NY - Giraffe Watch: April, 15, due to give birth at Animal Adventure Park #3

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There he is!!! I like Apollo for a name, but I like CARIIS' idea of Scooter, it fits this little one so well!
Cariis' grandson.PNG
I am beginning to think we have hallucinated your little grandson! Every time I pull up the video, he is nowhere to be seen.

I agree and also every time I see him nurse April pulls away. I wonder if he is getting enough to eat.
I agree and also every time I see him nurse April pulls away. I wonder if he is getting enough to eat.

I read some information on that and it is just how they do it; a slurp here and a slurp there.

[FONT=&quot]"Conservationists have lodged a formal request for the US government to list giraffes as endangered in a bid to prevent what they call the “silent extinction” of the world’s tallest land animal.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]A legal petition filed by five environmental groups has demanded that the US Fish and Wildlife Service provide endangered species protections to the giraffe, which has suffered a precipitous decline in numbers in recent years.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which listed giraffes as a threatened species in December, just 97,500 of the animals exist in sub-Saharan Africa today, a drop of almost 40% since 1985. There are now fewer giraffes than elephants in Africa."[/FONT]
I agree and also every time I see him nurse April pulls away. I wonder if he is getting enough to eat.
I can't find where I read it but, it said baby giraffes nurse very quickly in bursts because in the wild it is dangerous to eat for very long because of predators.

Giraffe milk is rediculously high in fat and a little goes a LONG way.
The other day he gained between a pound and a pound and a half in one day!
That's some super milk there!

I have no issue as to how the little calf was weighed. When we take the hunting lab to the Vet they have a huge honking scale. She wont stand still enough to get an accurate reading. So my Husband is weighed with and without and take the difference. I weigh 104 lbs. so no way can I pick up a 65 lb. Lab. I can remember taking my babies in for their well checks. You had to strip them down to a diaper and lay them on a weigh scale. My babies always fussed. So there again. Dr. weighed by same method.

look at that giraffe tower over everything!

pretty funny scene too, i didnt see it at first but one of the other juveniles pushes the guy that bumps into the baby.

"ok, break it up!"

i wonder if they were more concerned about the commotion or checking on the baby, probably a bit of both.

We do heavy stuff this thread has been jous therpatuic. I want to share him.


Be warned it takes a while to get into him. Repaly

His stuff is genius

Hr killled himself he hated being on styahr he wanted to be so funny h je never thought he was

he was an obseravtionally genius

enjoy you have to play twice to grasp his brilliance

enjoy my friends

I saw this picture this morning and my heart melted.
Breakfast with mama. 

However, I'm not loving the top names so much.
Apollo and Ollie are ok.
What say you?

"A quick check in from our end!

All is well and we have a cute shot of mom and baby enjoying breakfast!

"Baby" has quite the personality!!

Names topping the voting contest!
In no particular order

- unity
- patches
- Apollo
- Peter
- Harpur
- Geoffrey
- Noah
- Ollie
- Allysa's choice

Vote your name of choice or support one of the above at"


I agree that Apollo is a good name--combining Mom and Dad's names. I had wanted to put in my suggestion of Subiri, Swahili for "be patient; wait for," but didn't get around to it.

While looking up words in Swahili, I came across something interesting. Remember the old Tarzan movies? In some, Tarzan had a young sidekick named Jahi. In others, his name was Boy. Thinking Jahi would probably translate to "boy," I looked it up. What a surprise! It actually translates to.......North Pole. :what:

Either I remembered the spelling of Jahi incorrectly or it's from a language other than Swahili. Or maybe someone was just being funny! Haha
Who wants to volunteer to talk a zoo into live streaming an elephant's late pregnancy and birth?
I have no issue as to how the little calf was weighed. When we take the hunting lab to the Vet they have a huge honking scale. She wont stand still enough to get an accurate reading. So my Husband is weighed with and without and take the difference. I weigh 104 lbs. so no way can I pick up a 65 lb. Lab. I can remember taking my babies in for their well checks. You had to strip them down to a diaper and lay them on a weigh scale. My babies always fussed. So there again. Dr. weighed by same method.
think what really bothered me was you could tell they were just in there to get "stuff done".

They could have approached Scooter gently, he sure did not deserve to be treated like he was not in there and have sand thrown all in his baby lungs
I agree and also every time I see him nurse April pulls away. I wonder if he is getting enough to eat.

I know and what confuses me is I read they don't really sleep no matter their age.

Scooter is mischievous but what is he doing over there ALL the time- that is what I am dying to know. The only thing I can think of is lying down, which I would love to see!

Anyone know how big that area out of camera range is??

At night it makes sense that his precious eyes hate the lights but he is MIA a lot during the day as well!

What is my gson doing over there?!
April April APril what prevents you from lockjaw??
I saw this picture this morning and my heart melted.
Breakfast with mama. ����

However, I'm not loving the top names so much.
Apollo and Ollie are ok.
What say you?

"A quick check in from our end!

All is well and we have a cute shot of mom and baby enjoying breakfast!

"Baby" has quite the personality!!

Names topping the voting contest!
In no particular order

- unity
- patches
- Apollo
- Peter
- Harpur
- Geoffrey
- Noah
- Ollie
- Allysa's choice

Vote your name of choice or support one of the above at"



Ohhhh! I think Apollo sounds to regal - my gson is going to be a rascal - so IMO we need a rascal eeee name!!

Peter is a top contender ? Oy Vie
NOte the time and go back! Scooter is nursing, mom is being such a good mom and cleaning him up a dash!!

The positions and lighting are neat!!

She really is awesome when she swings her neck around it is so "sweeping"

You know what just hit me my rascal is growing! As he does so he is going to have to get into weird positions to nurse??

Another thing.............all our lives we have heard that some species have really awesome moms

It was not pleasant to watch the first time they went in , but watching her was amazing to me - the same thing a second time. In terms of how so not ok she was with separation - how watchful she was and how she ran over and did a complete and thorough eval afterward.

Really neat stuff

Sounds mean but I also liked it when she kicked vet - it was so telling- and I think some of it is used to animals biting when they doing that stuff...to see the power of her sweep was amazing but it was also more communicative than a bite

it was like step back now !
I know and what confuses me is I read they don't really sleep no matter their age.

Scooter is mischievous but what is he doing over there ALL the time- that is what I am dying to know. The only thing I can think of is lying down, which I would love to see!

Anyone know how big that area out of camera range is??

At night it makes sense that his precious eyes hate the lights but he is MIA a lot during the day as well!

What is my gson doing over there?!

CARIIS, have you seen the behind the scenes video? It's very short but shows the little guy sitting in the corner under the camera. This is the spot he feels most comfy I guess. I thought he would be next to mum all the time, but that's not the case.

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