Match! NY - Caledonia, WhtFem 1UFNY, 13-19, Turquoise Necklace, Nov'79 *Tammy Alexander*

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I have been on pins & needles since Carl proposed this match. Checking this thread has become an almost hourly habit for me (and many others, I'm sure) over the last week. I'm hoping with all my heart that Cali gets her name back, although with that comes the sad reality that someone will never go home to their loved ones. Great job, Carl! Your work is truly amazing.
I have to say it, You guys, who cares who gets credit for what ? thats not our goal! and if a professional organization like Doe submits it as well , thats just like backup to me , I dont see a problem , I wouldnt care if I solved 20 and got no credit ever, I care that its solved, thats all! In my case a match to my kin was sent to police from me and I was told that this skull belongs to an African american woman, it was listed on doe as AA also, an old neighbor of hers submitted the match after I did and Bingo it was her!!!!!! I think I learned that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, two people saying the same thing were better than one , now it might not be true in some cases but I doubt they are flooded with matches for a case from 79 so what does it hurt?
I have submitted a few. I always say whether I got an acknowledgement. In this particular case, Carl not only got an acknowledgement that they received the possible match, there were further discussions about getting a DNA sample from the half-sister. Once that much information is known, in my own opinion only, there is no point in resubmitting.

On the other hand, I've had submissions where I've never heard a peep back so there is no harm in someone else sending it in as who knows what happened to the original submission.

No one here can tell another what to do or not to do. It's a free country. That said I am of the opinion that once we know LE is working on it, enough is enough. They don't need to be bombarded with duplicate submissions which only takes time away from their actual duties of investigating real cases.
I am interested in credit insofar as affects whether or not I flag this case Match, or Identified, if this does turn out to be a match.

Aside from that, I've seen a few instances where one of our members got a good match, and there wasn't a peep from LE other than to pat themselves on the back. I always like to see our members get an acknowledgement when our hard work pays off.

Recently, I submitted a good match to NamUs, and it turned out that UNT was already on to it. I know I was the first in the public to call it in, but it is not my match. That's fine, I have no problem with that. But then, I read the press release, and they credited the match to someone who submitted the match to the local Sheriff (after I had submitted it to NamUs). UNT had not told the Sheriff that they were on to it, until they had completed their work. But the Sheriff went to the press and credited this guy who called it in to them. They went on to say that had it not been for this person, they would have never solved the case. The fact was the match should not have been credited to either of us. UNT figured it out as soon as the UID case was brought to their attention (before the UP casefile was even created in NamUs).
I would say it is a match if it turns out to be a match...regardless of when UNT (who is UNT?) started working on it..they sat on it...You, on the other hand...shared your research with the public..The guy who called it in may have even learned of it from your sharing..for all we know..

You get credit in my book..!!

Thank you...I did not know that...Great database they have put together...
ARRRRGH between this and the Uncle commenting on Sharons thread I am seriously about to bust, I do understand the Credit thing , its just not my bag , I prefer imagining we are all in a room working together on this stuff, and when someons shouts match we all start partying like its 1999 ( sorry for the prince reference) but I do get it

Hey Carl you rock!!!!!!!:yourock:
ARRRRGH between this and the Uncle commenting on Sharons thread I am seriously about to bust, I do understand the Credit thing , its just not my bag , I prefer imagining we are all in a room working together on this stuff, and when someons shouts match we all start partying like its 1999 ( sorry for the prince reference) but I do get it

Hey Carl you rock!!!!!!!:yourock:

Now that Sharon has been identified, it's time for Cali to get her name back too!
Fingers crossed that this week will be THE week to hear something!!!!!!!
pins and needles, I am in a state of major weirdness about Sharon/Suzanne somewhere between shock and happy, but this and our arkansas UID Kelly Carr/ Shannon are my other "pet" cases if we resolve this one I will not be able to move for a week LOL I dont know how to explain it , its almost like the sadness when you have a baby, that you arent pregnant still, but happy that you have the baby (Eh, thats the best I can do as far as explaning)
To have her name before the 35th anniversary of her murder would be fantastic!
Do you guys remenber how much Sharon and cali stood out when you first started to sleuth I think because they had "real " pics not just recons , Ive been so obsessed with finding the answer that i dont know what im going to do, I wont get up and check sharons thread anymore ,and its so strange I have that feeling Cali is next its a really good sort of loss though
I just wanted to add that even if it turns out not to be Cali I am so proud of everyone on WS, the dedications and love given out to these poor souls is overwhelming. Thank you for everything you do!!!

Lets hope this is Cali, so we can solve the next one!
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