Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 2

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krey, can you please link me up to where GR says Jennifer left willingly and to where he lists the reasons she must have? Thanks

He hasn't listed the reasons per se, but he's getting tid-bits of information out there (previous example of the online gaming) that suggests it. JMO.
Very weird! That's quite a contradiction, to say on one hand that she would NEVER EVER leave the kids and himself (not only the kids, but himself, he said) willingly, and on the other hand, be giving all these reasons for why she must have done just that. Right at the beginning, he was saying both. Maybe he was throwing both possibilities out there to see what stuck, and then when he realized people were looking at HIM with suspicion, he continued on with the story of her having left.

And if he truly thinks she left willingly, why not make a public plea for her to return? Even Ivy Merck's parents eventually spoke with Jane Valez Mitchell and pleaded with their daughter to come home. Seems like he'd be begging for JR to come home, for many reasons - for the sake of the kids, so that he would no longer be under suspicion, and because he'd be worried about her safety.

He keeps insisting that he's working with authorities, and doesn't want anyone to do anything to hinder the investigation. This statement is very convenient for him, because a) he portrays himself as being fully cooperative, and b) he doesn't have to do anything extra to find her (no PI, no press conference, no public pleas, etc) because it's not what LE wants. Very convenient.

Very excellent observation!
He hasn't listed the reasons per se, but he's getting tid-bits of information out there (previous example of the online gaming) that suggests it. JMO.

And don't forget it has been reported that there is a possibility that she's colored her hair and cut it.. evidence as being found in their home.

Now -

1. If you were trying to disappear willingly, and if you went to the trouble of changing your hair color and cutting it shorter, would you leave the hair color box in the bathroom?

2. Would you leave your hair clippings in the bathroom?

3. Wouldn't you clean it all up and discard that evidence so no one would know you've changed your appearance.

This leads me to something else.. if she didn't do this (changing her hair and cutting it), that it was planted as evidence to mislead people, where did the hair come from? How did this evidence get in their home?

Questions that I'm sure the LE have asked - at least I hope they have.
And don't forget it has been reported that there is a possibility that she's colored her hair and cut it.. evidence as being found in their home.

Now -

1. If you were trying to disappear willingly, and if you went to the trouble of changing your hair color and cutting it shorter, would you leave the hair color box in the bathroom?

2. Would you leave your hair clippings in the bathroom?

3. Wouldn't you clean it all up and discard that evidence so no one would know you've changed your appearance.

This leads me to something else.. if she didn't do this (changing her hair and cutting it), that it was planted as evidence to mislead people, where did the hair come from? How did this evidence get in their home?

Questions that I'm sure the LE have asked - at least I hope they have.

YES, thank you for another great example about the hair!!

BBM- Wow, what a good (and creepy) point. Great thinking. Wow....
He hasn't listed the reasons per se, but he's getting tid-bits of information out there (previous example of the online gaming) that suggests it. JMO.

The article says the online gaming info came from a friend of the family. Could be a friend of GR, but could also be a friend of Jennifer's family.

I'm just trying to keep the information straight from the rumors and gossip and assumptions and speculation. It's not easy in this case. Thanks for your help.
Could someone link me up to the hair color box, hair clippings, etc? Thanks
It was reported, as of December 19, 2012 that Cutter/LE was still working on subpoenas so as to examine Jennifer's telephone (iPhone and home??) records:


He [Cutter] added that investigators are in the process of obtaining subpoenas in order to examine her telephone records.

It has been reported that as of Friday, January 18, 2013, Cutter was still waiting for Jennifer's phone records.
So Jennifer has been missing for 5 weeks and LE is still "working" on getting subpoenas for her phone records.....sigh....I guess there is no rush....right?

What is going on here?
So Jennifer has been missing for 5 weeks and LE is still "working" on getting subpoenas for her phone records.....sigh....I guess there is no rush....right?

What is going on here?

Is it just me... Or is it an inordinately long amount of time for getting info/records from the missing's phone?

I thought that had been obtained when the search of the house and grounds was conducted?

So Jennifer has been missing for 5 weeks and LE is still "working" on getting subpoenas for her phone records.....sigh....I guess there is no rush....right?

What is going on here?

To clarify: On December 19th, LE was still working on the subpoenas and as of Friday, January 18th, Cutting was still waiting for Jennifer's telephone records (not the subpoenas for the phone/s).
No attorney
Has continued cooperating with investigators
Gave permission to search home
Took polygraph


Can't LE cut Jennifer's husband a break and simply state that he has been cleared?

Did husband pass the polygraph?

Was LE able to corroborate that husband filled Jennifer's gas tank at the local grocery store 2 days before her disappearance?

What kind of dogs, if any, were used during the examination of her vehicle?

Was there any access to any other vehicles?
No attorney

Was LE able to corroborate that husband filled Jennifer's gas tank at the local grocery store 2 days before her disappearance?

Thanks for bringing this back up, because there was quite a bit of talk about this in the previous thread, and I never understood why.

Everyone ~ what is the significance of GR filling up JR's gas tank prior two days prior to her disappearance? I'm not following...

My ex always used to fill up my gas tank if he noticed I was low on gas. Never asked him to, he just did it, as I would for example, buy him shaving cream if I noticed he was running out...

Is it just me... Or is it an inordinately long amount of time for getting info/records from the missing's phone?

I thought that had been obtained when the search of the house and grounds was conducted?


I believe the cells and computers were obtained by then [the search].

According to latest article, Cutting did not have the telephone records as of this past Friday.
Thanks for bringing this back up, because there was quite a bit of talk about this in the previous thread, and I never understood why.

Everyone ~ what is the significance of GR filling up JR's gas tank prior two days prior to her disappearance? I'm not following...

My ex always used to fill up my gas tank if he noticed I was low on gas. Never asked him to, he just did it, as I would for example, buy him shaving cream if I noticed he was running out...


We did discuss it, as I didn't get the significance either. My working theory was that there were questions being asked, for some reason, about the gas, and that these questions might've been about why JR would fill the car only to abandon it - thus GR is explaining that it was him that filled it. That was just a theory though and I'd love to hear others.

Another thought, while it was always only rumour, there was a rumour at one point that LE were, to paraphrase, working through 1000s of pages of phone records. Seems like that was a lie, if they don't have them yet.
"A friend of the family, speaking on the condition of anonymity, has said that Jennifer Ramsaran frequently played online games with strangers." --quoted from the most recent article

It really is misleading when they keep talking about the online gaming. In the beginning, it definitely had me imagining a story in which she ran off with some online suitor. And I think that's exactly what GR wants us to think. This "friend of the family" could very well be a *friend of GR*.

Since she became interested in online gaming with strangers on her iPhone and may have been easily "misled," has a reward fund for information, etc been set up yet?

Who knows what online gaming strangers might be willing to reveal to LE if a fund were to be established?
Since she became interested in online gaming with strangers on her iPhone and could have been easily misled, has a reward fund for information, etc been set up yet?

Who knows what online gaming strangers might be willing to reveal to LE if a fund were to be established?

I haven't seen one, which is odd.
Though I don't see why online strangers wouldn't talk to LE anyway - aside from the theoretical one who harmed her, who presumably wouldn't be swayed by a reward, I think most people online (same as in the real world) would be happy to help any way they could.
Yes...that photo is on the Eagle Valley Search Dogs FB page.. Also check out the Town of New Berlin Police FB page....they were out searching today and posted some photos.
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