Deceased/Not Found NY - Etan Patz, 6, New York, 25 May 1979 #2 *P. Hernandez guilty*

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New York Times's most recent update:
The man, Pedro Hernandez, told investigators that he left the box at a location in Manhattan, but when he returned several days later the box was no longer there, the official said. Investigators recently took Mr. Hernandez to that location. A second official also said that Mr. Hernandez told the authorities he had strangled the boy and discarded his body.

Shortly after Etan’s disappearance, Mr. Hernandez, who in 1979 worked at a bodega near where the boy disappeared, moved to the Camden area, where he has many relatives, a law enforcement official said.
more here:

Man Claims He Strangled Patz and Put Body in Box, Police Say

If that bodega is indeed the one at the end (I think it was) of Etan's block, a place where he was going to spend the dollar Othniel Miller had given him and buy a soda, the possible veracity of this guy's story gets much stronger.
New York Times's most recent update:

more here:

Man Claims He Strangled Patz and Put Body in Box, Police Say

If that bodega is indeed the one at the end (I think it was) of Etan's block, a place where he was going to spend the dollar Othniel Miller had given him and buy a soda, the possible veracity of this guy's story gets much stronger.

The box was gone?! So what is this guy trying to say another creep deposed of Etan? So far i am not believing this guy. JMO
The box was gone?! So what is this guy trying to say another creep deposed of Etan? So far i am not believing this guy. JMO
Me too really. Perhaps, though, he's obsfucating here because he cannot bring himself to confess what he actually did with the body. (It's long since occurred to me that Etan's remains may have been burned.)

(Then again, if he's confessed to chopping the body up, it would make little sense to hold back further how he disposed of the remains. Questions, questions!)
Gubbei said his department was limited in its involvement, but he confirmed “to the best of his knowledge” that the suspect was living on East Linwood Avenue – and they had assisted the other agencies in taking the man into custody.


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Hernandez told investigators he wrapped Patz's body in a bag and put it in a box, the New York Times is reporting. Hernandez then left the box at a Manhattan location, but when he returned days later the box was missing.
The Times also reported that Hernandez worked at a bodega near where Patz went missing in 1979. NBC New York says Hernandez used candy to lure the 6-year-old.



I'm going back to read the thread now. I just saw this on fox news.

Hernandez, the son of a SoHo shopkeeper, was working in a local bodega at the time Patz disappeared
, they added.

He admitted to being involved and told police he strangled the boy and left him in a box.

Chillingly, he added, "There is no body. You're not going to find it," the sources said.


The sources said investigative leads gathered recently led them to speak to Hernandez, who has no prior arrest record.


They said Hernandez has mentioned killing a child to relatives several times since Patz disappeared, though the boy's name was not thought to have been mentioned.
While I poo-poo'd it at the time, considering it just as likely to be an LE ploy, putting words, in effect, into an old man's mouth, suddenly, Othneil Miller's apparent question (as to whether the cadaver dog could scent a body which had been in a location and then removed) just might come back into play here - if Hernandez did the crime and placed the body in the basement space rented by Miller. Will we hear more of O.M. in conjunction with this confession? Did Hernandez know Miller? Stay tuned!
I hope this guy doesn't turn out to be some attention-seeking nutcase. He says he cut up the remains. I hope they can verify his story with some physical evidence.

IMO this is just a rumor. I can't find it reported as fact anywhere besides on the gossip sites that we are not allowed to post their links here.

I have only found this so far on more reliable MSM:
The New York Post reported the man in custody told investigators he lured the boy with candy, stabbed him, cut up his remains and put him in plastic bags. But sources told the New York Times that the man confessed to strangling the child and then putting his body in a box.


The news comes nearly 33 years to the day that Patz disappeared. After his disappearance, May 25 is known as National Missing Children's Day.


“And it's a case that, to his credit, District Attorney Cy Vance reopened, not only in hopes of bringing justice, but also offering some closure to Etan's parents,” Bloomberg said.

Epiph: Hmm. Clears throat.
Hinkey meter off the chart...
Wow. Already, I see LE is patting themselves on the back for "solving" this case (link below) So who is heading up this last ditch effort tosolve a 30 something year old case. Someone running for re-election? How can they claim credit when this man turned himself in??

Just wow. So the box was gone when Pedro went back a couple of days later? Those poor parents.
Hinkey meter off the chart...
Wow. Already, I see LE is patting themselves on the back for "solving" this case (link below) So who is heading up this last ditch effort tosolve a 30 something year old case. Someone running for re-election? How can they claim credit when this man turned himself in??

Just wow. So the box was gone when Pedro went back a couple of days later? Those poor parents.
It doesn't appear he "turned himself in." From your link:
New York City investigators tracked Pedro Hernandez to Maple Shade in Burlington County, and he confessed Wednesday to kidnapping and strangling Etan Patz
The FBI spokesman said at the time that the effort in the basement once rented by Mr. Miller was only a part of an ongoing investigation, and that LE was active in talking to people in other parts of the area.

I wonder - if Hernandez did know Othneil Miller - if the crime was a result of a perfect storm involving Hernandez, Miller, and Jose Ramos, who, it's been reported, did know Mr. Miller and quite probably helped him in his job. With the info on the bodega, it looks like the proximity is there. Perhaps the murder, the storage, and the subsequent disposal of the body involves all three.
While I poo-poo'd it at the time, considering it just as likely to be an LE ploy, putting words, in effect, into an old man's mouth, suddenly, Othneil Miller's apparent question (as to whether the cadaver dog could scent a body which had been in a location and then removed) just might come back into play here - if Hernandez did the crime and placed the body in the basement space rented by Miller. Will we hear more of O.M. in conjunction with this confession? Did Hernandez know Miller? Stay tuned!


"[Miller] has nothing to do with this latest suspect that I know of," Farkas added this morning.

In either his possible madness or possible truth-telling, he conveniently left out what he did between luring Etan in and murdering him.
It doesn't appear he "turned himself in." From your link:

The FBI spokesman said at the time that the effort in the basement once rented by Mr. Miller was only a part of an ongoing investigation, and that LE was active in talking to people in other parts of the area.

I wonder - if Hernandez did know Othneil Miller - if the crime was a result of a perfect storm involving Hernandez, Miller, and Jose Ramos, who, it's been reported, did know Mr. Miller and quite probably helped him in his job. With the info on the bodega, it looks like the proximity is there.

Sorry about that. My link was the PR one about solving the case. I got the other info from the 100 or so articles I am searching for factual information. Disregard until I have printed info to that statement. I now see the DA is running for fre-election. Isn't he the one who stated up on his election win that he would "solve" this case? Whew.... politics+ego+equals walking on the dead and the surviving victims.
Still reading....

"[Miller] has nothing to do with this latest suspect that I know of," Farkas added this morning.

In either his possible madness or possible truth-telling, he conveniently left out what he did between luring Etan in and murdering him.
Thanks. I suppose, though, it might have been possible for Hernandez to access the basement area via Ramos, and for Mr. Miller either not to be involved at all or to be involved after the fact.

Hernandez may not be telling all he knows about the eventual disposal of the box with the body (that is, if any of this actually took place and he's not just a false confessor) in order to protect another party. Which is sort of noble, when one thinks about it; till one remembers that this involves the disappearance of a little boy, and that ennobles no one.
This guy needs to provide some evidence. Does he know any birth marks or what underwear the boy was wearing to prove he really did this? There has to be something he can tell LE or else it will seem that this guy is not being truthful. The box was gone? Really Someone just thought they would take a box with a dead boy? Wonder when we will hear if at all about some evidence to prove this guy is telling the truth?
It is hard for me to believe that someone stole the box with the dead child inside.

Mr. Morgenthau long argued there was insufficient evidence to proceed in the case. Aides to Mr. Vance said a decision has yet to be made on whether to empanel a grand jury [against Ramos].


Last year, the Patz case became a lightning rod in the divisive race for district attorney. Mr. Morgenthau said it was "irresponsible" to promise to convene a grand jury [against Ramos] in the case.

"We spent a huge amount of time on that case. If we could go to a grand jury, we would in a minute," Mr. Morgenthau said last summer. "There's no sufficient evidence, and there's absolutely no reason to open a grand jury investigation when you don't have any admissible evidence."

However, I believe all in the race for DA promised to reopen the Etan Patz case, not just Cy Vance.
It is hard for me to believe that someone stole the box with the dead child inside.

katydid23, I do believe we will see that story morph into something else. At least we should see additions that make this a slight more plausable.

I don't know who is playing the better games, LE, the DA or the media, because I am going back and reading the articles from supplied links and there is an update time. In those updates certain potentially ebarrissing information is left out, such as this latest developement being unrelated to the search in the basement. That is now omitted from the article. I think it is the Associated Press article above just a few posts. The quote appears in the post and in the first article ( I read it!) but updated after the post was made. I am finding other such "uupdates" which are to the credit of the government offices involved. Just an observation FWIW.
I am taking a break while the spin evolves.

May God comfort the parents.
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