Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 9

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Has anyone noticed what happens when you google just Jennifer Ramsaram?

You get nothing to do with Jennifer. You have to put missing in to get WS or anything else.

I think someone with computer skills is being sneaky here and knocking WS and anything else down the ratings.

Ramsaran - might work if you spell it correctly
And see above for what else I did. No end to my foolishness, I'm afraid.
Merriam Webster:
3 also affaire: a romantic or passionate attachment typically of limited duration.


Definition of TRYST

1: an agreement (as between lovers) to meet
2: an appointed meeting or meeting place

Examples of TRYST

<both lovers had to hurry to keep their noontime tryst in the park>

:moo:Or my interpretation of tryst: You cheating sack o' lies
I'm really not mad, what I was trying to do was see how effective any attempts to divert attention from Jennifer's case had been, and I was comparing it to Bob's. But I managed to put both names in the search box at once, and missspell one as well.

Here are the results though. I'm quite heartened to see how many people are interested in What happened to Jennifer, despite the 'fog'.

Bob harrod.html?tsearch=1

Jennifer Ramsaran.html?tsearch=1
Read this one, more detailed:

"Caron, responding to questions from The Daily Star, also said Ganesh Ramsaran admitted to police after his wife disappeared that he had a “one-time” sexual encounter with a woman who is a mutual friend of both Ganesh and Jennifer Ramsaran.

She said the encounter was fueled by alcohol and both Ganesh Ramsaran and his female friend, a married woman with children, regretted it.

“It was not an affair,” said Caron, who noted Ganesh Ramsaran has been tormented by what she called false rumors that he was having an extramarital affair. Caron also insisted that Jennifer Ramsaran never knew about the tryst her husband had with her close friend."

Question is -does anyone believe it? IMO-probably not-not when half the town is saying they knew about a 6 mth affair. But decide for yourself.

It sounds to me that GR treated JR as a servant to take care of the kids and the house. (Based on GR's interviews and the interview with JR's client.) :moo:

What GR enjoyed doing was running, and that he did hand-in-hand with someone else. The fact that they did "tryst" at least once just shows that it was an ongoing affair no matter how many times they actually "trysted". :moo:

I don't think I said that as well as I could have. Bottom line: If that was my husband, I'd have been jealous and angry.
I don't think I said that as well as I could have. Bottom line: If that was my husband, I'd have been jealous and angry.

RSBM: you're a much bigger person than I- my husband and tryst would each have their own board on W/S...:floorlaugh:
my thoughts for the day...
if jenn was going to disteny ( i think they were both planing on going)..
would she have not left just after getting to kids off to school . 3 kids to shower,1 husband to runs kids to school.........jenn waits for the hot water tank to warm back up!! some point jenn then takes a shower. about 8-9:00...she is killed in the shower? (later being found unclothed) leaves with her body at 10:30?( witch would explain if someone seen her van in route)...not that i have heard it was seen in route. also expaining her late departure
but i can think why she would wait untill 10:30 to leave for such a long trip alone.
i also think either would have taken back rds to sherburne, as to not be seen. or should i say towrad sherburne, as that would be the fastest route to destiny. im sure that would have been the route. , but then cut back to center rd. explaining a dirty van....
my only hang up is i dont think jenn, the phone or the van would have been placed during day light hours.
can anyone give us a known timeline for gr that day? not what he said but what has been proven.

Yes, I agree with your thoughts about waiting til 10:30 to go to Destiny Mall, when it's a 3 hour roundtrip. At first I bought into the "she's not a morning person" myth, perpetuated by GR's PR person (i.e. if you see someone that looks remarkably like Jenn, but if it's before 8 AM -- nevermind -- it's not her), but then POB pointed out that she was posting online at early hours and mentioned doing the "school run" and such, so she WAS getting up early on a regular basis.

If I were planning a day of shopping at Destiny Mall (and if I were going to drive all that way 2 weeks before Christmas, I'd make sure I had plenty of time), I would leave around 8:30 in the morning, so that I'd arrive at the mall when it opened at 10. That would give me 6 hours to shop and eat lunch before leaving the mall around 4 (so as to miss Syracuse rush hour traffic, avoid driving after dark -- I'm always afraid of hitting a deer, and be back for dinner with family). If GR was expecting her back at 5, and she left at 10:30, that only gave her 3 1/2 hours to shop and eat lunch -- which would be rushing things with Christmas just around the corner, and not a lot of local shopping options in Chenango County.
Pob, did Jen make any mention of her plans for the day when you talked the morning of her disappearance?

It's my understanding that Jenn has joined a different "guild" (or whatever u call it on that game) shortly before she went missing, and also POB had stopped playing about the same time, so I don't think they were communicating on that day. But I do beleive POB mentioned that some of the other gamers said that they were in contact with her that morning.
Consider behaviors after an accidental death in which panic would lead to a cover up:

-body is possibly tampered with to remove evidence-found naked, etc.

-body is removed from an accidental death location

-body is placed in a second location: her vehicle

-body is placed in yet another location: where body discovered

-deceased's iPhone is dumped at yet another location

-deceased's mini-van is placed at yet another location

-insert timeline made by SouthAussie (thank you) here

IMO, behavior appears collected, deliberate, well thought-out...not frenzied and panicky.

Indeed, PLUS let's not forget this business about deleting Jenn's postings on FB and her game site.
One does not enter a missing spouse's bathroom to check it out, so-to-speak, for several days, but is initially panicky enough to call that spouse's out-of-state aging parents before 6 PM, and 9-1-1 by 8 PM to report her missing. IMO, it has a hollow ring.

Yep, didn't enter her bathroom for several days, but sure got on her FB and game accounts quickly enough.
That game doesn't need pw, the game opens in your account as soon as you open the app. The phone is effectively the password.

Yes, but what if the phone isn't in your possession?? GR's story is that he found her phone at the bridge, photographed it, and called police. Presumably the phone remains in police custody.
Bumping Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #7 - Page 32 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Originally posted by epiphany
&#8220;She would never, ever leave her kids,&#8221; Wilcox told The Daily Star. &#8220;Those kids were her life. If somebody tried to abduct her, she would have fought with her last dying breath to get back to her kids and to her parents. Nobody who knew her would have believed that Jen would just take off.&#8221;
Bumping-Malarkey Article..

March 3, 2013
Chenango TV report misses key attribution
By Joe Mahoney
The Daily Star

(snipped for focus)
I watched a local cable news report on a sad saga I have been covering &#8212; the suspicious death of New Berlin mother Jennifer Ramsaran.

The newscaster, sitting in an Albany studio, said Jennifer Ramsaran disappeared after she left her home to go Christmas shopping at a Syracuse mall. That was it. There was no attribution. Whether this is true or not, I do not know. What is true is that this is the scenario provided to the Chenango County Sheriff&#8217;s Office by her husband, Ganesh &#8220;Remy&#8221; Ramsaran, whom I have interviewed several times.

At the risk of sounding like my Old Man, the viewers, or readers, ought to be told how the police got that information.
(read more)
I have this mental picture in my head of Jennifer trailing just behind the pair of them in the races. Heartrending.

I do too :sigh:. My husband actually said though that for him 4 minutes would be quite a long time behind someone. Sure doesn't seem like it to me, but a runner I am not. Either way after a few races and my BFF and hubby had the exact same times I would be like WTF? Actually I would be like that after one race :floorlaugh:.

Edited to say...not that I am diminishing her lagging a few minutes behind..just an interesting conversation I had with my hubby since he runs and I do not. He also concurred with many here that the times didn't add up with the amount if runs/experience. I don't run, but this past january I started tennis lessons twice a week (my hubby and two daughters play very well and I've never held a racquet). My husband is my biggest cheerleader and if you replace tennis with running I just can't see him not staying with *me* and hanging with someone else...what a piece of crap he is.
Never mind the bathroom didn't he not enter the freaking bedroom for weeks...and when he did he magically found evidence while talking on the phone (as to verify how he stumbled upon it) and hung up and called police.

There are so many things to choose from, but this and the rock are up at the top of my WTF list :liar:

February 22, 2013
Report: Blood found in missing woman's van
By Joe Mahoney
The Daily Star

Police found blood stains inside the minivan Jennifer Ramsaran was said to be using when the 36-year-old mother of three left her Chenango County home Dec. 11 and never returned, according to a woman assisting Ramsaran&#8217;s husband.

Cynthia Caron, president of a New Hampshire-based organization called LostNMissing Inc., provided that detail to The Daily Star on Thursday, confirming she learned it from Ganesh &#8220;Remy&#8221; Ramsaran, who married Jennifer Ramsaran after the two met at the State University College at New Paltz.
(read More)

The Thursday when the blood evidence was revealed by Cynthia Caron LNM to Joe Mahoney would have been February 21, 2013..
OK, here is our revised timeline ....

Dec 11 8am-3:30pm Jen went missing &#8211; husband GR claims she went shopping in Syracuse at 10:30am

Dec 11 5:30pm Husband GR calls father-in-law in Az &#8216;should I report Jen missing&#8217;

Dec 11 8pm Jen reported missing by husband GR

Dec 12 Husband GR found Jen&#8217;s cell phone along HW 23/Moon Hill Rd in Plymouth

Dec 16 Jen's vehicle found in town of Norwich at Plank Manor Apts by Jen&#8217;s father

Dec 18 Police carry out search warrants at GR/JRs 18 acre grounds, home, cars, computers and phone records

Dec 18 Rumour started that Jen had begun discussing possibility of separating from GR and had new online gaming friends, according to anonymous &#8216;family friend&#8217;

Dec 19 Investigators interviewed JRs children and other family members

Dec 19 Search continues at GR/JRs property

Dec 19 GR states on FB &#8220;Jen would NEVER EVER leave our kids and I willingly ... I hate to say this but I have given up hope that she&#8217;ll be found safe and sound&#8221;

Jan 1 GR public association with LnM/Cynthia Caron commences (MissingJenniferRamsaran FB page)

Jan 4 Authorities have examined cell phone and computer that Jen had been using, and are awaiting laboratory results

Jan 22 Chenango County Sheriff&#8217;s Office urges people not to privately search for Jen

Jan 22 Police awaiting telephone records to come back

Jan 22 Case registered with LostNMissing Inc

Jan 29 GR gives interview to WBNG-TV &#8230; &#8220;not giving up hope&#8221;

Feb 16 Shining Hope event

Feb 22 Blood found in Jen's van as reported by Mr. Mahoney of the Daily Star

Feb 26 Jen&#8217;s unclothed body found off side of Center Rd in Pharsalia by private citizen

Feb 28 Body confirmed as Jen

Feb 28 &#8220;Screw justice. I want vengeance,&#8221; said husband Ganesh Remy Ramsaran

Feb 28 Caron claimed Ramsaran&#8217;s sexual involvement with his female running companion was a one-time fling

Mar 2 GR gives last interview

from media maps & timelines
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