dentals: Available. She has some serious decay and tooth #14 was decayed to the extent that only three roots of the tooth were left. She had not had any dental care.

Case History

The victim was discovered by a passing motorist at 10am in a Caledonia, NY cornfield on November 9, 1979. She was found about 20 ft. from the south side of Route 20, about one half mile from the intersection of Route 5.

She was fully clothed and there was no evidence that she had been sexually molested. Her pockets had been turned inside out, possibly to remove any identification.

An examination of the girl's stomach contents turned up pieces of meat, corn and potatoes. A waitress from a small dinner in Lima, New York, remembered seeing the girl the night before the murder, but she couldn't remember anything more.

She died of two gunshot wounds; one to the back and one to the right temple. The coroner estimated that she was killed the previous night, (November 8) and that the gunshot wound to her back was inflicted prior to the head wound. The victim was apparently shot by the road where a blood spot marked the earth. Then she was dragged into the cornfield and shot again.

Police speculated that the murder weapon used was a .38-caliber handgun. Ballistics experts dug up a slug buried in the dirt underneath the victim. The slug was tested against literally hundreds of other bullets fired from guns seized by police. Over the years, the Livingston County probers traced weapons to as far away as Canada, Europe, and Mexico, but they were never able to match the slug to a murder weapon.
Several truckers called in with information about a young girl who was traveling and catching rides where she could. One trucker swore he saw the girl the night before she was murdered trying to hitch a ride to Boston from a nearby truck stop.
Police have followed up over 10,000 leads, all to no avail.

The girl's fingerprints were sent to FBI headquarters, but her prints weren't on file.
Jane Doe rests in Dansville, New York. The inscription says, "Lest we forget an unidentified girl. November 9. 1979. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."

Pollen samples taken from the victim's clothing were determined to have come from only four places: Arizona, California, South Florida, or Mexico.

The victim was wearing the following necklace, made with silver beads and three small turquoise stones, one resembling a bird. The necklace was probably homemade-possibly native American- but the best detectives could figure was that it was made somewhere in the Southwest.
The victim was also wearing two key chains that were attached to the front belt loops of her jeans. One key chain, in the shape of a heart, was inscribed, "He who holds the Key can open my heart." The other key chain held the key that fit the small silver heart. The key chains could have been bought in almost any roadside gift shop.

The inscription on the heart-shaped portion of the above locket reads:
He who holds the Key can open my heart.

Her jewlery and jacket can be seen in a photo at the below link.

Additional Case Information

Locale of Region
Caledonia, NY is located in the Finger Lakes region of the state and is close in proximity to the Canadian border. Some theories about the victim's identity include the possibility that she was not American, but Canadian. Searches of the Canadian missing persons' databases have not provided any information on a possible ID match for this victim. Route 20 runs parallel to Interstate 90. The crime scene was just past the bifurcation of Routes 5 and 20 on the south side of the road. On the north side, a small pull-off for truckers and motorists offered a rest area for travelers.

Tanned Complexion of the Victim
She had tan lines, suggesting that she had recently lain in the sun in a halter top. Tanning salons were not common in 1979, it is believed that she had recently vacationed somewhere tropical or was from a region more conducive to tanning in November. Furthermore, the victim's hair was lightly frosted in the front, a hairstyle popular on the beach.

Clothing Manufacturer
Auto Sports Products. The jackets were a one-shot promotional gimmick. There was no way to track where they had gone after they were distributed.

One caller told investigators that she thought the victim's shoes were popular in the Venjiont area during the late 1970s.

If you have any information on this case, please contact:

Livingston County Sheriff's Office

All information can be given on an anonymous basis.

NCMEC #: NCMU400008
NCIC Number: U-157617149

Please refer to these numbers when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Source Information:

New York State Police
The E-clipse Network
Batavia Daily News
Master Detective
R News
Florida Missing Children Information Clearinghouse
Livingston Sheriff
The Doe Network: Case File 1UFNY

Kathleen Shea resembles this Jane Doe, but I couldn't even begin to explain how she disappeared at age 6 from Pennsylvania and ended up a murdered teenager in New York. Still, there is a resemblence, just to throw that out there if it hasn't already been mentioned.

Cali has an A blood type, and neither of Shea's parents were A or AB, so she can't be Kathleen. It was a good theory though.
I will also add LE thinks she is most likely in the 13-15 age range, so matches older than that should be considered unlikely.
Vital Statistics
  • Estimated age: 13 - 19 years old. Her estimated date of birth is 1958-1967.
  • Approximate Height and Weight: 5'3; 120 lbs.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: She had curly brown, shoulder length hair which had been frosted about four months before her death. The frosted hair was in the process of growing out. She had brown eyes. She was tanned and had visible bikini lines. She had no distinguishing marks. The victim had had no broken bones that would have been in a hospital's records. It didn't look as though she had received much medical attention of any kind.
  • Clothing: She was wearing a a boy's multi-plaid, button-down shirt, tan corduroy pants, blue knee socks, light blue panties; white exquisite bra; brown laceup, ripple-sole shoes and a red nylon-lined man's windbreaker with black stripes down the arms, marked with the inside label Auto Sports Products, Inc..
  • Dentals: Available. She has some serious decay and tooth #14 was decayed to the extent that only three roots of the tooth were left. She had not had any dental care.
Much more at link.
I know Angela Meeker has been ruled out, and Dye has too. Everyone on the California DOJ site has been tested and none are her.
This case has been burned into my memory since I first saw it on the Doe Network. It's just so odd to me, they have SO much more info on her than they do with most UID's and yet, in almost 40 years, they haven't been able to ID her.
Is there a list on here somewhere of who has been compared and ruled out?
Is there a list on here somewhere of who has been compared and ruled out?

I don't know if there's a list, but here's the other thread that is in the Cold Cases section.

There's SEVERAL girls that have been ruled out. I'm beginning to wonder if this is going to turn out to be a case where the girl was never reported missing because of drugs or some other "taboo" reason by her family. Two or three of the last solved murders in my area have been like this.
I agree with those who think this girl has never figured in any online missing persons registry. I doubt she was ever reported missing. The poor state of her teeth suggests neglect in her background. It's possible she was in a foster home, not a wonderful one. If she ran away from a foster home where she was unhappy, her foster parents never reported her missing, because her running away would have brought to light their neglect/mistreatment of her, because they wanted to continue receiving subsidies for her care ... or because they were just glad to get rid of her and never gave her another thought. Though we'd like to think there's a mother, sister, brother wondering what happened to their loved one, it may be that the persons most likely to recognize her picture would be the last to come forward and claim her, because her sad fate reflects their own failures - the failure to care properly for her, to keep her from harm, and finally the failure to report her missing when she first ran away, which would have been viewed as an attempt to defraud social services.

All this means that any attempt to find out this girl's identity by appealing to long-lost "family" is doomed to fail. On the other hand, it might be possible to appeal to social workers (retired ones, now, I suppose) who might have dealt with this girl earlier, before she was lost from view. It might be necessary to use age-regressed images for this (I see that are some now), since we don't how long the girl had been on the road before meeting her killer, and we don't know when was the last time her foster parents opened the door to a social worker when she was still with them. This would entail a lot of work, since social services are state-run, and we don't know what state she came from. Also, I she had received some state assistance, I believe it would have necessary to have a Social Security number, even at her young age. Is it possible to search Social Security numbers for girls about the age of this one, who are theoretically still alive (because not reported dead), but who have NO ACTIVITY recorded on the Social Security number past a certain date? I have noticed on missing persons sites that it is possible for investigators to know whether a person's SS number has been used since they disappeared. Maybe it would be possible to search backwards, in order to get a list of females born within a certain timeframe who have no work history or disabilities benefits in their adult life. Such a list could provide some new leads.
I found this interesting yesterday. I was searching NCMEC and I was looking for males and the pics come up as Thumbnail size and I could have sworn It look like Cale Doe so I clicked on it.

It wasnt her it was a boy but they look so much alike to me.

The other thing I found odd about these 2 was the fact that She was Killed November 8, 1979

he was killed

November 11, 1979 found on Nov 12 no sign of sexual assault same with Cale DOE

they look like they could be brother and sister....

So I started looking into his case and found out that he was JUST identified this summer as Daniel danny Wayne Dewey

his mother died when we was young

here is a quote from the story

In fact, it was easy for Danny to be lost.

"Our mother died in a car accident when I was seven and Danny was six," Billy Dewey, one of the victim's three brothers, said Wednesday. "We were all just sort of farmed out after that, going from relative to relative. Our upbringing was pretty rough."

Dewey, 47, remembers the last time he saw Danny -- the day Billy graduated from high school in May, 1979.
"Danny was a junior in high school," Dewey said. "But the people we lived with moved the next day, Danny and I were both homeless then. The last time I saw Danny he was getting on a bus."

Amazingly the way we was identified this year they re-ran his fingerprints thru AFIS and got a match he had been arrested for a misdemener at one time

This poor guy died a horrible death, and I feel for his family

here is a link to the full story

please see this side by side pics I did and see if you see the resembelence.

Danny was found murdered in Louisiana

He had lived in Texas and was originally from California....

didnt the pollen test of her clothes indicate they could have only came from 3 states and California was one of them

see if you see the resemblence could she be a cousin as sister? how strange they were killed within days of each other


  • caledewey.jpg
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  • calisidebysid.jpg
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I found this interesting yesterday. I was searching NCMEC and I was looking for males and the pics come up as Thumbnail size and I could have sworn It look like Cale Doe so I clicked on it.

It wasnt her it was a boy but they look so much alike to me.

The other thing I found odd about these 2 was the fact that She was Killed November 8, 1979

he was killed

November 11, 1979 found on Nov 12 no sign of sexual assault same with Cale DOE

they look like they could be brother and sister....

So I started looking into his case and found out that he was JUST identified this summer as Daniel danny Wayne Dewey...

Here is a link to a thread on him in Websleuths:

I posted his identification just a few days ago.

I also noticed the similarity between the two artist renditions, but I wonder if it might be due to the aspect of the autopsey photos (taken from front but looking upward) which the artist(s) used to make the drawings from. Also, could it have been the same artist who did the drawings?

The fact that the dates of death are so close is eerie, but could be just a coincidence. The distance which separates the two deaths is great (Louisiana and Western New York State).

Still it makes one think...
I haven't read all the parts of this thread, so forgive me if this has already been explored. Perhaps the girl is Karen Lynn Zendrosky missing 10/23/1979 from Bordentown, NJ. She was seen at a site known for its parties with two men in their 20's. She had long brown hair, green eyes and may have been in overalls, according to the reports. Is there a resemblence?
There are literally hundred of young girls in this age range missing throughout the United States. Most of them have a short blurb about them being last seen, yada, yada, yada, and nothing more. I believe she is probably one of these, EXCEPT for the dental work -
which it was suggested was not done in the U. S. That leaves us with Canada, Mexico, etc.

However, she may have been living in the U. S. long enough for someone to remember her.
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