NY - Jude Mirra, 8, autistic, poisoned in Manhattan hotel room, 5 Feb 2010 *guilty, found dead suicide 2023*

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No Bail for Mom Accused of Killing Autistic Son in New York City Hotel

Posted: Friday, 23 April 2010 2:17PM

NEW YORK (AP) -- A multimillionaire charged with killing her autistic son in a posh New York City hotel won't get to await her trial at her town house.

A Manhattan judge turned down Gigi Jordan's $5 million bail request Friday. The judge said her wealth and apparent psychological problems make her a flight risk. Jordan had offered to freeze her access to her $40 million fortune and hire security guards to watch her.

The decision means Jordan will remain in a hospital jail ward. She has pleaded not guilty to murder.

Jordan wrote a rambling letter indicating she planned to take her life and her son's before 8-year-old Jude Michael Mirra was found dead and she incoherent at the Peninsula Hotel Feb. 5.

Prosecutors now say she may have staged the suicide attempt.

This just has not struck me as classic Munchausen. There is no evidence that she caused illness in the boy. What I see is she was plagued with severe paranoia which made her think something was wrong with the boy. Munchausen, to my knowledge, always entails the mother actually making the child sick. I just don't see that here. I see clear paranoia of being afraid that people were doing things to her son and she couldn't protect him.
it is appalling that such a vital piece of evidence is lost, and I do think it will affect her defence, there is no way now of her proving what drugs if any she had taken,

she has a right to a fair trial as much as her child deserves justice, the incompetence is astounding,
Maybe a situation where- money talks - evidence walks JMO
How did I miss this. MBP? Really? Most often a woman with MBP has severe self esteem issues and has often experienced abuse herself. They are often bright over-achievers. It kind of fits, now that I think about it. Almost always, the child does have some sort of disorder but the parent (almost always the mother) exaggerates it to the point where it is the focus of her life. Women with MBP are known to be doctor-shoppers and are frequently caught over or under-medicating their children to throw everything out of whack. I think the basic premise is to bring everyone into the vortex that is the mother's sick reality.

Such a sad, sad story.
Yes, she was WELL versed in pharmaceuticals and obviously very intelligent - her suicide attempt must have been staged to get some sympathy or lenience or...something.

Poor little guy. She's a multi-millionaire and couldn't hire someone to help with him so she wouldn't feel as overwhelmed?? That makes no sense.
Yikes. First of all, she DID kill her son. So she can say all she wants 'but I tried to kill myself', she still killed her son. This lady is either mentally ill and in some sort of paranoid delusion, or she's telling the truth. The article states she went to police. Did she ever take her son to be physically examined? Could there be a way to tell if his father were abusing him? So so so sad either way. :(

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Yikes. First of all, she DID kill her son. So she can say all she wants 'but I tried to kill myself', she still killed her son. This lady is either mentally ill and in some sort of paranoid delusion, or she's telling the truth. The article states she went to police. Did she ever take her son to be physically examined? Could there be a way to tell if his father were abusing him? So so so sad either way. :(

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Really bizarre. The fact that she was diagnosed with MBP makes me lean toward the paranoid delusion theory but at the same time ... something is making me wonder if she couldn't be, at least partially, telling the truth.
Killing a child to save him from abuse? I don't believe that one for a second.
I don't know enough about this case to offer much of an opinion but from what I know of maternal filicide:

The most common motive for maternal filicide is altruism under Resnick's spectrum. Though the link between suicide and filicide is high a 'let down' period occurring in both altruistic and acutely psychotic filicides sometimes prevents the parent from completing the suicide. In an acutely psychotic filicide we often see a confession almost immediately and a very high history of past psychiatric hospitalization. (Think Schlosser and Yates.) In non-psychotic filicides, according to one study, approximately half of the murderers are afflicted with a personality disorder.

Resnick defines five types of filicide. In “altruistic” filicide a parent—almost always a mother in this category—kills her child or children as an extension of a suicide attempt. “These mothers see their children as an extension of themselves,” he said. “They do not want to leave a child motherless in a ‘cruel’ world as seen through their depressed eyes.”

In a second type of altruistic filicide a child is killed to end his or her real or imagined suffering. “These mothers may project their own unacceptable symptoms onto the child,” he said.

How awful!!!! Lock her up and throw that key away!!! This case has taken some weird turns, for sure.

When police officers broke down the door at the Peninsula Hotel in 2010, the evidence of what had happened inside Room 1603 seemed fairly clear. Gigi Jordan, a multimillionaire pharmaceutical executive, was on the floor, disoriented and babbling. Her 8-year-old son lay on a nearby bed — stiff, cold, still. There were scores of pills and bottles of alcohol scattered about.

“I want a lawyer,” she muttered to the first officers who asked her what she had taken, according to prosecutors. To another officer, she said she wanted to die.

Four and a half years later, Ms. Jordan, 54, will go on trial for murder in State Supreme Court in Manhattan. Opening arguments in the trial, which is expected to last two months, are to begin Wednesday.

Socialite Gigi Jordan murdered her autistic son to avoid dealing with his developmental disorder, prosecutors said at the start of her trial on Wednesday, but the defense said it was a mercy killing to protect the boy from being raped by his father...

Jordan's defense team, which also includes such high profile lawyers as Ron Kuby, a bombastic civil rights attorney and radio-show host, and Alan Dershowitz, the prominent Harvard University law professor, has filed legal papers saying she acted out of "altruistic filicide."

In his opening argument, Brenner focused on Jordan's state of mind, telling the jury she was emotionally disturbed by the actions of Tzekov and threatens made by her first husband, Raymond Mirra Jr., a Philadelphia businessman who she said vowed to have her killed or institutionalized.

Wealthy pharmaceutical exec Gigi Jordan left “fresh bruises” on her doomed 8-year-old autistic son after plunging a syringe filled with a deadly cocktail into the boy, prosecutors said Wednesday.

Jordan’s deadly act was “chilling and horrifying scenario” in which the non-verbal child, Jude Michael Mirra, slipped into a slow death with gradual organ failure inside a posh Manhattan hotel room, Assistant District Attorney Matthew Bogdanos argued in his opening statement...

Jordan even suspiciously handled her finances, Bogdanos said — going her laptop to transfer $125,000 from his trust fund to her account through her adviser — as the young boy died in the room with her.

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