NY NY - Craig Frear, 17, Scotia, 27 June 2004

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Please don't forget to watch for Craig's story on the Montel Show tomorrow. Times and stations will vary, so check your local listings.

Also, VERY important, everyone needs to go to the Montel Show Site afterwards and enter in feedback thanking them for doing the show and letting them know how important this is!

Here's the link to do this:


Even if you do not watch the show, do it anyway so they will continue to give oportunities for our families to get national attention for their cases, and hopefully answers.

Thank you!

Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
Project Jason is working with the KlaasKids Foundation to recommend missing children to be featured on the Nancy Grace show on CNN. Craig Frear will shown on air on the show this Wednesday, May 25th.

Project Jason announces that Craig Frear is the current 18 Wheel Angel campaign. His campaign will continue through July 15th.

18 Wheel Angels is a national missing person's locator program in which truck drivers or other business travelers are recruited to place posters of a specific missing person along the way as they travel.

Project Jason teams up with JB Scott Publishing to feature Craig in their monthly publication; Through the Gears, which can be found at truck stops nationwide. You may also see Craig's photo on their site at http://www.truckjobseekers.com/18 Wheel Angel.aspx

For additional information, and to print and place Craig's poster, please see:


You do not need to be a truck driver to help please posters. You can also help by telling any truck drivers or trucking companies you know about this program.

Thank you.

Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
carolina said:
i thought that i would post craig, because it seems as though teenage boys who go missing are too often not given the attention that their disapperance deserves. i had never heard of him before and he has been missing since june.


It is so true that missing males rarely get attention...I think everyone assumes they are a run away or can take care of themselves. Here we have a young man who has been missing for a year and nothing!! The only difference I see between his disappearance and Natalee Holloway's is that she was away from home in a foreign land and he was not. Otherwise we have two young people missing without a trace...and by all accounts Craig was a good young man, smart, athletic...good looking...so why no outrage over his case? :(

Thank you Kelly for bringing this back to the front page, otherwise I would never have known about Craig.
I wonder what the friend had to say that Craig went to visist. Was it a male or female friend and what was the nature of the visit? Did a witness actually see Craig go into the woods ? Why would he go there?

I am sure Craig's friends could give information about any possible activities that he did not want his parents to know about. Maybe his friends kept quite at the time, not wanting to get him into trouble, and could give new info now.
I'm curious too, why he went into the woods. Why at 2 a.m. would you go into the woods and leave your car in the parking lot. It seems like the article would just mention that.

It IS sad, all these missing boys. I grew up around Galveston during the Elmer Wayne Henley/David Owen Brooks horror, where they lured and snatched teenage boys off the street for this sadist Dean Coryll, for a total of at least 27 murders from the area.

It's a myth that we think our boys are safe and our girls are at risk. I think statistically, it's the opposite.
It was 2 P.M. but still why go on a path to the woods and leave your car, unless you are meeting someone in the woods or suicide ( which I think is unlikey)?
Usher737 said:
I wonder what the friend had to say that Craig went to visist. Was it a male or female friend and what was the nature of the visit? Did a witness actually see Craig go into the woods ? Why would he go there?

I am sure Craig's friends could give information about any possible activities that he did not want his parents to know about. Maybe his friends kept quite at the time, not wanting to get him into trouble, and could give new info now.
I agree it is true that we think our boys are safe when they are just as much at risk as our girls. There are just as many predators out there looking for young men to lurk upon as they are young women. John Gacy lured boys to his home as well as J. Dahmer. We live in a world that is not safe for either sex.

I do agree the boys friends know why they went into the woods that night. Activities teens partake in are usually those they do not want their parents to find out about. This is not saying it has anything to do with the boy being missing (AT ALL).

I hope and pray this boy can be found. I tend to be on the side of hope. I will follow this story and much thanks to Project Jason for keeping this in the news.


I watched a repeat of the Montel Williams show yesterday, and saw Craig's story. I am glad that there was already a post about him, but just wanted to add to it to bump it up. I searched under his name, but didn't see any new updates on the net, except for this story from June of this year.

Couple searches North County for missing son
By: Stacy Brandt - Staff Writer

OCEANSIDE ---- It has been exactly a year since their son disappeared in upstate New York, but Bill and Victoria Frear have not lost hope.

The Scotia, N.Y., residents flew into San Diego on Tuesday to follow up on a tip that their missing 18-year-old son, Craig Frear, may be living in the area.

continue to link: http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2005/06/27/news/top_stories/62605194656.txt
Reward offered in missing teen case

Posted: 9/9/2005
By: Capital News 9 web staff

Scotia police are hoping a new reward will lead to information about a teen who's been missing for over a year.

On Friday, police announced a $10,000 reward for information that will lead them to Craig Frear.

Police said the 17-year-old was last seen on June 26 of last year leaving his car and walking into the woods. No new leads have turned up since then and police are hoping this reward will jumpstart their investigation.

If you know anything about Craig's disappearance, you're being asked to call the Scotia Police Department at 518-384-2244.

fourboys said:
Reward offered in missing teen case

Posted: 9/9/2005
By: Capital News 9 web staff

Scotia police are hoping a new reward will lead to information about a teen who's been missing for over a year.

On Friday, police announced a $10,000 reward for information that will lead them to Craig Frear.

Police said the 17-year-old was last seen on June 26 of last year leaving his car and walking into the woods. No new leads have turned up since then and police are hoping this reward will jumpstart their investigation.

If you know anything about Craig's disappearance, you're being asked to call the Scotia Police Department at 518-384-2244.

Does anyone know what the wooded area looks like? Is it just a few trees between the apartments and Craig's house, or is it heavily wooded?
Marilynilpa said:
Does anyone know what the wooded area looks like? Is it just a few trees between the apartments and Craig's house, or is it heavily wooded?
The woods led to a river I believe. I think they were dense. I know they were searched but found nothing.
What a handsome young man...love those dimples. This is just to odd. He left his car in the parking lot and walked into the woods by himself...in the afternoon. He must have been meeting someone unless he just felt like going down by the river to meditate.

This kid had no reason to just leave home. Wouldn't he have taken his car? He was going into his Senior year of school....colleges looking at him...had it going for himself. Doesn't make sense. Regardless, he either left on his own or he met up with someone in the woods...went somewhere with them or was forced to go somewhere with them and something bad happened. Why meet in the woods though. If he was going somewhere with someone why not just meet in the parking lot. A big puzzle.

I hope this boy is found....alive. I know his parents are going through hell not knowing where their boy is.
Bobbisangel said:
What a handsome young man...love those dimples. This is just to odd. He left his car in the parking lot and walked into the woods by himself...in the afternoon. He must have been meeting someone unless he just felt like going down by the river to meditate.

This kid had no reason to just leave home. Wouldn't he have taken his car? He was going into his Senior year of school....colleges looking at him...had it going for himself. Doesn't make sense. Regardless, he either left on his own or he met up with someone in the woods...went somewhere with them or was forced to go somewhere with them and something bad happened. Why meet in the woods though. If he was going somewhere with someone why not just meet in the parking lot. A big puzzle.

I hope this boy is found....alive. I know his parents are going through hell not knowing where their boy is.
Apparently there is a footpath through the woods that was used as a shortcut. I believe it lead to Craig's house, or close to it, so I am assuming he went into the woods to take a shortcut home. Maybe he was just going to pick up something, then planned to go back for his car.

I would like to find out if the wooded area was visible from where his car was parked. Maybe he saw someone or something that drew his attention to the wooded area, walked over to take a better look?

Train tracks run through that area, but there was no evidence that he had been struck by a train.

He left his wallet and driver's license in his room, so that, combined with the fact that he left his car behind, makes me think this isn't a case of a kid planning his own disappearance.

Although the police were involved in this case from the beginning, it was about 50 days after his disappearance before the press was notified of this. His family said they wanted to give him time to work out what was troubling him.

This is an intriguing case.
Bobbisangel said:
What a handsome young man...love those dimples. This is just to odd. He left his car in the parking lot and walked into the woods by himself...in the afternoon. He must have been meeting someone unless he just felt like going down by the river to meditate.

This kid had no reason to just leave home. Wouldn't he have taken his car? He was going into his Senior year of school....colleges looking at him...had it going for himself. Doesn't make sense. Regardless, he either left on his own or he met up with someone in the woods...went somewhere with them or was forced to go somewhere with them and something bad happened. Why meet in the woods though. If he was going somewhere with someone why not just meet in the parking lot. A big puzzle.

I hope this boy is found....alive. I know his parents are going through hell not knowing where their boy is.
He went to the woods because there is a footpath leading to his house, apparently it was a commonly used shortcut.

As to why he walked instead of driving his car, I have no clue.

He was an excellent athlete, captain of his soccer team, and hoping to catch the attention of college scouts. He doesn't sound like someone who would stage his own disappearance.
He's a good looking young man and certainly from reading about him, it doesn't seem the type to just take off. I hope his family finds him very soon.
Very good-looking boy, and it sounds like he had a lot going for him. What a shame.
Jeana (DP) said:
He's a good looking young man and certainly from reading about him, it doesn't seem the type to just take off. I hope his family finds him very soon.
He's been missing for over a year. There has never been any indication of suicide or foul play, but there also has been no contact with any of his friends or family.

He was concerned about a breakup with his girlfriend, and about some issues about being late to work, but nothing serious enough to explain why he would chose to run away or harm himself.

It's like he just stepped into the woods and vanished.

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