Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 8

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I think it's an absolute disgrace that Jennifer's sister and parents still feel they have to defend Jennifer's reputation. Even now. At this time. With Jennifer's dead body just brought home. It just makes me want to protect them.

There must be ways of helping them. Maybe we should ask Joe?
im thinking about the finger lakes trail system still,1 mile from were se was found. he has never been on center rd? can any find info from a blog or a run a hike? cubscout outing.ect.also the soccer feild across from plank rd apts,as he was a soccer coach. the soccer feild is only a few hundred feet from the van site.connected by a mowed path ,and 3/4 of a mile from the y. again there is a charity clothing drop box along that possible rout back to the ymca. i would check that if i were L E

ORR , thanks for that video, like i said i would have made it myself if i were able to.(tec limited) thanks... but i wish in the video you went behind st.pauls threw the parking lot.( she did teach there ) down miller st, and behind Howard Johnson parking lot. thats were people who go to the why park, its a city lot. the charity clothing drop box can be accessed threw the bushes. and the are no cameras that way. the last light you turned at has a camera. and the police have a continues video feed view of broad st
a another thought of a video. yesterday i went to both convent stores, on the corner of east river rd and st hwy 23. i asked if the cameras have a view of 23.and they do!(very good views) as do the 2 car lots, so what about the run from the house to the ymca that morning, he would have been seen jogging. it is the ONLY route he would have run
Thanx for the video ORR... The videos gives those of us that aren't familiar with the area a much better perspective..

The silence by LE and prosecutors in the Jennifer Ramsaran Homicide investigation is very concerning to me.. Media Management; Press Conferences, which have been nonexistent in JR's case, are very important to insure justice, peace of mind in the community, and the public's safety, imo..

As a life long resident of chenango county, i have never been impressed by local law enforcement... or the media.
i don't think they gave the case any sincerity at the cant see that there was an all points bulletin put out for her van. her poor father found it!!4 days later, why not the local police? they turn around in that parking lot several times a day, and have tag readers installed on the trunks. plus they set at the field across the street angled at were the van was for 4 days.
her body lie a few ft of the road about 6 miles from were her phone was found. look on goggle earth a helicopter would have seen her if they sent one up!!!
they called of a search? what was time sensitive after 6-7 weeks? they did not want evidence disturb? so they either wanted it left there, or not found? (they did not conduct a deputy only search) if something was found. searchers are told not to touch it anyway.
the local paper there reporting on it,is slack at best! more of a (oh and by the way approach). nothing that can been seen as investigative journalism.
did they not speak to her mom and dad? we would have been informed at the start I.E, Sunday school teacher, girl scout leader is missing. phone found.van abandoned. foul play suspected. along with LE stating (we can not speculate on foul play or not)!!!
it is my opinion as a life long resident, who has had to call the sheriff on several occasion do to theft and burglary. we are not seeing a hush hush approach. it is there actual skill level.:banghead:
They have the skills, but you know as well as I do, there is a good ole boy thing going on here in the area....they are working the case...I was at a friend's house yesterday, and they had been questioned...and I did not yet connect them to GR....They didn't talk to me about the details, but LE was just following up a lead...sadly...this case will transcend all levels of education, friendships, lifestyles, and will challenge many....:twocents:

I agree that the case was presented in a light, that would have made me think she just ran off....except for one thing...those amazing children....and the love they all had for each other. I personally do not care if Jennifer had admirers, played games, or bought lingerie...I don't care what color her hair was...or how much she weighed....I don't care if she didn't wait in her husband hand and foot, or sang off tune in the choir in Yonkers..:what:

I care that a beautiful, vibrant, young mother is dead..and no one seems to want to do anything to help, except Joe from the DS. MSM has all but put it so far back that in the news already, it is considered a done deal....but...never underestimate people, like WSer's, who truly care, and will leave no stone ( in this case, the rock) unturned. Someone knows who did this. There will be evidence that tells a story....but like so many cases, if we just sit and ignore it, then soon.....beautiful Jenn, will be just another statistic.

Am angry:furious: at the antics of those who say they care, when in truth it is just to get attention...while their motives may have been pure in the beginning, there is getting to be a much larger gray area. We are fortunate enough to have the internet, social media, and numerous ways to assist...but like any tool, these resources are only helpful, if we use them correctly.

This is crime...and LE needs to at the very least speak to the public...even if it is just a reassuring message. Their silence is starting to make people wonder about their competence....and that is not beneficial to anyone associated with LE, in any capacity.:blushing:

We need to also keep Jennifer's name alive...speak to people...share your thoughts...use the videos and posts, to help explore what you can do. I have gone door to door in places, and most people had no idea other than the one phrase that keeps popping up..."When I read it in the newspaper, I thought she just left him, but when I saw the interview, I knew he was lying"...whether you agree or is the time to keep never know who saw something that day...and still has no idea that they hold the one last piece of the puzzle...:banghead:

Thanks for letting me vent. Okay..Bear vent over:rocker:
ORR , thanks for that video, like i said i would have made it myself if i were able to.(tec limited) thanks... but i wish in the video you went behind st.pauls threw the parking lot.( she did teach there ) down miller st, and behind Howard Johnson parking lot. thats were people who go to the why park, its a city lot. the charity clothing drop box can be accessed threw the bushes. and the are no cameras that way. the last light you turned at has a camera. and the police have a continues video feed view of broad st
a another thought of a video. yesterday i went to both convent stores, on the corner of east river rd and st hwy 23. i asked if the cameras have a view of 23.and they do!(very good views) as do the 2 car lots, so what about the run from the house to the ymca that morning, he would have been seen jogging. it is the ONLY route he would have run

There is also Sidney Federal Credit Union on that corner that would have cameras. I wonder if they have Jenn's vehicle that morning on video.
Thank you for making the vid, ORR. I am still hazy on some of the details so please correct me if I've misunderstood GR's version of events. Hasn't he said that he ran from his house to the Y, became cold, took a relaxing Sauna with his good, not good State Police friend, then caught a ride with his trysting partner?

Has it ever been reported that anyone actually saw GR out running that day on the route that he would have taken from his home? I think whatever happened to JR didn't occur at the house. I don't know how close the neighbors are, but without a garage, it would seem to be very risky getting a body into the van. And I keep thinking about his saying "there is nothing here" after the search warrant was executed.

Maybe GR persuaded JR to accompany him on some errand or around the town trip for whatever reason. They ended up in a remote area, at or near the scene of the recovery. Foul play ensued, explaining the blood found, and JR's remains were pushed from the van. He disrobes her, takes the cell, dumps the van and goes to the Y, disposing of the clothing along the way. I am probably way off, but he just seemed so confident that nothing would be found at the house.

I do think her rings and the lingerie with receipt were part of a staging to suggest she'd become involved with someone. Something else I am curious about is the "sighting" GR was pushing not long before the recovery. Has it ever been disclosed who the source of this alleged sighting was? It could have been the kind of sincere but mistaken tip that usually comes up in a missing person's case, but maybe not. All speculation and MOO.
Yes I know this, but you said deleted from the computer, so I wondered how you knew what was deleted from the hard drive. computer lingo is woefully inept. I have no idea what was deleted from her hard drive...just what was deleted from her Facebook page and from her messages to and from gaming friends. I'm not even sure if that sort of thing even goes on one's hard drive, especially if one was sending messages via phone rather than computer. Perhaps someone who's more savvy than I can enlighten us.
i think they ( LE/media ) did a horrible job until she was found.
it did indicted foul play, from the start.
i wonder why it wasn't put out , (she is a Sunday school teacher/cub scout leader)?
why wasn't the car found earlier?
why was the search called off?
why did they not check adjacent rds to the phone location?
why such slack informing of the community?
why no investigative reporting?
why not a rd block fowling her phone and car being found. asking daily commuters and local residents if they possible seen anything.
why not confirm if she made it to destiny?(she could not have possible been there and not caught on any camera)
why not state that no useable evidence had been recovered from her phone or computers?
why haven't we been informed of anything?
my wife and daughter in-law, drive that route twice a day. were all kinda hanging on for anything.
i don't doubt there there taking it serious now. but i also think time,memories and information has been lost that may not be recovered. and if it had been handled differently from the start,things may at this point be different.
i am very curious what a poll, of local residents would rate regarding the handling of this case.
and i agree there is a good old boy thing in this area (depending on the severity of what ever the issue is ), and that is what may have created a slack start to this hole thing. but now at this point a good old boy thing has nothing to do with it.
and i still think it speaks volumes about there skill level/interest at the start of her disappearance.
ORR , thanks for that video, like i said i would have made it myself if i were able to.(tec limited) thanks... but i wish in the video you went behind st.pauls threw the parking lot.( she did teach there ) down miller st, and behind Howard Johnson parking lot. thats were people who go to the why park, its a city lot. the charity clothing drop box can be accessed threw the bushes. and the are no cameras that way. the last light you turned at has a camera. and the police have a continues video feed view of broad st
a another thought of a video. yesterday i went to both convent stores, on the corner of east river rd and st hwy 23. i asked if the cameras have a view of 23.and they do!(very good views) as do the 2 car lots, so what about the run from the house to the ymca that morning, he would have been seen jogging. it is the ONLY route he would have run

Thanks -- that's valuable info -- good to know about those cameras!!!:justice:
There is also Sidney Federal Credit Union on that corner that would have cameras. I wonder if they have Jenn's vehicle that morning on video.

i do think between the 2 convenient store cameras, the 2 car dealerships the 2 banks. all on that one corner something is there. also he would have been jogging on rt 23 for about 7 miles, and running threw half of Norwich at a busy time of day. also how many private security cameras could have caught that jog? none to my knowledge.
i do think between the 2 convenient store cameras, the 2 car dealerships the 2 banks. all on that one corner something is there. also he would have been jogging on rt 23 for about 7 miles, and running threw half of Norwich at a busy time of day. also how many private security cameras could have caught that jog? none to my knowledge.

Good thought...well then he was invisible...or did he have an accomplice to give him a ride..and later...put van and phone where they were found???
As a life long resident of chenango county, i have never been impressed by local law enforcement... or the media.
i don't think they gave the case any sincerity at the cant see that there was an all points bulletin put out for her van. her poor father found it!!4 days later, why not the local police? they turn around in that parking lot several times a day, and have tag readers installed on the trunks. plus they set at the field across the street angled at were the van was for 4 days.
her body lie a few ft of the road about 6 miles from were her phone was found. look on goggle earth a helicopter would have seen her if they sent one up!!!
they called of a search? what was time sensitive after 6-7 weeks? they did not want evidence disturb? so they either wanted it left there, or not found? (they did not conduct a deputy only search) if something was found. searchers are told not to touch it anyway.
the local paper there reporting on it,is slack at best! more of a (oh and by the way approach). nothing that can been seen as investigative journalism.
did they not speak to her mom and dad? we would have been informed at the start I.E, Sunday school teacher, girl scout leader is missing. phone found.van abandoned. foul play suspected. along with LE stating (we can not speculate on foul play or not)!!!
it is my opinion as a life long resident, who has had to call the sheriff on several occasion do to theft and burglary. we are not seeing a hush hush approach. it is there actual skill level.:banghead:

My only encounter with local LE was positive -- LE showed up on my front porch one day to report they'd found my father-in-law's tools (which he didn't even realize had been stolen) when they arrested some guy for something else (Dad's name was etched on his tools so they tracked it down to my house because of same last name).

But really, excellent points here:
1) No search for her van except by Jenn's Dad. And it was left right there where the LE hang out!! :banghead: If nothing else, they should have been searching roadsides to make sure she didn't slip off the road and into a ditch somewhere in the rainy weather.
2) No search (other than around her house) in the days after her phone and van were found and before the snow set in.
3) Lack of serious journalism -- most journalists reported GR's words regarding Jenn's activities that morning as fact, and even led out their article with uncorraborated statements from a "family friend" without identifying that individual.
i think they ( LE/media ) did a horrible job until she was found.
it did indicted foul play, from the start.
i wonder why it wasn't put out , (she is a Sunday school teacher/cub scout leader)?
why wasn't the car found earlier?
why was the search called off?
why did they not check adjacent rds to the phone location?
why such slack informing of the community?
why no investigative reporting?
why not a rd block fowling her phone and car being found. asking daily commuters and local residents if they possible seen anything.
why not confirm if she made it to destiny?(she could not have possible been there and not caught on any camera)
why not state that no useable evidence had been recovered from her phone or computers?
why haven't we been informed of anything?
my wife and daughter in-law, drive that route twice a day. were all kinda hanging on for anything.
i don't doubt there there taking it serious now. but i also think time,memories and information has been lost that may not be recovered. and if it had been handled differently from the start,things may at this point be different.
i am very curious what a poll, of local residents would rate regarding the handling of this case.
and i agree there is a good old boy thing in this area (depending on the severity of what ever the issue is ), and that is what may have created a slack start to this hole thing. but now at this point a good old boy thing has nothing to do with it.
and i still think it speaks volumes about there skill level/interest at the start of her disappearance.
Oh I agree...but they do have the skills...between the many agencies..trouble is...when you know someone from a community and they are as well known as GR, and at that time, respected for his enthusiasm and involvement with athletics, then they gave him the benefit of the doubt....And the time wasted as the same repetitious info was given over and over, has made it even more of a tragedy. I am in no way defending LE...I do encourage them to work better with the public...and certainly continue their investigation...but bottom line is now...we have to continue what should have been started in the beginning...
It is a travesty that they are not making any effort to speak nor act...we pay them, as citizens, to serve and protect...well then "Do the job that you were hired/elected to do!
Thank you for making the vid, ORR. I am still hazy on some of the details so please correct me if I've misunderstood GR's version of events. Hasn't he said that he ran from his house to the Y, became cold, took a relaxing Sauna with his good, not good State Police friend, then caught a ride with his trysting partner?

Has it ever been reported that anyone actually saw GR out running that day on the route that he would have taken from his home? I think whatever happened to JR didn't occur at the house. I don't know how close the neighbors are, but without a garage, it would seem to be very risky getting a body into the van. And I keep thinking about his saying "there is nothing here" after the search warrant was executed.

Maybe GR persuaded JR to accompany him on some errand or around the town trip for whatever reason. They ended up in a remote area, at or near the scene of the recovery. Foul play ensued, explaining the blood found, and JR's remains were pushed from the van. He disrobes her, takes the cell, dumps the van and goes to the Y, disposing of the clothing along the way. I am probably way off, but he just seemed so confident that nothing would be found at the house.

I do think her rings and the lingerie with receipt were part of a staging to suggest she'd become involved with someone. Something else I am curious about is the "sighting" GR was pushing not long before the recovery. Has it ever been disclosed who the source of this alleged sighting was? It could have been the kind of sincere but mistaken tip that usually comes up in a missing person's case, but maybe not. All speculation and MOO.

On that day, in our area, it was not dark until about 6 m..I have pics from the day...and have wondered if he waited to do it until dark, but prior to notifying LE....the van and phone did not have to have been dropped on that day....just thoughts
Good thought...well then he was invisible...or did he have an accomplice to give him a ride..and later...put van and phone where they were found???

i cant attach a image from goggle earth. but by way of back rds from Sheff rd New Berlin to center rd in Plymouth it is 17 miles or 28 minutes, by dirt rd, only crossing paved rd 3 times less than a mile each time. no convenient stores,but maybe private cameras? :waitasec:
Thank you for making the vid, ORR. I am still hazy on some of the details so please correct me if I've misunderstood GR's version of events. Hasn't he said that he ran from his house to the Y, became cold, took a relaxing Sauna with his good, not good State Police friend, then caught a ride with his trysting partner?

Has it ever been reported that anyone actually saw GR out running that day on the route that he would have taken from his home? I think whatever happened to JR didn't occur at the house. I don't know how close the neighbors are, but without a garage, it would seem to be very risky getting a body into the van. And I keep thinking about his saying "there is nothing here" after the search warrant was executed.

Maybe GR persuaded JR to accompany him on some errand or around the town trip for whatever reason. They ended up in a remote area, at or near the scene of the recovery. Foul play ensued, explaining the blood found, and JR's remains were pushed from the van. He disrobes her, takes the cell, dumps the van and goes to the Y, disposing of the clothing along the way. I am probably way off, but he just seemed so confident that nothing would be found at the house.

I do think her rings and the lingerie with receipt were part of a staging to suggest she'd become involved with someone. Something else I am curious about is the "sighting" GR was pushing not long before the recovery. Has it ever been disclosed who the source of this alleged sighting was? It could have been the kind of sincere but mistaken tip that usually comes up in a missing person's case, but maybe not. All speculation and MOO.

If you look at this video, you can see a little bit of how their house is set back:

There's a stand of trees along the road, and the only opening is right where their driveway comes out -- and it's a fairly long driveway (you can see that from the shots where he's looking out the window on the door). Across the road from their home is a field. So...he could have pulled his van right up to the door and have loaded it up completely unnoticed by any passing motorist (and there aren't a lot of cars going down that road in the late morning anyway). Also, of course, I am quite sure that Jenn's body would have been wrapped in something or put in some sort of container -- I don't think he would have driven across the country with a naked dead body in the van -- he would have somehow covered the body.

I think the only near neighbors were the in-laws, and they were in Arizona as I recall. There's a bit of a space between the other houses on the street -- stands of woods and fields and that sort of thing -- it's quite rural.

I think it would have been more of a risk to kill her IN the van than in the home. If he were just disposing of the body, that could have been done in just 2 or 3 minutes, but to first kill here and then get her out of the car and take her clothes off and push her down the embankment would have taken at least 5 to 10 minutes, so it would be a lot more risky.

At home, he could have put some sleeping pills in her morning tea, and then suffocated her with a pillow or plastic bag over her head, and in that case, there would not have been any blood or anything in the house. Or, some have guessed that because she was found naked, she was killed in the shower or bathtub, and any blood could have been easily washed away.

The blood found in the van could have been purge fluid coming out of her mouth or nose (interesting that he mentioned nose bleed); however, that doesn't usually happen until 12 or more hours after death -- so...not sure about that.

(One thing I noted when re-watching this video is that the journalist noted that the LE were waiting on toxicology reports -- this was BEFORE her body was found. Would that have been on the blood found in the van? Or perhaps something found in the house?)
Are the State Police involved in the investigation or is it strictly the Chenango Sheriff?
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