Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 1

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O/T, I just thought i'd tell everyone that it is December 21st in Australia!

Our world's still spinning! ;)

im glad you said this -- as i was starting to wonder as it sounds like my house is about to blow away! looking out the windows makes me feel like im in one of those snow globes that has been put in a no TS here...rockford is having TLS....gulp.....thats triple bad....:what:
I agree, social media can be really beneficial.

Her mother lives in AZ and is sharing some updates on her FB page but I can't see much more than that. I believe her sister may be as well.

Her husband changed his profile and cover photo on FB yesterday, to a picture of them together and one of the whole family.

I'm such a skeptic that little things irk me and they may mean nothing! But I look anways. So things like her family not "liking" the photo on FB bugs me, even though it's nothing! Like if I saw that they liked the photo, I'd feel more sure that there's nothing hinky going on. admit it, I'm weird and I over-sleuth. Years of skip tracing made me this way.

So here are some scenarios:

She left, premeditated to harm herself.
She left, premeditated to meet someone and was in turn, harmed.
She left to meet someone and with that someone. Ditched the vehicle and phone to look fishy but in reality, she wanted to get away, at least temporarily.
She was randomly attacked while out that day and her vehichle and phone were found as a result.
She was harmed by someone that she knows and her vehicle and phone were planted to stage a part of a potential crime scene.

What else? And where is she?

i completely agree with you feelings about the fb issues... there is some kind of story there...and prolly not a good one.... :sigh: i just want her home with her children who must be suffering terribly without her right now...

where are his parents? anyone know?
O/T, I just thought i'd tell everyone that it is December 21st in Australia!

Our world's still spinning! ;)

Great News!!!! but the question is... Is it still spinning in the right direction?

:great: :what: :floorlaugh:
has anyone searched for any prior domestic violence between them, or prior people?
im not seeing it...can you paraphrase? or send it to me? tia
It's under Jennifer's poster (in the comments.) A relative, apparently: Says something to the effect that Jennifer works from his office in his home. (?)
That this hair change we've read about happened 2 weeks ago, that it wasn't fancy. And JR apparently doesn't drink of smoke.
if you click the 'show previous comments' link, or something similar, it'll be there. Near the end.

Makes little sense to me, no punctuation for starters, which doesn't help. And doesn't seem to be answering anyone, just a random message.

Worked in HIS office in HIS home. Who's home?! Her husband? That would be their home, would it not?
It's under Jennifer's poster (in the comments.) A relative, apparently: Says something to the effect that Jennifer works from his office in his home. (?)
That this hair change we've read about happened 2 weeks ago, that it wasn't fancy. And JR apparently doesn't drink of smoke.

I've been following this case from the beginning, and I also didn't have any "hinky" feelings towards GR. Now... well, so many unanswered questions. The above is one- however that is a very new Facebook account and can't be verified to be a family member...

My biggest concern is some of the cavalier responses of GR. And why did he report her missing at 8:00 pm? She was expected home around 5:30, that's a small space of 2.5 hours to not have contact... I certainly wouldn't assume the worst and call 911 at that point. MOO
I take that back. SR (above commenter) is both friends with GR and JR...
I've been following this case from the beginning, and I also didn't have any "hinky" feelings towards GR. Now... well, so many unanswered questions. The above is one- however that is a very new Facebook account and can't be verified to be a family member...

My biggest concern is some of the cavalier responses of GR. And why did he report her missing at 8:00 pm? She was expected home around 5:30, that's a small space of 2.5 hours to not have contact... I certainly wouldn't assume the worst and call 911 at that point. MOO

I also wonderered if it was a brand new account but I discovered one of the "likes" on the page was from 2011. What I was wondering was if it was a secondary page to someone.

I know my gf works in IT and is very very internet cautious. It wouldn't be unlike her to have 2 accounts.

Anyway, of the 9 people on that person's page - one is Jennifer, one is her husband, and one is Jenn's mom.

I found it interesting as well.
I've been following this case from the beginning, and I also didn't have any "hinky" feelings towards GR. Now... well, so many unanswered questions. The above is one- however that is a very new Facebook account and can't be verified to be a family member...

My biggest concern is some of the cavalier responses of GR. And why did he report her missing at 8:00 pm? She was expected home around 5:30, that's a small space of 2.5 hours to not have contact... I certainly wouldn't assume the worst and call 911 at that point. MOO

i found a pic of a person by that name in a very close relatives, while this maybe a fake account...there really is a person in the family by that name...they could be trying to be helpful...jmho

on another note tho...i agree with you about the hink starting to creep in the absence of any hard evidence or info...
Londonrraine, I would not necessarily think that friends and family do not care... at this point we just do not know enough imhoo.
Londonrraine, I would not necessarily think that friends and family do not care... at this point we just do not know enough imhoo.
Well maybe we'll hear something soon. I hope so.

Staying hopeful for Jennifer here, :)
with the relatives spread so far away it may make it seem like no one is there or cares just because they are not all in one place? and i think there are two distinct cultures at play and they may each deal with things differently? idk that to be true, just throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks..kwim? also, if they really believe that she left own her own, maybe they think that she will return on her own?? i hope they dont think that...le obviously doesnt think that so....idk? like london said, just keep hopeful that something turns up soon....jmho...
I also have found the media coverage very different than other cases... it is not typical of other similar cases I have followed...

I think the lack of hearing anything makes us all wonder what in the hello is going on. Hopefully they have solid leads and can bring Jennifer home to her children for the holidays.
I know that I maintain a very small number of friends on FB and don't have any other "social media" presence; there would be very little online from friends or family, IMO, if I was missing. Page some comments on my own page but it is private anyway. JMO
The silence on this case makes me wonder if they feel Jennifer chose to go away. I wonder if any of the evidence they have found so far indicate foul play?
I know that I maintain a very small number of friends on FB and don't have any other "social media" presence; there would be very little online from friends or family, IMO, if I was missing. Page some comments on my own page but it is private anyway. JMO
Well, heaven forbid anything were to ever happen to you, you better give all your details to someone here, because you can bet we would raise a whole lotta noise for you!!!! :D
I'm doing it!
I am going to voice something that is frustrating me. As I dig...and I mean DIG. People are not only not utilizing social media in this. Now I could see if they did not want to be on social media, they are distraught, so perhaps they are doing other things we don't know about. But let me explain, I am seeing a post, usually a "share" of a news brief on their pages, but then....they are posting other things. So its not like they are not on social media, its just they seem to be just going on with life....does this make sense? Not to me...So odd and confusing to me....:(
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