NY NY - Jaliek Rainwalker, 12, Greenwich, 13 Nov 2007

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03 Aug 08

WYNANTSKILL, N.Y. -- If you drove by the house, you'd think it's someone's birthday. Inside, the table is set. Plates of ribs for dinner are ready. The guitar shaped cake is for desert. It's Jaliek Rainwalker's 13th birthday. But this celebration's main guest sadly won't get to blow out his candles. No one has seen the Greenwich teen in a little more than nine months.

"We miss him. We love him. We are distraught that he is not here with us to have his birthday with us he deserves to have," said Rainwalker's grandfather Dennis Smith.

more at link
This story is so sad, on many different levels. I hope some answers come soon!
My heart just breaks every time I think of Jaliek. Please, come home safely Jaliek ! Thinking of you always.
Although it is unlikely that this sighting will prove to be Jaliek, how incredible would it be if it was! I'd gladly eat crow (and I am a vegetarian)for my presumption of guilt in regards to the adoptive father if this young man is found alive. Either way, this possible sighting will hopefully reinvigorate interest in the case. Thank you Hoppy for the update.
Although it is unlikely that this sighting will prove to be Jaliek, how incredible would it be if it was! I'd gladly eat crow (and I am a vegetarian)for my presumption of guilt in regards to the adoptive father if this young man is found alive. Either way, this possible sighting will hopefully reinvigorate interest in the case. Thank you Hoppy for the update.

I would gladly join you at the table for the meal of crow, though not a vegetarian, I hate eating crow. Prayers for more news and more interest to be generated for Jaliek !

Thanks Hoppy !!
Hi All- I am new to Jaliek's case and this thread so if anyone familiar with the background details can help me out, I would appreciate it.

Can anyone tell me about his Bio family and the circunstances as to how he was put up for adoption in the first place? (ie: where are they from, I saw something about half-brothers in Albany. Parents alive?

Why would his adoptive parents, who were in the middle of "undo-ing" the adoption not follow through with it following his disappearance? Did they state some sort of change of heart?

Does anyone know why SK stayed at his Dad's home the eve of 10-31 with Jaelik as opposed to returning to their home? I read Jaelik was returning to a different repsite care home (than the Person's) the next day- who was that and did Jaelik know that?

If the Kerr's abandonded the home they were living in that was judged unfit, where are they living now and why have the other foster kids been returned?

Does Kerr's Dad have diplomat plates on his brown van?
From what I recall I believe that the adoptive parents were told that they were not going to be allowed to desolve the adoption for some reason. I think that is why the adoptive father and Jalik stayed at the grandfather's home that night while the grandfather was away. I believe that when they found out that they couldn't desolve the adoption the adoptive father cooked up this story about Jalik running away but in reality he is no longer with us.

I believe that Jalik and another child in the home were having problems and that is why he had been at the respite home and then on to the grandfather's home with the adoptive father. The adoptive parents didn't want him in the home with the other kids. Keeping Jalik away from the other children was the excuse for staying at the grandfather's home. Worked out well for the adoptive father because no one else was anywhere around.

How pitiful for the adoptive mother to press charges against her mother for going into their home! That grandmother loves Jalik and it has caused problems between her and her daughter. I don't think they even speak to each other. It's to bad that they weren't allowed to desolve the adoption. It probably would have prevented this child's death. Why leave him with people who couldn't stand him :banghead:
Dive teams search for Jaliek Rainwalker in river

New York State Police dive team were called to search a part of the Hudson River after Greenwich Police Chief George Bell said he received "pertinent information" regarding missing Greenwich boy Jaliek Rainwalker.


Divers left the scene confident that Rainwalker was not in the water, Bell said.

More at link: http://www.cbs6albany.com/news/search_1256875___article.html/rainwalker_bell.html
I have been following this case since I heard of it last year. I have a relative (with no internet) that lives near the family and has seen them about occasionally before and since the disappearance. Most stuff online has been very critical of the family. The dad is a "person of interest" and for all I know he may have had something to do with whatever happened, but that is far from clear right now.
There are some things though that I think have been misread about this family. I think that they are just "hippie back-to-nature" types and that's the reason for the "pioneer" type existence in the little hansel/gretel cabin without modern utilities. It was NOT like some kind of house of horrors with kids in cages. It sounds like the mom, at least, was seeking a better life and really trying to save these kids. Some of the most fervent folks worried about Jaliek now were former foster families that were set to adopt him but did NOT because the disassociative personality disorders that he apparently suffered from may have made them worry for the safety and well-being of other members of their family. I think the adoptive family thought they could "fix" him through love and this purity of their "get away from it all" existence. It certainly looks like the grandmother has Jaliek's best interests in mind and heart, but we do not know the history of her relationship with her daughter and her daughter's family, or whether she was supportive while her own daughter was growing up herself, or anything.
I hope to God that Jaliek is alive somewhere. I think maybe he's not. I think perhaps someone who was supposed to care for him failed him or something awful happened. They weren't the first to fail him. But maybe the last. I just hope there is a break in this case. And I don't understand WHY this case never got the kind of attention that for example, little Caylee's case has gotten. ALthough, that sort of media attention doesn't seem to get better results in finding the child anyway, does it? Very sad. I hope Jaliek is OK or at peace and that his mother's family and grandmother's family can have peace someday too.
I wish every missing child got the kind of attention that some have gotten too. I've noticed that it takes a relative that is determined to find the missing child that get the attention of the media. I guess you have to be related and very assertive. I can't believe the way that Caylee's mother is being treated by the sheriff's office and the media....Like she is some darn princess or something. I highly doubt that she needs protection from anyone but herself.
That spectacle of her leaving court or getting out of jail was sickening :sick:

I don't think that Jalik is still alive. I think he would have turned up somewhere by now. I think that the fact that those adoptive parents weren't going to be allowed to dissolve the adoption was the last straw for that adoptive dad. I don't understand why they were being forced to keep a child that they either didn't want or couldn't handle. I blame that agency along with the adoptive dad.
I wish every missing child got the kind of attention that some have gotten too. I've noticed that it takes a relative that is determined to find the missing child that get the attention of the media. I guess you have to be related and very assertive. I can't believe the way that Caylee's mother is being treated by the sheriff's office and the media....Like she is some darn princess or something. I highly doubt that she needs protection from anyone but herself.
That spectacle of her leaving court or getting out of jail was sickening :sick:

I don't think that Jalik is still alive. I think he would have turned up somewhere by now. I think that the fact that those adoptive parents weren't going to be allowed to dissolve the adoption was the last straw for that adoptive dad. I don't understand why they were being forced to keep a child that they either didn't want or couldn't handle. I blame that agency along with the adoptive dad.

Well, it seemed that he could have re-entered the foster system or something, gotten long term "respite" care or something. I do NOT believe they were actually "forced" to keep him necessarily. Something apparently happened between he and his adoptive dad. And yeah, I don't suppose it ended well. I do feel for the mother though. I think she is a good person and has suffered for what has happened to her family.
Well, it seemed that he could have re-entered the foster system or something, gotten long term "respite" care or something. I do NOT believe they were actually "forced" to keep him necessarily. Something apparently happened between he and his adoptive dad. And yeah, I don't suppose it ended well. I do feel for the mother though. I think she is a good person and has suffered for what has happened to her family.

I'm just going by what has been reported about the desolution of the adoption. I worked with two teenagers who had been adopted out of foster care and the adoptive parents had the adoptions disolved when the kids were in their teens. They said they just couldn't handle them. I didn't know that parents could do such a thing and that it was pretty sad to do to kids they had had since they were little. I also understood that they just couldn't deal with the problems that never seemed to end though. I guess it's a good thing that bio parents can't do something like that when our kids are in their teens...lol. I might have been tempted a time or two...just kidding.

I wish the adoptive father would just say what happened that night. From what I have read he could get pretty abusive with Jalik. I don't know anything about the wife. I know that there were people who would have willingly taken Jalik and it's a shame that isn't what happened for him.
Bumping for Jaliek who will be missing for 1 year at the beginning of next month. May answers come soon.
bumping for Jaliek, his missing status went from endangered to unusual circumstances.


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As a (bio and adoptive) parent, this story breaks my heart... :(
Bumping this up for Jaliek as spring comes people in the area keep your eyes open for anything unusual. Jaliek has been missing since Nov 1, 2007.

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