NY - Former President Donald Trump charged with 34 criminal counts of falsifying business records, Apr 2023

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I don't believe it will backfire on the DA because the investigation started when his predecessor, Cyrus Vance, Jr. was still in office and so was Trump.
I'm not understanding your point. It doesn't matter who started this <modsnip> prosecution. The end result will be failure on their part hence a "backfire'. JMO.
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I'm not understanding your point. It doesn't matter who started this <modsnip> prosecution. The end result will be failure on their part hence a "backfire'. JMO.
<modsnip: Quoted post was modsnipped> When politicians are caught breaking the law, they must be prosecuted. I think an over-whelming majority of Americans agree.
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Although Mr. Vance had pivoted to focusing on the former president’s net worth, he never closed the hush-money inquiry..

They were also digging into binders that contained the numerous files gathered over the years, files that Mr. Bragg had not yet had time to review in depth.

The research laid the groundwork for a more robust investigation. The remaining members of the team split up into small groups to focus on different topics, including the financial statements and the eye-catching payoff that was the original impetus for Mr. Vance to open an investigation into Mr. Trump in 2018: the hush-money deal.

“While Mr. Cohen talked, the prosecutors began presenting evidence to the grand jury. … Mr. Pecker was followed by Ms. Daniels’s lawyer and some of Mr. Trump’s employees and campaign aides, most prominently Kellyanne Conway and Hope Hicks.”


<modsnip: Quoted post was removed> DT can still be elected in 2024, if he runs - regardless of any charges, potential charges, potential convictions, or castigation he faces.

That has been stated in many MSM articles. (ETA: like this)

Democracy runs best via transparency. imo
Voters can vote for the person/party who best suits their own moral, financial, community, and social ethics.
So, imo, we should know about allegations strong enough to form an indictment, and the charges should be tested in a court of law.
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<modsnip> President Trump does not have to prove his innocence because in the United States a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It's up to the State to prove he is guilty. A defendant doesn't have to prove anything. JMO.

People don't like people who have gotten away with so much malfeasance over the years. Gangsters come to mind. They travel in their own support circles, make illegitimate monies, and authorities look the other way.

I believe lots of folks watched him over decades, knowing full well, that there was criminal behavior, with his finances. Atlantic City comes to mind.

All of the above......... until one day, authorities have enough to go for it. Jimmy Hoffa comes to mind. Michael Cohen comes to mind---- yeah, like Cohen did the hush money transactions for who????

Yes, loads of folks don't like DT. And that is because he is a suspected criminal...on many counts. I feel that folks who don't support these investigations truly do not appreciate law and order.... as if Criminals are Gods, or something.

Time to pay the piper.

I personally, hate to see criminals go free.

Of course, imo.
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People don't like people who have gotten away with so much malfeasance over the years. Gangsters come to mind. They travel in their own support circles, make illegitimate monies, and authorities look the other way.

I believe lots of folks watched him over decades, knowing full well, that there was criminal behavior, with his finances. Atlantic City comes to mind.

All of the above......... until one day, authorities have enough to go for it. Jimmy Hoffa comes to mind. Michael Cohen comes to mind---- yeah, like Cohen did the hush money transactions for who????

Yes, loads of folks don't like DT. And that is because he is a suspected criminal...on many counts. I feel that folks who don't support these investigations truly do not appreciate law and order.... as if Criminals are Gods, or something.

Time to pay the piper.

I personally, hate to see criminals go free.

Of course, imo.

I think the majority of Americans agree with you!
It's like a time travel paradox. It can just never be explained.
A "time travel paradox" - what a perfect way to put it.

Here I was thinking that we are less attached to our actual Royal family here in Canada than his supporters seem to be with theirs and their 'King'. They certainly seem to believe he should be treated as one and not as a mere mortal human. "Pay me your [taxes] donations!"

The yelling about "polictical" prosecution too is absolutely laughable coming from the "lock her up" and resurrectionists of scaffold with noose on the capitol crew - especially given that he's committed an actual crime (or 34 ...) than any mere mortal would go to jail for if charged with same.
As leaders, they could calm an otherwise volatile proceeding.
They could, but the entire GoP/Maga/Trump dynamic is to keep The Base (his followers) inflamed and outraged about the supposed
persecution of victim Trump who is being treated SO UNFAIRLY.

Creating chaos and outrage is, as they say, a feature, not a bug. So much of what goes on is performative crazy, like Rep. Gym Jordan sending a letter requesting information that cannot, legally, be provided to Alvin Bragg's office.

The term "agitprop" (a portmanteau of agitation and propaganda) comes to mind almost daily.

Yes, loads of folks don't like DT. And that is because he is a suspected criminal...on many counts.

A female relative and husband were lifelong (old style) Republican conservatives. She was raised in the South with a strong sense of appropriate, decent behavior. When Trump first popped up on the scene she immediately found him to be an utterly repellent, crass human being. Then he ridiculed a disabled man, insulted a Gold Star family, Access Hollywood tape, on and on,and she knew she would never vote for him. She and husband have left the Republican party and are now formally Independents.
People don't like people who have gotten away with so much malfeasance over the years. Gangsters come to mind. They travel in their own support circles, make illegitimate monies, and authorities look the other way.

I believe lots of folks watched him over decades, knowing full well, that there was criminal behavior, with his finances. Atlantic City comes to mind.

All of the above......... until one day, authorities have enough to go for it. Jimmy Hoffa comes to mind. Michael Cohen comes to mind---- yeah, like Cohen did the hush money transactions for who????

Yes, loads of folks don't like DT. And that is because he is a suspected criminal...on many counts. I feel that folks who don't support these investigations truly do not appreciate law and order.... as if Criminals are Gods, or something.

Time to pay the piper.

I personally, hate to see criminals go free.

Of course, imo.

Well said @nhmemorymaker!
<modsnip - quoted post was off topic>
Trump is a demigod to sycophants, he himself said he could shoot someone and not lose voters. He can't do anything wrong to them and if he does he shouldn't be held responsible they think. It's a cult.
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Trump is a demigod to sycophants, he himself said he could shoot someone and not lose voters. He can't do anything wrong to them and if he does he shouldn't be held responsible they think. It's a cult.

And this is one reason we are hearing loud cries of “political prosecution” from his followers regarding this indictment IMO. I think fear of their vengeful party leader is another reason such loud protests are coming from Congress, Pence and others who need to stay on the side of his “worshippers”…oops, I mean his base. It’s a frightening phenomenon and we’re in for a wild ride. JMO
It’s wild how people pull out the ‘but other politicians!!’ card. What about them?? If they committed crimes, they should be held accountable too! Do we not arrest murderers and rapists because others are out there that haven’t been charged yet?
It’s wild how people pull out the ‘but other politicians!!’ card. What about them?? If they committed crimes, they should be held accountable too! Do we not arrest murderers and rapists because others are out there that haven’t been charged yet?
The mental gymnastics they do to make themselves feel like he's not the complete he is would make Mary Lou Retton proud.

<modsnip: Quoted post was removed> What gets me with friends of mine is that there is NO comments about the logical criminal facts.... just the witch hunt. And belligerance. I ask them "what would you do if you were screwed in business deals, like so many of people have been???" All I ever get back is two words. Witch Hunt. Soooo nothingburger.

I borrowed this article from another thread, but it clearly makes the point that his failures as a business person "are as clear as day", "as clear as dirt".

Why did his greatest promoters (e.g. Fox News) pump up the masses with the hero-worshippy stuff.... when those greatest promoters also knew that the probable criminal acts in an indictment may have been committed.

Alex Pfeiffer: Trump has a pretty low rate at success in his business ventures.
Tucker Carlson: That’s for sure. All of them fail. What he’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that.

Thank goodness, that more of my friends are seeing this now. But they hate having been "silly" about him, and actually refuse to talk about him anymore. I get that... none of us like to feel silly. I just hope more and more will see that, like any indicted individual, Dt will have his day in court, and we will see.

(Thank you SouthAussie... I borrowed from a post of yours elsewhere)
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Trump is a demigod to sycophants, he himself said he could shoot someone and not lose voters. He can't do anything wrong to them and if he does he shouldn't be held responsible they think. It's a cult.

I think these angry vengeful people live vicariously thru Trump's vitriol and ugly behavior. I think many of them wish they could say the things he says and get away with it- I think many of them are conspiracy theorists, do not trust the government -he acts out for them. For some reason these sycophants actually believe he is aligned with them and cares about them and understands them--- of course it is ridiculous- he grifts off of them and laughs behind their backs --- he needs them though- so he throws them red meat all day and night to keep them aligned with him and against his perceived enemies (i.e. anyone who disagrees with him or criticizes him).
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