Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 5

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I'm pretty sure I can say this, but if not, please modify/delete.

The sense I get is that a large part of the community and surrounding community has bought into the idea that Jennifer has left on her own. This is pretty much the only angle presented TO the media and FROM the media. In my opinion, the ones who pretty much know or believe she's no longer with us, are being passive in their acceptance of this.

This is unfortunate. There is no one speaking to the media saying that they believe she did NOT leave on her own. And people close to JR very firmly do NOT believe that she would, or did leave willingly.

Personally, I'm saddened and frustrated by the amount of times I hear, "Oh, she didn't come back yet?" and "You're still looking for her? Obviously she doesn't want to be found."

A local police officer told me last night, "Why even bother?" Really?
I know who he is, so I felt somewhat comfortable in saying, "If your loved one was out there somewhere, and there were hundreds of people ready, willing and able to pound pavement to find her, secure billboards, pass flyers out, spread the word etc., would you personally say 'No, why bother?" and then turn them away?

This case will surely go cold if no noise, and a lot of it isn't heard soon.

What did he mean? Why bother because [he thinks] she ran away?!!!! Is this an officer that is working on the case? Should he be reported?
In my opinion, the ones who pretty much know or believe she's no longer with us, are being passive in their acceptance of this.

This is unfortunate. There is no one speaking to the media saying that they believe she did NOT leave on her own. And people close to JR very firmly do NOT believe that she would, or did leave willingly.

~respectfully snipped and BBM.....

In all honesty, this REALLY bothers me. There's more I could say on the matter, but I guess I'll just leave it at that - it bothers, and disturbs, me.

This case will surely go cold if no noise, and a lot of it isn't heard soon.

Sometimes I feel like we (those of us here and on the HFJR page) are the only ones speaking up about the need to find Jennifer. It's very frustrating, and I personally have had a few moments where I feel like backing off and giving up. But then I think how unfair to Jennifer that would be, if she's lying out in a ditch somewhere and no one is looking for her. Like Jillian often says, we need to be her voice - especially if no one else is willing to be.
Hope. You have to have hope. There is no concrete evidence at this time that Jennifer is deceased.

"Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.”
― Laini Taylo (Daughter of Smoke and Bone)

Jennifer, if you're out there and reading here - everyone misses you SO very much!

Pennyflower, sorry if this has been asked before, but did you know Jen?
Sometimes I feel like we (those of us here and on the HFJR page) are the only ones speaking up about the need to find Jennifer. It's very frustrating, and I personally have had a few moments where I feel like backing off and giving up. But then I think how unfair to Jennifer that would be, if she's lying out in a ditch somewhere and no one is looking for her. Like Jillian often says, we need to be her voice - especially if no one else is willing to be.

Yep, to me it feels like we are the only ones questioning the official she's run off" story.
I really hope that the all the police involved in this case don't have "why bother" attitude of that one policeman.
What did he mean? Why bother because [he thinks] she ran away?!!!! Is this an officer that is working on the case? Should he be reported?

He meant "let the police do their job." Sorry ~ I should definitely have put that in my post. I'm going to edit it in.

And no, he's not in any way involved in the case.
new video


Can we discuss videos? If not, please feel free to delete this, mods, but the part about Jennifer's face being thin or fuller is very bothersome, because it again implies that she ran off somewhere.
He meant "let the police do their job." Sorry ~ I should definitely have put that in my post. I'm going to edit it in.

And no, he's not in any way involved in the case.

Oh so did he mean why bother with putting up posters etc? As in he has his opinion that something has happened to her and let the police do their job as they are on to it?
Someone above mentioned Katrina Smith in comparison to this case (I think it was you, LivingJuicy), so I looked it up. Looks like searchers found several items in her case:’s-husband-charged-with-her-murder-2/

During a search conducted by family and friends Oct. 26, paper towels were recovered with a substance believed to be blood on them. These items were recovered in a field between Obispo and Ralston Road. Her cell phone was recovered in the 700 block of Ralston Thursday, Oct. 25.

Also Thursday, Oct. 25, Katrina Smith’s wallet was turned over to the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department. The wallet had been recovered by a citizen in the roadway of a Rockford street and turned in to a business as found property.

I followed Katrina's case, too,....and, unfortunately, I recognize similarities between JR's and Katrina's case...

It is interesting to note that important pieces of evidence were found due to searches by family, friends, and citizens!

Thank you for the reminder... That the public is often an important part of the "team" in solving missing persons cases!

Hope. You have to have hope. There is no concrete evidence at this time that Jennifer is deceased.

"Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.”
― Laini Taylo (Daughter of Smoke and Bone)

Jennifer, if you're out there and reading here - everyone misses you SO very much!

Unfortunately, hope will do nothing to bring Jennifer home. It's too passive.
Action is what's necessary.
And noise.

There's NO evidence, concrete or otherwise that's she's still alive, nor has there been for 2 months and 8 days.
Oh so did he mean why bother with putting up posters etc? As in he has his opinion that something has happened to her and let the police do their job as they are on to it?

He just meant, "Let the police do their job."
My impression was "Why do you care?"
That's what was frustrating.
Why wouldn't we care?
Unfortunately, hope will do nothing to bring Jennifer home. It's too passive.
Action is what's necessary.
And noise.

There's NO evidence, concrete or otherwise that's she's still alive, nor has there been for 2 months and 8 days.

Well said Jillian. Honestly if I have to hear that hope quote one more time (not directing that at you Penny, just certain other people) :cursing::curses:
Where has hope gotten us in the 2 months? How much closer to finding (or finding out what happened to) Jennifer has hope gotten us?
If it was my loved one missing, I would be out there doing things and doing interviews asking people for help, not reciting hope quotations
It's very frustrating, and I personally have had a few moments where I feel like backing off and giving up. But then I think how unfair to Jennifer that would be, if she's lying out in a ditch somewhere and no one is looking for her. Like Jillian often says, we need to be her voice - especially if no one else is willing to be.

Exactly. I feel the same way.

Sometimes I feel like we're working harder than other people closer to her should be. And I don't mean that as a slam at all. I know JR's family members are wonderful, kind and very loving people. And they sure as heck have a lot of support behind them community-wise. They're very respected on the HFJR site and are defended each step of the way when need be. It's like there's an invisible wall support there for them.

I just wish there were shout outs to the media ~ "SHE DID NOT LEAVE ON HER OWN!" Make some noise. I don't know. Maybe there are reasons for keeping quiet as there are kids involved, and maybe some other issues, too. But like someone else mentioned earlier, making some noise would probably make them feel safer. I agree with that.

You can be darn sure the media will be knocking on their doors if/when they find a body, and that's a shame. Where are the media now?
Thanks for posting that link, I guess it's not allowed because it's been deleted.
I too was concerned by the "happy demeanour". Lots of genuine joking around, laughs and big smiles.
I get that you have to be positive for the kids, but there's no way I could be so genuinely happy and jovial at an event to help find my missing spouse.
To me I would think it's something that would be quite a serious event??
Yes, whoops! Sorry! :blushing:

It could very well be a way of dealing with the stress ... but it is odd, to say the least isn't it.
Unfortunately, hope will do nothing to bring Jennifer home. It's too passive.
Action is what's necessary.
And noise.

There's NO evidence, concrete or otherwise that's she's still alive, nor has there been for 2 months and 8 days.

Yeah, not to be the cynic that I am, lol, but I have never seen hope or prayers solve a missing persons case.

What does solve them are plenty of searches, lots of police interviews, maybe even a GPS device on cars of certain people, as much publicity as possible, LE releasing enough info to the public to possibly jog a memory, letting the public know what items may still be missing, etc. You know, most of the things not being done in the unsolved cases of Holly Bobo, Kortne Stouffer, and others.
new video

Where is Jennifer Ramsaran? - YouTube

Can we discuss videos? If not, please feel free to delete this, mods, but the part about Jennifer's face being thin or fuller is very bothersome, because it again implies that she ran off somewhere.

Are those rhetorical questions, or can we answer? ;)

I see the mason tip jar wasn't posted next to the billboard from JR's "event" on Saturday.

Poor choice in music.

JR's youngest on the mistress' (yes, STILL mistress) lap? If they really think she's checking out youtube, and they really want her back, why post such a video with disrespectful pics?

Look so staged in my cynical opinion.

Way too much grandstanding, too.
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