Match! NY - Caledonia, WhtFem 1UFNY, 13-19, Turquoise Necklace, Nov'79 *Tammy Alexander*

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Hi. I've had to backtrack and go through 1200+ posts, but I finally am up to speed regarding this case. Wondering about a few things.

1: The location of her murder and the complete absence of leads raises the question of whether she belonged to a group not typically represented in these databases. There have been some mention of Native American origin or belonging to a migrant family (which I feel is unlikely based on the reasons given before) or that she was Canadian. Has there been any cross-referencing to Canadian databases? Any inquest at all to authorities about missing children from up there?

2: Was the waitress account of her meal at the Lima Diner from earlier in the night she was murdered or a whole day before that? If LE believes her last meal was at the Lima Diner, around 9 miles from where her body was found, then the suspect sketch and wood-paneling station wagon become much more important based on the shorter time-frame.

If the Lima Diner tip was a whole 24+ hours prior to her death, it plausible to think that a girl who is a bit of a drifter and familiar with hitching could have met and gotten a meal with one person and within an entire day met someone new and gotten a ride.

That being said, what models of station wagon, let's say within the previous ten years of her murder were able to be bought with wood paneling? Once these makes/models are known, aren't there DMV records within the state that are accessible to link owners to these vehicles?

3: The nature of the murder, being shot in the face, dragged just off road and shot again, while being stood over, doesn't typically align with many serial killer MO's. There were no evidence of a struggle, no indication of sexual assault. It seems rather hasty and poorly thought out. The murder has a personal feel to it. Why make her empty her pockets? She doesn't seem like a typical mark for a robbery. All signs point to the fact that she wasn't wealthy, didn't own anything of real value. I can't help but feel whoever killed this girl made her empty her pockets to not rid her of an identity or steal, but rather ensure she didn't possess something that would tie him/her to the scene. Why do that, unless the murderer and Cali Doe spent time together/were in public together.

4: The evidence of Australian pine found on her seems more and more like a red herring. I read somewhere in this thread that the pollen was found in both her jacket and her trouser pockets. Is this true? If that's the case, then she must have been traveling with the jacket (and not lent it at some point in NY before her murder) for some time. I am also unsure of the ease of cross contamination between articles of clothing. Any experts on that?

5: I know her jacket, ill-fitting and awkward on her, was a promo giveaway at racing events. What year were these jackets manufactured (it was a one time thing)? Knowing the year would determine how likely it was that Cali Doe got the jacket from a thrift shop/borrowed it or actually received the jacket at a racing event prior to her death. Also, if LE had the manufacturer of these jackets, how is it possible that there was no trace of where they were shipped/what company they were shipped to/how they were disseminated. That's just not how businesses are run. Has to be a paper trail somewhere.

Alright, that's all I got at the moment. Thanks for fielding my questions everyone.

The location of the murder and the lack of leads indicate that it was not planned. Nothing about her case indicates SK to me.

Her last meal was at the Lima Diner within a couple hours of her being killed. The coroner said she had eaten within a couple hours of dying. So the question is more that since the diner was only a few moments from were she died, where were they up until that time?

Her murder, IMO says rage. Someone was very angry with her for some reason. Yet there were no indicators of this while they were at the diner.

If she put her hands in both her trouser and her jacket pockets then the pollen being in both makes sense. All that really says to me is that her hands had been in both after touching something that pollen was on. It does not to me, in any way say, that she was in the same area as that pollen. (JMO)
Here is a map of Group A blood types in the world.


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Here is a map of Group A blood types in the world.

Cali Doe's blood type, A-, provides potential clues to her origins. (From "The highest frequencies of A are found in small, unrelated populations, especially the Blackfoot Indians of Montana (30-35%), the Australian Aborigines (many groups are 40-53%), and the Lapps, or Saami people, of Northern Scandinavia (50-90%). The A allele apparently was absent among Central and South American Indians."

It provides some support that she maybe had Native American blood. Some of those native, isolated pockets of the A allele are present in modern day France and in the area of French-Canada (25-35% of the population in those regions, according to the map). Obviously, we are working with generalities here. The diaspora of populations in America is insanely diverse and spread out, but these are interesting signs that possibly contradict other theories about her origin.
I have always wondered this, but could the waitress remember her having any type of accent? Anything about her body language that might indicate their relationship?

I know when you are working in the service industry, you don't exactly get to sit down and have a one on one conversation. But I have worked in restaurants, you tend to get a feel for people. You can start to tell by looking at people and their responses. I am really curious what the waitress's impression of her was and the guy she was with. I am also curious if she talked to the waitress.

Also, I do not see anything would indicate a struggle when she was shot. You would think there would be some bruising on the arms. Also, IIRC, the first shot was to the front of the head, that is really unusual for a serial killer to do. Front head shots seem more consistent with a robbery.

From what I read, she was standing up (this wasnt on your knees execution style), the shot was fired at point blank range. Is this correct? This is the kind of gunshot that I would think would occur out of an argument.
Like say they had an argument, she tells him to stop the car. Then she gets out and starts walking down the street hoping to hitch another ride. He catches up with her, she isn't scared, he didn't gun her down while running, she is angry at him. She turns around and they continue arguing that is when he pulls the gun out and shoots her.

Or she could of stole something and he stops the car and makes her get out at gun point. Then he points the gun at her head and asks her where whatever she stole was. Whatever she said next was not the right answer. That might also explain why she was shot again in the back and had he pockets turned inside out.

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Wanted to say Hi! And good job guys. I think you're on the right track. Here is the company information if it already hasn't been posted of Auto Sports Productions. It says that they were invested in foreign stocks of some kind. And a fairly new company incorporated in 1970. My hunch is: If we find out where their stock came from we could find the vendor's address. The place where the vendors are from could be key to where the girl is from. Is this a vendors or stock holders daughter from outside the US? Could this be linked to another case?~JMHO
I have always wondered this, but could the waitress remember her having any type of accent? Anything about her body language that might indicate their relationship?

I know when you are working in the service industry, you don't exactly get to sit down and have a one on one conversation. But I have worked in restaurants, you tend to get a feel for people. You can start to tell by looking at people and their responses. I am really curious what the waitress's impression of her was and the guy she was with. I am also curious if she talked to the waitress.

Also, I do not see anything would indicate a struggle when she was shot. You would think there would be some bruising on the arms. Also, IIRC, the first shot was to the front of the head, that is really unusual for a serial killer to do. Front head shots seem more consistent with a robbery.

From what I read, she was standing up (this wasnt on your knees execution style), the shot was fired at point blank range. Is this correct? This is the kind of gunshot that I would think would occur out of an argument.
Like say they had an argument, she tells him to stop the car. Then she gets out and starts walking down the street hoping to hitch another ride. He catches up with her, she isn't scared, he didn't gun her down while running, she is angry at him. She turns around and they continue arguing that is when he pulls the gun out and shoots her.

Or she could of stole something and he stops the car and makes her get out at gun point. Then he points the gun at her head and asks her where whatever she stole was. Whatever she said next was not the right answer. That might also explain why she was shot again in the back and had he pockets turned inside out.

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The waitress remembers nothing of Cali which I think is weird. I used to pump gas; I was always checking people out; talking to people. I find it strange she did not remember Cali; who IMO was an attractive gal.
Wanted to say Hi! And good job guys. I think you're on the right track. Here is the company information if it already hasn't been posted of Auto Sports Productions. It says that they were invested in foreign stocks of some kind. And a fairly new company incorporated in 1970. My hunch is: If we find out where their stock came from we could find the vendor's address. The place where the vendors are from could be key to where the girl is from. Is this a vendors or stock holders daughter from outside the US? Could this be linked to another case?~JMHO

IIRC; they tried to track the jackets but the manufacturer did not keep track of where they went & how many were given out.

IIRC; they tried to track the jackets but the manufacturer did not keep track of where they went & how many were given out.

That's helpful. I was thinking of outside investors; or people interested in selling the companies products in Australia or UK? Just trying to think "outside the box" from my perspective. moo
UID shows brown eyes, Amandas are blue. Consarnit! I thought we really had one there. Dates and characteristics are too similar to ignore. Ugh.
I stumbled across this while following a pointer from another case. Cali is listed in the FBI's ViCap database:

It has the sketch of the guy she was with.

Also, the description of the jacket says, "Pollen samples taken from the jacket indicate it had been in Arizona, California, Florida, or Texas." Emphasis mine.
I saw that too. I thought it was already posted so I didn't post it. lol Looks like you're ahead of the game. lol
whomever she was with certainly didn't want her id'd. It looks like they made her dress like a boy to disguise her. Anyone else think it was strange that she was in courderoys and a flannel shirt? It seems pretty strange to me since she was so young and not a stitch of pink or purple in her clothing.
The waitress remembers nothing of Cali which I think is weird. I used to pump gas; I was always checking people out; talking to people. I find it strange she did not remember Cali; who IMO was an attractive gal.

Add that to the truckers that called in. You would think if she had a foreign accent, someone would pick up on it.

Even though she doesn't look it, I was thinking she might be an Iranian immigrant. Keep in mind, at the beginning of the year the Ayatollah seized power and, at the time there were a lot of Persians coming to the US. However, it seems all the people that might have had contact with her never noted an accent.

I would also assume the truckers who called in gave more information, than they just "saw her".
Add that to the truckers that called in. You would think if she had a foreign accent, someone would pick up on it.

Even though she doesn't look it, I was thinking she might be an Iranian immigrant. Keep in mind, at the beginning of the year the Ayatollah seized power and, at the time there were a lot of Persians coming to the US. However, it seems all the people that might have had contact with her never noted an accent.

I would also assume the truckers who called in gave more information, than they just "saw her".

If you go back in the thread, the truckers seeing her etc is not true, according to LE. She is freckled, so imo, she is not of Iranian descent.
UID shows brown eyes, Amandas are blue. Consarnit! I thought we really had one there. Dates and characteristics are too similar to ignore. Ugh.

LE stated to not rule out by eye color- but imo, she is not a possibility.
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