CONVICTION OVERTURNED NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #15

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Ramsaran guilty in wife's 2012 death
By Julianne Peixoto

Video of verdict at link^^ (Remy's response)


"We've all worked hard over the last couple of years to make sure justice happened today," said Chenango County District Attorney Joe McBride. "In the first week, many people in the community were calling us up telling us that this gentleman had a girlfriend, this was no accident, and she didn't disappear."

Julianne Peixoto &#8207;@julespeixoto 13m

15+ hours of work boiled down into 2 minutes. A trial lasting nearly 4 weeks comes to an end #RamsaranTrial #guilty
Just watched the video thanks for posting it. In my head I have been saying lots of people names and the names of the county wrong LOL. And I loved the smirk of the woman sitting behind him when they said guilty. I imagine she wanted to let out a cheer LOL

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When the jury was deliberating, some of went to Garf's Deli. There, the DA mentioned that it was 11-1, and juror #5 was asking for more detail and clarification. He didn't seem worried though. He did a great job!

ETA: I was very honored to finally meet the elusive, mysterious Rick Blaine!

So jealous Rick and Joe two people I wanted to meet LOL.

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When the jury was deliberating, some of went to Garf's Deli. There, the DA mentioned that it was 11-1, and juror #5 was asking for more detail and clarification. He didn't seem worried though. He did a great job!

ETA: I was very honored to finally meet the elusive, mysterious Rick Blaine!

Actually it was I who was honored. Who has done more in the last 2 years than Jilllian in procuring Justice For Jennifer?

So for all your hard work Jilllian, and on behalf of Jenny's family and friends, a heartfelt THANK YOU!

:yourock: Rick
'For Jennifer's family, friends and the 'Justice for Jennifer' organization, tonight's verdict brings a sense of relief.

Monty Holt, a member of 'Justice for Jennifer', says, "It's what we all wanted. As far as the family, the organization... Anybody would want closure."

None of Jennifer's family wanted to speak on camera, but they did comment and expressed their joy at the verdict and their gratefulness to all those aided in the investigation.

According to McBride, "Justice for Jennifer did occur today.'
i was sitting about 4 ft away as the verdict was read, as i had for the last 2 days of the trial as well. wow what an experience. i suspected from the body language of the jurors that they had there minds made up prior to being sequesterd. there was one hold out that had asked for evidence to review. but 11 jurors had made up there mind, as of one hour before the verdict came back. or so i was told. im so glad i waited. i honestly knew it would most likely not take long for deliberations. i spent most of my time there reading the body language of remny and the jury as well. when he was escorted into the court room, i seen him look at his parents and gave nothing but a quick glance, no nod of the head no expression of the face, no more than a millisecond of eye contact at any time. it was as if he did not have the ability or the wont to show appreciation for there inconveniences or support imo. by the time court had resumed for the reading of the verdict, the public spectators had shrank in numbers by 3/4. dateline was thought to have left the area, and not willing or unable to wait for the verdict, they did in fact return. several if not most of the j4jers simply refused to leave the court house lawn until 8:00 pm , if not stay as long as needed. fortunately i knew several of them as i discovered threw out the day. i also never realized who es's husband was until today. consider it lucky or unlucky as to this situation, i grew up with him and know him well, i stayed in his company for most of the day. when court was called to order by judge Revoir, prior to the jury interning the room he had asked, or informed us to remain silent as the verdict was read, out of respect for all parties involved. i believe the ganesh ramsaran party consisted of four, as i sat on the same bench as his mother and father when the verdict was read. one could cut the tension with a dull knife. when the words guilty as charged were announced, mr ganesh ramsaran had not a second before he was surrounded by court security and slapped into handcuffs. his mother immediately broke into tears. although i fully believe she and his father had no doubts as to what verdict would be read. as he stood there awe stroke for the first time threw out the trial he turned his upper torso to face his parents, and continuously shook his head from side to side, the longer he shook his head the more pompous and fake it became. like when one does not believe what they themselves are saying. after the diss missile of the jury, and judge Revoirs final instructions and or questions to the attorneys, mr ganesh ramsarn was swiftly and abruptly ,not escorted. but rather in a very strong and strict manor taken from the court room with at least one hand of every sheriff and or court official placed somewhere on his body, were he was then rushed into a waiting police van, as several marked sheriffs cars escorted the van to chenango county jail and police blocked of every intersection along the route for the convoy to proceed uninterrupted , it was as if they held remny his own personal and private parade, for the towns people to enjoy. he did indeed receive much fan fair and waves of good bye. may i say the sheriffs on duty, in particular the one who had his hand on the scuff of ganesh's neck wile rushing him along, were of great stature and strength towering over him by several feet . they were indeed quite imposing representative of our legal system. it must have been a very very unpleasant experience for him:cheerful:

What a wonderful descriptive post!! It was almost like being right there in the court room. Thankyou!

I especially love the lines I bolded!
i was sitting about 4 ft away as the verdict was read, as i had for the last 2 days of the trial as well. wow what an experience. i suspected from the body language of the jurors that they had there minds made up prior to being sequesterd. there was one hold out that had asked for evidence to review. but 11 jurors had made up there mind, as of one hour before the verdict came back. or so i was told. im so glad i waited. i honestly knew it would most likely not take long for deliberations. i spent most of my time there reading the body language of remny and the jury as well. when he was escorted into the court room, i seen him look at his parents and gave nothing but a quick glance, no nod of the head no expression of the face, no more than a millisecond of eye contact at any time. it was as if he did not have the ability or the wont to show appreciation for there inconveniences or support imo. by the time court had resumed for the reading of the verdict, the public spectators had shrank in numbers by 3/4. dateline was thought to have left the area, and not willing or unable to wait for the verdict, they did in fact return. several if not most of the j4jers simply refused to leave the court house lawn until 8:00 pm , if not stay as long as needed. fortunately i knew several of them as i discovered threw out the day. i also never realized who es's husband was until today. consider it lucky or unlucky as to this situation, i grew up with him and know him well, i stayed in his company for most of the day. when court was called to order by judge Revoir, prior to the jury interning the room he had asked, or informed us to remain silent as the verdict was read, out of respect for all parties involved. i believe the ganesh ramsaran party consisted of four, as i sat on the same bench as his mother and father when the verdict was read. one could cut the tension with a dull knife. when the words guilty as charged were announced, mr ganesh ramsaran had not a second before he was surrounded by court security and slapped into handcuffs. his mother immediately broke into tears. although i fully believe she and his father had no doubts as to what verdict would be read. as he stood there awe stroke for the first time threw out the trial he turned his upper torso to face his parents, and continuously shook his head from side to side, the longer he shook his head the more pompous and fake it became. like when one does not believe what they themselves are saying. after the diss missile of the jury, and judge Revoirs final instructions and or questions to the attorneys, mr ganesh ramsarn was swiftly and abruptly ,not escorted. but rather in a very strong and strict manor taken from the court room with at least one hand of every sheriff and or court official placed somewhere on his body, were he was then rushed into a waiting police van, as several marked sheriffs cars escorted the van to chenango county jail and police blocked of every intersection along the route for the convoy to proceed uninterrupted , it was as if they held remny his own personal and private parade, for the towns people to enjoy. he did indeed receive much fan fair and waves of good bye. may i say the sheriffs on duty, in particular the one who had his hand on the scuff of ganesh's neck wile rushing him along, were of great stature and strength towering over him by several feet . they were indeed quite imposing representative of our legal system. it must have been a very very unpleasant experience for him:cheerful:

Thank you for this wonderful report, CJ. Great descriptions. While I'm sure that, like all of us, Pat Sayles may have his flaws, he certainly knows the meaning of propriety and decency and correct deportment -- something GR will never know -- and I'm proud of him for the example he set last night. (was ES there, btw?).

I'm sure that after all those months (not to mention the past 2 weeks of trial) of having to deal with such a pompous *advertiser censored*, the LE officers were looking forward to the grand parade of escorting Remy off to where he belongs. :weaklink: Bye bye!! :gavel: :seeya: :seeya::seeya: :cop::cop::no::cop::cop: :copcar: :behindbar
Well yay for the super quick verdict. The account of the "parade" has made my day!
Ramsaran guilty in wife's 2012 death
By Julianne Peixoto

Video of verdict at link^^ (Remy's response)


"We've all worked hard over the last couple of years to make sure justice happened today," said Chenango County District Attorney Joe McBride. "In the first week, many people in the community were calling us up telling us that this gentleman had a girlfriend, this was no accident, and she didn't disappear."

Julianne Peixoto &#8207;@julespeixoto 13m

15+ hours of work boiled down into 2 minutes. A trial lasting nearly 4 weeks comes to an end #RamsaranTrial #guilty

OH, this video is just...just...:fireworks: I have to confess...I hooked the computer up to the big screen, and put the sound up, and watched it twice, while eating my celebratory pancakes and toasting with my coffee mug!!! Then, watched again on my computer screen, freeze framing as I went along. LOVED just seeing all our locals in the pews, supporting Jennifer -- I just can't say enough about the wonderful citizens of Chenango county who came together to see justice served. I loved seeing that big burly officer giving the thumbs up as he hauled GR out by the scruff of his neck. LOVED seeing the grin on the face of that pretty lady in blue :) as the verdict was read -- vindication is yours!! Loved seeing the famous GR eye roll -- freeze framed and splashed on the big screen behind the journalist. A big thumbs up to Jules for her excellent journalism in the past two weeks.
'For Jennifer's family, friends and the 'Justice for Jennifer' organization, tonight's verdict brings a sense of relief.

Monty Holt, a member of 'Justice for Jennifer', says, "It's what we all wanted. As far as the family, the organization... Anybody would want closure."

None of Jennifer's family wanted to speak on camera, but they did comment and expressed their joy at the verdict and their gratefulness to all those aided in the investigation.

According to McBride, "Justice for Jennifer did occur today.'

Ahh!! :) Another great video to be enjoyed on the big screen!! Unfortunately, I'd run out of coffee and pancakes! Loved the nod of approval from the guy in the grey and red shirt behind Remy! :)
I'd just like to take a moment to thank all the Websleuthers, including the owners and the mods, who have hung in there and supported Jenny and the family throughout this awful time in our lives. You really are a very special group of people who have contributed so much toward our goal of Justice for Jennifer, and for that we are grateful. It makes me happy and proud to have had an opportunity to interact with you in some small way, and I would now ask that you continue to keep Jenny and her precious children and family in your thoughts and prayers.... All the best in the future and may God bless!

With much affection,
&#8220;After the long trial and investigation, we are very happy with the results,&#8221; said McBride. &#8220;In my thirty years of experience this is the best circumstantial case I have ever seen. I&#8200;did not know this guy from Adam but I believe he showed his true colors when he took the stand and it helped to prove what he did on Dec. 11, 2012.&#8221;
(bold added by me)
There's another person who needs thanking - when other newspapers were taking a pop at those who sought justice, one man stood alone in his determination to write about the TRUTH and sought to keep the Jenn her family knew and loved uppermost in people's minds. So thank you Joe Mahoney.
There's another person who needs thanking - when other newspapers were taking a pop at those who sought justice, one man stood alone in his determination to write about the TRUTH and sought to keep the Jenn her family knew and loved uppermost in people's minds. So thank you Joe Mahoney.
Agree! He got some pot shots himself back before the arrest. It would be nice if we all thanked him personally over at the Daily Star. :tyou:
Just watched the video thanks for posting it. In my head I have been saying lots of people names and the names of the county wrong LOL. And I loved the smirk of the woman sitting behind him when they said guilty. I imagine she wanted to let out a cheer LOL

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yes, yes, she did! she and the rest of the j4j'ers and everyone in the courtroom were told by the judge to maintain composure regardless of whether the verdict was guilty or not guilty. we had to cry happy tears quietly! ;)
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