Deceased/Not Found NY - Etan Patz, 6, New York, 25 May 1979 #2 *P. Hernandez guilty*

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Do you have a link for that info? If not, cool, I believe you, no doubts, but it helps to keep track of where the information comes from, MSM-wise.

In the Daily Beast today, a reporter details sanitation workers picking up trash outside the former bodega yesterday morning, at the very hour Etan disappeared 33 years ago. He does not state definitively that trash was picked up on Fridays back then, but it is a very interesting article nonetheless.

The article discusses what may have prompted Hernandez to kill Etan, such as PH's statement that Etan reminded him of his least favorite nephew. One poignant passage reads:

Like the nephew, Etan at 6 was still in those earliest bright-eyed years when everything seems possible. Etan could stride up to the bodega wearing his junior-flight-captain hat and believe he could grow up to become a real flight captain or anything else he wanted.

But Etan also was alone and vulnerable and helpless. Perhaps so much so that he aroused whatever cruelty and anger and lunacy that Hernandez may have had pent up. Hernandez would have needed only a moment to exercise the greatest power anyone can wield, the power to take a life.​

In the Daily Beast today, a reporter details sanitation workers picking up trash outside the former bodega yesterday morning, at the very hour Etan disappeared 33 years ago. He does not state definitively that trash was picked up on Fridays back then, but it is a very interesting article nonetheless.

The article discusses what may have prompted Hernandez to kill Etan, such as PH's statement that Etan reminded him of his least favorite nephew. One poignant passage reads:

Like the nephew, Etan at 6 was still in those earliest bright-eyed years when everything seems possible. Etan could stride up to the bodega wearing his junior-flight-captain hat and believe he could grow up to become a real flight captain or anything else he wanted.

But Etan also was alone and vulnerable and helpless. Perhaps so much so that he aroused whatever cruelty and anger and lunacy that Hernandez may have had pent up. Hernandez would have needed only a moment to exercise the greatest power anyone can wield, the power to take a life.​
Thanks. There have been a couple of very good DB articles I've seen lately about the case.
Hi Everyone,

I am not too familiar with this case, but the question that I have, is what evidence has been collected that points to Mr. Hernandez as Etan's suspected killer and NOT Jose Ramos? I always thought over the years based on circumstantial evidence that Mr. Ramos was the perpetrator. But is it true that Mr. Ramos always maintained his innocence?


Hi Satch,

The article that Flossie JMO linked to is a fantastic short history of the case.

Ramos has never said he murdered Etan but he has not professed innocence either. Besides confessing to GraBois that he lured Etan to his apartment for sex on the day Etan went missing, Ramos gave details to two separate cellmates.

Each man came back to GraBois with details they could not possibly have known without Ramos telling them, including the names of his other child victims, and the cities where he recruited them. "They'll never be able to convict me because they'll never have a body," one inmate reported Ramos crowing. The other man told of Ramos's confession to sexually abusing Etan, stopping short of an explicit admission of murder. "GraBois knows I did it," the informant quoted Ramos as saying. "And it's killing him because he can't get it out of me."​

But there has never been evidence other than his words to connect him to Etan's disappearance and thus he was never prosecuted.

As with Hernandez, in New York there must be evidence beyond someone's confession. That's why LE is looking to corroborate or disprove what Hernandez has told me them.

In the Daily Beast today, a reporter details sanitation workers picking up trash outside the former bodega yesterday morning, at the very hour Etan disappeared 33 years ago. He does not state definitively that trash was picked up on Fridays back then, but it is a very interesting article nonetheless.

The article discusses what may have prompted Hernandez to kill Etan, such as PH's statement that Etan reminded him of his least favorite nephew. One poignant passage reads:

Like the nephew, Etan at 6 was still in those earliest bright-eyed years when everything seems possible. Etan could stride up to the bodega wearing his junior-flight-captain hat and believe he could grow up to become a real flight captain or anything else he wanted.

But Etan also was alone and vulnerable and helpless. Perhaps so much so that he aroused whatever cruelty and anger and lunacy that Hernandez may have had pent up. Hernandez would have needed only a moment to exercise the greatest power anyone can wield, the power to take a life.​

I had tears when I read this "Back on Prince Street, the missing boy's parents had returned from Boston, where they had attended their daughter’s graduation with a master’s degree from Harvard." Poor little Etan never had a chance to grow up :(
A large trash bin can be seen in background here while Detective Butler traces the route Etan went missing. I do know if such bins were on Thompson Street - where Pedro claims to have placed Etan.


Detective Butler enters Bodega.


Detective Butler : 'Hi Juan'. 'Have you heard anything?'
Juan : 'No'.
Detective Butler : 'Anybody talking? Anybody saying anything ?'
Juan : 'No - Nothing new.'
Detective Butler : 'Ok thanks a lot - you keep your ears open.'


“My father Juan has been cooperating with investigators every single year for the last 30 years,” said the suspect’s nephew, Danny Santana, 22.

Above quote from this article since arrest of Pedro.

Bodega in background 1979.

So if the suspects nephew is the son of Juan - Juan was Bodega owner. That makes the suspect a relative of Juan. - Maybe there is a better way of wording that. So Juan is the Uncle of Pedro ? Or do I have that wrong...It doesn't matter much. I just confused myself. Or are Pedro and Juan brothers...


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WSJ article on trash pickup in 1979 and other issues involving Hernandez's statement regarding where he disposed of Etan's body:

Missing Body Is Big Mystery In Patz Case

much more, interesting stuff, at link above

Thanks, wfgodot! Very interesting!

The article also says that bloodhounds traced Etan's scent to a store 3 blocks away from his home and then the trail went cold.

A retired deputy police chief, who headed the investigation at the time, is quoted saying that the garbage along the route between Etan's home and the bus stop would have been searched. But garbage a block or two further away from the bodega likely would not have been because it was too remote.
I had tears when I read this "Back on Prince Street, the missing boy's parents had returned from Boston, where they had attended their daughter’s graduation with a master’s degree from Harvard." Poor little Etan never had a chance to grow up :(

And his poor siblings! Siblings are very often the overlooked victims in this type of tragedy. Their lives have been profoundly affected. And now, for Hernandez's arrest to come when Etan's sister was receiving a master's degree from Harvard, a time for the family to celebrate her accomplishment....Unreal! I cannot imagine the agony these parents, this sister, and this brother have lived with.
A large trash bin can be seen in background here while Detective Butler traces the route Etan went missing. I do know if such bins were on Thompson Street - where Pedro claims to have placed Etan.


Detective Butler enters Bodega.


Detective Butler : 'Hi Juan'. 'Have you heard anything?'
Juan : 'No'.
Detective Butler : 'Anybody talking? Anybody saying anything ?'
Juan : 'No - Nothing new.'
Detective Butler : 'Ok thanks a lot - you keep your ears open.'


Above quote from this article since arrest of Pedro.

Bodega in background 1979.

So if the suspects nephew is the son of Juan - Juan was Bodega owner. That makes the suspect a relative of Juan. - Maybe there is a better way of wording that. So Juan is the Uncle of Pedro ? Or do I have that wrong...It doesn't matter much. I just confused myself. Or are Pedro and Juan brothers...

As I understand it, Juan is married to Pedro's sister Luz. They're brothers-in-law. I posted links earlier today to articles saying that Pedro worked with Juan in May 1979 and that PH had called Luz out of the blue at the time of the recent basement search to discuss it. I don't have the links handy at the moment.

Thanks for posting the screenshots of the video! I was not able to do that.
And thanks also, Devilspllaything, for transcribing it. I didn't think of that!
A large trash bin can be seen in background here while Detective Butler traces the route Etan went missing. I do know if such bins were on Thompson Street - where Pedro claims to have placed Etan.


Detective Butler enters Bodega.


Detective Butler : 'Hi Juan'. 'Have you heard anything?'
Juan : 'No'.
Detective Butler : 'Anybody talking? Anybody saying anything ?'
Juan : 'No - Nothing new.'
Detective Butler : 'Ok thanks a lot - you keep your ears open.'


Above quote from this article since arrest of Pedro.

Bodega in background 1979.

So if the suspects nephew is the son of Juan - Juan was Bodega owner. That makes the suspect a relative of Juan. - Maybe there is a better way of wording that. So Juan is the Uncle of Pedro ? Or do I have that wrong...It doesn't matter much. I just confused myself. Or are Pedro and Juan brothers...

Ok - so now this makes me wonder if Danny is the nephew that PH disliked. If so - did something happen that day or close in time to that day that solidified PH's dislike (anger?) towards this nephew? A nephew that PH would associate with the bodega, a nephew that possibly hung around the bodega maybe getting on PH's nerves? So then he takes it all out on Etan. Killing Etan at the bodega would be a perfect way for PH to secretly get his revenge on that nephew, Juan & the bodega in general. I would really like to know from the family if this Danny is the disliked nephew. That would really go towards motive imho.

ETA: I see that the nephew is aged 22. Is that present day? What year was he that age?
I found an interesting video that may be the bodega and possibly Hernandez's brother-in-law from the early days.

When the news broke on Thursday, I went looking for a video I'd seen during the search of the basement last month. It's of William Butler, the detective who retraced Etan's steps daily and later committed suicide. Butler goes into a bodega and asks the man behind the counter if anyone was talking about the Patz case. I was checking if the man's name was Pedro. It wasn't. It's Juan.

According to this article, Hernandez was working at the bodega with sister Luz's husband, Juan Santana at the time Etan disappeared.

Other sources said that Juan owned the bodega.

Hernandez contacted his sister Luz last month to discuss the search of Miller's basement. He has had very little contact with Luz in years and he wasn't calling to make chit-chat, she said.

Is the bodega in the Butler video the right bodega? I've read there was only one in the area at the time. I wonder if this is Pedro's brother-in-law in the Butler video?

Hello. First time post, long time reader. My heart just breaks for the Patz family. On hearing the recent news about Hernandez, I also recalled the video with Detective Butler that Bodhi pointed out in her post. Immediately wondered if it was the same bodega where Hernandez had worked, and then today read the same article (linked above) that mentioned PH worked for his brother in law, named Juan, at a bodega -- was it the very same one that Butler so frequently visited?

If Hernandez's confession is true, there are so many unanswered questions. How could the police dogs not have picked up a scent at the bodega or in the street? Granted, news reports in '79 stated the dogs were not immediately on scene, (arrived later that night or next day?) and it had rained. Still, the dogs tracked Etan's scent to a lumber store a block or so further south on Spring St. The manager there said he was quite sure he spotted Etan at his store around 4:30-5:00 p.m. on the day he disappeared, based on a photo police had shown him. The next day, the NY Times stated that police thought it "probably was not Etan" that the lumber store manager saw. (Yet the dogs apparently tracked Etan's scent there?!)

In one of the news reports yesterday, unnamed law enforcement personnel commented that they believed a search of trash in '79 likely would not have been conducted beyond Etan's known path to the bus stop. This boggles my mind if his his scent was picked up further beyond that. (And Thompson Street is just a block from W. B'way!) Could that massive search truly have been so narrow in scope? Perhaps they were just very focused on finding him alive.

Also - it's baffling that Etan was seen by no one. PH told investigators he lured Etan from the bus stop. Reports stated no one ever saw him get on the bus, but did anyone see Etan AT the bus stop? Hard to believe he was so early to the stop that he may have been alone long enough for PH to get to him. W. B'way is not a sleepy little street. The bodega was on the corner. I'm guessing it opened for business well before 8:00 in the morning - the height of the morning breakfast rush. Who opened the store? The stockboy? The manager? Who else was there in the store while this horrible act was happening alongide in the basement? 8:00 on a Friday morning, there had to have been plenty of delivery traffic and foot traffic going by. So sad.

Many prayers and thoughts to the Patz family, who have handled this unimaginable hearbreak with incredible courage, dignity and strength.
For parents of Etan Patz, 33 years of false hopes (New York Daily News)
Law enforcement or psychics or strangers mostly, have long been telling Etan’s parents that they have (false) news on Etan.
But it isn’t — by far — the first wild upswing in the decades-long case. For 33 years, law enforcement or psychics or strangers mostly, have been telling Etan’s parents, Stan and Julie Patz, that they either knew who had taken their son, or where Etan was, or even that they were Etan.

Etan’s parents never changed their phone number, in hopes he might call. He never did, but plenty of strangers left messages around the clock. They reported seeing Etan in places as far-flung as New England and New Mexico. Sometimes multiple reports from across the country came in on the same day.

Sometimes, in instances of unfathomable cruelty, the voice at the other end of the line would claim to be Etan — usually an adult voice, often drunk. At other times, the voice was clearly mentally unstable, and in the early years, Julie Patz would take it upon herself to track down mental services for a troubled or lonely caller.

In 1986, acting on a tip, authorities in the Seattle area fingerprinted, footprinted and questioned a boy and then grilled his parents. The boy looked remarkably like Etan and the family had recently moved to the neighborhood from upstate New York.
much more at link above
I want Etan's parents to have closure, but this feels very John Mark Karr to me, especially since the anniversary of Etan's disappearance was yesterday. It would be amazing if there was closure to this case after all these years, though.
Hello. First time post, long time reader. My heart just breaks for the Patz family. On hearing the recent news about Hernandez, I also recalled the video with Detective Butler that Bodhi pointed out in her post. Immediately wondered if it was the same bodega where Hernandez had worked, and then today read the same article (linked above) that mentioned PH worked for his brother in law, named Juan, at a bodega -- was it the very same one that Butler so frequently visited?

If Hernandez's confession is true, there are so many unanswered questions. How could the police dogs not have picked up a scent at the bodega or in the street? Granted, news reports in '79 stated the dogs were not immediately on scene, (arrived later that night or next day?) and it had rained. Still, the dogs tracked Etan's scent to a lumber store a block or so further south on Spring St. The manager there said he was quite sure he spotted Etan at his store around 4:30-5:00 p.m. on the day he disappeared, based on a photo police had shown him. The next day, the NY Times stated that police thought it "probably was not Etan" that the lumber store manager saw. (Yet the dogs apparently tracked Etan's scent there?!)

In one of the news reports yesterday, unnamed law enforcement personnel commented that they believed a search of trash in '79 likely would not have been conducted beyond Etan's known path to the bus stop. This boggles my mind if his his scent was picked up further beyond that. (And Thompson Street is just a block from W. B'way!) Could that massive search truly have been so narrow in scope? Perhaps they were just very focused on finding him alive.

Also - it's baffling that Etan was seen by no one. PH told investigators he lured Etan from the bus stop. Reports stated no one ever saw him get on the bus, but did anyone see Etan AT the bus stop? Hard to believe he was so early to the stop that he may have been alone long enough for PH to get to him. W. B'way is not a sleepy little street. The bodega was on the corner. I'm guessing it opened for business well before 8:00 in the morning - the height of the morning breakfast rush. Who opened the store? The stockboy? The manager? Who else was there in the store while this horrible act was happening alongide in the basement? 8:00 on a Friday morning, there had to have been plenty of delivery traffic and foot traffic going by. So sad.

Many prayers and thoughts to the Patz family, who have handled this unimaginable hearbreak with incredible courage, dignity and strength.

Welcome, Stargaze! I appreciate the info that the dogs tracked Etan as far as a lumber store. When I read I read that it was to "a store", I wondered if it was the bodega. I didn't remember that the lumber store manager had reported seeing Etan in the late afternoon. Hmm. That is intriguing.

You bring up a lot of good questions. I wonder how LE will be able to check the veracity of Hernandez's confession.
But I thought that it rained the night of his disappearance, and by the time the police brought in the bloodhounds the following morning, any trace of his scent was gone?? This is the first time I have read that the dogs were able to track his scent to a lumber store on Spring St. If that did actually happen, that is very intriguing. I have read that the police bloodhounds are usually quite reliable, and I am sure especially back then, when there was no such thing as DNA so police probably had to rely on those dogs a lot more than today. If Etan made it to Spring St. late that afternoon, that means PH is lying.
A lot of what has been reported on this case is poorly sourced. No police reports. No court files. No official documents whatsoever. Even when information was found to be untrue - it is never updated. For instance - under hypnosis the Mother of Etan recalls the last time she saw Etan. Not from the balcony.
Julie: I'm kissing him and I give him a hug. I say so long, tell him to have a good day. I watched him for a little while and I went in the door and flipped the lock and closed it, I ran upstairs. ...
The Mother of Etan never stood on the balcony watching as Etan walked towards the bus stop and bodega to spend the dollar. In the 1991 Vanity Fair article - an interview was done inside the Patz home. Finally it is explained that the mother of Etan thought that she would be thought of as a bad mother - for not going on the balcony to watch Etan.

Ramos never confessed. Here is Ramos in his own words :
The Whole Truth So Help Me G-D
In Brief

To begin, the reader must keep an open mind about everything you are about to learn. Firstly, the fact that I'm illegally convicted should alert you that our present justice system lacks compassion. The media has already declared me guilty of an alleged crime that I really, truthfully have no knowledge about. In truth, I never took Etan Patz to my apartment on May 29, 1979 to have sex with him. The assertion is a lie from the former US Assistant Attorney for the Southern District of New York City who conducted an improper interview and reported the lie to the media.

What I told the US Attorney was that I took a child named Jimmy to my apartment. When he said no to my invitation for sex, I safely took the boy away and put him on a subway train.

When the US Attorney first questioned me, he refused to allow me to have an attorney present and failed to give me a Maranda warning. I told him about meeting a child in Washington Square Park who was playing with a ball. Further I told the prosecutor that a police car came by while we were talking and photographed the boy, but it wasn't the child they were even then looking for.

Thirdly, at the time that the child, Etan Patz, was said to have gone by himself to catch a bus, I, as the super of the building where I lived, was just starting to sweep and mop the whole building, twelve blocks way. Why nobody saw the boy board the bus is another mystery since it stopped at the corner of a small grocery store.

When I finished cleaning the building, I went to the landlord's office on Avenue B as I did every morning. My landlord was never questioned about my whereabouts.

Then, there's another mystery about my ex-girlfriend who cleaned the apartment for Etan's parents; where was she on that morning? The night before she'd told me that she was going to clean an apartment. I didn't know that it was the Patz's apartment until the afternoon when I showed her the copy of the Daily News with the story about the missing child. The main question is, where did this welfare mother suddenly get the big bucks to hire a high priced attorney to represent her.

There's another aspect of this case that the public doesn't know. There was another suspect, A Mr. G--, who was never brought to public attention by the media. You have a right to know about that man from the police records pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.

In closing, I can only tell you that at no time have I ever harmed a child with any violence. I'm not making excuses for my sexual addiction to young boys. That's a disease from which I suffer and for which I am being denied treatment.

If Ms. Cohen has written the so-called most authoritative book on the Etan Patz case - why has not in her 20 + years of studying this case even heard the name of the man that is now charged with the death of Etan. This case really is like no other. Usually while searching for documents you can view them - purchase them or the documents are sealed - but you can still view the case numbers and such and a description of what is contained in the sealed file - the date the file was sealed - which court and Judge sealed the file. In this case there are none. Other than this new document charging Pedro with 2nd degree murder in the death of Etan Patz.


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I wonder how LE will be able to check the veracity of Hernandez's confession.

Several ways : Only the person who took Etan would know what Etan was wearing under his clothes. If he was wearing an undershirt or just a t-shirt. Under-roos ? What was in his book-bag. What was in his pockets. There was not just Etan there were his belongings. Did perp rifle through them - how were they disposed of. Did the perp keep any ? Did Etan wear glasses and was just not wearing them in the photos provided? Both parents do - I believe.
FBI doubts Pedro Hernandez responsible for the killing of Etan Patz (Daily News)
Some in district attorney's office pushed for more evidence before arrest, police sources say
FBI officials remain unconvinced by the shocking murder confession from a bipolar suspect in the long-unsolved Etan Patz disappearance, sources told the Daily News.

While the detailed admission from Pedro Hernandez seemed to wrap up the 33-year probe, there is great doubt among FBI brass that the former SoHo bodega worker is the boy’s killer, sources said.

“The bosses are very skeptical,” said a police source who is in close contact with the FBI. “They don’t believe him. He’s got mental problems and there’s no other evidence. They think we moved too fast.”

Hernandez’s mental history is not the only reason the feds are leery. FBI investigators who reviewed Hernandez’s confession told The News inconsistencies in his story undermine his credibility.
more at link above

Etan suspect knew 'intimate details' tying him to slaying: sources (NY Post)
Pedro Hernandez provided detectives with “intimate details” about the murder of Etan Patz that only the killer could have known, sources told The Post.

NYPD detectives believe these key clues, kept secret for 33 years, are proof that the former SoHo bodega stockboy charged in the infamous abduction knew too much to not be involved.

Sources said investigators were stunned to learn that Hernandez had this inside information, which cops never disclosed to the public despite intense public scrutiny and three decades of frustration in trying to unravel what happened to the 6-year-old in 1979.

The specifics have remained secret and are known by fewer than a dozen current law-enforcement officials, including Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance, the sources said.

They said the closely held details likely relate to Patz’s body — scars, birth marks, moles or other identifying characteristics — items he wore or had when he disappeared or knowledge the killer gleaned about Patz’s family before the killing.
more at link above
’79 NYPD boss doubts just one slaying for Etan suspect
If Pedro Hernandez really did kill Etan Patz, the accused murderer likely had other victims over the past 33 years, former NYPD Commissioner Robert J. McGuire told The Post.

“If you have that uncontrollable urge towards children, you do that more than once in your life. You are not a happily married guy who is a member of a Pentecostal church,” said McGuire — the top cop when Etan disappeared in 1979.

“I have done a fair amount of investigation of these types of cases, and I don’t remember [any] case of one person who acted out just once. The urge may be unforgivable, but it’s also uncontrollable.”
more at link above
Can someone please describe where the lumber store is in relation to the bodega/bus stop area?
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