NY NY - Janice Fullam, 17, Smithtown, 30 Oct 1981

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Janice Fullam
Missing since October 30, 1981 from Smithtown, Long Island, Suffolk County, New York.
Classification: Missing

Vital Statistics

* Date Of Birth: May 14, 1964
* Age at Time of Disappearance: 17 years old
* Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'7; 120 lbs
* Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Straight, shoulder length brown hair bi-leveled with frosted highlights in the front; green eyes. Medium build.
* Dentals: Fullam has an overbite.
* AKA: Bucky

Circumstances of Disappearance
Janice left her Smithtown, Long Island home to meet her brother on the evening of October 30, 1981 and has never been seen or heard from again.
Janice was a junior at Smithtown High School West (class of 1982).
At the time of her disappearance, Janice was wanted by the police for a drug infraction.

Missing Person
Janice Fullam (DOB 5/14/1964) of Smithtown, Long Island New York, disappeared at the age of 17, mysteriously, on 10/30/81 one evening...after leaving her home to meet her brother. Janice was a junior at Smithtown High School West (class of 82).....Janice would be 37 right now. She had straight shoulder length brown hair bi-leveled (frosted highlights in the front) & green eyes. She was a medium body frame, about 5' 7". She also had an over-bite.....(which her friends & family had nick-named her "bucky")

Recently, in nov 2001 at classmates.com a Janice Fullam was LISTED....
with the surname now of "Diorio"

Although emailing this Janice Diorio....proves fruitless because of no replys. *The classmates.com entry reads that Janices grad year was 1981...she was the class of 1982...1981 was the last year she attended. (the family wonders if this was a prank) because it mysteriously disappearred in jan 2002.

Janice's family has been devastated by her disappearance. Her family continues the search for her. Janice was a classmate of mine, and a friend too, so I offerred to help by making this webpage. Please help the Fullam family by sharing this webpage with those in your email address books so that this matter would receive a wider range of public exposure.
Hopefully soon, Janice will be found.

If anyone knows of a Janice Fullam, or a
Janice Diorio....

please contact Joe Fullam directly at
joefullam@suscom.net Or myself if you cant reach Joe Phennommennonn@aol.com
Title Subject box Re: Janice Fullam
When were the remains found? The link doesn't say how recently. Also I wonder how long her family lived in their home after her disappearance.
Wow! Thank you for the information. Since the website was updated in November 2005 I gotta think that's when the info about the remains was added?

Wow! 24 years later and the leads are still coming in - how rough would that be!?!?!?!?!

I did email Mr. Fullam this info... it seems that there is a TEENAGE Janice Diorio who is very active in extracurricular activities.... if I'm right, her mom is a nurse who also goes by the name of Janice Diorio. They live in PA.

Here is a pic of the teenage Janice - she's on the far right.

I don't know if this has anything to do with Janice Fullam's case... but the family did ask about the Janice Diorio's of the world.... If its a hoax its certainly a CRUEL one!
Bumping for Janice. Anyone know if there is any new information?

Janice Fullam?



If u notice, the fluid website has her shirt as blue and orange, doenetwork green/red

fluid has her height as 5-6 and doenet 5-5. 5-7 isnt that far off.Also, fluid does not list a weight and doenetworks seems strange. No hair color eye color, face looks elongated on both the uid and Janice.

Thing that drew me to Janice , this is a long sleeve pullover izod shirt very close in color. Not something someone would wear in Fl in June so I figure that they have either been there for sometime or came from the north. Also, this was someone who came from a decent family not homeless, not a prostitute in an izod shirt. preppies wore izod, had a few myself in 82. This is someone who would be missed. Maybe, she didnt want to go to court for the drug offence and hitched to florida where it ended unfortunately? What do yall think.
WOW. That image on that myspace looks exactly like her.





That has to be her. Although this could all be a part of some cruel hoax? That profile(as of Dec 2011) has no other information, though. The woman in the image does appear to be a somewhat older Janice Fullam, but the image still looks like it was taken a long time ago. I can't find that image anywhere else. Does anyone have any other pictures of Janice?

Also, I was thinking that this Jane Doe could perhaps be Janice?


The only real discrepancy is the possibility that Jane is of mixed race origin, but since they see a strong caucasian influence, it could be because Janice has a unique facial bone structure that might make her appear to be of mixed race.
I believe the MS JF is her but like noted, it looks like an old pic. I am curious who the guy is, her only friend (besides Tom lol) on MS. I looked on intellus and he is from Yonkers.
I believe it's her too, and if not, an identical twin because the girl in that photo looks EXACTLY like her. Usually I don't really buy the matches people post, but that's an incredible photo in this case. I can't find that photo anywhere else using Tineye.

How did you find his name, Sleuthster? I only saw a pseudo name he used on myspace, and I didn't get any results from a reverse search of the photo.

EDIT: By the way, I'm not sure the match I made really adds up, since the remains were found much later than 198* and they say the person likely died anywhere from months to 5 years before the discovery of the remains. Still doesn't rule anything out though.
That pic of her on myspace is a old pic of her before she disappeared. It is on Charley Project.


The person who created the myspace is a friend of hers who is active in finding out what happened to her according to my research.

Sleuthster if I were you I would submit this UID, the one you already posted.



This UID could be Janice because according to this article, her drug dealer died in Florida, and this is where the UID was found.


The necklace looks similar in the pic and the pic looks alot like her.
Thanks for the correction!

That's the best lead I've seen so far. Unfortunately that myspace photo isn't large enough to really tell if it matches the one from the doe profile. Doesn't really look like it, but she might have been wearing two necklaces at the time. The weight and height are different, but both can be explained by measurements taken by different people and the possibility that she lost weight.

Satemplet or Sleuthster, one of you should submit this potential match to the Doe Network. I've already submitted one for another case just the other day, so I don't want them to think I'm spamming them.
Received response back from Rocky@Doenetwork. Said Janice Fullam and the Unid Doe have not been compared before so he will give it to the panel @Doenetwork to look at.
Followed up with Rocky @Doenetwork last week and he said that the panel will reconvene after the first of the year and this will be the first case they look at. Keeping fingers crossed that it gets submitted and there is a match so the family can have some closure.

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